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Everything posted by Mr.Faarax
Isnt there like a law against cross dressing? If there isnt' there should be one, cuz i dont want to see any xaliimo with a macawiis! kabish
^^^kix kix kix waryaa...that is it! i am done here! This guy almost got me fired' laa xawla walaa quwata ilaa bilaah. This is the funniest stuff i heard in a loooong time. good one peace
Somalis get beat up everywhere they go.....sad
Kafaaxiye- qabiiladan iyo tololkan mareykanka ah, everything is clear. White people ayaa heysto kuwa madowna waa la heystaa. Haye anaga hadaan hada soo galney, White ma sheegan karnoo ayaagaaba cadow nugu ah. Balaagana wax la sheegto ma istaahilaan, Cuz they disrespectin themselves. That is why i propose...waxaanu nahay dad soomali ah (markii laga reebo MEXICAANKA la yiraahdo Castro! ) Duq Castro- Indho qaloociska waa haruuf, haruufkana walaal dumarka baa lagu yaqaanee' bacaadka ma iskenee? ***(digale)*** macawiista ayuu laabtay, the crowd screams "jooni jooni"
Caught by a local tribe A Frenchman, an Englishman and a New Yorker were captured by cannibals. The chief comes to them and says, "The bad news is that now we've caught you and we're going to kill you. We will put you in a pot, cook you, eat you and then we're going to use your skins to build a canoe. The good news is that you can choose how to die." The Frenchman says, "I take ze sword." The chief gives him a sword, the Frenchman says, "Vive la France!" and runs himself through. The Englishman says, "a pistol for me please." The chief gives him a pistol, the Englishman points it at his head and says, "God save the queen!" and blows his brains out. The New Yorker says, "Gimme a fork!" The chief is puzzled, but he shrugs and gives him a fork. The New Yorker takes the fork and starts jabbing himself all over--the stomach, the sides, the chest, everywhere. There is blood gushing out all over, it's horrible. The chief is appalled and asks, "My God, what are you doing?" And the New Yorker responds, "So much for your canoe you ****** cannibal!
^^rolling eyes doesnt look good on u atheer by the way' what makes u think u are included in the "we"??
It is like bringing drug dealers talking about lets stop drugs' our streets are getting violent. Every body smiles, takes his check and brings more drugs to the streets. Ahh the life of a warlord they might show it on entertainment tonight.
Does somalis count in this case? When people talk about black vs white, we somalis feel that we aint involed in that game! But if you talk about ina hebel this and ina hebel that...Oh yeah you have true discrimination!
^^^ahhhhh thanks for reminding bro' Now i can feel good the rest of the day. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. Everything on your face stays its original colour. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe even decades. kix kix kix
^^^kix kix kix...so that is how they do it. SHOW TIME!
if the conception of the babies have been done by invitro fertilizations, then there is a possibility of semen mixup(inadequate labs can make these kind of mistakes)or it could be a donor sperm and eggs delibrately done by the fertilization and then injected into the womb. waryaa iga qalee nooh- this new age technology stuff waa kadareey waxaa i leedahay Anigoo iska mariin ah and my kids little bit light skinned waan gartay. However' my kid to be blonde with blue eyes because of sperm mix up. Maxaa spermka u geeyay iyada, Xataa ayeydeed was white dheh' waxaa ileehaday, I am balaak, My wife is balaak, but one of my kids wuxuu noqon karaa white?? sidii britney spears :eek: ina adeerayaal, ilma eedooyinow ilaah baan nigu dhaarshayee, you are saying, ciyaalka midabkiisa is normal.waa reproduction kulahaa- sheekadaas caato aan u aqaanaa' proof keen If that was the case wit me'maaaaaan you can quote this SOL -Bakoorad iyo tarxiil midkii u hor imaadaa ey kala garan weynee walahi. ps. waxaan la yaabanay ninka siduu normal u yahay, aniga welwel aa idililahaa!
^^^lets keep over-powering them
Waryaa how long they gonna talk peace....they should call it what it is, MORE ARGUMENTS IN SOMALIA or FORMER WAR TALKS CONTINUED.
^ such a happy household, where tolerance is the key.
From milk man to mail man. Wa kareysi one guy you wouldnt worry about is the trashman. i guess
As I understand, I am gonna put it in a simple terms for me and all the people that like simple explanations. Democracy today (western) People vote - to choose who will lead them.wether something is right or wrong or wether to have it legal or illegal. The law is unfinished, it is up to the people to make it however the majority wants it. System - MAJORITY RULE! Democracy that you talk about (islam) People vote- to choose who will lead them, But not what is right or wrong or legal v.s illegal because allah and prophet s.c.w made it clear in the quran and sunnah. The law is written finished complete. SYSTEM - ALLAH RULE I get it now
Dude daanyeerka caadi maha' I wouldnt want to see him face to face tho. then it be qoorsagaaro and sabaaxad at the same time Listen tho bro, I dont undertstand why they portraying men as immature dumb sacks, yet women care so much what we say! talk about double standard. Recently there is this whole women movement to make the guys like sexual objects' like men are willing to do everything for women. Yes we take care of u, but u better have some respect. Sadly some men believe it and they getting sold at the dollar store. Time to start the real talk! Why hide behind the word Naya' u know he said it' but does that mean he is an oppresser. Women are powerstruck- anytime they wanna dominate they use the drama that women are being oppressed. yes some are, but the question is are you? who gave you the power to talk for or like that women? deal wit it..i know it is hot. If you beleive women need to check themselves, doesnt make you male shovenist or an oppresser. SPEAK OUT HOMIE I SAY' NAYAA AND I MEAN WOMEN which is the gender that you are. (be proud of it)
Ok, maybe i see something in this pic than all of you. Two kids, one white the other black. Ummm' If i was the father i would be worried. Two kids, one white the other black. ala wareer badanaa' midna waa cadaan midna wey ii egtahay. Walee saxanka waa lawada daarsaday' Somebody else been baking here :confused: grandmother white or black..she aint got nothing to do with the kids. there is extra boots under the bed' One white, one black kix kix kix.
^ answer the questions or dont raise your hand! :cool:
We live in a merciless dog-eat-dog world I see that you are shaped by this world
No one is worshipping a caalim no matter how good he or she is. Period. Worship is for the almighty and neither his messenger (scw) nor his message (the Quran) can be worshipped, let alone a caalim. I hope that's fairly clear for we're not speaking of worship here but acquiring knowledge and the means with which we can do so. This is amazing' i am agreeing with fitnell castro :eek:
^ jamaican influence maybe :confused:
OK you guys taking it too far, We men take care and love our bodies as well although we dont act like it. Walahi it is funny when woman grope, although it happened once to me, and by a "respectable girl" ..i was like :eek: no she didnt. I didnt know when i disappeared. Anyways Chances are 80% of men would run from a lady who reached that far! who knows what she has that is the first thing on your mind'. Back to the point, it is wrong what that man did' But jailing him is too far' cuz every girl u bump into would take you to court...I say- maybe get couple of her brother to whoop him. few bruises and warnings would do the trick.
I know what you mean bro, You say the term nayaa and the whole world goes in slow motion' fo a minute, then it is boom! **censored** But one thing I always asked myself' maybe the analytical people in here can help me out. **NOTE** (All feminists) Warning Don’t quick attack me with your ideas and throw me a response with out thinking about it. *** This requires some thinking*** Ok back to what I was saying. The term Naag means Women. Unless you have a different dictionary. If you look at the meaning it is woman, but the word has a negative interpretation with it by all. have you ever heard "you walk or talk like a girl' Said to a man is insulting and some girls would agree. "you walk or talk like a man' or you are the man!' Said to woman would be you are calling her tough or she did a good job. Therefore, you see that society accepts being a man as something good, and being a girl something soft and weak. (Don’t hit me with a broom for it! it is a fact) Sometimes I play around for a quick response and say to a girl “why you talking like a girl man" and some of them they twitch to hold back their response; it is almost like they wanna say, no I am not!" It is like calling somebody who is African descendant...You just an African man! He will come back with a response like you said he is poor person. Or if you say " you black people' even tho the fact is you are black people, but it gives you the urge to scream 'RACISM!, even if it was said by a black person. Ok, back to what my Question. What is the negativity behind the word Nayaa? What historical incidents have happened to cause this word to be negative? (like nigger is to-slavery) Why is it OK for other women to use it? What is the true meaning of the word and is there a dictionary that clearly gives it that definition. *disclaimer* What ever words you see above was written while in the state of unconsciousness! ( i hate to find my self in the ICU - these ladies nowadays know torture :eek: )
Thankz for the read. It is short and to the point. masha allah it is good.
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