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Everything posted by Mr.Faarax
There is a place right here in my heart, nourished within me everywhere I go. The sands of Hamar tickling my toes out of every cry or moan, Sunshine replicated in the mirrors of the river Shabelle. The grand mountains of Bari and Sheekh… what a feast for the hungry…but then... what better panorama has Mother Earth on offer? I nourish within me these scenes of my land... Children at play care carefree in their soil I supplicate for the whole body: Land Sea River Lake Mountain Flora and fauna And "us" the people, Muslim, wholesome, not the pieces thrown here and there. I pray for the whole body blessed, unified in the name of Allah, having no wish for any sickly pie, dispersed, handed down to divide, disgrace. I cherish the term “we†the collective “us†Not “i†or “them â€. I dream of the milky white Ari of "our" land The dazzling speech of “our†moon North and South, East and West, Sky is the limit Our geel to graze, proud, majestic, a free herd, coming home everywhere to gaze: Lascanood and Hargeisa Bandar Qaasim and Borame Marca, Kismayo and Berbera. Everywhere we turn sweet scents of uunsi and ‘anbar Let that be our jaawi. Bid you all farewell to this fire of hell Pray for unity O you with the pen May the pens be dipped in the springs of Baidabo author: unknown yet
In sandiego u gotta have ur lenses set in zoom 100%. kix kix kix..and watch out for the bakoorad' cuz them old dudes dont play.
lol and they start the fight here too
hahaha' she is maaaaaad' kix kix for real Anyways yow, glad u made a comeback' two things are missin tho' Judges I mean sumbody gotta win and I am cool wit what the audiance say' otherwise it is gonna be back and forth battle that dont make sense! u feel me Second thing is' we need more people involved and we gotta keep our linez short.... aight' Dude your style is cheaper than 50 cent's or Forget pimpin' the page: dude, you fainted as soon as you stepped on stage: nice That even prostitutes refuse you service Now THAT i can use against u Prostitutes say no cuz i am hangin So'LOw You tha only one dumb enuff to get married Solo! guurl dat's just ridiculous you get no props for even being promiscuous (they already know u) talking about herbies and prostitutes- ama let u tell it (ur story) Callin out my name and u dont even know how to spell it you callin someone else wack ! is like that kettle that's callin the tea pot black :confused: Of course you aint got any brains left cuz you giving it out, I remember your name now, i think it's freshwater trout! eew fishy' u need some mentos I bet u can stretch ur **** far u can yell and hear the echos u getting beat, so wipe the sweat off your moniter you gettin passed over like you celebratin hannikah kix kix kix Anyways..where are the judges....? JLee much probs- make it funny pahleaase
We need to find ourselves.
4.Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. 9. Never pass up an opportunity to pee. These are the wise words i would pass to the next generations. :cool:
Dude,you got diarrhea at the mouth All you did was talk sh!t (I like) Could it be that I'm more man Than you'll ever be? It must be: I bet even your girl Would leave you for me Kix kix kix ..lol@JLee that was funny Waryaaaa! Kafaxiye punked out kawaran' gabadha is the only one with enough ballz' kix kix kix' Ok i gotta admit we got a little overboard' So i got like one request- Lets have some rules so it dont go out of hand! We make it funny wit few lines' like 5 or 10 and no curses- if you got disses it has to be clean' wit metaphors or sumthing. anyways- sorry for the long essay - Waryaa' digaale tha conqueror ayaa meesha soo galay' sidii bakhti oo kale aa u jiidaa nooh! hehe Watch me kill this Gets ready' Go Oh just my luck ! I thought i was battlin a lady but ended up with a tramp this is worse than an ache or a serious cramp If they pay u to spit, they wont even pay u mininum wage I keep spittin like dis maan I'll pimp everybody on this page ( aaway lacagteyda waryaa? yaaaah!) Every rap critic see me and be like yow he is tha best I say 'waryaa iga qalee' laakiin u know i be tha best Forget about kafaxiye, he laid flat on tha sand (TKO) so u the only one left, are u ready to kick the can? I would battle u face to face,but u hurting my eye (ouch uugly) The crowd never screamed so stop with that lie! Maaan u got som ashy legs' i thought u was rockin som gators ur breath is just kickin'so the crowd ordered masks & respirators Oh an I heard u into blowin pipes like them scottish dudes you went on dating sites' an ur title was "USED" :eek: tell me If that aint true why u lickin dem spoons Pay to be with you! are u serious -u think i am one of dem fools? 35 with out a man' u prolly dyin with buufis! da only love-life u got' com'on say it " porno movies" Plus I got the word from ur hoyo' she said ur birth was a mistake So i guess u aint related' they only use u as bait ( to make money from faaraxs) :eek: i hate to put- ur secret' out on this SOL Forum But I guess i am battlin u, I admit " out of boredom" i know i killed ur rep but i wont be turnin wit guilt Just leave u on tha dirt cuz ya burial is filth *****That's how u kill'em.... hehehhehe*****
what! so now u just copy and paste part of a story...and u never mind
Just pick a day and celebrate whatever you like eh? March 11th mark your calendar it is "Iskaabulo day" yes all the iskaabulo' that day they can get discount on their rent' makhaayada will have all u can eat buffet. yes. Dont worry you dont have to clean ur one room studio- just spray it with a airfresher. and if you have a roommate' spray your area. Xaliimos if they are not iskaabulo, have to refrain from visiting tommorow' it is very serious. ONCE AGAIN- TOMMOROW IS ISKAABULO DAY!!! All the laundaries are 25Cents a wash- sponsored by smelly socks foundation.
Waryaada, waaba iskuugu key tagteene..maxaa dhacay saan..lol, as long as we dont take it personal' lets keep it fun aight. War sidaa ka dheh I am coming and they running, so i move them like a u-hal I swear something about this girl remind me of rupaul I saw ur call yesterday' i had to leave u on a standby Do u look like a dude why they name u after ur grandpa? War jimcaaalow kaaalay gabadha naga qabo Ok,I am sorry i said it I rejected u like a bad credit Listen' why you emotional this aint a chick flick How about u kiss da bloody ground and get a pretty lipstick??? Early victory kulaha u can change to gane and u still wouldnt get victory That's why i hold my rhymes back' cuz battlin u would be a diss to me ......dont take it serious heheehe Now back to kafaaxiye Didnt i see you somewhere, u were beggin for some garabo stop beggin her man, u soundin more like desparado War aniga i dont rap' so tell me why u still beefin xalal meat and everything' I see u wanna be hero but when i say "iskeen waryaa!" u pee on ur bambiro kix kix kix war fulay sanaa straight ur arm forward, now fold ur wrist down' there u got ur tru identity Bring u out of the closet, i know it is bad for ur therapy u fallin like micheal's nose while i am on fire like his hair Before i even spit this I knew this match wasnt fair I verbally perfect never curse in my verses, ur disses were worthless, Maan I hate battlin guys who drop the soap on purpose!!// :eek: kix kix kix
waryaa dey wanna mess wit me here we go this is boqorka muranka dats it i am changing my name to diggy- lol waryaa kalexo waryaa kalexo- fariin maleh It is diggy back again yow i bring tha tru drama got dem all terrified like they seen uncle osama Hold up' u wanna bury me under, i wonder :confused: under weer? shshshs it is private! Lets keep it on tha dL Mr Kax can step aside SOL bachelor i aint here to choose a bride I lift my shirt once they give me standin ovation when kafaxiye try to do it, they sending checks for donation' waryaaa hehehe Ok- u cant mess with me and i ama tell it to ur face- all u got is xaar dibi ( BS) so tell the guy at the door, u can bring in the next case
^ you give her a tune up- rotate the tires, and perhabs if the spark plugs are shot u can bring her and we can take a look at it. Also dont forget' the belt cant be loose Advice' from ur everyday mechanic!
Make sure there is nothing loose
That just ruined my day! heathen hadey sheekada imaatay waa inaan ka fiirsadaa who i play kadhimeey kadhim with :mad:
^^^ Ok now we are talking' This dude just said what you were trying to say all day. You werent asking about the brains, But u were asking about the level of freakness. kix kix (ciyaal suuqsanaa) I know u can get a girl who is fioooone and she got brains too (street smart), but most times she a freak on tha streets. Cuz dudes aint giving her a chance to be a lady. Now for the small percent that ended up being a fione freak yet lady on the streets- they already married, wadaad dat dont come out..or arranged wit a distance cousin (dee nin reerka sii! aa ka dhacday) So' once again being experienced in this neck of da woodz, I say johny u hunting in the wrong area bro! u need to update ur search engine and dont run after the first target u see ..kabish!
I remember one time, there was this blind guy who whipped this one dude in this one restaurant. I heard " war ka qabta! war ka qabta!". When people broke it up, the other guy was all stripes of red, and it seemed that he disrespected the blind guy. AFter the whippin was over' the blind guy was screaming u want some more! I couldnt beleive, they were holding him back more than the other guy. :eek: Out here we dont ride tubes, but we got bus system, and qaxootis would look at u funny if you riding the bus. War maad tax return kaaga ku soo gadatid gaari?? kix kix kix....that is why you see red 95 hondas running around everywhere!
what's with these topics these days, about her mind or behind, people are having a unique frustration i think, They making women like cars " i wonder if she comes fully loaded' wheels need to be 24's' wait, is she used or not' i wonder what can of deal i can get. Do i have to make payment? wow! that much for a wedding...I need another color- she has to be light skinned' yes, she is in a good condition- motor will run for a long time, wait- will she need alot of maintenance' Ok i have decided that i dont want to buy now-I am gonna look around and test drive few. thanks for the offer!" Brothaz' get it together, if you looking for someone, look for someone with deen and similar goals and vision. (at least then you both have something to work towards) that's advice from uncle digale :cool:
waryaa i am kamin tru i am kamin tru step aside maryooley it is digale and the cru laf dhabar iyo geesood i think u know them too jim caale dig my style so I told her to get shovel kafaxiye need to upload , he aint on this level u dhonti want to mess wit me i crush u like demolition derby Now who is hard like digale, i represent like salad darbi'kix kix kix (get it ..his last name means a hard wall) 'yaa wax qasay!
He is bringing out the dark side :eek:
^^^lol waryaa this topic was hot walahi markaan akhriyey anigaaba isla yaabey nooh! Waa saas aan ka bixi waayey! kix kix kix Kuwa erika badu dhaafeen aa soo baxeen maalmahan nooh, they wear du ragz ( look like bloods and crips). Kuwii hore waxaa ku dhihi kartay " Yac! maxaa waaye saan; kuwaan laakiin they be like " chill dude, you dont know me like dat" young somali girls (especially the ones in projects) where most somalis live are out of control today' just like the boyz, I call them the "MTV Somaliz" they are new generation by themselves. These young boyz and girls be hanging out infront of buildings calling themselves "niggaz and shorties" war ileen balo, even the OL dudes like Oday Jimcaale lama yaabaan. War waa kuwii dee! ayuu ku leeyahay. I will be honest, hada lama yaabo aniga' waxaa strange noqotay markaad aragtid a somali girl with a proper hijaab, you be like " War hadey soo gashay' wadanka mudo ma joogto" Laakiin on a serious note! sistas keep it real-wear the hijab like you suppose to and follow all the requirement -cuz the funniest thing to see is a hijabi sister talking about " hit me up dude' later aight! wareerkii uu tuujiye sheegi jiray oo kale. kix kix kix That is enough analyzin fo me
The Arab League reaffirms support for Somali Unity
Mr.Faarax replied to QabiilDiid's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Xarago they should send peace-enforcing troops to those hooligans fighting in Garowe,Bosaso,Galkacyo,Geliinsor,,Xamar, Baydhabo,Kismayo,etc How could you say that??? and then say Originally posted by Xarago I wish my brothers & sisters in the south of the border the best of luck and also that I pray to Allah SWT grants them the ability to resolve their differences...amiin :eek: Politikz is a deadly disease!!! -
Ladies dont mind me....keep goin.. I am just taking notes (*innocent look*) I'm not by all means a fashionista but I like to look clean and I like nice things. wisdom, pure wisdom :cool:
^ lol somalis will break any language Like some somalis they tell these white people i can speak arabic. when they are asked..please speak so i can hear it. "bismilahi rahmani rahim, qul huwalahu axad..." they recite st8 quran' kix kix war ilaahay ka cabsada.
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