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Thats not somlish sxbow. You want inaa ku speakgareesid Somlish?, waa inaad isku Mix gareesa english iyo somali,hadii kalee it becomes sentence yaal lais daba dhigay. hehe kanaa gartay walahi, waryaa saas bey iskugu qasaan. ing' taas haba sheegin. aniga xataa waa sameeyaa...hehe
soomaalida qurbaha ku nool af kaley ku hadlaan aan u maleeynaa. Ingriis iyo soomaali sidee iskugu daraayeen ayaaa waxaa soo baxay mid labada dhinacba ku wareereen. SOMINGLISH- example - Waryaa yesterday aan ku soo wacay nooh, you didnt even call me back. Maxaa qabanee tommorow? is it official language?
Haye midoo reer waqooyi oo faro tagee aa soo qabanee abkeeda budh kugu bursanaa luuq luuqaan walahi! check these out....(real incidents..hehe) (Incident #1) Dadka reer waqooyiga barigii hore waxay aaminsanaayeen,in koonfur la isku sixro.Laba nin oo reer waqooyi ah oo macalimiin ah ayaa loo badalay magaalada muqdisho, labadaas nin waxay ku balameen in ay is ilaaliyaan, oo aynan u sheegin dadka degan xamar waxa ay qabtaan (shaqadooda) .Galabtii danbe,ayaa labadoodii mid ka mid ah ayaa sigaar u baahday. Markii uu dibadda u soo baxay ayaa dhallinyarada xafadda ku dheheen “MACALLINKA ISKA WARANâ€. Markaasu intuu orod is ku taabtay ayuu guruga ku soo laabtay. markaasuu saaxiibkiis ku yiri " war aan dhaqaajino!" markuu saaxiibkiis warsaday ayuu ku yiri : “Dee raggani reer konfureedka ah sixirkii laga sheegi jiray waa run, dee anigoo sigaar doontay bey dhallinyaro aanan garaney igu dheheen “Macaallinka iska waran†Haddaba sidey ku garteen in aan Macaalin ahay? (incident #2) Nin reer Xamar ah ayaa maalin u safray magaalda Hargeysa. Markii uu halkaasi tagay ayuu degay Hotel, isagoo kireystay muddo bila ah lacagtana hormariyey. Maalintii xigtay ayaa gabadh ka shaqeysa Hotelka albaabka u soo gargaraacday, markii uu ka furay ayay ku tiri: "QOLKA AYAAN FIIQAYAAYEE ISAGA SOO BAX". Ninkii reer xamarka ayaa isagoo yaaban yir: "ABAAY SHEEKO MIYAA ?!!". "DEE SHEEKO KUMA AAN ORANEE QOLKA AYAAN FIIQAYAA" ayey mar labaad ku tiri. Isagoo Yaaban ayuu haddana ku yir:" FIIRI ABAAY QOLKAAN HAL BIL AYAAN SII BAXSHEY IJAARKIISA EE U KAADI INTII LACAGTA AAN KA SOO CEESHANAAYO, MARKAAS FIIQ AAD SHEEGTEYEE **** GEDI HADAAD RABTO. (Incident # 3) Maalin baa gabar reer xamar ah oday qaldaan ah waxay ku tiri adeer cadayga qaar dabada iiga jebi markaasu intuu yaabay oo geesaha fiiriyay ku yiri naa deeh hadaaan kaaga jebiyo sow dabadu ku xanuuni mayso !!!!!!!! to be continued....
kaa cariishkeyga ka qatarsan nooh ga iga sii
lama lamo ku dar, sadex kor labo ku dhufo baraf waaaye, sabiibax waaye, tigit ee gaariga saareen,waraa dadkaan ilaah ma yaqaanan kawaran, talafeenka waa la goostay, dhaxyareey way igu daahday, food mareekan aa yeeshay, ala mareeekanaaa ! ala mareekana!, minisoodha nin joogaa wax laga sugaa kawaran bas waaaye! ani waa ka guuraa meeshan, gabar gashaanti aa meelahan ka raadinaa, war iga tag! mareykan mid joogta maxaa ku falaa, shushumoow xataa sidii loo sameeyo mataqaane...mareykan gabar joogtaa gaari banjaray lee waaye, i kici, i saar, i booti, balaayo ha kula tagto! iga jeeso waaji buuf waaxid, ala maxaan sameeyaa, meeshan ingiriis lee baf lisku siinaa, sigaar maaraboolyo oo kale, ani lamo xaba lee wareegaa nooh Somaliya onlaayn haaw aar u, i dhon tinki, Ingiriiiskii ee ka hadal bateen, waraa bambiino barakuulo waryaa bax waryaa!
Rowda ali buuro ma saasaa keentay maanta jaceyl i baro la ma dhaho, ma fahamtay lee lis dhahaa, hadaa afkeyga garanweeysay af fransiis aan kuugula hadlaa nooh monshari geedka jaceylka ulala shaah iyo gambar soo dhawoow me amore xabiibi kuweste kuwaa wa haaf a gud taym laakin' adi luga jiid aa ku jirtaa nooh, soo dhaqaaq see waaye camaleeti isii sisinta!
waraa maxaa aduun dhamaaday, waa la is tifaa kawaran. baaba, kaleeexo! gacmaheeda xaada leh, markaan soo xasuustaba! iyaaah bood waryaa!
Slow motion kabeebey' bax waryaa!
Haaji-Fara-gaab.. Waraa sawirka kuugu dhagan meesha awkuukuu miyaa mise adiga..hadii adi tahay, lamadaanyo maka shaqeen jirtay sxb.. Waryaa bambiino barakuulo waryaa, magaca sax see waaye camaleeti, ani xaaji fara badne baba tarafika yaa ku dhalay adi waryaa.. booc booc iyo tiin tiin gadaashiisa laga raadina walaahi waraa gabarta suxulka aa u qarineysid jooji yaah..adi sariir maka seesidee..dhul bacaaris iyo darin aa ku shuqul leedahay..kkkkkk.. waryaa bajaq walba kaalbalaader ee leedahay ka waran, sidii shakti oo kaloo xarfaankan liska dhigaa nooh, waryaa ani somaliya onlaayn oo dhan saf saf hadee u soo istaagaan sidii burusu lii oo kala jeedinaa nooh..ma iyaqaanan dadkan sawirkeey aa ka heshay yah, beesaani oo saan oo kale ah ma arkin waligiin. kilin iswuud aa ugu danbeeyay noh
Maya ani dadka ma cuno, waa ku daadihinaa lee raali ma ku tihidoo tenisphere hemisphere..waxaa rabtid, soo dhawoow lee yaah maxaa ku heesto, intee lagaa hayaa, numberkee kaa qaldan ..ii sheeg lee ani, waa saxeenaa noo ma i fahamtay We normally feel some kind of self doubt after a break up, especailly if you are the one who get dumped Kan kee waaye , ii sheeg magaciisa sidii qoleey aa u tifaa nooh. bood waryaa!
adiga filinkaaga eeyaa cunay jiq aa meesha ka dhigtay nooh' siisoow aa ku saari lahaa sanjabiil aa ku siin lahaa sariir weeyn aa ku seexin lahaa ***shaking his head** reeer maroodi aa tahay nooh, maxaa ka fahmee waa sii socdaa ani
Dee banaaka isa'soodhig. ani maa i waabinee hada? waayahay nooh, lahjadaada ka helay , intee ka soo safartay, biyo qaboow ma rabta misa kuwa kuleel. ani iyo adi waa isfahmeenaa nooh.
ma aqaan waxaan inta ka sameynaayo...
gabarteey Curlin' i soo gali gacalkeey banaadir gadaasheeda, geedka jaceyka arimo amooraati aa ku haayaa nooh saas waaye!
Odaygii intuu garka salaaxday buu dhahay.."wale adeer hadaa run rabtid anigu waxaan waxaa u aqaan KARAKTER ASANSIINYO".. waraa ciyaalka xaafada boortiyeeri la'aan ee meeshaan ku heleen ka waran! isla wareegtooy ma rabaa la dhahay, hada isfaanisooy aa imaatay nooh :eek: bood waryaa!
Maybe that has something to do the fact that men use the left hemisphere of the brain where women use the right hemsphere Jiqeeey jiq! ala maxaa la wareeray aaway tuujiye....tan waaye wareerka aa ka hadleysay. :eek:
Speaking of becoming nomad...i think tha alien look is not that bad.... Giriin kaarkaba taasaa ku qorane..naw! war waaxay.
hey no touching kids! ahhh school boy crushes' they serve true memories
Batuuula baaba! magacaan waa ku bararaa ani gabarteey intee ka kooyday, kaftan keey ha u bixin nooh. lama caanas wadaa` i sii sisinta!
Waryaa sheekadaaada boolitikal waayee' ee sug yaakhey, beey jeg xataa maqaadan nooh! sug waryaa!
hadey ku yeesho yeel, hadeey ku diido diid! jak jakatam jakam jakam dhac` Waryaaa! soomaliaonline maa xoog la keenay hada? mukoo xaalada waa dhanaantahay. bes waryaa!
TANI WAA SOOMALIYA ONLAAYN Bii Bii C Miidayaa! Ku soo dhawaada ..Wararkii oo koobanaa oo kadis ah! the second half of the day.... Hearts are melting people- proposal took place right under our nose, it looks like the end receiver is none other than the cuban plant distributor Castro, where a young feminine activist sneaked him the words "You should've been related to me. I could always use a man with your views in my family tree" Are we waiting for a ring? when is hooyo going to be contacted. the cuban plant might just make it to the tree. more on this romance Meanwhile, nomads have discovered a somali viagra also known as xabad sooda. black seed is said to be the cure for everything except death. Now all the faarax's are expected to rush to the halal store and get a dose or two. When we interviewed one of the anonymous users he replied "This Habad Sooda thing min-daawaat kay ka mid tahay" masha allah, waa another faarax oo faraxsan. Now for our health topic, fartun is said to have catched a serious case of amnesia sharing with her fellow nomads about her dream more than hundred times. It was related to us by some that she fell seriously inlove with one farax who supposed gave her some narcotic. da "lala" or we think it was "jaad" yet our lab still working on the results of the tests. when we asked her what happened she said "i had a dream him coming to me and saying to me that what he did to me wasn't somethign fair and he never thought he could have do something like that to me,and he start appologizing to me, and i gues i accepted that on my dreams", Now lovely fartun is in rehab, she is recovering and getting ready for her "Aqal gal". Hope she feels better. Rape charges- Reaction turn to debate when several of somaliaonline nomads took the the opinion swords and started slashing the simple topic apart thus creating many peices leaving even the posters confused. some of the contenders of this topic, our cuban plant distributor castro and the lonsome stranger seeker, have battled it to the bone, One side of the table screamed women are to blame for wearing that pamela anderson outfit while the others say men are just "the big bad wolf". when someone got excited and screamed "every single one of us is a potential rapist" now that created some silence and it was none other than NGONGE (the controversialist) closing the door behind him...OThers on the confess line castro "I can't possibly be caught in a situation like that. Unless I actively campaign for it, of course. That is unlikely at this stage in my life" we are counting on that..all in all DA made a conclusion to this strangely confusing topic "Here's what I think: Rape is a CRIME" interesting..we never thought about that...more to this story. OGEYSIIS* SOOMALIYA ONLAAYN MIIDIYA WAXAY XIRNAAN DOONTAA THIS WEEKEND IYADOO SABABTAY IN FASAX LA SIIYAY NOMADS TO ROAM AROUND WITH OUT THE CAMERA CATCHING...WAA SIDAAS IYO WAR KALE.
haa waa gartay nooh' wuxuu raba laba lugaatey inuu kaco yaah' xaaji lacag miyaa, futashaariga dhig waryaa, tell this dude. Dont leave your wife man, cusbo iyo liin dhanaan ku dar, basbaas lee ka maqan nooh, she will be finer than the one u running after. Maxaa waaye saan.. tan cusub what she got? if you like her style, buy your wife some clothes take her to the somali mall, goor garad iyo dirac isku joog , saas lee waaye. if she got the body, take ur wife to the gym and make her run like ABDI BILLE ABDI. If you say still she got something u cant describe ...shaxaari aa tahay noooh...baabkaaga jiq waaye! Ka bood waryaa!
WALKING AROUND SOMALIA ONLINE nOV 23. Qoorsagaaro in the NBA corner: Capital Z heating up defending shaq and the heat threatened Jaylaani like "yo Jay watch ur mouth hommy" when jay responded "What is up with the threat dude?" Looks like the boys had a little too much espn in their system. we will see if fists start flying during the championship..more on this story Admin on a rampage: the double simplicity, one of them was charged the crime to have posted a topic, i think u might remember " Various pics of back home " where a certain nomad by the name Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar screamed " Are you trying to advertise a site!" admin was quick to cut that turkeys throat..the Post has magicly disappeared..taraaa~ Have you seen this guy: news that pictures of socod badne appeared on several 2% percent milk cartons, sources say the nomad was kidnapped while walking from starbucks after a meeting with couple of collegeus. We think the crime was faith related. More to come on this story. latest on eNur trial- after a runaway and three different topic changes, the jury is still hung on wether to find the preacher guilty or not. several people from the defensee site screamed there is no need to cry over a spoiled milk. in this case this was the camel milk - some where seen carrying the slogan "blame it on Camel Milk!". when we finaly had a time to sit with nur he commented "The Best of people are those who are not easily angered but can easily be satisfied, the worst of people are those who are easily irritated but take too long to be satsified. That is a yardstick from the Model of Ettiquette ( Akhlaaq). Also some of the nomads feel that forgive and forget motto is in due, Rahima said "Again we all make mistakes, it seems that some amongst us have forgotten that" but others are not quite convinced that the preacher learned his lesson.Going back to the other side, DA spoke on this "Well we could let go, but it won't necessarily be forgotten. I personally don't trust people who preach on Islam, and then hold some ignorant views - like cutting up female genitalia. It AFFECTS how I perceive that person for that point on. things as u can see are in shambles, some of the bystanders had this to comment- Castro "So Nur eats, sleeps and sh!ts like the rest of us? This is truly shocking" shocking in deed. Nur seen as most of the somaliaonline nomads as the preacher who had the right words for the right momentum brought an argument against this :I must admit that the article that i have written was half baked, by all measures, seriously speaking, it needs an extensive research to validate the cons and pros. Research indeed. More to come on this story.... On the light side of things- sigma woke up after three years to respond to a topic about a bid that turkey presented to the EU which was rejected. Boy! those sleeping pills are something. On another post "Members of Somalia both Nomad and Junior nomads, agree that Saddam Hussein is a threat to peace and must disarm" is sigma really aware that sadamm hussein was captured? war kan hurdada ka kiciya Women on a mission- Raula and wiilo was seen drinking tea and making marriage plans, a source heard their conversation- "adi laftigaaga waa lagu waaye maxaa kumashquuliye iyah..ari ma raacdid....kawaan kama shaqeysid..oo mindiyo ma sifeeysid...madhaliso ma tihid...minyarona ma tihid....laakin maqbul aad noqote see waaye adi" and audio captured we think it is the voice of wiilo "haddii aad duqowdo raula adiga iyo odaygaaga sidan ayaa u ekaanaysaan nasiib ayaa leedihiin -- LOoks like we gonna have buraanbur soon. More to come...stay tuned. SOOMAALIYA ONLAAYN Bii Bii C MIIDAYAA!
WALKING ON THE SOL CORNER ( SOL BBC MIIDIYAAA) • Latest in news, sheherazade gets attacked by a rusian perv’ Quote by the perpetrator “U vant make sex with me?†When we asked she said…I looked him straight in the eye and said very loudly : GO AWAY. When he refused to budge, I bellowed: NOOOOOOWWWWW!, apparently he left watching her from the distance….Another close encounter. • Around the boards, words like these could be heard “Why are you using my name???†it is not your eyes, seems that we have Two SIMPLICITY characters around!! • “LEGEND OF WU...ariire faya qabta.. mandhow waadba sii qurux badnaate tolow maxaa soo kordhe “ whispered Raula, jumping with her shoe out…Bishaaro screamed “ stop flirting with my bwoy, aight? !†looks like a springer situation people. • Mudug was seen crying on the side while his boy enjoys the stolen girl on the hot seat, he was last seen being adviced by a doob man TUUJIYE “son even if you don't want the girl any more, you keep her on the side..you never when xaaji dhagax will get sensitife ya'knooooooooooow!!!!!kkkkkkkkk’ interesting out put u might say. More on walking around SOL……
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