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Everything posted by FatB

  1. ^no point now, thanks to salma and me!
  2. ^how come mine got edited and ur comment is till up!
  3. its a msn on roids... who has the time?
  4. test drive her now! lols
  5. british comedy never quite understood it?!
  6. i was eating lunch when i started watching this... i cant eat anymore wat can we do? is there a charity agency that we can donate to? or get in touch with some of these people?
  7. this should be cencored its soft porn!
  8. "invest in women" ok ill buy mine a new stove and a dish washer
  9. looool... Caesarean section is proving to be popular... intersting after thougth. why is csection becoming so popular... it courses more damage than natural birth and has higher risk of complications...
  10. am sorry...a senior paper on flamingos?!!?! pray tell how you came around to doing a paper on flamingos?
  11. ^^ loooooools open shot kulaha, you've been watching too many american sticoms, turn of saved by the bell and get some exersise
  12. good lord that is one graphic ad....
  13. FatB

    Nomad Diaries

    lol who needs to read the book know... thanks AL.
  14. FatB


    nomadism is in our blood...