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Everything posted by FatB

  1. emirates being bought out by AD... no more cheep airfairs
  2. lols the add at the start and end of the page "somali girls online!!"
  3. Add: "jajus" "stone thrower" "moslim!"
  4. our mindlessness has an aim, a pure capatilist sociaty!
  5. FatB

    Egyptian Photos

    ^that is disturbing... loools@ the cows in the car, jb where were u and CL going?
  6. i had 4 new year reselutions this year, an islamic one, chinese, normal, and indian.... nun of them lasted the first week!...
  7. over one and half hours, can be summerised with, do what you can with the knowldge that allah has the final word!
  8. "puluted the air with gunar" lols so much for joing the mile high club!
  9. wait if the guy is a vergin how would he know if his wife is not? for he would not have prior experiance...
  10. can this now unit us or will there be more blood shed in retaliation?! watch this space
  11. thats discusting! who easts chockolate coated vanila icecream?
  12. as a post to "No sex for Kenyan men until political reforms" seriouly women make up ur minds!!!
  13. ^poke c&h, ur aviator is causing fitnah...
  14. Whey: Used in ice creams and yogurt. Haram when from animal source. its a milk product, how is that haram?