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Everything posted by FatB

  1. in the quraan we are tought that there are 7 layers of the sky. and each layer is guirded by an angle, and with out the permistion of the angle one can not pass through... So, here is the question. is the earth flat or sphirical? and how did the astornouts pass the 7 laysers of the skys if they are guirded by angles?... mi confused....
  2. FatB

    Pleas xplaine

    in the quraan, we are tought that there are 7 skys and 7 "lands?" with all the space xplorations we have yet to determin wether there is other parallel universers that solves the question asked before... i no that we humans can not comprehend the nolwage of Allah (swc) but hypethetically speeking could a worm hole ack as a link to a warped time where multiple universes co-exist?...... makes u wonder does'n't it And do we humans and jinns exisit soaly in this ever expanding univers? could there be other life forms that inhabit galixies millions of light years way?... or is all this "univers" stuff be all a grate hox like the "moon walk"? designed to originaly beat the soviate union and to gaing infulence and power over us??????
  3. welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome the fold of nomads siter, hope ur say is plesent and eventful. yes i like u am new to this "joint".. have a good time and enjoy ur self...
  4. masha-allah thank u all for ur kind and worm hearted welcomes, u r all great people (so, unnatural for somalians lool ) NGONGE, so tipical, just like a pom to "over state" things loool... keep inmide that "Aussi Aussi Aussi oi oi oi" will always dominate against "sweet low...er.." u get my drift Lool rayaana and kokko, all ways ncie to see fellow Aussies. just one thing Kokko u r not a kiwi are ya :mad: ... cous if u r the wollibies will mop u up Layziegirl u sure got out of bed on the rong side this morning.... such a optimistic girl u are... loool ohey!!! Shoobaro its cool with me bro (i meen APTI :cool: ) lool. i will remember the hint thanks once again i thank u for ur worm welcomes
  5. asalaama calaycum my fellow brothers and sisters my name is mohamed aka professer. i have been following this forum for a long time now, and i would like to say that u people are the smartes people i have seen on a forum; every body here who posts as a unique character (i have noticed that ngonge is the most respected poster here) i hope that i will get to no u all, i have enjoyed all your posts, it been fun reading them and educational. just one more thing, what is the average age of all of uz, couse i am 20 years old....:grin: