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Everything posted by 7_steps_2_Heaven

  1. Ilaah aan ku dhartee inaan Miskiin macruuf ku fahmin. xattaa hal eray :confused:
  2. believe me sis waxaan oo kale waa iska yeelyeel. weligaa ma maqashay halagaa sheego?
  3. beatiful day..the sun is shining..birds are singing but people are frusturated.
  4. Proud to be Somalian!!!!!! man that girl Tyra is hating on us cos she is jealous, period. it ain't our fault if she is from FuFu land....stop being hater. NO AJANABI NOO! Somalis r 4 the Somalis! No white or sanka dhuudhi!
  5. ^^^miskiin macruuf marka kow maxaa ka wadaa "bajaq section"? mideeda labaad waxa topicga oo ku saabsanyahay iyo waxa aad nala timit maba is laha, ee see kaa noqotay yaaqay? Ninka musuwurka waa wax lago naxo laakiin ila ma aha iney meeshaan ku saabsan tahay? ma is af fahmoonaa ina adeer? fiiri laakiin marmar soo ma iska fiicna in la is xasuusiyo noloshii xamar. walaahi those were the days. Maskiin macruuf ciyaal wardhiigleydii warafka lagu bursan jiray maad ka mid eheed?
  6. yaxuush :confused: :rolleyes: ? weligey ma maqlin.
  7. macaanto to me trust is everything...once u've broken that special bond between us then that does it for me walaahi. If it's a man...this the way I would handle. 1- I would not contact him for days (that gives him the time to think about what he did) 2- if he calls u but him on hold (meaning u tell him u r busy or u r stressed n u dont wanna talk) that should last only ONE minute. and stick to it 3- once u've played with his mind about a month then its time to confront him. tell him these words; listen Mr X, i hated to be treated as a fool, trust and respect are the key factors for succesful relationship and unfortianetly you lack in that department. therefore X lets just call it for the day. I have respect for myself and i dont like when people cross that limit. if it's a girl 1 - show them ur middle finger and tell them u dont want to be seen with untrustworthy person cos u gotta look after ur ego. what, miyaad ka nasab yartahay? :rolleyes: sis good luck with it and make sure u follow those steps and believe me it would make them rethink if they value ur friendship. don't let it get to you what ever might happen. :cool:
  8. hori baan waxaan u maqlay practise makes u perfect, marka qufka Soomaaliga eh waa inuu ku da'daalaa in uu luqadiisa hooyo si fiican inuu u yaqaano maxaa yeelay luqadaan kale adiga uma dhalan. Luqada hooyo waa wax lagu faano, luqad aad san leheyna maba uugu ciil bixi kartit. luqadaha kale wey fiican yihiin in la barto laakiin waad inaad ogaataa mida hooyo iney ka muhiim santahay. Rudy - Qac Qaac soomaaligiisa lama fahmaayo maxaad u tiri? Ninkaas luqadiisa aad bey u dhisan tahay walaahi, marka waxaan kula talinaa inaad ka baratit. Pessimistic sue - luqada aan jeclahay waan kuu sheegay soo ma'aha abaayadiis?
  9. alla ma walaalkeey ee ku daadsheen? I'm sorry yaagay, looma baxo! busta lee iska jajaf!
  10. qaraar aa idin haayo soo ma'aha marka aa idin dhahay booska wuu buuxsamay. waryaada is marjiya. ama ha la'idafo mase ha la i laqo kor iyo hoos ba booska wuu buuxa marka iga gambista. waraa Nomad, kuwaan aa qadyaan calaa xaal aan ka taaganahay adaa iigu soo darsoontay miyaa, intaat iga celin leheed?
  11. ^^^^ ar qandho fil dararanee, maxaad ii inkaare. kuwa kale inaad dhaantit aan kuu maleey laakiin walaahi waad kaliidataa. bush hele, marli hele! waxa aad noogu duceysay labo jibaar keeda aan kuugu duceeyay.
  12. loooooooooooooooooooooooool waraa Qacda laa ilaaha illaah muxammada rasuulul laah scw. waraa naadiska maxaa waaye? topic dhan aa noo furtay see kaa noqotay. kamerada aa nagu soo leexisay, saanna makuu dambeesay yaaqay. garab tuujiye....Qac qac xirteeni oo qarxin rabaa ma u jeedaa. nuune wuu yaabi doonaa usoo fiirso. ar annakaa wax aragnay Qacda afarteena walaalo rasmi aan meesha ku noqonay if u ask me walaahi. halaheena un baa is af fahmeeno. Xiddig garaatsiye yaaqay waaw walaahi isha aad ka riday. raggeed Lakkad - kuusan oo madow aa? macbuudkoow!
  13. alla Soomalida maraxsanaa oo caqli yaraa!!
  14. I liked the way Jamaal -11 explained it. "bufferzone between hetero sexuality and homosexuality". like u said they r 1 step away 4rm homosexuality. Qajac qaniis iga dheh!
  15. that place is full of maniacs! absolute rubbish, I tell ya. the Qabiil talk over and over again. it deserves to be shut down completely. let's give around of applause to SOL admin *clap clap clap clap*
  16. waraa Qac Qaac nuune nalka lee u soo lee xinaayay ee ani ma iska wadin qashiin yahow. ani dab'shidkii hore aa la'idafay. marka ina adeerayaal ka xaab-xaab'sada meesha
  17. daredevil is Lucky? oh my. sis how r ya? waxaan u maleenaayay inaad meesha dhan (SOL) iskiiga takday. gabdhaha aan ka helo aad walaashiis ka mid tahay..good 2 c u around. when i saw daredevil i thought it was a new member. stick around sis
  18. Athena I apologise on behalf of Garab tuujiye waraa loooooooooooool hadalki baa igu dhagay
  19. ^^^^prettyboy you said so she can swallow it. swallow what? ACUUDI MINNAK
  20. brother Nur, even though our prophet (saw) was married to khadiya but he still adviced his young asxaaba to marry some1 who's their age. this is a xadiith, i'm sure it's mentioned in bukhari. anyways...I can't possibly see my-self marrying a guy who's 7yrs younger than me. reason being he could not in anyway satisfy me. every women now wants a man not a boy that needs a mother. right..so therefore the idea is a gross. like underdog said, how can u relate to some1 who is not ur age? what can u do with them? marriage to me it's not just living with some1, you do lot of things together and god knows what we nowdays prefer to do with our partners. but what can u do with a man who is nearly your son's age if u were single mother b4? :eek: :rolleyes: :confused: the situation it's not that bad when a woman marries an older man or man marrying young woman.
  21. loool @ Qac Qaac waraa is cajibisay haye? samada aad ku socotaa walaahi. magaceyga sida aan u hubo aan u hubaa adi iyo nuune inaad dooqeyga soo gaari karin. waraa nuune, su'aal - su'aal haku jawaabin mafahantay. ani waa cadeystay waxeyga waa fahantay nooh, marka adi bada isa soo dhig. waxaa dhici karto inaad meeshaan (SOL) aad ka heshit gabar kuu furto buuga naxariista marka atoore, ha iska cunin jaaniska. waad u jeedaa in ey albaabaha kuu furfurmooyiin. waraada garab tuujiye aaway? athena - meelkale oo "alaab" la dhaho maa jirto oo ey shacabka soomaaliyeed ka war qabin?
  22. jaahil fooqal jaahil....maskaxdaada ma u bagin. waxaa jiro maalmo oo'ey gabadha aftax tahay, dhoore yahow. far waaweyn lee adi fahmee miyaa? waraa fiiri intoo ka dhacay saaxibkeen garab tuujiye maalmahaan.
  23. sad sad sad and once again ...sad. I blame the soamli parents and also western culture. these kids would be better off in somalia, don't u guys think? @ least in somalia we still have respect left for our parents, but in here parents are affraid to do anything to their own child, coz the police n social services are going to get involved. it's a real shame how somalis turned out to be in western countries.
  24. good advices nomads, thats what I like about SOL. let me remind you fellow nomads, if u r in dept and u pass away, the muslims are NOT allowed to pray salatul janaasa on u. also...deen ninkii ku dhinta aakhirada maba la xisaabiyo, i heard. life is too short ppl, pay back what u owe, we r not strong enough 2 face the consequences. (severe hell fire) Khayr - say istaaqfurullah. kool-kat - ilaah hakuu fududeeyo macaanto, kulligeenba. I have to say alxamdulillah, my parents are dealing with my tution fees. salaams, LIVE LIFE TO THE FULL (without haraam)