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Everything posted by 7_steps_2_Heaven

  1. ^^^ looool gadaal ka gaar lee waa nooh
  2. sophist, doolad la'aanta baa sidaan noo gashay marka waxba hala yaabiin abowgiis. waa aduun iyo xaalkeed....... soomaaliyey toosoo, toosoo isku tiir sadayee hadba kiina taag taranee taageero weligiinee waxa aan la'oonaayaa, ilmadii iga qubataayee iqtiyaar nin loo diidoo, la adoon sadaa nahayee.... calan suubanow samada u ekow maalintii la suray saan u doonayow samad ku gaarnayee sucdi baan nehee waa inaan usara kacna, salaan la hoos tagnaa markii la saarayee (3x) U SACAB TUMAAY (clap clap clap) plzzz maryooleey muujiya dadnimada iyo soomaalinimada!!!
  3. I think this is more suitable in politics section, huh what do u guys think? :confused:
  4. dad kaa badan iyo hir haa badan wey ku qaadaan. walaalayaal tii soomaaliya dadka soomaaliya joogo aa u dabaal daga, kuwiinaan qurbaha joogo meeshiina ku dabaal daga ok. so r u guys telling me that non of u ever celebrated mothers day on 23/3? haa isma dhihin anba!
  5. helloooooooo we've already celebrated mothers day last month....is this some sort of joke? mothers day is 23/03/EACH YEAR :confused: better late then never.....go get ur mom present now!
  6. rayaana........>there's the door. kuma haboonit meeshaan so get lost
  7. ^^ I second that....we need summary in english plz
  8. you nomads are XAASIDIIN. xaasidin idaa xasadan OG_MOTI aan addicted ku ahay laakiin ima caawineysaan. yaa maryooleey asxaan kasoo doonan jiray
  9. ^^^kaftan ee iga eheed marka waxba ha is difaacin
  10. ^^^ Dirac in da summer time....how revealing is that. Caano geel- odiyaasheena waxaa lagu yagaanaa fatasheeri iyo shaal (remeber that) odinimada ey muujineysaa Baashi oo inleen naagaha gareeska xirto waad ka heshaa....meel aad dhaaftay oo fiiris u baahan maba jirtee. waraa dambiga iska kala yaree
  11. LUcky what's with 15 sec fame you are going on about? dont tease the brother, u might never know that u may fall for him in f-u-t-u-r-e Waraa QQ, waa lagu kashifay, Pm kaahi waa laguu buuxiyay, no wonder inaad i soo xariirinin. nin xun baad tahay..labadeena weligeen waxaa naga dhaxeynaayo walaaltinimo...laakiin waxaad ka dooratay isbuuc shukaansi eh. get lost maku soo xariiri naayi anigana from now on fadhi ku dagaaltame aka tuujiye & nuune aa walaal ii eh. Shukaansiga waxaad ka heshit waxba ha iga sii nin
  12. a/s/l plz...that's how the conversations start. Bambina I think you are making fuss over nothing sis. You could've saved that brother time and also DAMBI if u've told him ur sex. what's the big deal? :confused: or maybe you liked the attention....
  13. labo quf uma hadasho Somali weyn....teeda kale waa in la ogaadaa marka kow sababta ey isku neceb yihiin. Laakiin waa qalad in la dhahaa Soomali sida ey u dhan yihiin ba Ethiopianska ee neceb yihiin. Shabelle, speak for your self, you are NOT representing Somalis! this statement is sweaping generalisation Muslim aqqul muslim, thats what matters...if you are denying that statement then you are not true muslim, now are you?
  14. Tuujiye, OG_MOTI, nuune and Qac Qaac- alla ja cizzak. madaxa aad ii saaran tihiin! afartaan wiil waa wiilasha kaliix aan SOL uugu jeclahay. love u brothers raggeed baad tihiin walaahi. anigana wey soo socotaa awardskeygi.....ha u deyma la aanin.
  15. rayaana orod meel kale ka qaraabo, inta boos ma kaaga banaano! :mad: Tuujiye markuu luuq ila galaayo ani meed maa ahay. Karate aan soo bartay black belt aan haystaa marka feeraha aan u jimcinaa.
  16. waraada barasho wanaagsan horta, magaceyga waxaa la dhahaa hada ka bacdi BIIDOOS. waraa tuujiye waad dambeesa, gareeskaa sheegeesit goormaa laga tagay. aniga jidka markaan socdo wiilashan dhan indhaha aan tiraa...caan aan ku ahay alaabtaas. Canada waan inaan mar idiin kuugu imaada adi iyo QQ oo indhaha gab idiin siiyaa. Nuune labadeena mar waa inaan labadaan u tagnaa, maxaad ka qabtaa? quf kastaba komputerka gadaashiisa oo booto ka haayaa, waxa ey isku haayaan waa inaan soo ogaadaa.
  17. Mo we all been there done that You need to start believing that life doesn't end if a girl breaks ur heart...take this as a learning experience, you fail the first but the nxt time it's all straight A's. MO what do u mean by me n QQ are same?
  18. waraa sadaxdiina intana ma igu hesheen...cajaaib QQ- aboo ha oynin CM- waraa haduu Tuujiye GD yahay ani xaan ku falaa, kaas ciyaalkoo iga dhalo kuwo wax igu taraayo ma'aha sidiisa oo kale ey madax faluuq u qabaan, innaa fajacnaa wamaa argagaxnaa! kaas yoo isoo marin loooool Tuujiye kaftan waaye dacaska ha ii siibanin, saacadan bacaadka makufkufi karee. QQ & CM idinka ciyaal ma rabtiin miyaa?
  19. with every relationship the first 10mnths its great, behaving like new weds then suddenly something out of nowhere hits that relationship and the "love" isn't the same anymore. Yussuf, u seem to be strong by cutting her out of your life, brother if her parents are arranging her a marriage with another person and she is not doing anything about it, surely by now you have figured that there is no room for you. Three is a crowd, if she wants u she will choose you. its a year 2004....nowdays we can not be forced to arranged marriages. Don't let your friends or her influence your decision, every woman wants to be with a strong man, some1 who makes a decision and sticks to it. if you cant stick to your decision believe me she wont take seriously in future, so my advice is you are already on a right track so for your sake stick to it. show her that you can have a life without her (start dating) she will realise she lost the best thing ever happend to her. BE strong no matter what...I don't think u r wrong.
  20. It's Ok for a sister to call me nayaa (in a friendly way) but if faarax calls me naayaa....woow..he is going to feel pain between his two legs, no doubt. ma i sagaa i naageystay?? :rolleyes:
  21. 1 good personality 2 good with his religion 3 from good family 4 education 5the way he dresses 6 perfect smile
  22. brothers I wanted to know who do you think is the best player in football. I personally think Luis Figo is one helluva player...i absolutely adore him, he is so finee. what do you guys think of David Beckham? all the brits think david is the best....ok he is good when he shoots from the corner but hey he can not be compared to my Figo.