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Everything posted by 7_steps_2_Heaven

  1. lived Somalia Kenya 15 days Finland visited France Sweden Denmark Norway and soon Canada, America n UAE n Xajj (insha allah) Qac Qaac - u use 2 live in Finland? woow can u say few words in finnish? lool @ Kaafi - the question was countries
  2. looooooooooooooool waraada umadeena ma tihiin. waraa Qac qac ceel gaabta aa boorso la iiga dafay aa? waraa naag maa tahay? xeetahay boorsada aa wadatit? ninyahow waan kaa shikiyay... garab tuujiye - tuujiye iney ku dheheen ee kaa kala tageen. nuune - raggeed
  3. you people are talented masha allah. im impressed good work
  4. Princess_sexy - boi I better not say anything Opinionated - sis the kufar law is the man made law not send down by god meaning they keep changing the law just like their bible. let me give u an example, if some1 steels according to islamic law their hand should be cut off right, whereas the kufar law they go to jail or community service depending on how severe is the case. therefore if some1 who is muslim n wants to become a lawyer in these western countries they are doing haraam thing coz they are NOT FOLLOWING gods law. and what law is better than Allah's?
  5. waraa tuujiye, qaraar maa kaa haayo hadii uu Qac Qaac ku fiican yahay relationship advice'ka. waraa is marji ee wiilka ka gambiso. adaa wax ka oqoonin meelahaas soo ma aha marax yahow. just kiddin, waraa ha igu soo kala fireenin! Og-girl (lol) make sure he doesn't 4get ur name again.
  6. nusayba bint ka'ab? I've never heard such person/asxaaba. Qac Qaac bring it on love.
  7. Ilaahayow nin saas u murqo weyn ha isoo marsiinin. sabxaanal laah, xididihi dhan baa banaanka imaaday. wiilal si yar oo qurux badan jirkiina u dhisa, laakiin waxaas waa ka dareey.
  8. xamar dhgax aa ka da'ay aa? waraa waxaas jeebkaaga waaye. maxaa ii weydiisay inaan joogo uk? ma aamin sanit miyaa?
  9. looooooooool @ the indian woman sooo trueeeee. what a dhaqan, eh?
  10. Nur I have the same questions as bushraa.
  11. ^^^ was it sumayya? :confused: man u lot have to ask easy question for people like moi....other wise many ppl wont take part on this islamic quiz...so dont come heavy on us. Qac Qaac - do u have easy questions that u can ask me? i feel really ashemed by not knowing that much about my religion but I could learn sum in here if only the questions were the basic level. sayfullah ur questions are soooooo difficult. or are ur questions directed only to "qualified" ppl like you. if so.... c ya nxt yr! :rolleyes:
  12. seems like that i'm not addicted to the internet then cos i can't relate to non of those. "you have internet in your bathroom" come on now.... :rolleyes:
  13. Innaa lillaah wa innaa ilaahi raajicuun! ilaah ha u naxariisto, Winger sabar iyo iimaan allaha naga wada siiyo
  14. garab tuujiye walaahi raggeed aa tahay....hadalkaaga aan u bagay, dadkii la yaqaanay aa tahay. nuune sidoo kale...waa warey waraada meesha waa camirannay xeetay. Qac Qacc soo dhawaaw yaaqay, ciyaal bilaajo lee iska tahayee,,,, waraada camiraada wada. nuune af jinniga wad
  15. Walle waa runtiis....waan ba u baahnaay inaan aqriyo topic kaan coz faaido yaal buu ka hadlayaa. jamaal_11 waad ku mahadsan tahay abowgiis, laakiin xoogaa soomaaliga wuu adkaay, but I managed to read all. wax kale oo "aayaha nolosha" noo soo qor fadlan hadii ey san dhib kugu eheyn.
  16. 40= OLD. is that ur age? if so...what r u doing here? j/k
  17. ^^^ nuune..weligaaba waad sheegi jirtay af jinni inaad taqaanit laakiin maanta waxa aad qortay waxaa waaaye wamaa aragnaa wamaa maqalnaa. aroo xee tahay waxad qortay?
  18. ^^^^*clap clap clap clap clap* BRAVO QAC QAAC
  19. ^^^excuse me MISTER....she was right doing that...what sort of person gets on the car with TWO strangers...why don't you offer the lift to the men...are you telling me if she did get on (hypathetically speaking), apart from the question you have to ask where she is going to, you or your friend would not talk to her? I mean COME ON don't you know how uncomfortable that IS :rolleyes: :rolleyes: theres NOTHING wrong with us. and if we do get on and some1 sees you coming out of the car wheres men they talk about you "niman bey baabuurka u saarneet", GIVE US SOME CREDIT, WHY DON'T YA :mad: :mad: PS, don't take your anger out on the sisters, if the moderators deleted your posts!!!! :rolleyes: :mad:
  20. ^^^ waad na soo booqatay bravo caleek. so dhawaaw, marti ha iska dhigin, mininka minkaa waaye..hori u soo dhaaf...maxaa cabee/cunee...kooko, faanta,vimbto, shaah. gabdho, wiilka si fiican u soo dhaweeya... Nur, ii baashaal!