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Everything posted by 7_steps_2_Heaven

  2. Darman because aniga baad dambi iga gashay sidaas daraadeed XAQ baan u leeyahay inaan ogaado ninka u sababta ahaay madax xanuunki aad ii geysatay. ii sheeg yaa waaye, aqlaaqda waan kugu aqaanay, hadii aad ninkaas rabin inaad ku kashiftit meeshaan ii soo PM garee ok? U OWE ME THAT MUCH!
  3. ^^^ waraa dhibloow iska dhaaf labadaan hadii kale sheekada wey naga daminaayaan marka hadhooti maxaan ku shaah cabeenaa? waan la socdaayee ee adigana isha lee ka day ok?
  4. waraa tuujiye ha ii gafin yaaqay, 21 aan jiraa see kaa noqotay. waraada ani ciyaal hurwaay aan ahay. any1 4rm that area. checkmate- erayga asxantu maa kugu cusub? markasto maxaa u istic maashaa?
  5. I'm bit like u Historian online...I joke with the brothers even flirt with them (u guys know who u r) but offline I wouldn't dare to look him in the eye...im so shy. thank god for net though...u discover ur other side
  6. Rayaana this is not my post Ok, u should re-check the owner al'right. I did not say u guys are not allowed welcome here....only 4 ppl are left in this post, thats me, QQ, Tuujiye n Nuune and yes we do NOT want any intruders thank you very much!! Tuujiye axsantu yaaqay, waad i sharaftay Ilaah haku sharfo. Missed u 2 sxb! gabdho badan oo buuga iska jecel meeshaan horta aad bey uugu badan yihiin laakiin ha daneenin, kuwaas oo kale lomaba jawaabo QQ- waraa ninkaan wuu i nacay. war heedhe maxaa PM ki iiga goosatay, soo teey nusku keen bixi jirtay? ar adigaa, nin jiro aan kuu haystay laakiin waa lagu af duubay aan u maleenaa, waa iska cadiyoos. btw ole hyva nuune- iskool soomaaliya maka soo dhigatay? if yes kee soo dhigatay?
  7. sis I'm perfectly happy being female. imagine what it would feel like holding ur first baby in ur arms....aaah, that gotta be something to look forward to. the only disadvantage men have is that they are not female. One day insha-allah I would like to be a mom.....lil sweet child calls u mama and he/she looks up to u like u r the greatest. oooh! ain't that great chubacka?
  8. Kaafi, ain't no such thing as "perfect"! I could never imagine myself being with some1 who is perfect, my lord....imagine how BORING that relationship would be.
  9. MOTI su'aalahaaga anaa kaaga jawaabaayo 1. "kaalay aan wadacasheeno" waa wax la gartay laakiin markaad ku dartit "aan afka isku dhufano" edab daro inaad u socotit baa ii cad. 2.ninka gaalka si naxariis buu u yiri, laakiin adiga soridaada hadaan si fiican kaaga aqbalo waxaan ogahay inaad sheeko ila soo galeesit, sidaas daraadeed waa inaan jidka kaa sii xiraa 3. "i want to spend my life with u" run hadeey kaa tahay reer baan ka dhashtay u tak hadii kalana ilaah hakuu sahlo waxaad ku meel gaartit :confused: 5. loooool coz u copied the lyrics looooooool nxt time try to b original 6. the reason I walk like wounded with u is, makugu xaragoon kari, jiroos ma tihit, laakiin ajanabiga shaf uu leeyahay 7. y I call u luga baasto? reality check.... U R LUGA BAASTO join the gym plzzzzzzz moti....I hope I was able to help, plz try to c this 4rm our side OK
  10. I hate men who tell me what to do. If I want to go out, that's my business I'll go out without permission. I am his wife not his slave! it is in his best intrest not to cross the line with me. taking permission....puhleease...that's my parents job, he is just there to keep me satisfied.
  11. sis hurts like hell, right? I know it's been heavy on your mind, but baby don't give up he's not worth your time. i know u feel like that you cant love ever again, but girl you owe it to your heart coz forever it's just too long to live in a pain. you need to let down your guards and open up your heart to someone else....he has moved on (i know it hurts), but sis now ts ur turn to move on, be strong.
  12. i don't think the word partner "feeds my ego" uh-huh. OG_MOTI, somali hadaan nahay waxaa kaliix aniga qaas ahaan igu filan inuu marka aan isla socono labadeena inuu asxaabtiisa ku dhaho gabadhaan waa dumaashidiin, Partner hadii igu dhaho inaan shirkad isla leenahay baan u qaadan lahaay markaasna waanba dhibi lahaay. waxaan ku dhihi lahaay, dee shirkad aan partners ku nahay marka keen 50% shirkada faa'idadeedi.
  13. I think it depens on the couple.......if they are very close, bestfriends more than bf/gf then yeah its ok if he asks. In a away that question is somehow sex related issue.
  14. yo mama is so ugly I took her to ugly contest, the judge said "sorry, no profisionals" yo mama is so ugly I took her to the Zoo, the security said, "thnx for bringing her back"
  15. Darman so u did find out who it was....but first u blamed me shame on u. I was innocent from day 1, broda u owe me an public apology. I will not 4give n 4get! ps, apology ga ka bacdi lee ku dhahaa shaqo fiican baad qabatay
  16. I'm addicted to OG_MOTI...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can u guys do me a favour and find out for me if he is available, u see waan ka xishoonayaa inaan weydiiyo
  17. waxaan jeclahay soor iyo caano geel (ninkii yaqaana geelka sida loo dhaqdo baa caanahiisana caba), baarka aan jeclahay inaan ka cuno wuxuu ku yaalaa dagmada BUULABURTE gobolka HIIRAAN, BAAR CAMALOW waxaan kaloo jeclahay dheyle, baarka caanka ku ehne wuxuu ku yaalaa kilomitir 13 waxaana la dhahaa baar XARAF
  18. ^^^^^uuuuuhhhh Northener, no need for me to be ur saviour then. Taloow yaan xiraa....? oo xabsi daa'in ku tuuraa?
  19. yo mama is sooo fat when she puts yellow jacket people on the streets will shout HEY TAXIII
  20. salamu caleykum ww Shiiquna Nur, first we have to undersand that these children are facing identity crisis, they try so hard to be accepted in the society. walaalo if these children spend 8hrs a day (when they are most active) with the kufaars, surely they will have some sort of affect on that poor child. Can we blame the mother for her daughters behaviour? absolutely NO, because she made sure that her child was wearing the hijab when she left. So who can we blame? the child? nop- because she does not understand the importance of hijab, mentally she is not ready yet. what is important for that child is FRIENDS and we have to respect that. for this scenario I would blame the father because he is the head of the house hold. it is his responsability to raise his children within muslim community. Somalia not being safe is not excuse, theres always dubai, saudi etc. These fathers are so lazy, they are not facing up to their responsabilites all they want to do is sit on maqaayad all day and let the KUFAAR GOVERNMENT TAKE CARE HIS FAMILY FOR HIM! IM TALKING ABOUT THE CEYRTA. if this is the case, how can we ever expect these children to become strong muslim individuals? :confused:
  21. ^^^gabadha waad ka xanaajisay ee suu alla kuu galay. asxaan yar bey ku weydiisatay, waxaan oo dhan meesha loogama baahneen. :rolleyes: Bishaaro abaayo gabdhahaan ha u bixin, shukaansi baa ka cararay, wexey marayaan waqtigii madax faluuqa lamari jiray.
  22. ^^this is your post...u should go first!
  23. u should ask OG_GIRL n hibo aka TRY_ME
  24. ^^^it's gone? aah what the heck. it was dead anyway. come and hang around with the "cool group".
  25. Sundus garaatsiyo yaaqe, xadreyntaa sheegeesit horta maba ka saayi kowdheh. laakiin ina-adeertiis inaan runta iska shee'sheego aan iska jeclahay. fiiri abayadiis statementkaas soo run ma aha?