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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. Barwaaqo Damn girl, where do you live Eltham? Well your area is pretty notorious for racist attackes iniit? I really have a problem with youth that roam arround the streets for no apparent reason. Somali communities need to addrress the issue and provide safe hanging out environments, such as youth clubs for them. I think the reason a lot of them get into trouble is because they have nothing better to do then hang out with mates (who don't know better) and thats where the trouble starts. It can also be people acting out the expected responeses they precieve from telivision (and gangsta videos). What really bugs me is the way, our community seems to ignore the fact that our Youth are being killed ... most of these killings are blatant racial attackes, so why aren't we taking this to the authorities? Our youth are in a crises walaahi. If they a aren't getting killed by Whites, Blacks, Asians ... they are picking on each other. Allah help us.
  2. looooooooooool Cambo Sis... hadii aad war iga weydid within the next month ... call the cops on him. And make sure he goes down for life. Lakkad I want to know... what is the sudden facination with naval rings? I am a lil suspicious now.
  3. loooooooooool Ur disgusting waaryaahe. I am ... but haven't decided on the timing yet.... waan yara baqayaa, I guess :eek:
  4. looooool lakkad.. i think calool kuusan or belly dancer calool is rather pretty :eek:
  5. i haven't read all the replies. I am planning to get my naval done next week. I been thinking about it 4 a while now. I been reseraching on the Islamic rulling with no success. I had my ears pierced when i was six.. i remember begging my habo 2 do it 4 me. I had my nose pierced last year. but it didn't work out ... why do u ask lakkad
  6. So says Haaruun. and Ameenah and Jamaal 11 lol kidding...
  7. I would rather be free then an equal. Equality is never clear cut. As demonstrated by Orwel in his Animal farm, humans have this tendency to blieve in euality in its simplets form ... but there are always groups of people who feel that they are more equal then others. The current world affairs is an example of this. Regardless of how they much talk equality, advocate equality, dream equality, Human kind don't want equality in it's truest essence. And if you really think about it, can we really be equal? Considering our differences can the young and the old have the same consideration, can retards demand as much respect as scholars? will the Queen ever be expected to wait in line with the common public? You can give black people equal rights.. but will America ever get a Black president? Is a believer equal to a religious leader? As for freedom, Allah has bestowed free will to us all... hence, the trial and tribulation of this world. Just my opnion....
  8. I didn't hang with Somalis at my uni. because there was not a single Somali person in my department 4 the entire duration of my course. It is only natural to befriend people you have a lot in common with or you see on a daily basis. So, I hung out with Pakistanis and Arabs cos they were the only people I could relate to. Somalis from other subject areas were in at different times or based different campuses. As much as love my people, I simply didn't have the time, energy or the need to seek out Somalis, my Pakis were more then sufficient.
  9. Blessed

    Why not...?

    I agree with Jamaal . If every somalis in every country were to set a an organisation that seeks to better the lifes of Somalis, then we can talk about merging in an international context. I heard there are Student Association similare to the SSA: UK in the US, Canada and some of the countries in the Gulf. It would be nice to have some sort of a show case some time in the future, the SSA have discussed this in previous meetings. These things take time but In sha Allah, we'll get there. I think Somalis have been really getting active within the community (at least in London), so I am pretty positive that it will happen. Good Topic - Abdi Nuur
  10. Jamaal 11 loooooooooooool sheekaad keentee lol Barqawo he lied to you.. it's not who he said it was ...
  11. I just relised that London is a very small town. Last night I had the pleasure of bumbing into another nomad. Barwaqo girl. Okay, I'll let you off this time. Let me know when you (and the crew) are available Oh my... the Cat is back.... I missed you girl.. I was gonna send a search party out for ya...I hope ur ok. definately would love to party or even just hang with ya, some time soon. I gota dash..
  12. Haaruun :mad: Leave Tweety alone waryaahe. I am a muslim, wether I am a good one or not is between me and Allah. futi futi, lol ka dar oo dib i dhal. Oo yaa heerkaas ba gaadhey :confused: Muna oh well, U know me.. I don't give a ..... anyways I partly agree with Lefty in the sense that it doesn't make a girl a hoe because like he said it is not sex... i didn't say it was xalaal and I was laughing at his rather explicit remark.. things sound 100 times nastier when translated to Somali. Balaa is dhuuqda.
  13. loooooooooool @ Nuune and Haruun .. alah maxaad cey u dhameeyseen lol I never wanna get on the wrong sides of U two. Labeeb? qandho lol. I am learning here lol Haaruu hadaan lacagta kuu dhiibno, ma hubnaa inaad soo qaraaceysid? Maybe you should take Barwaqo with ya, just to make sure!
  14. I am a Tupac fan. He was really intelligent. I believe he was a beautiful artist... but, his time was up ... some people should accept it and let him be.
  15. I am a Tupac fan. He was really intelligent. I believe he was a beautiful artist... but, his time was up ... some people should accept it and let him be.
  16. I am a Tupac fan. He was really intelligent. I believe he was a beautiful artist... but, his time was up ... some people should accept it and let him be.
  17. I am a Tupac fan. He was really intelligent. I believe he was a beautiful artist... but, his time was up ... some people should accept it and let him be.
  18. Originally posted by Lefty: I don't see anything wrong with kissing..even if it meant french kiss(dhuuqmo..)there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The only Sin is if there's an unmarried sexual intercourse accures. Other than that, People who are french-kissing or touching each other are flirting too deep but that's not a sin. Or maybe we need another Sheikh to clerify this! The term Hoe has nothing to do with kissing Totaly agree. lol @ dhuuqmo eeeeeeiw, akhas :eek: thats enough to put anyone off
  19. Subxaan Allah! This is a fine example of ignorance of the deen of Allah, perhaps she wasn't muslim to begin with. I mean, being born into a muslim family and being Somali arn't determinning factors. We have to make the choice to follow the deen of Allah. May Allah keep us true to his deen. This really isn't something new.. in a certain website, Somalis insult Allah, The Prophet (saw)Islam etc on a daily basis... I have also seen some question the authencity of the Quran else where. Is this a new breed of out spoken kaafir Somalis?
  20. Originally posted by Mhd: my advise to you sistar is this if you are serias please try. thanks allaah your a muslim girl,but your missing something wich is y our not paractising your faith,but your just doing wath ever you disier, so please try to learn your beuatiful culture and gange your habit to give sadaqaad and to remembar for those who even don,t have anything to eat.thanks and please try my advise. How can you judge, when you don't even know her.. :confused: :mad: I am assuming that was addressed to Hooyo. Lakkad so sweet. I knew you'd come arround BARWAAQO lool@ majarafad ... U qumayo.
  21. Originally posted by Ilhaam: Prez, Didn't you read..she can't stand him anymore. Slip If your intention was just get some..then the girl made a very good decision. I'm glad she didn't act on her feelings or she would have ended like that Spanish girl. :rolleyes: & you were wrong! Ilhaam hehehehe tell him gal. Btw, sis long time to chatting to ya.. is U okay? Slippin, It is wrong to use people like that. Maybe you should learn one / things on how to deal with girls. Kidz these days :eek: :rolleyes: (I sounds like an eedo now lol)
  22. Man Sha Allah. I liked that, very much Keep them coming sistah
  23. Hello there If He is Somali and He's fine and sweet (and meets my long list of requirements)... I'd be mad to refuse! Qabiil doesn't make a man / woman. I totaly agree with your statments bro. In fact I think inte marriege should be made compulsory lol... it be nice though wouldn't it ? It would get rid of the 'they' and 'us' factor. hence reducing prejudice and hate between qabiils. It's xaraam to refuse marriage to another on the basis of their qabiil. I thought Somalis would be rid of that practice but it seems like it happens more now then say at the time of our parents. Are we going backwards?
  24. Jizaak Allah sis. Just what I needed to see. Welcome to to the Nomad Zone, your precence is really appreciated .