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Everything posted by Blessed

  1. I'de say that too Winger. Man United are taking it home this year. mark my word
  2. looooooooooooooooooooool Mujahid. Are U sure your not after old Kennies job? Waryaa lakkad. look if U wanna ask me out on date .. just come out with it, but only if it involves shopping lol And okay, I'll try and make time to take you shopping, though I have my reservations about Harrods. see ya then ... bring ya crads .. hear
  3. Aah decisions, decisions! Whatever you decide, make sure it doesn't involve 'bird-chasing'. You know, I don't usually like Cats... but your old tactics instigated some admiration from the bird. If it ain't Sylverster.... i'destay outa your way
  4. My nick is Ameenah. I am not defencive walaalo... I've stated facts. I just think that Somalis are rather amazing. I am pretty famouse for my ultra-ego... maybe I am being generouse by sharing my joy of greatness with my people. (But if truth is told, my greatness is a result of my people) :eek: :rolleyes:
  5. Originally posted by Nasra: [QB]All you have to do is look back at what happened at home and how we doing at overseas...then maybe you might change your view. /QUOTE] Sweetheart. What happened at home was a result of dictatorship, ignorance and a few men hungray for power. You might actually find that the majority of Somalis were actually vicims of the terrible circumstances. Then again. why do you over look the situation back at home now? In many parts of Somalia, people have rebuilt the country and are in the process of developing it. Thats enough to proof the we are not trouble makers. And on the literacy. You are statistcally wrong there too sweety. The standard form of somali only existed for 30 odd years... yet you'd be surprised at the number of literate Somalis men and comparision to other nations, that is. And do you know that Somalis as a nation ... is one of the most multi-lingual on earth. Just think at the number of languages spoken, written by our people collectively :eek: If that ain't enough, our langauge is among the richest oral langauges .. on earth, just ask Ur linguistics tutor! Islamically, we are not angelic... but then name ... a single muslim country that is? Old ladies gossiping... U said U don't live near Somalis, so tell me how did you come to this conclusion? All in all walaalo. You are hating and it doesn't reflect too well on yourself or your family. What you say about Somalis is truely a reflection of YOU as a Somali person. May Allah help U. Kritikal Mind. Why don't you do all of a favour and throw yourself of a clif... or something kool Kat. Good observations sis. Mujaahid. Aamiin.
  6. Barwaqo Absolutely sweetie. Coulnd't have put it any better You cannot judge a religion on the basis of it's followers. and you cannot bully people and expect them not to hit back.
  7. Xnophobia at its best. Sweetie, you forgot to add, that a great many of us over-generalise! :eek: :confused: Yes, we have our negatives. But we also have our positives, but most of the time we seem to over look that. I am sure that you are not guilty of the faults that you've listed .. and I can assure ya .... I and many Somalis that I know ain't no trouble makers Every nation has it good, bad and ugly. So instead of dissing each other out wholistically and constantly ... lets think about how each and everyone of us can change things for the better.
  8. In one of his notes the snipper said that he WAS indeed GOD! Subxan Allah... You don't have to be a rocket scientist to work out that is not an islamic ideal. But then again, people are rather selective about what they choose to hear with regards to Islam. It is really funny. When Isreal brutalises the Palestinians.. it is not about religion. When the IRA place bombs killing innocent civilians.... it is not about religion. When Bush wages war on practicly every vulnerable 'muslim' state ... it is not about religion. I can go on and on.... if te culprit is not muslim .. his/her religion is not important. But if an Arab/africa/Asian (anyone affliated with the muslim religion) as much as expresses dislike to a western state..ideal or Whatever. It is about the 'fanatic' Islamic ideology. it seems to me that Muslims are never granted the right to individualism! now tell me .... What am I missing?
  9. Allah... nayaaa Rock;s Chick.... U start a book club and fail to inform me !!!! You have alot of explainning to do young lady! Count me in ... but I must conffess I am rather biased when selecting books for reading. I got to have some sort of a common connection with the characters in the book.... which I suppose rules out NY's bestsellers list. I am into African American writing... But anyways. What book have yous lot selected?
  10. Allah... nayaaa Rock;s Chick.... U start a book club and fail to inform me !!!! You have alot of explainning to do young lady! Count me in ... but I must conffess I am rather biased when selecting books for reading. I got to have some sort of a common connection with the characters in the book.... which I suppose rules out NY's bestsellers list. I am into African American writing... But anyways. What book have yous lot selected?
  11. Issa I think some somalis can't handle a some thing different. But the you get that in every society. Just keep ya head up and tell them about their ignorant selves. However, it has to be said most Somalis are rather welcoming towards half somalis ... from my exprience of it at least. I help ya stick up for them
  12. Issa I think some somalis can't handle a some thing different. But the you get that in every society. Just keep ya head up and tell them about their ignorant selves. However, it has to be said most Somalis are rather welcoming towards half somalis ... from my exprience of it at least. I help ya stick up for them
  13. Issa I think some somalis can't handle a some thing different. But the you get that in every society. Just keep ya head up and tell them about their ignorant selves. However, it has to be said most Somalis are rather welcoming towards half somalis ... from my exprience of it at least. I help ya stick up for them
  14. Issa I think some somalis can't handle a some thing different. But the you get that in every society. Just keep ya head up and tell them about their ignorant selves. However, it has to be said most Somalis are rather welcoming towards half somalis ... from my exprience of it at least. I help ya stick up for them
  15. hehehehehehehehhehehee I almost fell off my chair.... I think I deserve a Grammy for my great peeformance
  16. Originally posted by WILDCAT7: I agree with Chick on this...well said sweetie...if the guy is worth it...hey why not?...but if the deal is that she's the one who's forever and a day required to be patient while he continues to take liberties...then it's no deal...that ain't a marriege...that's a mother/child relationship at best...and master/servant at worst. My sentiments exactly .... I would have to see immediate results to keep that up!
  17. Blessed

    A Message!

    Thats what I'm talking about ... You go girl (in more ways then one). Thnx babes
  18. My baby bro went this summer and it had a very positive impact on him... He's never been to Somalia but spoke the language very well and was quite cultured (my influence of course lol). Anyhow, the people there were rather surprised that a lil dhqan celis knew so much Somali. Anyhoot, he learnt about the culture our families'roots and unfortunatley some qabiil stuff, which I thought he had no business knowing about, but I suppose it's a part of culture. When he came back with all this proud talk of Somalia, going back and the boy is making plans about setting up a business there in the future. It seems like, his brief visit to the mother-land has given him (and all of his mates)a sense of focus. Every kid needs to see their country. Soon... I'll be going back for some 'dhaqan celis' myself .
  19. Originally posted by Honesita: No sweetie....sorry i'm not feelin' ya....!!! Lately i've been comin' across temptin' somali men.....and believe it or not....i get!!! Salaamz looool girl.. took the words right outa my mouth.... men are like buses... you wait a long time for (a decent) one and then 4 come along at once :rolleyes: :eek: what is a girl to do :confused: Malaika , maybe U should move to london.... in the mean time decent bros. can be found at universities ... maybe U should hang by some lol
  20. Layarada... how can me consult ya .. when Ur damn secretary tells me Ur busy, in a meting everytime me tries to make an appointment? I am think of saking U woman... so U better try and work it out. Lakkad Actually, it would really unique. And don't worry about Barwaqo.... I work some majic on her Cambo Sweets... knew I can count on ya :cool:
  21. Haruun, You know what, I myself have a bit of thang for Ameenah
  22. What makes it sad Barwaqo is the the elders don't take Somali-on-Somali fighting very seriously. Some in fact encourage it for some sick reasons. Also, Somalis not going to the police... I think it's to with language barriers .. but why arn't the people who are supposed to help the community getting invovled? This whole issue makes me :mad: :mad:
  23. 1. Smokerz, Chewers and Drinkerz 2. Air Heads 3. Wannabe Playas - don't they know we'v inveted the thing? 4. Those who have no respect for culture, religion, women ... 5. Gossips :eek: 6. A man who doesn't comprehend the word 'NO' 7. Dirty men (as in don't wash, dont brush and don't know how to work a washing machine) *uff* shrugz. I'll end it here!
  24. True liberation as it allows the women to be more then a mere object of desire.