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Everything posted by Liqaye

  1. Wasiirka Waxbarashada, Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare oo Booqasho ku Tagay Dalka Turkıga Wasiirka Waxbarshada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Dowladda Federaalka Ku Meel Gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya Dr. Abdinur Sheikh Mohamed ayaa booqasho ku tagay dalka Turkiga isagoo la kulmay dhiggiisa wasaaradda waxbrashada Turkiga ayna ka wada hadleen sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka labada dal u dhaxeeya, isla markaasna loo kordhin lahaa deeqaha waxbarsho ay bixiso dowladda Turkiga. Wasiirku waxaa uu la kulmay madax badan oo ka socotay hay’adaha dowladda u qaabilsan arrimaha horumarinta iyo dalladaha waxbarashada isagoo ka warbixiyey horumarka ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka gaartay arrimaha waxbarshada. Dr. Maxamud waxa kale ee uu ka qeybgalay xaflad casho ah oo uu kula kulmay ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee wax ku barata dalka Turkiga iyo madaxda safaaradda Soomaalida u fadhisa Dalka Turkig a. Dr. Maxamud isagoo la hadlaya ardayda ayuu wuxuu soo gaarsiiyey tahniyad uu ka sido dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheikh Ahmed iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo isla markaana ka warbixiyey dadaalka ay dowladda ugu jirto in kor loo qaado tayada waxbarshada dalka. Wasiirku waxa uu dhageystay warbixinno ku saabsan xaaladda waxbarasho ee dalka Turkiga, kuna guubaabiyey ardayda in ay dadaalkooda waxbrasho kordhiyaan oo ay ku soo laabtaan dalkooda marka ay dhameystaan waxbarshadooda kaasoo u baahan aqoontooda iyo khibradahooda si loo haqabtiro baahida ba’an ee ka jirta dalkooda hooyo. Dr. Maxamud waxaa uu nasiib xumo ku timaamay in ay wadanka Turkiga arday aad u tiro yar ay wax ku bartaan marka loo eego sida Pakistan iyo Sudan iyadoo loo nisbeeyo in arday badan ay dalkaan ka tahriibeen ayna lumiyeen fursado waxbasrasho . Wasiirku wuxuu ku rajo weyn yahay in Soomaliya loo kordhiyo deeqaha waxbarasho oo horay u ahaan jiray 10 kursi. Sidoo kale wasiirku wuxuu diirada saaray in aysan dhici doonin in wax musuqmaasuq ah iyo garab anaan lagu keeni doonin ardayda hadda ka dib. Wassirku wuxuu gaarsiiyey dowladda Turkiga iyo ardaydaba in wasaarada waxbarashada Somaaliya ay bisha june qaadi doonto imtixaan mideeysan oo ardaydu ay ku heli doonaan deeqo waxbasrsho dalka gudahiisa iyo dibeddiisaba. Sidoo kale, jaamacadaha sida gaarka loo leeyahay ee dalka Turkiga ayaa iayagana balanqaad u sameeyey wasiirka in ay ugu deeqayaan Soomaaliya deeqo waxbasrasho, taasina waa guul u soo hooyatay ardayda soomaaliyeed. Wasiirka intii uu joogay dalka Turkiga waxaa uu booqday goobaha taariikhiga ee magaalooyinka Ankara iyo Istanbuul isagoo xaqiijiyey horumarka ay gaareen walaalaheen reer Turkey in ay ku dayasho mudan tahay.
  2. In somewhere like Mogadishu, such threats are not mere bluster. Recently, Mr Nur staged an outdoor music festival - an idea borrowed from former London mayor Ken Livingstone, whose maverick political style he has long admired - only for it to be attacked by gunmen. Four people died, including the leader of the festival's marching band. The chief suspect, moreover, turned out to be not the Shebab, who ban music in their fiefdoms, but another former mayor, who has since been arrested. Despite such setbacks, Mr Nur claims to be on the way to turning Mogadishu around. As of now, the government and its back-up troops from the African Union lay claim to some 60% of the city, with growing numbers of residents flocking to their turf because it is preferable to life under the Shebab. That in itself has caused its own mini-refugee crisis, not that that has stopped Mr Nur trying to get the little things in life right. True to the ethos of Mr Livingstone, whom he has met with during his visit, he now also has his beady eye on Mogadishu's motorists, for whom a life free of traffic wardens has been arguably one of the few consolations of the last 20 years. "From this month on, anybody who drives in the wrong lane or with heavy loads or without lights can expect a fine," he warns. "I want Mogadishu to become like a normal city again, where people cannot just be allowed to drive however they want." Mr Livingstone would no doubt approve, and if he is re-elected as mayor of London next year, Mr Nur is quietly hopeful that he might give that town twinning plan some serious thought. The real benchmark of success, though, will be if he can ever persuade Mrs Nur to come and join him. "My husband keeps asking me if I can go out there," she says, cautiously. "But last time I went, I only stayed five days and couldn't go out on my own. We will have to see how things go." Colin Freeman's book about Somalia, "Kidnapped: life as a hostage on Somalia's pirate coast", will be published by Monday Books in June.
  3. How a modest council worker from Camden came to be the Mayor of Mogadishu Mohamed Nur is on a mission to clean up the world's most dangerous city - and is using King's Cross as his model for Mogadishu in Somalia, reports Colin Freeman If any mayor in Britain fancies twinning their town with Mogadishu, now is a good time to apply. The war-torn capital of Somalia may not be as handy as some places in France and Spain, and exchange visits will involve donning flak jackets rather than touring vineyards. But they will be guaranteed a warm welcome by their opposite number, Mohamed Nur, who is not exactly flooded with offers at the moment. "No other city is willing to twin with us at present," complains Mr Nur, 56, who has arguably the most dangerous job in local government on the planet. "But if one did, we'd be very grateful. It's all very well for wealthy cities to twin with other wealthy cities, but it would really be better for them to twin with a poor one." Should any bold civic leader ever find themselves in Mr Nur's mayoral parlour, however, they will meet a man who is surprisingly fluent in town hall-speak, be it single regeneration budgets or "zero tolerance" zones. For unlike most of those who have lorded it over Mogadishu in the last two decades, he is not a gun-wielding warlord, but a former business advisor to Islington Council in north London, where and his family fled after the Somali government's collapse in 1991. In recent weeks he has been back in Britain, doing a speaking tour to encourage fellow expats to follow him home and help rebuild Mogadishu, where he himself took office last July. After 20 years of almost constant warfare and failed international peace plans, it is a task that the outside world has largely given up on; in the view of many of the weary diplomats who have tried, even a giant ASBO probably would stand little chance of containing Mogadishu's warring clans. Yet despite having no experience of office beyond a failed attempt to win a Labour council seat in Camden a few years ago, Mr Nur is credited with making remarkable progress - bringing the city back to its knees, if not quite its feet. Some, like his United Nations backers, think he is brave. Some, like his wife Shamis back in London, think he is mad. And some, like Somalia's al Shebab Islamic group, think he should be beheaded. But whatever the odds against him, he is confident his regeneration program will succeed. After all, he argues, if it worked in London's King's Cross, it can work anywhere. Hang on. King's Cross in London? A model for Mogadishu? Very much so, says Mr Nur. The area around what is now the Eurostar terminal lies just down the road from his old council flat in Camden, and used to be one of the diciest in the capital, with drug dealers, muggers and prostitutes operating amid the squalor. But with the building of the new terminal came cleaner, better-lit streets, which flushed out the undesirables and tempted in smart new shops, restaurants and residents - a ruse Mr Nur is now trying in Mogadishu. "I was living here when King's Cross was very dirty, with houses that were empty and run down, and lots of drug dealing, crime and prostitution," says the father-of-six, who gained British citizenship in 2001. "But when they regenerated it a few years ago, all that disappeared, and hotels, restaurants and shops opened. I realised that if you keep an area clean and well-lit, then a lot of bad things will disappear." Those who know their town planning theory as well as Mr Nur does will recognise this as the so-called "broken windows" strategy, famously pioneered by New York mayor Rudolf Giuliani, which holds that the more run-down a city is, the less inhibited its resident criminals feel. Yet even Mr Giuliani, who slashed crime rates in the 1990s, might have baulked at the task facing his Somali counterpart. The dusty streets Mr Nur now controls have long been a byword for urban anarchy, as dangerous and chaotic as Baghdad or Kabul at their worst, and without any Western superpowers trying to patch things up. The last time the Americans tried, it ended in the "Black Hawk Down" tragedy of 1993, with the corpses of US servicemen dragged through the streets by a mob. Since then, Mogadishu has been a battleground for warlords, clan gangsters and now Taliban-style Islamists, with bombings, shootings, and kidnappings a daily fact of life. Today, the once-beautiful port on the Indian Ocean has not just lots of broken windows but an entire broken population, collectively traumatised by an all-too-unbroken conflict. "Mogadishu is the city I grew up in, the place I love, and it always made me angry the way the warlords cut it into fiefdoms," explains Mr Nur, who got the job after joining a Somali diaspora group trying to rebuild the country. "The problem is that today, the people have simply got used to living in violence, dirt and fear, and they cannot imagine another life. I want to change that." Armed with a monthly budget of just roughly £35,000 - what some British town hall chiefs take home as a personal salary - Mr Nur has focused on small but visible changes, clearing the streets of garbage and setting up proper streetlights. Providing proper policing is important as well, of course, but the three are inter-connected, he argues. Less trash leaves fewer places for Islamists to hide roadside bombs in, while round-the-clock lighting lets shops and businesses open late - in turn creating jobs. In the past four months, he claims, there have been no suicide bombs or roadside bombs on his turf, "only hand grenades thrown into the streets". Which, by Mogadishu standards, is pretty good. "For 20 years nobody believed anybody could do anything," adds the mayor, who, true to his grasp of town hall jargon, has urged fellow Mogadishans to "think outside the box". "But security, clean streets and good lighting are all inter-dependent, and will build the morale and confidence of the people." Predictably, such benign intentions have not endeared him to everyone in the city, which remains divided between the forces of the UN-backed Transitional Federal Government and those of al Shebab, who impose a brutal Taliban-style regime in areas under their control. He received his first death threat from al Shebab on just his second day at work, having undiplomatically denounced them as "a bunch of criminals". But he has also made powerful enemies elsewhere, from the town hall deputies he sacked for corruption, to the wealthy arms dealers who fear his plans for a safe city will put them out of business. Unfortunately, being the mayor involves plenty of meet-and-greet sessions with the public, where it is too easy to bump him off. "When I first took the job, I told my wife to prepare for the prospect that I might be assassinated by the Shebab," says Mr Nur, who is guarded by 15 bodyguards by day and keeps a pistol and Kalashnikov under his bed by night. "But I also get threats by mobile phone from people within the areas that the government controls. They will let me know I am being watched by telling me what I am wearing and who I am sitting next to, and that I will be dead in a few minutes' time. The first time I had that, I was so scared I couldn't sleep, but after a while I just started laughing about it."
  4. Amisom & Dawlada Oo Weeraro Saf Balaaran Ah Ku Qaadey Xarakada Alshabaab... Ciidamada dawlada soomaaliya oo barbar socda kuwa Amisom ayaa maanta dulaan saf balaaran ah ku qaadey degmooyink Hodan & Hawlwadaag ee magaalada Muqdisho,waxaana la sheegayaa inuu dagaalkani yahay mid ay soo qorsheyeen ciidamada dawlada soomaaliya iyo kuwa Amisom. Dagaalkan aaya ah mid ay saaka qorsheyeen labada ciidan ee isgarabsanaya,waxaana la sheegey inay doonayaan inay Xarakada Alshabaab kala wareegaan farisiimo hor leh,waxaana dagaaladaasi si xoogan uga soconayaan qaybo ka mid xaafadaha degmooyinkaasi. Ciidamada dawlada soomaaliya ayaa hadda ka dagaalamaya xaafadaha Shanta Geed ilaa Farmashiga Tanaad waxaana ay ciidamada dawlada qaarkood ka dagaalamayaan isgoyska Hawlwadaag,waxaana ay doonayaan inay isgoyskaasi gacan ku hayntiisa la wareegaan. Dhanka kale waxaa suuqa weyn ee bakaaraha laga maqlayaa madaafiic xoogan ee ay kooxaha dagaalamayaa isweydaarsanayaan,waxaana laga cabsi qabaa inay madaafiicdaas qaarkeed ay ku soo dhacdo gudaha suuqa oo xilligan mashquul isla markaasna ay dadku ka dukaameysanayaan. Ugu dambeyntii dagaaladan ayaa ka socda qaybo badan oo ka mid ah labadaasi degmo,waxaana laga cabsi qabaa inay dagaaladaasi ku faafaan degaano kale oo xasiloon,waxaana ciidamada dawlada iyo Amisom maanta doonayaan inay degaano hor leh kala wareegaan Xarakada Alshabaab ee degmooyinka Hodan Iyo hawlwadaag qaybo ka mid ah ku sugan. Ahmed Aadam Gacal Muqdisho-Gedo-News
  5. Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga oo ka hadashay dagaaladii Muqdisho iyo fariisimo ay kula wareegeen Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga Dowladda KMG ayaa ka warbixisay dagaalo saddexdii maalmood ee u dambeeyay ka dhacayay qeybo ka mid ah degmooyinka Hodan iyo Howlwadaag oo ay isku hor fadhiyeen dhinacyada iska soo horjeeda. Ra'iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga C/xakiin Xaaji Fiqi ayaa sheegay in dagaaladii u dambeeyay ay kula wareegeen dhowr goobood, isla markaana Ciidamada Dowladda ay horay ugu siqeen goobo hor leh. "Maalmahan waxay Ciidamada wadeen howl galo ay kooxaha nabad diidka ay uga sifeynayaan meelaha ay ku sugan yihiin sida Hodan iyo Howlwadaag, Ciidamada xooga dalka guulo ayayna ka soo hoyeen"ayuu yiri Ra'iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka ahna Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga. Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay Ra'iisul Wasaare Kuxigeenka in Ciidamada Dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM ee isla socdeen ay u suura gashay inay la wareegeen Xero Ruush iyo Garoonka Ciyaaraha Horseed ee degmada Hodan sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga ayaa mar kale ugu baaqay dhalinyarada u dagaalanta Shabaab inay isu soo dhiibaan, isla markaana aanay naftooda ku qamaarin, isagoo sheegay in howl galada ay sii soconayaan ilaa dalka oo dhan laga saaro Shabaab. Dagaalo maalmihii la soo dhaafay ka dhacayay xaafado ka tirsan degmooyinka Hodan iyo Howlwadaag ayaa ahaa kuwo geystay qasaarooyin kala duwan oo dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh oo soo gaaray labada dhinac ee dagaalamayay, iyadoo ay guulo kala duwan ku kala sheegteen. Hoyga wararka Somaliyeed
  6. Kibaki holds talks with Somali President President Mwai Kibaki Friday at his Harambee House met and held discussions with the President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. During the discussions President Sharif Ahmed briefed President Kibaki on the progress of political and security developments in Somalia. Thanking President Kibaki for the continued support in the normalization process of the war ravaged country, President Sharif affirmed that the Transitional Government has so far taken control of over 70 per cent of Mogadishu. He noted and appreciated that Kenya continued to host a very large number of Somali refugees who escaped hostilities in their country. Kenya currently hosts over 40,000 refugees from Somalia The TFG President assured that local troops and those serving under AMISOM was making good progress in dealing with the insurgents. He pointed out that there was need for enhanced bilateral ties between the two countries and continued support under the UN and AMISOM framework. Noting that the Charter establishing the TFG was coming to an end in August this year, President Sharif supported extension of the Transitional Government by one year so as to address outstanding issues. On his part President Kibaki commended the TFG for their achievements and assured that Kenya would continue to support Somalia so as to achieve long lasting peace and stability even in the region. President Kibaki urged Transitional Government to hold an all inclusive process during the constitution making process so as to foster unity among stakeholders. The Head of State advised that even Somalia citizens in the Diaspora should be invited to participate in the constitution making process and in the entire process of restoring peace and stability in the country. In attendance were Defence Minister Yusuf Haji, Acting Foreign Affairs and Internal Security Minister Prof George Saitoti, Assistant Minister Foreign Affairs Richard Onyonka, Acting PS Foreign Affairs, Patrick Wamoto and other senior government officials. On his part President Sharif was accompanied by Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omaar, Information Minister Abdikarim Hassa Jama and other senior officials of the TFG. Source: KBC
  7. Upstream Online Friday, May 13, 2011 Canadian independent Africa Oil has penned a letter of intent with a mystery drilling outfit in advanced of a planned exploration well in Somalia. The company has also set up a new company focused on exploration in the war-torn Horn of Africa country’s semi-autonomous Puntland region. Africa Oil’s joint venture partner, Australian independent Range Resources, announced today that the former has signed the contract with the unidentified drilling subcontractor, “paving the way for the milestone exploration well in Puntland to be drilled in [the third quarter this year]”. Range and Africa Oil together already have holdings in two prospects in Puntland with drilling set to start this year. Africa Oil wrote in a Thursday announcement that it has teamed up with capital pool outfit Denovo Capital Corp to form a new company, Puntland Petroleum Corp. Puntland has achieved notoriety as the region from which Somali pirates operate in hijacking merchant vessels in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean
  8. The dog that could do that has not been born yet
  9. Indeed when you hear of so many of them being based in Qatar, when Qatar and the U.S are one and the same you cant help but have an ??? moment.
  10. Jacpher;718734 wrote: The Zamunda State lead by Ghandi is muqadas, not TFG created in a foreign soil. Bashiir will have you corrected unlike TFG, the tinny revolution of Ghandi gives millions in scholarships aid to hundreds of Puntland kids in jigjiga. Wax fahan dee. Hahhaha love the part of the tinny revolution!! And dogs to my knowledge can be trained to detect landmines.
  11. Probably to buy apple flavour for Faroole's shiisha.
  12. KISMAYO (RBC) Al-Shabab group in Kismayo port town of southern Somalia on Wednesday issued order to ban the use of chlorine, a dry powder used for water purification, RBC Radio reports. “The residents in Kismayo are strictly warned to not use the chlorine while the traders are also warned to not buy the powder,” the group said in a statement issued on Wednesday adding that anyone who uses it will be punished. Sheikh Hassan Ali, one of Al-Shabab leaders in Kismayo justified the banning of chlorine after a study made by Al-Shabab’s health office revealed that the powder could cause severe health problems. But the statement of Al-Shabab sounded that anything imported from western countries is unreliable. The residents of Kismayo questioned such banning in a time the seasonal rains begun in most of southern regions and could reason diseases. Somalia has been suffering a long history of contaminated water usually causes diseases such as diarrhea and cholera that faces children of under 5-years. RBC Radi
  13. ^^ Indeed Ayoub thankful's answer was very machiavellan maybe he thinks I was trying to score points or something, for I hate the gaardhere's where ever they may be in Somalia, lakiin I hope that answer along the lines that "As long as they are being attacked by Islamist's" is not a puntlander's final answer on this.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;718685 wrote: Take away the International community support you will be a small faction Just like a small fish to be eaten by the sharks wearing Cumamado . existing in a state of turmoil known to the world as a failed state is no existence My friend and international community deciding what your govt next step will be its like trapped a cage just like that cage Maxamamd dhere was in a few months ago Yes and you are right they reside in Villa Amisom and they will continue to do so for a long time God bless the TFG the best thing ever happened to Somalia As usual you have nothing to offer but a public breakdown....
  15. Firstly I am not your Son and I doubt I could be, because I have got the distinct feeling that your exuberance online might come from a lack of softer company in real life walaal. You are a qabilist because you are a somalilander, an idea that holds no liscence beyond three cities in northern Somalia and the minds of the diaspora of the fore mentioned three cities. It does not matter where the TFG was born or where the westernised M.P's might choose to drink their cafe lattes, but rather what matters is where the TFG will end up now and in the future. If you might not know where that is, then for now in control of Mogadishu and other major town in Southern Somalia, stepping of the dead bodies of the shababi's you support out of hasiidnimo since the fact is you would not want them in Hargeisa, and in the future in total de-facto and de-jure control of the land of Somalia.
  16. By Cali Xeebjire, Montreal, QC May 02, 2011 In a press release sent last week to many websites, the Tol Leadership Council explained to the average guy from Awdal, I presume, how these Ivy League scholars can take care of business and that they can put the matter of Awdal affairs in their hands. But let’s put aside their noble principle and look at their propositions. At first, we can acknowledge that their arguments are divided into two sets of ideas. One is tautology and the other is wishful thinking. A tautology is by nature a needless repetition using different words without clarity, for example, they stated that the destiny of the people of the region lies in their interdependence and mutual understanding, which is nothing but an empty rhetoric and does have not any depth whatsoever … In terms of wishful thinking, one must wonder how the Tol Leadership Council can ask for: a fairdistribution of senior portfolios of the legislative, executive and administrative bodies of the government, a judicious ruling of land ownership in specific disputed locations, and an equitable sharing of international aid: (particularly NGO activities) material and intellectual presence in the country. Isn’t this the same thing that the people of Awdal have been asking for, for 20 years with no result? Meanwhile, repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome, as the cliché goes, isn’t this but a waste of time and energy? As for the Tol Council, isn’t it too little and too late to ask for fairness now. What does Awdal State stand for? This leads to the question, what does the State of Awdal stand for and what is its purpose? In the case of our Ivy League of the Tol Leadership Council, they have missed the point. Let me explain, Awdal State stands for the voice of all the Awdalites. It is the increasingly and unstoppable true voice of the silent majority of Awdal. Their discourse reflects the rise of a new generation with a new self-awareness who wants to achieve change from the bottom, and establish an administration of their own making. We believe that begging for our rights is awkward and does not win us friends or respect. The idea of the State of Awdal was born out of reflection and is more than a slogan; it is history in the making. We know what we don’t want; we don’t want to feel disfranchised in our own land. Rather, we want to assert a more conscious and political control over our lives. Instead of outsourcing our power to Marodi Jeex, why not empower our own people. It is the best way to address the problem of the people from Loyada, Xalimaleh to Gabileh. We want to reclaim, in a constructive manner, a political identity that is long overdue. We think that it is the best means to escape the sulking nature that has become pervasive in our culture. Therefore, we have decided not to stay in this abusive union because it is dangerous for our future and it is a destructive path for the whole community, to say the least. It is the reason that the people of Awdal decided to go their own way. The audacity of Hope? As they say, it takes two to tango. Sadly Somaliland is a clanotocracy, by and for the good of the middle clan. The Sultans of Awdal never intended to grant the Issak clan an absolute power over their own people. The Sultans of Awdal tried to believe in the hope of change despite all the evidence that Somaliland was a one clan project. Unfortunately, their audacity of hope, to borrow a famous title of a book, didn’t pay off. Even Rayale’s time was, regrettably, a big setback since it planted the seed of deep hatred between kinships. Awdal State is not a mere slogan; it is the discovery that Somaliland can’t be reformed because tribalism is its fabric, its blood, and discrimination is in its DNA. It has created two casts: the good cast, the Issak, and the bad one, the rest of the population (what do you call it when the Arab sub-clan has more symbolic representation than the whole ********** clan). The people of Awdal decided not to sacrifice their voice on the altar of good will and peace. That’s why Awdal State is the only solution and (a pragmatic one) meant to act as a catalyst to focus our energy and vigour on the progress of our respective regions, be it Xarirad, Bonn, Dila or Lughaya. It is the best attempt to believe in ourselves, get confidence and a definitive departure from victimhood. That’s why the State of Awdal must and should exist and is already welcomed in the heart of thousands. Cali Xeebjire Montreal, QC
  17. Dont beat yourself up on it, Al-shabaab are just animals with beards, they have no place in the hearts or minds of any somali.
  18. I thought you would brethren!
  19. I have not bet all my money on the international community, I exist, a country in turmoil but one of millenia all the same, what has qabiil pride brought you from the international community but the zero economically productive idea of prisons for fellow somalis? P.S This president and any other of the TFG resides in Villa Somalia, and this and any other Prime-minister adminsiters from Villa Baidoa, I know that envy is a sickness lakin its killing you and yours slowly, if the comments on Somalia topics is anything to go by.
  20. That is your opinion and as a qabilist/ colonialist of fellow somali/ as well as a secessionist your opinion is worth less to Somalia or Foreigners than that of an elderly camel herder in the afar depression, by very definition, misee you had not understood that yet?
  21. Khamiis, May 12, 2011 (HOL) – Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed (Farmaajo) oo hadal ka jeediyay kulan uu golaha ammaanka ee UN-ku ka yeeshay arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in xukuumadda iyo baarlamaanka uu ka dhammaanayo waqtiga marka la gaaro bisha Ogoosto ee sannadkan, iyadoo aanay jiri doonin koox sii joogaysa muddo saddex sano ah. Maxamed Farmaajo, wuxuu sidoo kale ka hadlay waxqabadka xukuumaddiisa isagoo sheegay in dagaallo ay Muqdisho iyo gobollada Koonfureed ee dalka ay kula galeen Xarrakatul Shabaab ay kaga guuleysteen, inta badan caasimaddana ay iyagu ka taliyaan. "Waxaan rumeysanahay in Qarammada Midoobay ay door ku leedahay ilaalinta qaanuunka caalamiga ah, shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha calaamka ma aqballi karaan fikirka baarlamanaka oo si cad ugu xad-gud-baya sharciga dalka u dagsan, iyo saddexda sano ee ay sida iskood ah ugu kororsadeen," ayuu yiri Farmaajo. "Si horay loogu socdo waxaan magacaabay guddi wasiirro ah oo aan anigu madax u ahay waxaana ka codsannay baarlamaanka inaan kulanno si aan khilaafkeenna ugu xallinno is-afgarad, weli waxaan rajeynayaa inay kulmi doonaan baarlaaanka iyo xukuumadda," ayuu hadalkiisa raaciyay. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa warbixinta uu jeediyay kaga hadlay howlaha ay qabteen muddadii ay jireen, isagoo sheegay inay wadaan dadaallo ay ku doonayaan inay dib ugu soo celiyaan ammaanka sidoo kalena ay ka socdaan waddooyinka Muqdisho qaarkood dayactirro lagu soo celinayo bilicda magaalada. Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay inay dadka Soomaaliyeed ee qurbaha ku nool ay gudaha dalka ku laabteen ayna bilaabeen inay dalka maalgashadaan, taasoo uu sheegay inay ku timid dadaal ay sameysay xukuumadda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya. "Khilaafaadyada ka jira dalka waxaan rumeysannahay in lagu xallin karo inay Soomaalidu ay wadahadasho, waxaana Qarammada Midobay ka codsadaynaa inay nagu taageeraan sidii aan ku heli lahayn muddaa aan u baahannanahay si aan ku gaarno xalka siyaasadeed ee dhexdeenna ah," ayuu yiri ra'iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya. Ergayga xoghayaha guud ee Qarammada Midoobay uga wakiilka ah arrimaha dalka Soomaaliya dajire Augustine Mahiga, ayaa isaguna ugu baaqay golaha ammaanka ee Qarammada Midoobay inay miisaamaan arrinta sababtay khilaafka siyaasadeed ee u dhexeeya hay'adaha dowladda, taasoo ah xilliga ay doorashadu dhacayso. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  22. Keeping pulling out of everything brethren, who cares? If Cabdirashid's draft constitution is not worthy for you guys then it trully is not worth the paper it is printed on! and the TFGs practice of a unitary system of governance facilitated by the incorrect assumption held by the international community that the TFG represented the entire Somalia. Lool have your cake and eat it too, why don't you.