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Everything posted by Passion_4_Fashion

  1. fikradihiina dhan waan kasoo hor jeedaa...maxaa yeelay waxaan ahay quf diinteeda raacdoo (dhihi maayi idinka ma raacdiin) oo qaadatay sharciga eebeheed soo dajiyay...oo ahaa ineysan dumar noqon karin madax. sheekada meesha maku xiri karnaa?
  2. ^^^boy am i glad that u figured that this old topic i was about to get pissed....not this thread again....hope they don't start all over again
  3. ^^^naah mate....nowdays they go to the gym but me prefer blonde with blue eyes....
  4. JB mission wuxuu ka dhigtay inuu dadka waalo....war jawaabta noo sheeg janna'gale
  5. ^^alright love....(me just being polite) orgiyoow oops waxaan ka waday orgilaqoow ....waan kugu raacsanahay about waxaad ka sheegday muslimiinta im from im polite
  6. ay yay yay....jeylaani iyo wiilo aa noo soo baxay....dooq baad leedihiin...heesaha aad noo soo xusheen baan la dhacay laakiin walaalayaal.....waxaan rabay quf nolosheyda muhiim ku eh inaan u sameeyo heeso xul ah oo jaceyl ah....marka ina-adeerayaal ma igu caawini kartiin oo ma ii sheegi kartiin heeso oo quf kastaba markuu dhageysto qalbada ka taabaneyso
  7. I could not agree with Bilan more....but do you listen JB? JB...u need to spend more time with the muslim ummah....hope u don't go astray tell me one thing JB....why should one question Allahs law.....what will you question next....where is Allah from? Subxanallah! the purpose of this Dunya is to obey your Greator...we are all his servant.....I have a obeying Allah I am His servant....I would not want to be a males servant.....Lord have mercy!.....Ya us from the path which leads us to astray. amen!
  8. sheeko marax fooqal marax aad noo haysiin.....naga qalleeya yaaqey
  9. ^ ma ila aragtay.....kaabbo adi quf wadani aa tahay....
  10. ^^rabshoole oo dhar loo soo geliyay baa tahay
  11. I wish the muslim nations were 1 and more powerful than kufaars.....will it ever happen? insha-allah
  12. ^^loool @ barasho xanaaqsan Ismalura I guess I'm 1 of the smart people was eazy peasy lemon squezy
  13. I find it very hard to say the word i'm sorry.....for 8months I didn't speak with my little sister and we lived under one roof..though I wanted to apolgise...i was just 2 proud 2 swallow my pride.
  14. ^^ anaasan garanin, saaqidnimada waqtigaas aad bilaawday soo ma aha...shaqo waa in lagaa qabtaa
  15. meesha aan joogo kolbo aariyo aa ku galeyso
  16. ^^I hope u get caught in the action
  17. ^^^ma hubtaa? Maskiin Macruuf Aqayaar....ina-adeer qalbada aad iga taabatay
  18. I'm sorry castro that I can't finih reading this do u accept my apology?
  19. thats a nice poem...thnx 4 sharing. As we all know Islam is the light...and I'm happy 4 the Sheikh for finding the light, truly he has been guided to the right path. more power 2 him!