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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window.The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his room-mate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats.Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene. One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by.Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Then unexpectedly, a sinister thought entered his mind. Why should the other man alone experience all the pleasures of seeing everything while he himself never got to see anything? It didn't seem fair. At first thought the man felt ashamed.But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour.He began to brood and he found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window - that thought, and only that thought, now controlled his life. Late one night as he lay staring at the ceiling, the man by the window began to cough.He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running in. In less than five minutes the coughing and choking stopped, along with that the sound of breathing. Now there was only silence-deathly silence. The following morning the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths.When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take it away. As soon as it seemed appropriate,the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside.Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you." Epilogue. . . . You can interpret the story in any way you like. But one moral stands out: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations. Shared grief is half the sorrow, but happiness when shared, is doubled. If you want to feel rich, just count all of the things you have that money can't buy.
  2. Well put Redka. People, the vast majority of people, don't operate out of altruism. I mean very few are going to hurt themselves to help others. When a person can live the general, common, day to day lifestyle of the Western Europe, North America, Australia, etc. person then they will stay or go back home to their respective homelands. In the meantime, all praises to the ones with the love, determination, and honor to flow counter to the "great" African brain drain. Especially the non-scientist, political and sociology minded ones who can bring about policy and practices advancing their countries to 1st World status as far as the things like infrastructure, economy, food supply/ distribution, health care, empowered middle class, nationality overriding ethnicity, etc. They will take us there, we are headed there, and there's just no stopping us now or ever. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Faracanab’s take on this; I like A&T.
  3. Horta waa runoo odaygu wuxu cagta lagalay dhiiqo uuna abidkii ka bixi karin laakiin weli lagama wada quusan markaa bal ha loo yara kaadiyo oo xiin iyo sheekhiisa ha loo gogol badiyo ayaan dhihi lahaa,....
  4. LOL^ Abtigiis ka waajee inamda waxay u baahan yihiin in aan shaxdooda laga dhabqine.
  5. Jaarkaba wey ka isticmaalli lahaayeene, anaa maanta hortagan. Meeshatan anaa raba in ay ii sii xirnaato inta aan ka soo laaban rabo. Sii joog joog wanaagsan, Sheekheena.
  6. LOL^Amin rageedii iga dheh. Ciyartu hadda ma xuma. Kuwo waa ku daayeen oo gebi ayey iska la dhaci rabaan. Kuwo kalena waa dhaawac oo in qudha kaaramardha markay marayaan lagu dhaawac tiro ayey u badantahay. Kuwayowga golahan sol sidaydoo kale ka dhow-dhow leeya iyagu inta roob mayra nusqaanta uu ka da'aayo sariirtooda diiran ha iskaga jireen , ku jira sariirta aabayaal idinkoo oday xiin warsan ka sugi.
  7. I have a reputation of been attracted to someone's aviatar. SOL reputations never lie.
  8. LOL^, Dirawal = Qoorosite. I'm off to preps in a few too! won't be on for a couple of days.
  9. Originally posted by roobleh: There is nothing to be proud of in being Somali. Of course we know this to be true Roobleh. Others seem to deny this. Originally posted by roobleh: But am proud of being a LANDER! I understand.
  10. Sheekhu rageedii weeye aabo, iidaya aan idin dhahay. Meel aan dhawayn ayuu shaxda ka ciyaaraya. Siyaasadiisa saa u fahanto afar sano kadib ka soo war doon, intaa ka hor sheekha ha loo dhaafo hawshiisa oo weliba ducana ha loogu daro.
  11. *Drinks all the pepsi in one sip* Haha, sucker. Ariadne, anything about boobies, pepsi,or bondage and slavery will get you straight in. Good morning Sheikha Jacaylka !
  12. Yarka kaa koreeya uun baan tusi rabnay in hadday dadku rabaan in wax la-la qasan karo. Markaa wax saas usii kuusan nama dhexyaalo. Mahadsanid awoowe.
  13. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^Is there a hogwash translator in the house? I'll let you know when the feeling comes back into my right shoulder.
  14. Kiyoow adna caano boorahaaggu hakuu macaanaado. Kiiyoow Ingiriis yaroo nooccaad ka hesho ah aan miiska kuu dhigay ee kala bax. Hana xanaaqin, markaad aragto sida u cabirkiisu kuula egyahay.
  15. Abtigiis, dhan-baan buuga kaga hayaa, kan yarna waa ku aan ku dhex wadi karo buuga oo wax sheeg iyo cashar u baahan. Hadda Ilaahay balankii Umaba bilaabma oo inta la soo diray ayaa weliba inta orrod lagu yiri laga dhaqaaqay. Markaa bal intuna Miskin Macruufkii meesha gacanta marin aam ilmaaaha wax u sheege ii yara kadi adeer. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ Markaad gabdhaha naageysi ka raadin jirtay baa lagaarey miyaa? ha ha ha... nafyar taan layiraahdo Farancab, iyadaa teedi la yaabaan ee naf haka raadsan. LOL^ warya hooy- hooy kiiyoow waxaa la yiri afeef hore ama adkaysi danbe lahow. Laakiin adu af xumo dayn maysid, cabaad iyo calaalna dayn maysid, xaggee lagguu raaca aabihii la janee. Hooge kiyoow anu waxaan ahayba waan ku hayaa ee bal maanta uun adkayso oo wax iska dhici, adon dumar, reer iyo cid kale xag-xagan.
  16. LOL@Garyaqaan, adeerow ka yar waxba qarka ha ka tuurin hadda uun baan oohintiisa la adkaysan la'aynee.
  17. ^^ROTFLMFAO... I'm sure every one has enough sense to realize that irrelevant *****'s like you have nothing to offer in this thread as is the case with 99% of the threads posted here, please for the sake of heaven substitute emotional partisanship for intellect. [ November 30, 2008, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. ^^You seem to have really gone off the deep end on this thread old man, what the hell are you talking about?
  19. LOL, a pay out is losing yet another debate.It's weird to watch. Sort of like watching a man blow his own head off with his own pistol.
  20. Redka! Instead of telling the internet about it why didn't you tell the people over there ? The internet does not care. No really, it doesn't.
  21. .......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
  22. My friends dad was elected as the King of all Somalis and in the very next day he was forced to step down...not sure why.