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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. Ah bollywood never get tired of talking about it…Well I am only going to suggest movies from last year and this year to watch for those who like hindi movies…Here it goes: Year 2007 best movies to watch are: Chak De India, Guru, Taare Zameen Par, Heyy baby, and Jab we met(my favorite) Year 2008 best movies to watch so far are: Jodhaa Akbar, halla bole, Race If anyone likes to watch these films online,, is the best website I have found so far…The picture quality is very good and they have recently released films there right away
  2. First of all, belated congratulations on the birth of your child and this topic cover gamete of issues. Investing in those whom we love: couldn’t have said it better really, often we take those we have in our lives for granted or feel maybe they would understand and be patient of how we treat them because deep down they know we care about them…At the end of the day, a person really has their family and they should take the time and the opportunity to invest all they can possibly invest in building strong foundations and relationships within their familial relationship. Discipline: I been physically disciplined twice in my life, once by mother and second by my uncle…And I in turn slapped my younger sister once and it taught me something…Children who are exposed to physical discipline, regardless of how gentle or harsh the discipline is, they emulate that behavior towards others…Children should be taught to resolve their issues by any means other than raising their hands…I think as adult we get frustrated for the “repetition” part and therefore some parents find themselves hitting their children…As parents we should be expecting our children to act like children not adult and always behave…and if kids are really misbehaving there is a reason for it and most it is the parents fault…Parents should be tough, consistent, and ensure their children know they are loved by them...Bee bye
  3. Congratulations Lily, I know how you feel; I was in the same situation, although it was me who ended up meeting my grandmother in Europe once I received my visa after not seeing her for 15 years or more…I had another opportunity to see her again once more before she passed away early this year in January, illahi u naxariisto, so I was grateful to Allah for the chance…So enjoy every moment and remember this excitement when she has been there for months or more…Take care, bee bye
  4. Cool it's about time this happened...I heard the men can choose to take it in a shot's form once a month...Side effect is weight gain, hmmm.
  5. "Have any of you tried Carol's Daughter hair products? I read a lot of good reviews." Yeah Femme Fatale I did use it, just bought couple of weeks ago...For my side, It didn't do anything for me, felt like I wasted $50 on nothing...The leave on conditioner is a spray, which absolutely did nothing for my hair...I have a dry hair and I need all the conditioning I can get...The oil isn't that bad, and the scent isn't great or that fabulous as they advertise…So I would say don’t waste your money. Now anyone tried this product called “wen” by Chaz dean?
  6. "Ceebeey tacaal Fatima weey is ceebaysay ..." I don't shave" kulahaa" I don't watch this show, but don't shave where!!!!
  7. Why the guy in this story is is unable to get married in the first place????...If the fault is with him then he needs to take a deep look and start making changes/improvements…And as to the question of second wife or more, any couple who are embarking on matrimony should definitely discuss this topic…There are legitimate reasons for a man to seek marriage to more than one woman, but a lot of men usually don’t have those legitimate reasons or the capability to follow the strict guidelines for polygamy…And the worst is the secrecy which many men tend to go about seeking and obtaining second or third or fourth wives…Bee bye
  8. What you going through it is very natural at this stage in your life…I think for females people (community/neighbors/relatives) begin discussing wedding right after high school, but most of us don’t take it seriously or think about it much because we have already the next chapter of our life in progress aka college/university…Once we finish college, we begin to think about what we want out of life and what should be our next step beside gaining employment…And that’s why the suggestion of marriage and what age you should be married off by are heard louder in our heads…But to be honest with you, 25 is just the age a woman begins to discover herself…the person she is, her ultimate plans in life, her essence really…Now that we only have the obligation of our jobs, we have more time to figure out what makes us happy and doesn’t because we tend to be alone more often with ourselves than before…Around 25 it is the age of “self discovery” and it shouldn’t be rushed or by-passed for anything…this is the point we learn to become the “right person” before we embark on the journey of finding the “right companion”…You should get married when it is right for you to get married and not a minute too soon or too late…It is natural to reflect and analysis what goes on in your own life, but as I have learned things don’t happen for us in our timely-tabled manner…Life happens when you live it completely…So enjoy what time you have right now for yourself and live in the moment…Take care, bee bye Khadra
  9. "I was recently accused of not paying compliments and being indifferent but now here I am." There lies the crux of the matter, it is from my experience, that women are often not appriciated by those whom they should be appriciated by...I hope Isseh you would have the courage in the future to show your appriciation and compliment those who deserve it to their face...bee bye
  10. Couple of years ago, while in college, a friend of mine and I were sitting in the Library when a young somali man stopped by and said hello...He introduced himself saying his name was liiban but we should call him lee...After he left, my friend and I looked at each other and laughed, and I said "maybe he thought he was chinesse"...I don't know why have somali people call you by western names!!!
  11. Definitely amazing styles...It seems they are incorporating those "brazilian" dance moves into their routine...I wonder how many hours it takes to get that good?
  12. It was my co-worker, who loves this show, that informed me there was a somali contestant on the show this year and there was an episode she got into a fight with another model contestant where the topic "FGM" was brought up...My co-worker wanted to know for sure if that is true that Fatima couldn't be intimate with anyone?...I couldn't help but feel sadden to hear about a somali person, albeit trying to achieve something, still playing the "mutilation victim" card...According to my co-worker, she seems to be a favorite of tyra and possibly can make it to the finals
  13. For the past two days, I have been pissed off at work, by the people I worked with. But I today I awoke with the feeling of gratefullness for life's little nusiances...I find the parking spot I wanted and the store had the drink I wanted today...What else to ***** about
  14. Tamina, to be on the safe side, what's your name in FB!!!
  15. Things which previously have turned me off a guy: 1. Smoking 2. Lying 3. doesn't honor his words 4. insensitive 5. indecisive 6. eating with their mouths open 7. touchy feely
  16. Welcome back Tamina, it's good to see familiar nickname , and I think I know who you might be in SOL facebook...How is opinionated doing?...bee bye
  17. Valenteenah, yeah i did join the FB group, a while back through another member's invitation, only Caadan remembered who SCORPION_SISTA used to be...After a while when no one i recognized joined, i removed myself from the group...Who are you in FB?...And thank you it's good to be back Sulekha, I have no idea why, if memory serves me right, a lot of people began to get hate replies or something like that...It was taken down with intention of putting it back on but it never happened...bee bye
  18. Back in the day, in SOL, there used to be a link on this website for people to put their pictures...And many people at that time had their pictures here without hesitation or even profile information...If i am not mistaken those people's pictures are in the avatar selection area to this day...I wonder why the hesitation!!
  19. "Tell us how many hours do you work? do you take your work to home? do you feel you need to do this job to ensure it is done?" 1. 30 hours a week 2. no i don't, as soon as I walk out of the door, i put my work behind me 3. not all the times, i enjoy more of teamwork, if i can do something better than anyone else, i pass my experiences along to the next people. If someone has a short term goal which requires them to be workaholic for that period of time, I can see it be okay, but not for years upon years...I think a person should be balanced(family, friends, work)...And often those who are workaholic have some deep insecurities or worries which pushes them to constantly push themselves to do more...You just have to sit down with yourself and ask the question why are you doing this? what do you want our of your life? and once you priorities then it would be easy to step away from your desk without the tension...bee bye
  20. In marital relationship, couples do find certain things about their partner to be most pleasing to them…Whether it be a physical characteristics such as the long hair in this case, or inward characteristic such as kindness…If that was the case in this relationship, where the husband expressed partiality to her long flowing dark hair, she should have definitely discussed it with him…I think it is common curtsey, I mean anyone of us thinking of making changes such as that we would talk with our friends, siblings, or parents about it before acting upon it…So why not husband too!!!...As to his reaction, there could be many reasons, maybe her making such a decision without referring with him, made him feel like he wasn’t important or needed…Maybe he felt his likes and dislikes weren’t big deal for her…It’s really hard to pinpoint a reason when I don’t know the individuals personally…But all I can say is when you married you are one half of a team and decisions must be made collaboratively…Hopefully things would work out and he would return home...bee bye
  21. pujah, loool yeah I am alive and things going with you? got that promotion? are congratulations in order?...take care, bee bye
  22. lool@kazallion years...Well nothing much to report on beside the usual stuff...graduated from university, went to work force, returning to school this year insha Allah, and traveled around abroad and USA...Nothing more exciting than that...How about you, what's the 411??? Naxar and Kool_kat, as to why not to either obama or Clinton question, this is what I think...It seems every time either obama or Clinton is being discussed the issue of their gender and skin color seems to pop up...It should be more about the candidates stand on issue rather than woman running for office or black man running for office...The stand on the issue for these candidates isn't as clear as it is on the republican side...For example, McCain is a supporter of the war on Iraq and was against tax cuts, where as mitt Romney has experience running corporation he is a self-made millionaire, and as for huckabee he is conservative so therefore we would know his stand on abortion, stem cell research, and same sex marriage...So those individuals who vote would have an specific reason related on important individuals values which the republican candidates would be voted for...When it comes to democrats side, it's about women voting for woman and large numbers of black voting for black man...The focus really need to change to which candidates is shares the most with your stands on issues. I feel the republican sides, now the front runner is established, has a strong chance of getting more unified votes specially if McCain chooses huckabee as his running vice president...Where I don't see that unity coming into place on the democratic side...It would be interesting to see how things progress in the next several months...hope I made sense Bee bye
  23. "Waiting On The World To Change" great song...As for my vote, my best choice would have been john edwards but he has step-out of the race, so my elected presidential runner would be Hillary Clinton...It would be interesting to see how the nation as a whole would vote when one conservative white middle aged men runs against woman or man in whatever case this primarly ends on...Maybe neither candidates would get within ten feet of the white house...bee bye
  24. Personally I would be greatly interested in a subject matter which would show positive community projects which young Somalis are heading or being involved in…I think instead of all the negativities we hear about ourselves, as Somali people, it would be great to see the other side of the coin, where hard working Somalis are working together to help their community whether it is their adaptive community or the community back home…That way those of us who haven’t yet found an outlet to help others like ourselves would be inspired or engaged and god knows maybe even participate…I think positive and personal pieces on your channel would be a great addition and would give that element of “oh my god, she/he sounds like me” or “I know what they are going through”…I think it would be great to do interview pieces on Somalis who are facing prison times, to get the story behind why did they get to where they are today? Interview children to see what they see their future as to be, what they think of Somalia, their awareness of their culture…Speaking of culture, I think it would be great to do segments on cultural heritage, you know focus on one thing and do maybe 15 minutes piece on it…I think it would be great to see something beyond the problems we have as Somali people living in western worlds but to see that we can be great people despite or maybe in spite of our adversities and hardship…hope it helps, bee bye