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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. Oh yeah I seen that movie, I love it soo much...And you are right about people who look at our lifestyle and say that we didn't have choice but was forced to it...I wear the hijab and I get asked a lot if it was my parents who made me wear it!!! I don't think we have the organized system they do, but still elder people do try to make marriage arrangments for younger adults...Of course as you mentioned the qabil seems to be factor in those arrangment...I think it would be a beneficial system in our culture if it were applied ps. did you watch Parineeta yet!!!!
  2. The proposal scene was awesome, I liked how Mr. Thorton says "I don't care about your reputation, I wish to marry because I love you" I got to watch the movie "arranged" and thank you so much for giving me the link and letting me know about it...You never realize how there is a need to see someone who is like you or represents what you are familiar with until you see it right in front of you...Both ladies definitely ended up with very cute guys...Watching this film reminded me an incident which happened couple of days ago at the library...This somali guy stopped by to say hello and he commented how the hijab is such an amazing thing becuase it identifies me to the world as a muslim woman where as he isn't so clearly definied...And in the next breath he says you want married, i don't think he meant himself, but was offering his service in finding me someone...So i tell him not really and no one marries before their times and now I am concentrating on start school again...He assumed I meant undergrade school and when I said I was done with that he said "expensive woman"...Couldn't help but laugh...Like in the movie, it seems reaching certain age and not getting married, can cause some stir in the community So what did you think about it movie? Maybe one day we can have a film that truly represents the now somali generation instead of what's out there As to arabic films, I haven't been watching recent movies, as I said I loved the oldies...As to actors, I loved Rushdi Abatha, he was just my idea of "manly man"...But let me know good ones to check and if there any good websites I might check out bee bye
  3. ooooh Adam thank you so much, I am glad you liked my picture...It was a great shoot day we were able to get many great shots Ruby lay off of my bones you hear or we would have a bone to pick you hear
  4. lol Hayam, I found a soulmate...We like hindi movies, egyptian, and now BBC production movies, hehehe awesome...I will definitely check out miss jane austen regrets, I have pretty much watched all the other movies based on her books...My favorite period movie so far though it's "North and South" based on the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, I mean Mr. Thorton wow wow wow, I had dreams about him for a whole month...As for the guy in persusion, I liked him but he didn't make me react like toby stephens did...I mean didn't you feel how mischevious, impetious, and haunted he was in jane eyre. And my favorite dialogue was when jane is talking to her cousin and she says "He was the first to see me for who I was and like what he saw" sigh deeply Another BBC production I liked was called "Ruby in the Smoke" not very long film but very interesting, should definitely check it out and let me know what you think.
  5. I didn't see Mangal Pandey but I have seen Jane eyre, and I thought toby stephens was great in it...Perfect for the role really I have seen bunty au babli, it wasn't bad or that good of a movie, but I hope you enjoy it...
  6. Yeah Adam I did see that movie...I was excited to see it because I liked the director's previous films so I went to the theater to watch it...The movie is about four main characters and their lives and the decisions they make at crucial times effect on their lives...Sharukh Khan's character was the worst developed in the movie, to me I disliked him from the beginning to the end of the story...Usually you might dislike them in the start but as movie progress you get to understand the character and root for them, in this movie I didn't...The acting was not bad but the movie was still disappointing to me...It is worth atleast one time watch...Tell me what you think about it once you watch it. Hey Hayam, I remembered another movie of Rani and Amir called Mangal Pandey, I didn't see it but I heard it was a good one, in case you still wanted to check a movie for those duo
  7. Back in 02 I posted couple of love stories here in SOL and then wrote another one which I never had the chance to finish or revise...I was cleaning my e-mail today and I found it in my e-mail and remembered this topic about posting love story...First sorry for any grammatical errors...Here it goes Often people say “bad things happen to bad people” or “things will get better” but there is always an exception to every rule, and Sofia thought she was it…A bleak, dreary, depressing year firmly cemented that believe in her head…She wasn’t a bad person by hers’ or anyone’s standards…Yet she had been fired from her job for refusing to go along with fraud, lost her apartment, and now was laying in a hospital because of an accident…She couldn’t open her eyes but hospital smells the same everywhere and it isn’t comforting thought…She hated that smell…The door opened and someone walked in and still she couldn’t force her eyes to open... “How long will she be sleeping doctor?” suddenly a deep voice was heard in the room “I can’t give you an exact time, compared to what other passengers sustained and the extent of the accident, she is very lucky young lady” a voice with authority, probably the doctor, answered back The deep voice asked, “We are thankful to Allah for that but this wait hasn’t been easy…She had been in a coma for two weeks now” “Two weeks?” Sofia shrieked in her head, “that’s impossible; she couldn’t be sleeping for that long?” “Well all her vital signs are improving and medically we have done all we can for her right now…I have to make my rounds now, I will stop by later on” “Thank you doctor” and Sofia heard the gentle click as the door closed Sofia could sense the man moving closer and pulling a chair on the side of her bed…Damn it, why can’t she move her body parts!!...Suddenly she felt his touch on her forehead and something at the back of her conscious crept up…She frowned his touch wasn’t unfamiliar to her even though she hadn’t recognized his voice earlier. She tried to focus on his words as he was talking to her now, “I guess you didn’t plan on this did you! I don’t know if you can hear me right now, but I am sorry. It’s not what I wanted to happen to you when I wished you wouldn’t get here.” “What” As if he heard her unspoken question, “I wasn’t looking forward to meeting you or having you interrupt my life…But this wasn’t the way I wanted to avoid you.” He laughed harshly, “Be careful for what you wish for or you might get it, that’s how the saying goes.” Sofia thought, “Oh god, could he be her new boss, but why wouldn’t he want to meet her?” That’s just great; it’s all she needed to hear while laying on the hospital bed, her new employer firing her. Again the deep voice interrupted her thoughts, “But I promise you this when you wake up I will make it up to you. I will give us a chance to get to know each other. That’s my promise” Sofia decided she must be really worse off than she thought before; her head injuries must be serious, because his words weren’t making any sense. Nothing was making sense, oh god her head is throbbing…She let herself slip into sleep and stopped fighting the darkness surrounding her mind. Next time she opened her eyes there was a nurse sitting next to her reading the people’s magazine… “Water, please” Sofia hoarsely whispered …Startled the nurse quickly handed her a cup of water and afterward ran outside the room and returned soon “I wouldn’t be that scary nurse now could I” Sofia asked jokingly…Ah it was a pleasure to be able again to have facial expression… “Mind you nurse I am not a vain woman but I never ran anyone out of the room before either” The nurse smiled gently “I went to call on someone who anxiously been waiting by your bed side all the time you been sleeping…Everything is going to be okay now, your fiancée is here” she looked up smiling as the door opened and entered a man whom Sofia never laid eyes on…Her fiancée, as the nurse mentioned, is a man no woman would forget him even if she only met him let alone be engaged to him…He was 6’2”, a beautiful tanned skin like, and broad shoulders…To Sofia he was a man who had presence no man or woman could deny or not notice him…As he neared and sat next to her bed he grasped her hand… “You finally awake thank god…How you feeling Sofia?’ “You are not my fiancée” Sofia barely managed to state He looked back toward the nurse and noticed she left the couples alone for a while and he looked back toward her “I know I am not technically your fiancée but that was what your trip her was suppose to determine…But I had to say I was your fiancée because they wouldn’t let me to see you or find out what happened to you after the accident…So I fidgeted the truth a bit” he smiled mischievously as to include her in a naughty joke…Sofia couldn’t stop herself from smiling back, she always been a sucker for a good sense of humor of any kind it always brighten the situation no matter how bad…Then her smile froze…Her for now fiancée was a major threat of a women heart when he directs his full smile their direction…Straight and pearly like teeth incased in a very sensual mouth that invites a woman to sink her teeth into it…But nothing compared to his eyes…Deep dark chocolate color with it’s sinful temptations…A woman can lose herself in those eyes and yet oddly enough maybe find herself in them too…Sofia wasn’t a betting woman, but she would bet a lot of women couldn’t resist the promise in those eyes…He touched her cheek gently, “No one ever looked at me like that” “Like what” she couldn’t stop herself from asking “As if you can only see me to the exclusion of everyone else in the room, any room” She was saved from answering him when the doctor walked into the room. “Ah it seems are patient has finally decided to join us again…How you feeling Sofia...Any pains or extreme headache you have?” Asked the doctor as he pointed the laser light into her eyes... “Truthfully doc I am much better than last time I came conscious then I could barely move open my eyes…Although today I am feeling much better” Her fiancée asked, “When do you think she would be able to leave the hospital and go home, doctor?” Smiling toward Sofia the doctor said, “Seems your young man is eager to take you away from here…You know he has been by your side almost everyday since you been here…He is definitely a keeper…As to your question, it depends on Sofia how ready she feels at least another two days and I thought it would be save then to take care out of her.” Sofia can see her supposed fiancée was happy with the news she couldn’t blame him hospitals made her edgy too…The doctor finished his examination and left quietly…Sofia figured now is good time to clear few things with “her fiancée”…She thought now was as good as anytime.
  8. I can't say I am suprised, in this american society kids are over-sexualized...From beauty pagents to medicine, kids bodies are targeted as adult...Recently I saw on commercial for HPP vaccine for those cancer conditions caused by sexually transmitted diseases for girls as young as 9 years old...I mean come on 9 years old what should they be doing having sex!!!...Young kids wearing make-up and revealing cloths trying to act or fit the image that is projected to them, whatever happened to just being a kid...bee bye
  9. Financial stability is important in deciding on a mate...But if a man had no other good qualities beside being rich, then no I wouldn't marry him just cause he has money, and I have the option because I am an educated woman who can support herself...I would want my future husband to have money, to be able to make money, and to enjoy the benefits of having money...I don't want him obsessed with it or sell his soul for it...Money is important as long as one keeps it in perspective...bee bye
  10. Nephy- was I over analyzing the situation!!!Sorry if it seemed I was intruding, I merely wanted to give the best advise for the situation...Bee bye
  11. Chura Liya hai, brings back memories, god it's good to see zeenat aman from the hay days...She was quiet racy woman for those times, thinking about it now Abishek, he really looks cute, when shaves...And when he dances he has this cool quality about him...I think he was a good match for her, of all the other bollywood actors she dated Oh yeah anyone who likes abishek should watch this movie called "Sarkar" (mafia type of film), which incidentely would have the sequel released this year.
  12. Originally posted by Nephthys: no no no, SS it's not. If it was someone I was involved with I'd put my bag [which is the size of a city] over his nose until his arms stop twitchin, problem solved. THAT is how you handle an annoying situation. Okay he is not a friend or romantic partner, but it is someone you come into contact fairly regular, so maybe a co-worker...If that is the case, the approach should be via sympathy...Bringing the "sound" into the conversation, because the person might not be aware they do it on a regular basis, and make sublime inquiry...Maybe if you understand the reason then you allow it not to annoy you as much
  13. Women are superficial creatures, they also worry about their bosoms, behind, and their legs...And therefore they think these things matter to the guys as much as it matters to them...And there is also this notion women believe "no pain without gain"...Although I had heard some company is making a more comofortable high heels shows...If it is true maybe then I would buy my first pair...bee bye
  14. So true Lily Often people are afraid to experience love because they don't want to get hurt, but without the pain one can't appriciate the joy...If one hasn't turely loved they haven't lived fully...Article 5 discuss getting over someone takes time, but it isn't always that...I think it is the person allowing themselves to experience the loss and the ache just breakup bring about rather than just avoiding...And then coming to term with it, and once you are peacful with it you move on completely...Bee bye
  15. I am assuming this is a guy whom you are involved with romantically therefore here is my suggestion…My advice is to let him know you wanted to talk to him about something and set up a date and time and in private place discuss the issue…Let him know you have had hard time adjusting to this habit of his, and you never got a chance to ask him why he does? Give him a chance to explain to you if there are medical reasons or what not, and maybe you would even find out he doesn’t like doing it, I am sure it’s inconvenient and annoying to have to do that in professional or personal setting. You let him know that you are still adjusting to it and it may take you time before you are used to it and don’t think it’s annoying as much…Don’t hesitate or feel afraid, communicate your difficulty with him, and be open
  16. Originally posted by Geel_jire: I have a question for the Pole dancing sisters. surely 'Niikis' classes would have a greater benefit all around i.e exercise for you and a grateful audience(your special faarax). old school faaraxs do not find pole dancing sexy or erotic must be a cultural/generational thing but Niiko on the other hand is xaaaax No way i can convince her without some sisters backing me up as to the health benefits... any assistance is greatly appreciated First, let’s address Niikis as a exercise-You probably never did it before, therefore you don’t know how it is done…All niikiis involves are thighs and hips and nothing more…So you only working on a limited muscles while doing it as an exercise activity…Next it is boring, can’t do it for a long periods of time….Last, it become monotonous no matter how much skills one develops over time, one tends to do the same thing over and over…So these are the reason against its health benefits, maybe you knowing the opposition you can think of smart arguments for your point of view Nikiis as xaaaax factor-To each its own really…For me I see all that is missing from the interaction, which diminishes the potency of the fantasy Neph- No offense taken, it’s your image and your perception, it’s for you to decide.
  17. Originally posted by -Serenity-: Pain is weakness leaving the body << Thats what this guy who was driving me nuts on a training weekend said to me, after 7km of cycling in blistering wind and rain lol@pole dancing.. wont that make you feel a bit, pole-dancer-girl-ish? loool Serenity, I don't think I clearly understand what you mean, but if it is what I assume you mean then nah...This is something for me, it is to please myself...And to be honest with you, it seems like really hard work, quiet vagarious, and requires skills…It just depends on ones’ perception I guess, I always thought it was sexy and erotic.
  18. Originally posted by Valenteenah: I haven't seen any Bollywood flicks for years. Then I watched Dhoom 2 (I think that was the title) on Channel 4 last week. LoL...I was cringing throughout, I tell ya! Anyway, it was good to see what Aishwarya Rai's new hubby looks like....bit of a babe, isn't he? Phwoar! Oh I feel sorry for you Val, that's one of the worst sequel movies, I mean come on who says “are you like checking me out!!”…The only decent thing about that movie was Hrithik and that’s all Hayam, well anytime you feel like watching a good hindi film, let me know and I would give you a suggestion…Egyptian movies eh, you like me then, I love the classic black and white…Maybe you can suggest a good recent Egyptian movie to check out Rani and Amir have one movie together if memory serves me right called "Ghulam"...Now if you want to see a good movie for Amir and Kajol, which they gave a good performance for, then watch Ishq (little bit old but very good film)
  19. Yeah Haneefah he still does but not as much...Most recent film he was in was OM SHANTI OM, a blockbuster movie of last year BTW Hayam, since you like saif, you should watch parineeta, it's his best film to date i think Adam "Malika Aurora Khan" isn't really an actress, she is an item girl, if you are talking about the girl who was in that famous song from Dilse!!!And speaking of her, her husband, was in this movie which everyone should watch called "Dus Kahanya", it's about 10 mini short stories, but coupleo of those stories are fantastic Underdog, you seem to be a fan of Madhuri, you should watch her last year relase Nachle Baliya, really good movie and great performance for madhuri, even after having two kids
  20. Woman who had children before, experienced great pains and prolonged agonies, would be back to having children in few years ago...Allah has just given women miracle to forget the pain of child bearing once it has passed...Only those who are peterfied of child birth I think are individuals who have seen someone die while giving birth...Some traumatic experience caused the memory to seem vivid...And then it's just like any other fear, one has to go through it, to conquer it
  21. Hayam, Yeah akshay Khanna, the brother, is a very good actor...If you are old school bollywood, his father is vinod Khanna, very popular back in the day...Are you talking about Dil chahat hi!!! Well akshay was trying to change his old image of being the action hero to something else, now that he has conqured the comedy side, he is going back to action films...And let me tell you this, you would be amazed so tell me who's your favorite beside saif? Arjun Rampal!!!
  22. I have been going to gyms on and off for couple of years now, I never find a good work out program that entertains me…Till early last year, I enjoyed a Caribbean dancing class because it was fun and got a chance to hang out with my friend…So this year I decided to get serious about it and follow a plan…First I started off with at home Pilates exercise video, and that is going very well…Next would be pole dancing class…Followed by Latin ballroom class…So I am hoping with 8 months of non stop exercise finally I would get some results…bee bye
  23. "So ^ Race is good?" Yeah Hayam, I thought it was entertaining...It wasn't suprising all the time, once the first twist in the story developed it was easier to figure out what the next step would be, still it didn't bore me...And it has great songs, my favorite was "touch me touch me oh zara zara" Saif is getting better looking now, even his cross eyes from back in the early days, aren't so noticable anymore...Although my hunk in bollywood is Akshay Kumar...Can't get enough of him