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Everything posted by SCORPION_SISTA

  1. Discreet i never said it worked at all...I completely agree with you, i honestly feel sorry for woman who thinks she can change a man, they are doomed...Unless as you said the man is willing and causes the change...But my point is that the nagging or constant picking on males in relationship by their female counter-part is merely a ploy for "caring" indication Jumatatu i think you took what i said in bad way...honestly it wasn't meant as such for me it is truth...I mean look before religion and marriage insitution men more than women were more promiscuous than even women when rules didn't exist...Again look who gets to marry 4 women's at the same time...And trust me not even half of the men are trying to balance the inequality in numbers between the genders...Admit it now when you meet a woman it just isn't your brain going "Hello"...Two leadership is always a trouble Shoobaro the point of the post was it had nothing to do with whatever reason women could think of...As you said men will always cheat and that is the only why complications!!!
  2. hehehehehehehehehehehehe...I found it ironic though that the man didn't sleep with any of those girls he was intending to marry while his parents were adultress and adultor
  3. Q_S sorry dude these last couple of weeks i haven't been in the mood to be in paltalk...for some odd reason i get moody when i sign on...So i am staying away...But you got plenty of company there and your old music room...Have fun
  4. Discreet it seems your spleen needs cleaning out don't worry you can vent as long as it is in productive way...Your comment about relationship, i heard once said that a woman tries to fix the man she is dating because she cares because if she didn't she wouldn't want him to improve...What you think? Baashi, see how simple it was...Every man is a cheater like every man is dog...Period no reasons...Whether he acts upon either inclination is the testement of his strength...I tell you man, sometimes i got the image of the neanderthal man saying "grrrrrr" as language and the woman "if you bothered urself to learn the words blah blah blah.."
  5. Fear of commitment For the thrill of it He is not fulfilled Sabotage Revenge Because you let him Emotional escape I was checking my e-mails when I saw this on msn…7 reasons why men cheat…And it got me thinking about something I saw in one episode of “Sex and the cityâ€â€¦I can’t remember the details but it had to do with why men not calling when they said they would…And how the women in the show were making excuses as to why they haven’t heard from their date since …When this one guy says to one woman “He just wasn’t into youâ€â€¦And it revolutionize that woman’s thinking…Women complicate things seemingly always trying to find reasons for why men do what they do…Reading this list I couldn’t help but think that maybe men cheat just simply because they want to cheat…And men been conditioned to spit out reasons such as these because they know women wouldn’t understand their one simple answer…Or are we women more prone to complication and simplistic answers aren’t good enough for us to move on?...bee bye
  6. loooooooooooooooool good ones...i should start this possibly at 30 yrs old right!!
  7. looooooooooool Q_S you got short memory man...I thought you would recognize me...Principessa4eva does it ring a bell for ya!!!!!
  8. Would allow or wouldn't allow only works on ones kids, as to husband or significant other you can only show your displeasure or liking toward something and how much they care about you promots them to take an action towar that something...I believe in plotanic friendship between men and women...And i had managed to have some of them with somali guys...From my experience i learned that it's really the guy who sets the mood for between the friend who is a girl and the girlfriend or wife...For many reasons...First he knows his girlfriend or wife and knows whether she is a jealous individual or not...Whether she believes in frienship between woman and man...Second, does he make introduction between the two ladies...The benefit of this, is that the real girlfriend or wife sees the interaction between them and she can establish for herself what is the current between them...Either it puts her in ease and possibly like the girl who is the friend and develope friendship together or she is okay with her without becoming friends...Third, there are guys who share everything about themselves with their significant others and therefore him mentioning his girl-friend early on his relationship establishes a sense of that "those ppl are part of my life regardless of their gender and if you want to be with me then you have to accept them too"...I think it also gives the sense to his girlfriend or wife that he isn't hiding having this female friend and therefore there isn't illict relationship going on...And i can probably go on more, but i hope i got my point across...One finale thing though, regardless of what gender is the friend when someone you know engages in a relationship or marriage there is always a period of adjusment and things do change...But how much change depends on those factors I mentioned previously and type of friendship one has Personally speaking of my one relationship, the person i was involved with at the time had mentioned to have female friends but never discussed them with me and i wasn't jealous of it because i trusted what we had and it's uniqueness...Me on the other hand, i always talked to him about my male friends and mostly he didn't like it...bee bye
  9. And don't forget, she can't be fat either...Best of luck
  10. Is it me or now lately topics have more flirtious filling than actual response to topic :confused: :confused: I guess i am going to save my 1 1/2 cent
  11. Dang it would be cool to be part of that, but since you are uk based i am out to luck...Hopefully it turns out well and successful...bee bye
  12. HERE HERE Baashi...From your written words to the gates of heaven, amiin Viking maybe there isn't a room because you guys wouldn't know what to do with it...I mean honestly what male topics would u post while knowing anyone women can read it
  13. When a person gets a bothersome tooth they remove it...So my advice to ya, divorce her and save yourself a headahce...oh yeah i think you said something about loving her, well don't worry like a flu you get over that too...bee bye
  14. Well you seem to be cohesive and well spoken fella...Since the poisinous influence of SomNet hadn't spread to your brain...I would say you definitely wouldn't have a problem here...So enjoy your stay and catch up to your hearts' content...bee bye
  15. Hayam, i am glad you liked the 'story'...And i completely agree with your conclusion that balance is essential if hard to achieve at all time...As to your question, i guess one can be at all those stages in life but unlikely...Because in my opinion, those are stages of life representing experience, growth, and maturity which realitively are based o age...Saying that there are those who through life situtions or circumstances grown beyond their years who i call "old souls" while still not in their teens yet...I can't say i might many but maybe you have more than I...Bee bye
  16. No...Because i couldn't give a damn being counted as one of the spinsters or being alone, i am quiet comfortable with myself ...But then for fun, i started to thinking "when would it cross my mind" if not for those two reasons and what could be the benefits of being 2, 3, 4th wife...If sex became the number uno priority in my life...And i might a married fella who put the "T" in temptation, and we had sparks...It would be great...Cause honestly by then, i would be set in my ways too much and wouldn't want someone suddenly changing me cause i married them try to run my life...So being 2, 3, 4 would be preferable when not wanting the hassal of true marriage but desiring one aspect of it...Of course there are three essential requirement must have : 1) some common interest, 2)mutual respect, and 3) Great sexual chemistry...Because lets be honest a man who has a wife/wives, kids, and comfortable life would try to seek another for if it wasn't because he was possibly sexually attracted to the woman who he is adding to the addition and wanted her in haalal way!!! So why not an older woman who enjoys her single lifestyle not take advantage of such offer...Benefits of course include, 1) not required to provide hiers to his line, 2) Don't really have to live with him 24/7 year after year , 3) no emotional handicapes, 4) Don't have to deal with his mother ..You and Him know excatly know why and want what from such marriage...I got to run now...bee bye
  17. hmm well once i gotten to the point it says "get a point for each terrorist one stomps on" i closed it out...As to making games such as this i am not suprised, everything in america is made into game...As is evident by combat games flooding the markets now...It's probably a hidden ploy to keep the animosity of americans toward al-q...or maybe even a way to provide satisfaction to average americans for the lack of the government in arresting these particular terrorists...I can't tell and wouldn't play
  18. Well as everyone i am having troubles myself...It seems i can't post a reply in my own topic but can in others, oh well...As to loss of pm's it sucked at first but then it really didn't matter
  19. hmm actually looking at the original post, the first option does suggestion to provide names of who a poster would match with themselves or if not then a second option is to match others with each others...Btw Jumatau, is there a chance that the only two names in your bile were "QQ and DA" and therefore you came up with the same names always...As to this topic since you asked "blind date" i think since there is a high statistic probablity a lot of individuals play a role online or have "online personalities" and not who they are in real-life, i would assume 95% of "blind dates" would be quiet disastorous, so why bother eh?...bee bye
  20. loool shoobaro, well it is official a new topic new with new title and what not
  21. I am looking forward to your input or feeback...bee bye
  22. Baashi and Og thanx a lot for letting me know...Unfortunatly when i used search button for it i completly forgetten to choose the political section in sol...Well know i got this unused space so i thought i would just fill it with this piece...Those who want can read it or not...Bee bye
  23. "These few written words are not in depth analysis of humans nor are it story merely written to express thoughts and just shared with others. Some of us are at the edge of changes personally or professionally or both. Others are at the gates of youth and optimism. And others are at the pinnacle of reaching peace within themselves and achieving wisdom. And there are those among confusion is their middle name and traveling aimlessly. Those are the solid rainbow colors of ones’ life intertwined shape a remarkable painting with varying effect. Each one of us sometime in life maybe in past, present, or future, encounter individuals that astonished, startled, mind-boggled, and surprised us or will do all those things. They come and go through our lives, as would a wave through water, and leave us with sweet or bitter lasting memories. We hate them, miss them, love them, and cry over them, and sometimes we wish we never collided into them. Attempting to view our lives without their influence is like eating a Mexican food without spices, can you imagine it! The honest truth is we fear those few individuals because no matter how advanced a human being becomes, change is the most difficult thing to accept at first. As we go through our individual lives and create our own painting of us, it is as if those individuals take the brush from our hands and re-shape us in way we didn’t see it possible. Those changes, bad or good, petrify us to our cores. They change our career choices, our faith, our beliefs, our personalities, our ambitions, and our self-worthiness even. On the other hands, we run into the others, you know those individuals that dull our senses, lackluster, monotonous in their dealings. They are those we most often don’t remember two or five years down the road, because they only left the micro-impact in “who you are” or “who I would become.” But doesn’t it get you to think of your own impact on them or others, which one were you to them? For a moment there, you don’t feel so insignificant or powerless do you! Maybe you asking yourself “what the hell is this” or “what does it mean.” Well this is a reflective piece of one’s life and others intercalation with it. It’s about the web of life (yeah I watched spider-man), it’s about cause and effect, it’s about one individual causing a change, it’s about why some of us volunteer, it’s about setting example for your siblings. It is merely meant to make a person more intoned to their surroundings; have an to awareness their own actions, not to be scared of life and letting our barriers and guards down to even experience pain. Can’t appreciate the good things if you never allowed yourself to experience the bad ones."
  24. i can't laugh at the moment...but this a good one