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Everything posted by Pi

  1. God forbid that it is lifted. Imagine the Fitnah Box that would open up. :rolleyes:
  2. Sheikh Bum Bum, do you really belive that these Sheikhlings are blameless? These so-called religous frauds commit grave injustices in that city day in and day out. Do they still keep some semblance of order? Yes. But they are no more innocent than the warlords. Actually, they are warlords. Religious Warlords vs Secular Warlords. Same shidh! P.S. Dirgression: Whatever happened to telling us about how velocity is ingored in physics, dude!Come back to this thread I want to teach you a painful lesson in mathematics and physics. Free of charge!
  3. Man, I never violently nodded my head in agreement before. Well said, Naden. The undenibably reasonable way you advance your points reminds me of another Nomad.
  4. Gosh! As if Muqdishu didnt have enough problems. They have perverse 'pious' men too! I think every part of Somalia was able to get rid of these power-mongering pious men. Its high time that good ole Muqdisho did the same!
  5. I think the author of that artilce has some insecurities about his intelligence. He's just trying to justify his inability to use/understand complex vocabulary. That's what people do when they lack a decent vocabulary span. They blame others for their own ignornace. "Oh, why is he/she trying to sound smart. Who do they think they are". Read: I never really payed attention in school. I cant understand all those words. And I'm too lazy to learn. Now, be like me and speak simple gobbelydook." Anyways, my vocab. sucks compared to alot of people on this site, but that doesnt give me the right to talk shidh. Its my own ignorance, not their pretension.
  6. Warlords vs Wahhabis. I'm conflicted. Not too sure who I should root for.
  7. Dude, I was just referring to cut-paste-and-run technique that alot of people use( you included). It wouldnt be so bad if the person atleast acknowledged the source. Ya know, I kinda get ticked off when I read a post that masterly caps off with a Dua' when it should be capped off with a "citation", especially when the sinister poster gives the idea that he/she is the author of the words. I agree with everything else you said. Caqiida has nothing to do with this. Ask the plagiarist, Sensual, why he/she brought it up. EDIT: No need to hijack the thread. But the point of citation is to give the source before and not after the fact. Kinda pointless to give me a source that I already found. Atleast use "quotation marks" for God's sake.
  8. ^ Most of the leaders of muslim countries are hypocrites, anyways. A hypocrite leader is more dangerous than a hypocrite citizen.
  9. Oh not again. I guess we have another Sharmarke on our hands. So, did you read the books of Sayyid Qutb? Nope. You're just parroting what you came across from a Salafi website. Next time, atleast give the SOURCE and dont plagiarize . You didnt even paraphrase almost all of your sentences. You copied it word for word. Not being able to atleast express the ideas in your own words goes to show how familiar you are with what you read. Shameful copy and paste. Ugh! P.S. Amen to the Dua' though.
  10. Love the writing style of the piece.
  11. ^^ Dude, all the threads in the politics section are istubidh. I dont so see how this one is particularly silly.
  12. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA! Liibaan, anymore proofs to prove yourself will only backfire. Dude, you will never convince somalis. Great Story!
  13. Convertitis - or the Case of the Insta-Scholar American convert Saraji Umm Zaid cautions new Muslims about the dangers of extremism and absolutism What is Convertitis? Convertitis is a highly contagious disease, which spreads rapidly among converts to Islam, particularly those who are experiencing great amounts of confusion, but who don't think they are. (Also commonly known as The Case of the Insta-Scholar) The Case of the Insta-Scholar Jane who took her shahada last week. She was a "regular American" who studied a little about Islam, hemmed and hawed over the dress and dietary codes, decided it was the truth, and accepted it into her life. Many sisters in the community looked forward to helping Jane learn the basics of Islam, such as the salat, the five pillars, the six articles of faith, and so on. Now, this week, we see that Jane has changed her name to "Ai'sha," is wearing full niqaab [black only], buying everything (even potato chips-- which she may stop buying as it is "imitation of the kufar") from the halal market, getting into interfaith debates at her job, using a miswak, telling the other sisters what they "ought to be doing," and what they are "doing wrong," and considering accepting a marriage proposal to be a co-wife. What Are the Symptoms of Convertitis? The new Muslim who is suffering from this terrible disease is easily recognisable within the community. You will notice a radical change in appearance, almost immediately: from "regular clothes" to full niqaab or kufi and thobe. Often walking around with a miswak. Starts peppering their language full of Arabic-isms they either don't really know or can't pronounce. Almost immediately, they talk at great length about their "Islamic Identity," and their "Muslim-ness". In every incident, they will see an "Anti-Muslim" bias that didn't exist previously [and probably doesn't exist currently]. They often argue points of Islamic fiqh with anyone and everyone-- from the fellow new shahada to the valedictorian of Al-Ahzar. [of course, they don't know what fiqh is...] The most serious symptom is that everything is black and white: what they view as good is truth, and what they don't understand is bad, bid'a, haram, whatever. They view themselves as the sole practitioners of "True Islam," and pass into judgement millions of others. Abdul Hakim Murad explains here, the "serious side" of convertitis: "The initial and quite understandable response of many new comers is to become an absolutist. Everything going on among pious Muslims is angelic; everything outside the circle of faith is demonic. The appeal of this outlook lies in its simplicity. The newly arranged landscape on which the convert looks is seen in satisfying black and white terms of Them versus Us, good against evil." Oftentimes, when approached by other Muslims about this behavior, they become defensive. Those suffering from Convertitis will exhibit a marked lack of interest in any lectures, books, programs, etc. having to do with Islamic history, Fiqh, or spirituality, while their interests in things like "The Hijab Debate," and "Muslim vs. Christian" is noticeably high. Most new Muslims, however, soon see through this. Those individuals who adopt Islam because they need an identity will be condemned to wander the sectarian and factional hall of mirrors, constantly looking for the perfect group that will give them their desperately needed sense of specialness and superiority. ...Those who come to Islam seeking an identity will find the multiplicity of traditional Muslim cultures intolerable. People with confused identities are attracted to totalitarian solutions. And today, many young Muslims feel so threatened by the diversity of calls on their allegiance, and by the sheer complexity of modernity, that the only form of Islam they can regard as legitimate is a totalitarian, monolithic one. That there should be four schools of Islamic law is to them unbearable. That Muslim cultures should legitimately differ is a species of blasphemy. What Are the After Effects of Convertitis? The after effects of this seriously contagious disease are many: ranging from sudden humility to disillusionment and ultimately, leaving the deen. Some people are able to get right back up again after being knocked off of their high horse, only this time, with the knowledge that they don't know anything. Others are unable to dust themselves off, and are immersed in such a state of confusion that they may end up leaving Islam entirely. How Can I Protect Myself From Convertitis? Unfortunately, convertitis is so contagious and widespread that it seems that every shahada suffers from it at one point of another. For some, they recover almost immediately, while others live under the delusion of convertitis for the rest of their lives. If you are a new convert, the best way to protect yourself is to realise that you know nothing, and to remind yourself of this fact every day. All the Islamic knowledge that you initially gain is in English, and is by default, off-base. You are forced to rely on other people's translations, which is also chock full of "opinion." Until you have a working knowledge of classical Arabic and its grammar, you will not be able to even consider becoming a scholar, you will not be eligible to issue Islamic rulings, you will not be eligible to administer shari'a law, nothing. Force yourself to remember that such a state takes years, a lifetime, to achieve. Some people never recover from their initial "Insta Scholarliness." They continue their entire lives like this, devoid of any real soul searching efforts to get "at the truth." They depend so heavily on rule books to govern every part of their lives that the end up missing the essence of Islam, which can not be found in any book. Ultimately, they become convinced of their spiritual superiority, and dismiss all others. These young people, who haunt our mosques and shout at any sign of disagreement are either ignorant of Muslim history, or dismiss it as a giant mistake. For them, the grace and rahma of Allah has for some reason been withheld from all but a tiny fraction of the Ummah. These people are the elect and all in disagreement with them is a blasphemy against God. Convertitis or the "Insta Scholar" syndrome is a serious one. I'd venture to say that just about everyone experiences it at one point. Unfortunately, for some, they never realise that they know nothing, and walk around thinking they are scholars. This causes great problems, as it not only poses a danger to other new shahadas, but the ceaseless arguing causes great divisions within the Muslim community. For those of you who are currently experiencing said malady [but don't think you are], please remember that any bad knowledge, any false knowledge, and any bid'a that you pass onto another Muslim, you are responsible for that. If you don't want the misguidance of another person to bear on your record, then you take a second, and then a third breath before you tell someone what they "ought to be" doing. How Do I Handle the Insta-Scholar? The best way to deal with those suffering from Convertitis is gently. Arguing with the insta Scholar only reinforces in their minds that they are somehow, the sole guardians of the truth. If someone you know is suffering from this terrible disease, steer them away from interfaith debates as often as you can. And make du'a, make du'a, make du'a. All quotes in italics appeared in the essay "British and Muslim" by Abdul Hakim Murad. Read other articles by Saraji Umm Zaid at here. Source
  14. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    xiinfaniin, good stuff, dude. Thanks for the elaboration. I could really beef up my somali and get a "literarture mentor". Zu: So you understood it? My hideous head you did.
  15. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    I dont think he's showing off. He thinks there's other old geezers around to understand it. He's wrong, big time. Even you, a semi-geezer, didnt understand it.
  16. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    Words that I didnt understand from xiinfaniin's poem: jadheeyaa (no clue) jalbeebtaaye (Jalbaab was the closest connection but it doesnt work, unfortunately) Jisha (some kind of animal?) Raabkaba (some kind of animal?) jaguugnimo (idiocy?) jillica (no clue) qaalmahaad (again, some kind of animal) jidhaamoode (no clue) jaahu (no clue) I mean I couldnt even figure out the meaning from the context. Help? Anyone?
  17. Originally Posted by Xarago its people are violent and know no compromise The people of Gaalkacyo are not anymore violent than the people of Somaliland are Godless. Only some (maybe even many) Gaalkacyo residents are violent. Only some (maybe even many) Somaliland residents are blasphemous. Generelisations are always bad. Aint that true?
  18. Huh? What is this? a hollywood Romance flick? This requited love definately has all the hallmarks of a scripted thread. I feel like asking for a refund, even though the show was free. As for Zafir, I'll start writing a euology for him
  19. Sayyid: Are you itching to cut heads off? Do you want to self-explode and kill those infidels? Show us what you're really made of. Don't be an arm-chair terrorist. Go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmeer. Otherwise, shut your mouth.
  20. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    Geeljire As of mistaking you for Bishaaro, I think it is time you consider face plastic surgery, cos you two look alike. Are you implying that Johnny might actually mistake me for Bishaaro? What then? Anyways, I wear a round beard. I dont have to fear Johnny embracing me. P.S. Gotta get back to studying. Blimey!
  21. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    ^^Dude, I was just about to give you a standing ovation until you mistook me for Bishaaro . :mad: JB, aint gonna happen, dude. There's a giantess that I fantasize about on SOL, but I wont go on a daredevil mission and express my obsession. I'm too 'young' for her anyways. Besides, by keeping your feelings inside, it's pyschologically satisfying. How? Well, you can always entertain the possibilities. Look at Ahura, she can't even lie to herself anymore. I dont wanna lose the comfort of self-deception. :cool:
  22. ^^ That's right. This thread could sure use some intervals of pedantry. Pathos and pity are running too high.
  23. Pi

    A Sol Goddess !!

    Damn! I guess the point of studying the mistakes of History is to repeat them Does Johnny want to to bite the dust too? :rolleyes:
  24. Anything to keep your sanity intact, dude. Not that I would fess up to anything.