Game changer

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Everything posted by Game changer

  1. What I am suggesting is the constitution must be removed first. It's the constitution that is forcing me to fight against you in your own home. When I am wearing the somaliland republic shirt, I see you as a property of somaliland, siduu kitaab kayagu dhigayo. Nimankaa aanu tolka Nahay laftooda waanu ognahay inay markoodii tahay, Waxaanu isku hayna waa arin sharci. ee isq ahaan waxba islama diidanin. Laakiin kitaabka naga waalaya oo leh waa in xeer hebel iyo xeer hebel la raaca , oo indhaha iyo faraha layska qaadaa lana sameya wax loogu yeedhay doorashooyin. Sharciga I faraya inan walaal Kay dilo , haduu xeer hebel khilaafo. Xeerkuna wuxu macno leeyahay marka laysku wada raacsan yahey. Maxaa badaaba na geliyey maanu geedkayagii Ku laabano oo cidaanu doono cumaamadno. Markaanu jabhad ahaynba geed hoostii baanu isku dooran jirnay.
  2. No one can destroy us , we only failed to occupy an other man's land , something even the USA has failed in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
  3. Faysal bootan is a brave man , fighting at the heart of the enemies is not easy, without air support , you are always prone to ambushes .
  4. Dagaalka Sool Clan Ku bikh buu ahaa , nimankan GX somaliland oo dhanbay burburin karaan , dadkoodana waxa haysa cadho Ka xun tii Sool Clan Ka. Ma jirto sabab aanu isu hor istaagna , meel alaale meeshay doonayan ba halooga baydho. Muuse biixi xalay oo dhan madaafiic buu kusii daabulayey sool. Madaafiic daas yeeli mayno inay oog dhaafaan. Anaga Cid dhulkayaga usoo socota iyo Cid xitaa tuulo yar naga qaadi kartaa ma jirto. Laakiin rabitaanka shacabka sool iyo kuwa West Burco Clan ba laysma hor istaagi Karo. Waxan soo jeedin lahaa in ciidamada qaranku talada dalka la wareegan. Intaanu bed qabno. Oo ay baabi,iyaan Constitution. Mushkilada oo dhan waxa noogu wacan diin baanu Ku shaqayna dastuur la dhaho , diintaas baa na faraysa inaanu dadka layno wixii hal qodob khilaafa. Muuse biixi tassuu Ku shaqeeya, Markii horena caqli muu lahayn. Waa in dastuurkaas meesha laga saaro , sida ugu fududna ee lagu suulin karaana waa in awood cusub timaado.
  5. They should be allowed to march hargeisa . Peacefully. No one can defeat the peaple. Waxa nala dagaalamaya waa dadka.
  6. I would resign if I were in his position. We have to swallow our pride and accept the reality that we are no longer able to subdue any one . Our own people are fighting against us worse than Britain or Italy. We became some sort of neo imperialists. We don't deserve This , I think our opponents paid too much unnecessary efforts to fight against us and most of them will regret.
  7. Human wave attack baa nagu dhacay , we underestimated ciilka dadka Ku gadhoodhay. Rag waad Ka adkaan kartaa laakiin bulsho dhan oo gurigooda jooga lagama adkaan Karo. Waan Ku faraxsanahay in muddo dheer oo Sool Clan wax naga tirsanayey ay maanta si wacan nooga adkaadeen. As a HJ Guushan Anigu uma arko qiyaame noo dumay, if we honour it. Waxan u arkaa nolol cusub oo noo bilaaban tay anaka iyo Sool Clan . Mid Ku dhisan sinaaan iyo walaaltinimo. Sidii awalba noo caadada ahayd, after every war halays waso. Saacada laga bilaabo qalasad baan isu dhiibaya faraxsan Anagu qab baanu Ku dagaalana haduu doono kibirba ha ahaadee , mar hadii goojacade nalaka saaray general bootaana la qabtay. Qabkaasi naguma jiro hada. Sool clan deserved this victory. Congratulations baan leeyahay. Wixii lasii wadwadaa waa dagaal saqajaan .
  8. Every dog has a day 100 years sida maanta nalooka adkaaday weligeed nalookama adkaan.
  9. The question is where is the somaliland army now? So far it seems , this was a suprise attack , the casualties is low compare to the previous wars, even the POWS are not the many. Yet somaliland lost 2 important positions. The kastuumites took over 3 military vehicles in maraaga. But nothing in goojacade .
  10. Deg degu waa camal shaydaan, durba warsaxaafadeed bay soo saareen gudigii SSC kastuumo ay leeyihiin maraagii anaga haysana, waana 8dii subaxnimo . Markay war saxaafadeedka soo saareen hadayba kabasii horayn. Taasaa muujinaysa in wixiinu aanu igu sawir dhaafsiisnayn. Anagu meesha dagaal baanu u joogna , halkana dibaanu ula wareegayna fiidkana madaafiic baanu u rakibayna .
  11. Nothing is worse than premature celebration it's still early morning . Considering the close distance between maraaga and goojacade, They can't hold that position by the end of the Day.
  12. Somalis already accepted the Kenya border with Somalia , and Ethiopia border with Somalia. After they were defeated in the shifta war , and 77 war . Same will happen in somaliland. All we have to do is to defeat pintland and that's it. No any other Somali is threat to our borders. Markaanu wixii nasoo doontaba layno danba waydun isaga aqbali.
  13. Total defeat. They have been preparing 3 months for the last battle and They failed to gain anything. From military point of view these guys has no chance against the national army, it's impossible for them to push back the army. The militias are funded and controlled by puntland, Somalia. If we have to talk to any one in the future it must be puntland or The federal government. We should never entertain to talk to garaad jaamac and his terrorists. He can talk to buurmadaw if he wants.
  14. More troops on their way to goojacade , Mujaahid muuse biixi said . Ma nihin dad loosoo hunguroodo.
  15. Ilaa iyo hada badhyo culustu waxay nimankaa kusoo kordhiyeen garan maayo. Dariiqna xitaa umay furin mid laga awdo mooyee. Marku dagaalka lascaanod yaraado. Ciidanka qaranku toos Hawsoo duqeeyaan garowe ujeedada dhan ee ay meesha u joogaan ba waa inay garowe Ku ilaashadan.
  16. Do you mean cirro ? If he vows to keep karbaashing huwanta I am with him .
  17. They are not included in the league of successors samaale is the next leader of kulmiye. Trust me they are jumping out but they are looking for partners. Since samatar is the only non beesha dhexe Candidate I believe he is the only person who can offer them a meaningful position in his party I am mean the vice presidence.
  18. Dad karti badan oo wadanka hogaamin karaa waa buux , ee afmiisharada baa Ka xoog batay, laakiin way soo dhiiran doonan, waaqica khasbaya inay dhiiqada siyaasada madax madax isugu tuuran. Reerkaa nagu soo duulay weligayaba waanu is haynay ilaa marku cigaal joogay, cigaal cidina kama hogaamin fiicnayn. Waxaanu isku haynaana waa qabyaalad iyo kala duwanaanshaha isir kayaga oo keliya. Fidnaduna marwalba dhinaciinay Ka socotay.
  19. Waxayagu xisbiyo maahee waa dukaamo dadkayaguna waa wada ganacsato madax banaan , Nina ma rabo in dukaankiisa lagula dhuuqo .xisbi walba gudoomiyaha muddo badan iska haysta. Si aanay dhawr qof weligood talada u haysan baa loogu talo galay In every 10 years liisanka xisbiyada tartan loo galo. Ofcourse dadka ayaa kala doorta ururada.. Waxan u arkaa qodob fiican oo fursad siinaya muwaadiniin badan oo talent hogaamineed leh. Why do we have to rise when we are dealing with external enemies. That's a treason. If I don't like the leader , I have my card to replace him.
  20. I think it's good for Somalis to easily create their own businesses in those countries. What are you afraid of. Somalis are not bad at selling stuff. We only need to pool our resources and create big factories.
  21. They have 10 years lifespan. Every 10 years it's open for all citizens to create Their own political organizations. to legally acquire or exercise power you need to first compete with other political organisations. The other alternative way is to take the whole country by force . Only the leaders of the army can do the later option. Muuse biixi arrogance is needed for the war , at the same time we want to get rid of him . Odaygu waa condom Ku haboon markay somaliland wax xumaynayso. Laakiin nin dadkayaga inuu usii taliyo Ku haboon maaha , aakhirka anagu madaxa isu kaayo gelinaya. Inuu waashayna waa macquul. Maalmahan sidii hore maaha.
  22. The angry monkeys are not easy, muse is threatened by one of his best loyalists. During the next coming days , Cirro and maxamuud xaashi will collect all the bananas in the market to appease the the monkeys. Samatar and Mujaahid dirawal will also do the same. Meanwhile in burco we didn't accept ina kaahin , he is Old and has no political future. In gebiley , the JB s are also questioning their stake. Muuse is about to die at the hands of his supporters.
  23. We don't have a law for direct party elections . But we have a law that clearly forbids extension for the parties. Their time is expired. An expired party can't run for president. They have to renew their license in one way or the other. Some how I agree with talaabo , he suggested that we can do guuurti elections instead of the direct one. I think it's not bad idea at all. It will only require few amendment in the previous laws. Qaadis iyo jiidis waa Isla halkii uun. Marwalba waxa khasaba in ururadu tartamaan ama guurti haku tartamaan ama toos haw tartamaane. Madaxwaynuhu sharci buu Ku taagan yahay. Meel laga maraa jirin.