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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. The reason why I questioned Galbeedi specifically, he is defending one while condemning the other for corruption and embezzlement. While the issue is the same and one might even suspect the same book keeping trick has been copied from one another. And both times the loans were only discovered during handover.
  2. Well understood your points on the Crisis group , but now tell us ur view on the issue?
  3. Bayle can talk all he wants, but it’s the numbers and financial reporting that counts and that he is accounted to. And The financial report wasn’t even shared with the Parliament over the last 4 years. And you still haven’t answered my question?
  4. REPORT 309 / AFRICA 21 JUNE 2022 Considering Political Engagement with Al-Shabaab in Somalia The war with Al-Shabaab’s Islamist insurgency has dragged on for fifteen years. As it reviews its options, Somalia’s new government should look into what room there might be for dialogue with the group. The alternative is more fighting with no end in sight. DOWNLOAD PDFFULL REPORT (EN) Considering Political Engagement with Al-Shabaab in Somalia WWW.CRISISGROUP.ORG The war with Al-Shabaab’s Islamist insurgency has dragged on for fifteen years. As it reviews its options, Somalia’s new... What’s new?  Al-Shabaab’s lethal insurgency continues with no end in sight. The group consistently stays a step ahead of local and regional military operations. Combined with dysfunction and division among their adversaries, the militants’ agility has allowed them to embed themselves in Somali society. It also makes them hard to defeat. Why does it matter? The protracted war has cost countless lives and derailed Somalia’s state building project. There is growing domestic and international consensus that Al-Shabaab cannot be beaten by military means alone. Yet there is little appetite among Somali elites or the country’s international partners for exploring alternatives, notably talks with militant leaders. What should be done?  Putting off efforts to engage militants in the hope of gaining the upper hand militarily or forging greater unity among elites will prolong the conflict indefinitely. The government should seek discreet channels to Al-Shabaab leaders to test whether political negotiations and confidence-building steps might be feasible. ——————————— Wondering what to think of these deliberations and thinking?
  5. What is sad is that foreign airforces have not left Somali airspace ever since, incl Somaliland without even needing any permission or consent.
  6. Galbeedi, how come your views and position have changed on the issue of the unaccounted debt?
  7. Sxb, the issue is bigger than then the tit for tat political games between militia and NN.P.S. And Nobody (wether Beyle, Farmaajo, Roble, Kheyre, HSM, etc) has so far being found guilty of embezzlement, but the country is merely in dire need of financial accountability from those officials that are responsible for public resources. Is that to much to ask? This is the first time ever in the history of Somalia that a Parliament has called for financial accountability. As public and concerned citizens, we have two choices here, 1) either we support that call and start a new trend making sure that administration and officials are called to be accountable, not only now but in all future cases; or 2) we defend those that are called to be accountable and let this slide. And then we will go, from dozens of millions yesterday (30 jir 30mln) being unaccounted for by previous administrations, to hundreds of million today being unquestioned and I promise you we will be talking about billion of dollars being embezzled in a few years by the next government. No matter which official is at the helm, we need to have financial accountability. And if we don’t support now this Parliaments call for accountability then when will get it? My fear is that the new government will try to sweep this under the rug, so they will also have a cart blanche to do whatever, and in a few years you and others like MMA here will be crying that billions have been stolen by HSM. The choice is simple either we will have accountability or we won’t have it, no matter the personalities at the helm, no matter the political fights and no matter the amounts. Make sure to choose wisely between those two choices, cause we will be coming back to this thread in future cases and know where everyone stood at the moments that counted where there was an opportunity in breaking the vicious cycle.
  8. istafurrulah masakiinta degmooyinka wadanka jooga ha ku xad gudbin based on corruption of what few officials decided. Not trying to justify what happened here, but nepotism and corruption in the distribution of Visa’s is not very new.
  9. Good suggestion Parliament holding a public hearings on the issue, based on facts, figures and questioning.
  10. Then present the to the new Parliament all financial reports expenditures from the last years and let them audit and ask questions. you can’t enter loans with a maturity for longer then a year and it has to be settled by the official incurring the loan. This is Somalia, once that door is open then expect any Somali officials to go a loan spree.
  11. Yes the elections were messy, but that messiness in Gedo started even before Roble was appointed.
  12. Irrelevant of someone’s good personality and hard work, there needs to be accountability and So let there be a debate, after all figures don’t lie. And if Somali’s are so biased and question each others judgement, they can always hire a external international accountant to do an audit. p.s. Similar cases have happened in the region before with outgoing officials reporting loans at the last moment before handover without proper justification on the appropriation of the funds, and without those loans having been part of the budget putting a burden on future expenditure. It’s corruption outside of the budgets, which are only discovered during handover. Hence why most Somali laws and regulations state that institutions are not allowed to incur any debt beyond a year, so that repayment is done within the term and responsibility of the official incurring the debt.
  13. I understand some might feel a sense of betrayal towards Farmaajo. But Roble did save the country from the brink of a new civil war, and he did push for elections to take place which seemed impossible at that moment. Not sure what the result would have been if he wouldn’t have acted as he had and if someone else was in that position.
  14. Allah Ha u naxariisto. What is interesting is he states, ‘future possibility of association (between) Somalia and British Somaliland’. It’s unfortunate that after 63 years this issue is still not clear and neither can’t we have a rational and meaningful debate on this.
  15. Somalia (Southern part of former) can keep the and other national symbols, but in case one does find a way to form some sorts of a different and new kind of union and relations with somaliland (the former north) and perhaps some of the other regions in the penisula, like , Somali region of , and Somali region of , it’s only logic to adopt new and shared symbols that symbolise the kind of collaboration and union between different Somali localities across borders, that you want to portray today. Keep in mind that Somalis today and the peninsula looks quit different from 70 years ago. With more divers forms and different kind of regional and local governance entities in place, each with its own flags, symbols and identities. And also thinking beyond the original 5 regions, with emergence of Dire Dawa with its own regional admin, and Garissa, Mandera, Wadjir and Tana river having its own and distinct administration and thus symbols. And assuming that we want to portray we have learned and evolved as a Nation, and are today a different kind of Somali peoples. One that is more in peace with itself and its surrounding, one that is accepting of its distinctiveness and diverseness, a Nation whose solidarity and synthesis is not experienced as a threat but as a treasure by its surrounding world. p.s. not saying that potentially new symbols of the Somali nation can’t contain elements of the former, or that they would replace any of the existing national flags, but that flags and emblems are nothing more than symbols of whatever one is trying to project, brand or identify, nothing more.
  16. Cadiifad, ficiltan, xin iyo aargoosi, are all perfectly normal emotional reactions that one can find on the grounds of an all-girls middle school, but one doesn’t in politics or any adult environment, how strange.
  17. It’s apparent you sir, have never been in Somaliland, as lacking religiousness or public morality is certainly not the reality in SL.
  18. Don’t know the Poet’s political views, but no poem that touches the soul and core of the Somali identity and consciousness, then his poem ‘Somali baan ahay’.
  19. Not sure, if he is making himself more popular by portraying he came off worst. Would think that it might have been a better approach to portray public perception of claiming victory, and achieving his sole purpose of getting rid of the previous President and giving public support for the new PM and for giving the brethren clan the opportunity of filling the post for once in history. Irrelevant if this is true or not, but at least saving face and building goodwill with the broader public and home audience, rather then showing any sign of defeat or disappointment with the choice of the PM. But it’s easy then done though, not knowing exactly what occurred and what he did or did not say to said audience.
  20. Xaaji, why do I get the feeling that this comment is even more clannish then what others wrote here?
  21. I think this is a positive move, for one the new PM hails from a region and community that have never before occupied any of the highest seats in government which is an unicum, and is continuing some of the inclusiveness that Farmaajo also was commended for. And the new PM has previously worked together with the President which is also quite unique, mostly PMs were selected based on profiles only to discover on the job they can’t work together with the President, leading to divisiveness and disasters. Lets wish them success!!
  22. They have done all of that with a dinner one was invited to? Nevertheless the issue is Somalia needs to be serious and mend and resolve issues with Somaliland, one or the other way.
  23. Not sure if making a scene of something trivial is always positive or will get you anywhere. Now Kenya found a new stick to hit Somalia with.