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Everything posted by Arafaat

  1. Indeed, one should count the blessings and beware of hubris and pride for that comes before downfall, for that is the lesson here. But somehow one tends to forget the lessons of the past and repeat the same mistakes.
  2. This is what many tend to forget or don’t realise, that this conflict started out from a protest against injustice and for self-determination. The question is what’s next for both sides? From Somali history of war and conflict we know there is little to no scenario planning and little imagination and thinking outside of the drums for warmongering.
  3. Agreed, and happy you came to your senses. Ceeb maha ina xaqiiqda laga hadlo, qadarkuna wa ka ilaahay.
  4. Concur, I really hope this will be the end of warmongering and cool headed and rational thinking returns to our people, but fear it won’t be the case yet.
  5. You are trolling and being highly offensive. Somali Bantu community do live in Somaliland and have even an Ugaas here to represent the community.
  6. The political emancipation of Somali Bantu community. Aad baa loogu baahnaa, ha la tageero
  7. This looks more like a gambling strategy. Siyasadu iyo kursigumarka Hadii er khamaar noqotay, Kaah iyo Kulmiye iska iloow ku odhan lahaa, both wa la khaarajaniyaa, wax kale meesha kasoo socda.
  8. It’s all good, but where is the law that should guide the direct party elections?
  9. Sidee ku wada ciyaari karaan Faraq iyo Cadnaan, Hadii Faraq sharciga qaban?
  10. Las Anod politics has changed a couple of times over the last 3 decades, in 2002 Dahir Riyaale and military was even chased out of the town. None of those times has hurt Somaliland, as the current war and pathways chosen by Somaliland government, which is a disaster for the local people and above all for Somaliland itself.Even you cant even deny the damage of this war to Somaliland, even though you choose the futile and fruitless debates on who lost more in this conflict. The majority of the Garaads were not even pro-Somaliland from the beginnings, second Somaliland is a government build over a period of decades while the Garaads are a clan and its traditional leaders, so secondly what is very destructive is to compare and pretend the sides are on a equal footing and start blaming the Garaads, by that alone your showcasing political immaturity. So coming back to your statement on the damage to what Somaliland has build up over the last 32 years and who has done damaged it. Every single rational person can see its SL leadership choose this destructive path while it could have responded in many different ways but it choose not to. Try to put your emotions and anger to the side for a moment and use your logic thinking, as truth and justice will eventually catch up. The sooner one realizes this the earlier one can strive to find a real solution.
  11. You can only have a system considered fair, when you also restore harmonious communal relationships, through truth and reconciliation where every community puts on the table their issues, grievances based on facts as you said, and not base things on fadhikudirir and made up stories.
  12. If you really belief in Somaliland, then seeking truth and reconciliation is the stepping stone to restoring communal harmonious relationship. But it seems you have already given up on Somaliland, and want to further separate things in sub-clan blocks with own clan governors, which will only to break up again in to smaller sub-clan factions(or mini-Lands), as is the natural course of clannish politics. No sir, keep your clan based mini-Lands fantasies to your diaspora fadhikudirir table, for what Somali people need is not further division, animosity and war.
  13. Kibirka iyo islaweynida wa lagu jabaa, xaqdarada wee kugu so laabanisaa. Diinta islaamka, ta Kiristanka, ila cilmiga maadiguba wee sheegiyaan, macaa diinta Hindidada ee cabuuda sanabka ayaa aaminsan oo og, falka xun Aad sameysid inu kugu soo laabaniyo oo wexe dhahaan ‘Karma’. Laba sano ka hor ayee eheed markii aan leheen dowlada Somaliland waa iney joojiso dadkii masakiinta ee ganacsato yar ee Somalida iney ka tarxiishay magalada Las Canood iyo magaalooyinka kale. Oo tarxiilka nocaas ah ka mid yahay dambiyda waaweyn ee bila adanka Laga galo, oo macaa wax yeeliso suuqa iyo dhaqalaaha Somaloland. Lix bilood kadib sanadkii hore waa kii suuqi waaheen gubtay oo Somaliland oo dhan Laga dareemay sameynteeda, oo Somali oo dhan gurmad usoo dirtay. Kadib Ila January waxa ka doodinay Las Canood iyo khaladka Somaliland ka gashay iyo kusii socoto, yada oo arintu sii weynaatay oo SL kusii socotay dariiqii khaldanaa, ayee iminkana ka biloobmatay Gacan Libaax oo isbuuci hore lagu dilay toboneeyo ciidan ah oo khalkhal ku abuurtay xasiloodi iyo nabadii dalka oo dhan. Marka walaalayaal, arintan sida rabtid u dhig oo ka dhig macaa another fadhikudirirkii caadada eheed ee waligeed iska jirtay, oo la isku shidi jiray. Laakinse waxa ii muuqata iney ka duwan tahay oo khaladka weyn ee umad Laga galiyo Hadii Laga joogi waayo kugu so laabaniyo uun. Khaladkana Hadii wax Laga qaban kareyn, atleast afka ka diid, Hadii aanad ka hadli kareyna, niyada ka diid. wa Iga dardaaran iyo talo.
  14. It’s becoming more more clear that the FGS of Somalia has been abducted by small elites from larger sub-clans that have no intention in reconciliation and don’t want an inclusive government that most people feel part of, instead think that the Government is theirs to begin with further reinforcing further injustice and inequality which will only lead to further disenfranchisement and disengagement from the FGS. We are back to square one.
  15. Ok, so it’s 100% emotional for you, purely driven by revenge not even anger. Atleast with anger one can debate and consider some of rationality, logic thinking, such as the possibility of reconciliation and future cooperation. But it seems you are not willing to even consider, but purely desire to inflict harm because of hatred? That my friend makes your comments and contributions here basic hate speech, far outside the scope of politics and any political discussions.
  16. Justifying shelling of a civilian city because rebels were hiding in the houses, this could have been a quote straight from those shelling Hargeisa in 1988.
  17. The shelling of civilians is a crime against humanity and should be well documented for future references and prevent any revisionism.
  18. What if it’s a very bad admin, going against the interest of the people and country, Wouldn’t a 10 year period lead to an irreversible and irreparable damage impacting even future generations negatively. No country has a 10 year term, in order to stay in power one needs renewed confidence through a public vote, Even in Turkey that is the case. hence why one tries to actively create meaningful reform that positively impact the country and people. But giving a 10 year term without public being able to approve or disapprove of the achievements and results, is quite a lazy form of politics. And looking at the Somali history it would make sense to have a one term limit of 6 or 7 years maximum for President, without extension. As no Somali President ever got a second term, and public is fed up after few years with admins it would make sense to have a term limit. List of political term limits - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG If your issue is about the cost, time and effort elections and campaigning require, then plenty examples where you have all elections (Presidential, Parliament, local) on the same day, just look at example of Kenya.
  19. But fighting on behalf of who against who, Government against a clan, clans against clans. I find your position quite confusing, conflating different hats each time.
  20. This abwaan talks about how Somali man are 6 kind of types, 2 of whom used to take part in decision making and leadership (talada geedka) (these were nin raga and nin raga kalkaal) and 4 types that used to be left behind and were not fit for ‘talada’(riffe, riffe kalkaal, udub ama qori site iyo Ana way kana). Today throughout the Somali peninsula it seems that things have reversed and leadership is the hands of the 4 types that were not fit to lead or take part in decision making, and they are overwhelmingly holding a tight grip on power and ensuring exclusion of those that are capable of leading and mediating in matters of peace. So, these who support and champion the current system are at the same time worried about the peace, while they are incapable of understanding what’s a threat to the peace and what ought to be done to keep the peace. And even though they preach peace, while at the same time they not ready for any changes to the current system in which they obviously thrive. I think these will be the biggest losers, as they will loose twice.
  21. At least you’re consistent in your calls for war. But what is your end goal? Where do you see things going if the barrel of the gun is the only language one speaks with each other?
  22. “And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance, In order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance." (Ar-Rahmaan 55:7-9) The principle of "Adl" conveys the notion of "Equity" and "Justice", and making two things equal with the underlying idea of equal distribution to be of exact standard neither less nor more maintains the balance and equilibrium and ensures stability. Somaliland elites have become far removed from ‘Adl’, while it once was known for having a degree of social ‘Justice’ which formed the the basis for the peace and stability in the region, today it’s elites publicly and shamelessly distribute their sense of injustice and complete lack of fairness. The same elites supporting SL troops fighting against the people in Las Anod are calling for SL restraint and diplomacy in Gacan Libaax, one couldn’t have thought of a more ugly and naked form of moral and social injustice and decay. There are exceptions though, such as MP Casoowe and thinker Jamafalaag, but if those kind of reasonable voices are not heard and followed and SL doesn’t reverse its current course soon, then I fear for what is to come of SL. Article; Divided into we and they, Somaliland will be history, Jamafalaag.
  23. Sulaadiinta Beesha Ciise Muuse oo Raaligelin ka Bixiyay Hadal ka soo yeedhay Nin Suldaan sheegtay by Qaran News | Aug 14, 2023 Sulaadiinta Beesha Ciise Muuse oo Raaligelin ka Bixiyay Hadal ka soo Yeedhay Nin Suldaan Sheegtay Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Salaadiinta beesha Ciise Muuse ayaa raaligelin ka bixiyay hadal naxli xambaarsan oo ka soo yeedhay nin suldaan sheegtay oo la yidhaahdo Yuusuf Kabo-dheere waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeene. Salaadiintu waxay sheegeen in ninkaasi ahay suldaan iyo caaqil midna hadalka uu ku sheegay in qoriga buurta Gacan-libaax lala fuulay uu ku fooraro beesha Ciise Muuse. Suldaab Aadan Cawil ayaa sheegay in beelaha Habar-yoonis iyo Ciise Muuse ay walaalo yihiin wuxuuna tilmaamay in shaqaaqadii deegaanka Cali-saahidna ay ku dhammaatay su walaalnimo leh. Waxa kaloo uu intaas in aanay jirin wax colaad iyo xumaan ah oo beelahaas walaalaha ah dhex taallaa. Sidoo kale salaadiin kale oo halkaas ka hadlay ayaa raaligelin ka bixiyay ninkaas suldaanka sheegay oo ay ku eedeeyeen inuu fidmo abuurayey isla markaana aanay beel ahaan la qabin wixii uu ku hadlay.