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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. It is happening! Distribution of E-V32 in Africa.
  2. As for the DNA, will they show health concerns? disease predisposition?
  3. I remember of Cabdalla Mansuur's theory, it is a good theory, but believe more work is needed. How about if the migration is reversed, the Somali paintings show 8,000 years old civilisation! There are number of ways you can tell where people came from, Etymology ,DNA, culture , and customs, archeleoglogy, religion etc. For sure, our language is Cuthitic, but and how many other people got mixed in Somalis and adopted this language? how many people join the Somali race, from North Africa, Bantus, Malay, Middle East, Asia! That is why I believe the more DNA samples , the better, and more archaeology work is needed. On the Archeology side, there is very little work done, and surprising recent finding by Dr Sada Mire, found that most SOMALI burial sites , Ancient cairns in Northern Somalia show Christian Orthodox, and thus we must have had a more common religion with Ethiopia, before Islam came. I too have been in South India 12 years ago, and could not believe people how some of the people there resemble Somalis, to point I even greeted a guy in the streets in Somali, and there are lots of reports of migration between East Africa and Southern India. Somali Identity have been hijacked, with fairy tale stories of being descended from ARAB Sheikhs, which is not uncommon for people thinking being Arab, is holier, will a better Muslim, or better people. The confusion increased with joining the Arab league. For example, Bizarre claims of being Hashemites by some Somali tribes is a myth, and can only be debunked with education, finding genuine Somali roots.
  4. Saalax, thanks for this. paying for it and exposing this mafia. Waxaan la yaabey imaan la aanta, 2 guri Dubai, rented out, guri London rented out, and a million dollar in bank, and still collecting caydh, and leaving in housing! Somalis in every corner have only one option , to get rid of this mafia, collectively, waa inala kala qoob qoobey, oo hadana wada dhibane nahay!!
  5. And what is wrong with opening church, seriously, We do open mosques, in other places, and enjoy freedom of religion? don't we? Somalis never been so bigoted, and ignorant as these days, all through brainwashing and Saudisation, though very minority, we used to have Somalis with other religions, and been very tolerant, which is universal and Islamic teaching. To each his own. as long as they are adults, they can choose to practise whatever they want, who are you to judge? Lakum diinakum Waliyadiin.
  6. I always wanted to take these tests, Maybe it is time, and I am happy to share!
  7. Horta marka hore hadii hal naf sidan ku badbaadi waa xal fudud, Dan labaadse, waa kulaalsi/dugsasho dhaqan aan soconeeyn, oo aad u danbeeya, Meel kasto lagu wada noolaan karo, hadii la isku qabsado, sidana xal la moodo, waa cawaanimo.
  8. work addiction or workaholism, that is what I am talking about
  9. what about the work is the thing that makes you a live, problem solving, under pressure, and with this away, feel sick, can' take holiday, and sometimes see myself working during holiday.
  10. I thought Federal Government was involved, and both UAE and SL had Federal government endorsement on this, It is very bad and amateurish for SL and UAE, if they thought they could proceed with SOMALI Federal government blessing, and involvement. And it is about time for Somali government review this, before it becomes another Sea/Kenya blunder. Things are going bad for SL these days, and they seem to be waking up to the reality of not being recognised, the ultimate say, always lies in Mogadishu.
  11. Raga qaar laf baa toobin lagu hayaa, iyo indho iska rid from the real truth...what electioneering you talking about? I can see Hassan Culusow want now to use this as political currency, giving updates every 5 minutes like he doesn't have anything else to do but he did not sign the MOU, he did not direct the MOU, and the whole conflict and MOU was before him? Agree, MOU does not give any land/sea to Kenya, but set motion for discussion, negoations, and created confusion, and that is all what smart Kenyans/lawyers wanted from beginning. C/shakir merely signed something he had no clue, and believe, he was even more tempted not to sign but was forced by Sharif Ahmed and Omar Sharmaake, All three current Presidential candidates,and this warrant till further investigation, to block them from running. It was either incompetence, or corruption. You have to think and understand why KENYA is all about this MOU, it is because they want to cancel any court hearing and force SOMALIS to negotiation, which can take decades, at the same time continue mining/exploring. The whole game of the Kenyas was to forces SOMALIS to never ending cycle of negotiations, and the MOU is the golden key. if only Somalis had an exit stategy under the MOU, like subject to parliament approval,which was not included. Markii QAYLADA , SOmalitalk, isku yeedhay, after the SOmali parliament rejected this MOU, Somalis government and everyone realised the mistakes made, saw the clear intentions of The Kenyans, Qalin ku xadka iyo indho sarcaadka, and with great job filed this case. GOD forbid but if the court says, that negotiations are not exhausted, and you both agreed to continue negotiations as agreed under MOU, then KENYA wins. Kenya does not want the case to continue as they know they will lose.
  12. Somalia has strong case.... Sheekada KENYA waa ku qabso ku qadi mayside, Waxayna xooga saari in case ka la tuuro
  13. The main DEFENCE from KENYA is MOU, MOU, and MOU. here And it puzzles me the traitors, QOORTA somalida u geliye MOU, Omar BUUR, Shariif Ahmed and AbdiShakur are all still here, with impunity, and some still hold offices. They should be barred from public office for life. Still, I am very confident SOMALIS will win, sababtoo Xaq bay ku doodi
  14. And Kenya wins, keeps drugging SOMALIS. Hell with farmers who want to drug our people, it is not our concern, nor it is a problem if borders can not be totally protected against illegal smuggling, the answer is total ban, and making this drug, illegal. who will listen?
  15. Test this yourself! and this webcast, more about how ads work, subliminal advertising, how they can influence people,
  16. Holac, Agree definitely, first I thought it was all hype, propaganda, from Republics, but It is all coming together. It maybe something she believes she can pull off, else does not make sense..
  17. It is always better to question, and think outside the box, and not be a blind supporter, now once a die hard SL supporter, Salaax, seeing how bad things are, or his community threatened, then he is being questioned if he is really from SL. That tells you a lot about Somali politics. IT will be not long before others see how any institutions that does not have a good merit, good foundation, unjust, will crumple eventually. As SL, I think I don't believe it will be in gone after Silaanyo, universally there are things that unite people, could be right or wrongs beliefs, tribalism, patriotism, racism, religions, madly looking for recognition, SL is now in trouble and Shaky , but still majority of SL people still are followers, have something to unite, which makes different from other regions of Somali Republic. As for Salaax, I don't think he is pretender, but someone who finally see what SL is , how vulnerable, unjust, after 26 years, a very interesting case, and for die SL supporters now, before you think of Awdal and Khaadumo, and Maakhir, isku dhejiya Habro community first.
  18. Nice piece, Galbeedi, There are things that bond (isku kuuleeya) communities together, and build a good functioning state, fair elections, Pms elected equal representation, fighting corruption, fighting tribalism, nepotism, transparent, good judicial system, fair employment, Unfortunately, the opposite breaks the foundation of any state, Nepotism, tribalism, no rule of law, Qawda mawashii waxna ha u qaban, not walking the the talk.
  19. This is a knee-jerk reaction, and isolation will only harm Puntland. Bad idea
  20. Sounds some kinda of gerrymandering going on, will only bring more trouble.
  21. Eebe ha kala qaboojo, This is not required, and completely unnecessary, that is why complete disarmament of communities, must be key issue for any government, Xooga tooraya, iyo is budheeyn uun bay ahaan laheeyd, as normal, but every community armed, brings this unnecessary. Oodweeyne, SL is peaceful compare to rest of Somali regions, but it is not Utopia, perfect, and mistakes are made. Salaax, I still don;t understand how Silaanyo and current Admin would benefit from this, but I am not up-to to date with current issues, Knew there was a problem looming in Awdal.