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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. and wasting of time and resources. The thing some people believe they could represent as SL in UAE, that is how mad the delusion is, and the Police is re-enforcing that,
  2. Very pragmatic move by President Galaydh, I doubt the HAbraha have the courage to offer him and his community a great deal, but believe Galaydh is committed , and this makes sense
  3. Very smart, THis guy should run survival skills, there is plenty of food in the bush, one must know how to get it
  4. The older generations of ARAB leaders, however they loved their Kingdom, had some respect, and never gone too low, the younger ones, who running UAE, KSA, have no morality,and extremely dangerous. Latest update, KSA, UAE, and Egypt wants Aljazeera shut down completely, before they stop the blockage
  5. UAE is extremely close to SOMALIA, and have alot of trade, and we need them. Saudis can go to hell. The funny part is DHOOHANAYAASHA in SOMALIAND thinking what ever they do will make a difference? watch this video of delusional journalist asking this poor man from SL , who has been kicked out of the competition because is SOMALI, "why didnt you tell them you are from SL, and waa tageerey XULUFADA , like they care, of nonexistent State
  6. Thanks mate, you been following the story well. The army deal with KSA, and the new ARAB NATO, SAUDIS trying to build , many people believe SAUDIS are winners because without check and balance, without asking how you gonna use these weapons, they got what they wanted from Trump, who only thinks signing BIGGER deal. it will create more problem for the region. Also if you are ready to spent $450 billions on weapons, why not develop it yourself, if you have few brain cells, you can develop a lot, and became self sufficient. North Korea's GDP is $15 billion a YEAR.
  7. Anyone with few brain cells knows how MORYAAN and horrible this guy is, naturally people tend to gravitate to dark side,and enjoy dark stories, even though they know , they are lies CULUSOW is a MORYAAN, and represent the worse of SOMALIS, but sadly he gets audience/viewers.
  8. This was the best ever decision by the Farmaajo government, These guys are much closer and am surprised how stupid and badly they are treating QATAR, , imagine why they could do if they have the chance to SOMALIA. Saudis, and their sidekick UAE are really angry how much influence this tiny nation of QATAR has. 3 somali ministers who went to Riyad last week, met junior officers, instead of their counterparts, No single dollar will come off SAUDI Arabia, they are really bad , and we better stay away from them and stay neutral. Last 2 years alone, Saudis gave $30 billions dollars to Egypt, and ship many oil tankers for free,
  9. Warsangali live in Harena. and one major Maakhiri group who live in Afar coast is Omarto they are from Nux Cumar and they are the oldest Maakhiri group immigrated and they live in south of Tio. the chiefs were representing Warsangeli tribes are : - sheikh Ali Ahmed Gibdo from Omarto in Agigito, south Tio - sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Horbita in Meder - sheikh Omar Ali from Warsangali in Harena - Somalis chief in Baka island was al haj Ahmed ben Salih ben Ahmed ben Mohamed ben Abbokor ben Yussuf ben Guled ben Yahya ben Ibrahim ben Daud ben Hassan ben Habib ben Abdel-nabi ben Waragsama ben Majarteen ben Harti ben Konba ben Gablallah ben Darood. N.B. all these places in Eritrea. source: AL-MANHAL FI TARIKH WA AKHBAR AL AFAR (AL-DANAKIL) pages 501-502 The source on History and Narrative of the Afar (Al-Danakil).
  10. Cadnaan1, and Tallaabo, Saaxib Cawramalaha, waa 100% W, maaha wax shaki ku jiro, ama cidi sheegatey, waa is ogyihiin, waana la ogyahay. Waqooyigana waa joogaan. NImankan reer Jabuuti, qabiilku waa fluid, weligeey waa maqli jirey in marka dadka business ku jira ah xagaas tagaan, is helaan, ay is haybasadaan, taariikhda awoowayaashood, oo ay xafidsanyihiin ogyihiin cidda ay yihiin, maaha sida Cawramalalah oo xiriir joogta,is dhex gal kuwa waqoyiga iyo Koonfurta, waa dabcan niman wadanka kale jooga, weliba ilaa Eritrea jooga, boqolaal sano meeshaas degnaa, Sababta Canfarta ula dhaqmeen, waa is bahaysi. Mar aan joogey Kaakuma, waa jira, niman reer Baadiya miyaga degan oo CAWAAN iska ah, hadana SOMALI ah oo abtirsaneeysa, SOMALILAND ka yimi
  11. ^^You like the message, but the not the messenger?
  12. Everything start with the power of knowledge, and the willl to act!! Watch this Japanese Doctor transform lives in Afghanistan, a simple and effective solution. Every Somali should watch this. Many times flooding kill people at IskuShuban, when there is no rain in that town, because the water come from 100s of KM, and go to the sea. After few weeks, people dying of thrust.
  13. I Think Trump has 9 lives, I would say about mid term election, in two years, only if the Republicans lose majority of the houses, that is when it is likely, he will survive this, for he seems he does not care/respect about the presidency . I don't think they will rush to impeachment, it is very serious.
  14. ^Do you know where the story of Galan ended? His family has been awarded with 2 new ministers, so his way, though don't agree, served a purpose. Let us not fool ourselves, everything revolves around clan, As for this topic, I know this is a problem in all SOMALIA, where many families lived very long time in national assets, SOMALIS lack justice, and everyone must vacate national properties. This house belongs to the state, of course this will only work when everyone is following the law, HADII kuwii kale weli ku jiraan, Then clan card is played, as evident here. One must do and set leadership rule, and there should not be any exemptions.
  15. From 12:50
  16. Talaabo, Ma sheegi kartaa, sababta Ethiopia aad ogtahay 25 somali isku dileysay, aad u aaminsantahay, SOMALI qaarna la saxiibto oo NOOLEEYN midna ay dili? SOMALI waa iskugu mid, yes, QAYB BADAN hada kabaha u qaada oo bahdilan waa jiraan Why Ethiopia ukala dooran Somaliland ama Federal SOMALIA? Miyayna isku dad ahayn? Arinka ah, Anaga waana la saaxib, idinka cadow baad u tihiin oo waa in ay dibindaabyeeysaa? Adeer? RIYADA Ka kac? SOMALI sharafteeda waxa lumey kuwa Tigreegu u adagsanaayo, ama ha joogeen SOMALILAND ama gobolada kale? Ictiraaf laguu diidey awgeed baan Somali u nici, cadowgeedna xagee ka shaqeeyn. Arinka accountability ga, SOMALI baa u qaban, Weli waxaan aaminsahay Hadii dibindaayada ay kusii wadaan, in dad xalaal ah wadanka ku hadheen, dawladana Farmaajo hadii dadaashana la shaqeeyn, Si yar baa kacdoon rasmi ah u dhici kara, laagu xirxiro Dabadhilifka Ethiopia. Hargaisa xitaa bay ka kici kuwaan ka hadli.
  17. Yes, they made a mistake, it could be Trump sense something, something BAD, from Comey, Comey Laba xiniinyood buu ahaa, aan baqeeyn, markaa pre-emptive strike, would work in favour or could backfire. we will see. Yes, Democrats has been calling for independent special prosecutor on Russia issue, and which is the right way
  18. So far, Trump side is winning, trying to to trim all those who are against, or could be a problem in the future like Comey. Ciyaari ma dhowa
  19. ^You nailed it saxb, waa calaacasha oo tima ka soo baxaaan in Ethiopia aqoonsato SL, cid kaleba macquul. Hadeey yeelaan, waa "can of worms". 20 SL baa ku hoos jira Ethiopia. saa sheegtay Wax walbana waa u qabtaan Madaxda SL for Ethiopia, Madaxa u rogtaan, why create more problems, when they getting the milk for free. Talaabo,Saaxb I never trust Ethiopians, but this words will be held accountable for them, watch this space , the game has changed, any delegation for Federal states include SL must first get permission from Mogadishu
  20. same stories
  21. LAma huraan waa CAWSKA jilaal, SHACABKA SL dadkooda SOOMAALIYEED bay dhicana ka raaci lahayeen, laakin hostage, baa loo haystaa.
  22. It seems some families, who failed their parenting responsibilities, want to outsource to third world countries, thinking money will fix this. One thing is not bad to go back home, with your kids, to learn your culture, religion, but to lock them up in prison, hoping they will learn something is moraly wrong, specially mar XEEDHO iyo faandhaal kala dheceen, oo yaryarki AYNA SOMALI ahayn. I understand some families want to stay Qurbaha, carry on their businesses, collect CAYDH, or have other kids in school, the best formula is sacrifice the whole family move there How can they break their kids and leave with strangers! there were even some killed due the torture.
  23. Ethiopia sees SOMALIA as BIG threat, and WILL never allow to have stable government, it is upto SOMALIS to navigate and ensure their national security. This is nothing but lip sych. It is just words, no one should believe. 100+ million with budget of $60 billion, still very poor nation, and people make Ethiopia of what they are not, they are too Very vulnerable, Rag iska dhiciya waayeen.
  24. Eebe ha u naxariisto, Samir iyo Iimaan,not surprised it happen though, The whole place is war zone, and mistakes happen.