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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Mooge, they both exist in Somalia. Don't reject the good news.
  2. Is he promised to build some low income housing, fight drugs and keep the community save?. What is the major reason Somalis are throwing their lot to ford.
  3. Tilamook, Waad Iga qoslisay Walaahi. So We are waiting for Mr. malister to clear the air. I don't think the President has the majority of the cabinet. It may even look like a sabotage. If any one of the ministers participates a sabotage of the Prime minister without just cause, they will be finished. They will not have any standing or future among the public. If goes to the Parliament , it will be a messy proceeding. The damage suffered by Qoslaaye will finish him off. He has to forget any future role. The best option is to manage this disagreement and come to understanding.
  4. since the Prime minister got the control of the government , things are moving good. Al-shabaab is down . and the interior ministry is working. Mr. President work with this man and reach out. Let him manage the ministers. The biggest problem is this stupid constitution which is ambiguous. The powers of the two positions are overlapping. Somalia do not need another fight. let the Prime Minister finish his term.
  5. Odey, if the constitution states as you said , you are correct. On the other hand since the prime minister doesn't operate under the auspice of political parties residing in the parliament, the President is the head of the state and he is technically responsible for the selection of the Prime minister. The Prime Minister wasn't appointed from any party. His existence is through the appointment of the government. also , he must implement the agenda of the leader. Remember, it was the President who campaigned and elected by the Parliament. While he was campaigning , he has to implement his plat form. If we are debating un issue in a normal sense of the parliamentary democracy, the prime Minister has the power to push his agenda, but for the Somalia of today, the rules must bended a little to co-exist. Also, the Prime minister can't purge from the government the allies of the President. Having said that, the President shouldn't hastily answer or claim to block these appointments. That is " fawdo". " shaqadiinii iska wata waa qalad". In all it is typical Somali way of operating , my way or the high way. There are other underlying problems in the government, mainly insubordination. The president may put some of his men in the cabinet as a power sharing arrangement, but they should know, the prime minister is the chief executive that everyone must answer. One thing is clear, if this prime minster is removed or pushed for impeachment in the Parliament, both him and Culusow will go together. So, if impeachment starts, at the same time the next leader to finish the term before 2016, must also prepare himself. I am a candidate.
  6. I was mistaken, I thought Bayle was among those shuffled. He is still here. Any way, the Prime minster has every right to shuffle, but he must consult with President. When a Prime minister has his own majority mp's in the Parliament , he could do as he chooses, but under the current agreement, the head of state must have a say about the composition of the cabinet. Second the Prime minister shouldn't be looking for confrontation at this moment. He must learn to co-exit. As some have stated , their is constant struggle for the future and the election of 2016. One thing is for sure that some of the ministers might have forgetting who is the boss. You could have been appointed from the Presidents circle , but you must be subordinate with prime minister.
  7. It is a little shake up. In the cabinet meetings I see always Farah sitting beside the Prime minister while other important ministers are way back. I think he is sidelined. How about C/rahman Bayle. As I said before he was was a bureaucrat not a politician. I heard that Kenya wasn't happy about the international court issue of the sea. Heeso iyo nwax aan loo baahanayn ayuu meelahaa ka tirinayey.
  8. CiidanSuldaan, there were ideological problems during the ottoman and even before. Where are the Tatars ruling the caucuses in 16th century and after. They were busy with slave trades and other issues. They used to raid and and fight the Russians with equal or superior footing, Suddenly the tide turned. They refused to modernize and advance technologically. A German born lady Catherine the great became the queen of Russia who built a modern army with superior organization. She not only defeated the Tatars but forced them to be under the protection of the Russian Empire. They survived few centuries after that because of the ottomans, finally, they became one of the small ethnic groups under the soviet. Even the Ottomans were going down technologically, economically and organizational level before the first world war. A modern state is different from small bands of Ansaru -al sharia, ISIS, and other groups rooming the land with pick up trucks. In Libya, soon you will have four or five factions fighting one another for supremacy. Working with others and tolerating dissent is not their character. expect anarchy and violence. If you can't remove the dictator in peaceful organized way, then you must be patient and accept the current situation and wait for another day. Look at Russia, a DICTATOR is running the country. His term is already expired in 2008, yet he came back with different mechanism. The people saw his moves but accepted for their common interest. The Muslim world is bigger than Iraq, Libya or Syria. It bigger than the Arab world. The Indian subcontinent has more Muslims than the entire Arab world. This is the struggle Arab society to manage their affairs. They have been blaming Israel for all their weaknesses and problems. Well, they must look in the mirror and smell the coffee.
  9. CiidanSuldaan, the Wahabi ideology is connected to some of unexplained violence in the Muslim world. The return of puritan Islam they are talking is sawing discord and violence. The so called occupation Al-shabaab intended to fight were here because of their actions. They are also using everyone including criminals and others who poor and destitute. In late nineteen eighties before the advent of violent religious movements, a well known Somali sheikh said " after observing the actions these Wahabis, not only they are capable of verbally attacking others , but they may raise their hands for other Muslims or even kill." This was long time ago. Dr.K I do not blame America or Israel anymore. If you act like a wild gog , you will be put down. look at Somalia, no foreign army came in 1990, it was the Somalis who destroyed their country. Look at Iraq, Saddam was offered an exile with all his families in order to save his country, he decided to destroy it with help of America. Look at Al-Sisi of Egypt, he killed thousands , he want to rule with blood in his hands, and no conscience. check the difference. When the FIS movement of Algeria won the election the military cancelled and have taken power by force. The Wahabi inspired Islamic Army Group went total war and destruction. In Turkey, more than once they war disbanded more than once, but kept coming back. it is the ideology " I will get what I want or will kill".
  10. Holac, I think migration means coming back hone , rather than Tahriib, . I could be wrong.
  11. When I say the know nothing party, most of you may think this as a derogatory label intended to put down these extremist groups. The biggest surprise here is they wish to be called the know- nothing monument. If you are a student of history, there were movements and even political parties who campaigned as the Know- Nothing Party. In 1849, an anti , catholic and immigrant party was formed by the nativist Americans called the know-nothing party. In 2012, during the Egyptian election, a famous scholar and writer called the Wahabi based " Hisbul Nuur " of Egypt, the know-nothing party, because of close mindedness and backward thinking. During the Musrsi government they incited violence and one of their TV announcers called the elimination of the opposition party leaders since they are against the Amir. As soon as the military took over the power, they aligned themselves with Saudi financed dictator, and denounced Mursi and his movement. As I stated in the previous article, they quote hadiths out of contest, and they assume wrongly the word of their founders may out weight that of the Qur'aan itself. Allah says in the quraan, " Ask the people of knowledge if you don't know". In another Surrah He says, " Are those equal, those who know from those who don't". Knowledge , experience and patience isn't their virtue. A young person asked someone , " how could I be like you/", he said, " you must live many years and read many books". During the golden years of Islam, knowledge and education meant some thing. Even in the early years , Imam Shafaci was asked about being a Mufti ( scholar) to make a Fatwa ( religious edict). He said " I memorized the Quraan when I was seven years old,, and before I was declared a scholar, a group of learned men certified my knowledge. In the thirteen century, you couldn't become a mufti unless you mastered the knowledge of that era. That means you must be a master of medicine, astronomy, and science or you wouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on matters of religious and worldly debate. About ten years ago I read a book called " The Medicine of the Prophet" written by Ibnu Qayim Aljawzi , some six hundred years ago. This was one of the most progressive books Witten in the thirteen century. It writes abbot all matters of health, physiological deceases , depression, insomnia, and all matters of personal relationship. I was astonished when he was describing the love making approaches between husband and wife. He suggests that, rather than making love immediately, he was recommending cuddling kissing and foul l play before the final love making. since this is a family page I will leave there, but when I read the book, I thought these were some of the most modern statements I ever hear. Every thing in the book was either quoted from Quran, Hadith or other medical knowledge. If the thirteen century Muftis were required to master astronomy, medicine and science, then, what is the modern day requirement of those who are dispensing Islamic knowledge , wisdom , social issue and technological advances. In 2006, in United sates of America , there was huge debate about the destruction of the Embryonic Stem Cells. After five days of fertilization the inner cells could be isolated from the Embryo which results the destruction of the Blastocyst. Some people believe that during the implantation period, these embryos might have developed as human beings, which ethically means destroying living beings. Other argue, the stem cells are needed for research to find cure for some of the deceases. During this debate about these ethical dilemmas, , some Muslim scholars couldn't find any answers. So they went to Al-Azhar university in Cairo, Egypt, the seat of the one thousand years old institution. There , the scholars of Al-Azhar said " We have no knowledge of these issue, it is the first time we heard such thing as stem cell ", so they have to go the drowning board to find the right ruling on the issue. Judging by today's standard, a Muslim Mufti, who shall decide in the matters of great importance , should be an educated scholar of many things. Different people may have different requirements. For me, I would like to suggest that those Muftis who will be deciding matters of live and death, progress and backwardness, violence and peace , must be people of high knowledge and integrity. My requirements are : 1- They should master the Quran and Hadith , ancient and modern history. They should also must be familiar with science and modern technological advances of the day. Definitely they should be familiar with anthropology and other social sciences. 2- They must be fluent in Arabic, and they should be able to read and comprehend the modern language of business and politics, which means English. 3- They must travel around the world , and immerse themselves to different cultures. They must visit in persons nations like India, China, North America, Africa , Europe, and East Asia. A sheikh driven in limousine in Jeddah , Saudi Arabia, can't answer the modern geopolitics of the 21st century. One of the Sheikhs who dominated religious rulings in the nineties was a blind Sheikh called Ibnu Baz. I remembers nomadic Somalis in Ontario kept quoting him even in the issues happening in Somalia. In any major university, the deans of politics, business and social issue travel around the world to gage the emerging markets, cultural and other characters of those countries. 4- They shouldn't be Ullema under the pockets of the government. In the Gulf , sheikhs are asked to furnish religious edicts (Tatwa), desired by the kings and their people. 5- Those who are moderate, balanced and have a sound and constructive judgement must be considered, rather than the war mongering acting in mob mentality. Finally, on Somali matters, a council of learned Ullema must be assembled and given instruction to rule issues concerning the well being of the people and the nation. If these steps are not taken, we will end up with crazy, blood thirsty and ruthless men like Ahmed Godane and company deciding on matters of life and death. These men like Godane cold easily be exposed as lunatic know-nothing imposters who want to judge among the people while their respectable Ullema are present. The calamity in Somalia was that most of the ullema were unable or unwilling o speak against Godane and company while spilling the blood of the innocent. To tell you the truth, the Somali Ullema are mostly conformists who will not raise their voice for truth. The other problem is everyone is afraid to be ladled as opposing Sharia law or the Islamic way of life. In western Europe , the emergence of Neo Nazi and anti immigrant parties forced the center right governments to shift themselves more to the right in order to attract more votes. The same thing goes with Islamic movements. The Takfiir people consider the Wahabis weak and indecisive, while the Wahbis consider e themselves the chosen ones. It is really astonishing how drifters like Godane, Fuad Shoongale and others, who never had any extensive Islamic knowledge or degree are issuing Fatwa on matters of peace and war. The Know-Nothing movement is still alive, and must be pushed out to have a sane society. The best solution is to identify Wahabism as a dark sect that will destroy the Muslim countries. A Chechen President was trying to negotiate Russia for autonomy and freedom. He was the legitimate leader. Suddenly a Wahabi inspired man showed with his fighters and plunged that country for war and destruction. How can a small band of Arabs and Chechens defeat the second most powerful nation on earth. Well, Wahabis think they are chosen and no one can defeat them. Reasoning is out of the question for this punch. We must stop them before they destroy us all.
  12. It is a sad day in Canada. I hope yesterday's events wouldn't change the save, open, peaceful and multicultural Canada , in to security obsessed American style restrictions. We all know that good old Canada will not be the same again. Canada was also lucky yesterday. The shooter, just passed the whole way where the Prime minister and his caucus was holding a meeting. As a Somali Canadaian , who loves this country and cares it's well being, I would like to suggest few tips to reduce and confront this threat. 1- Racial or religious profiling will not make Canada safe. Most experts, even in United States agree that profiling will overlook real threats. Rather than focus Names like Mohamed or Abdallah, instead they should focus, people who have shown tendency of extremism and strange behavior. The reason Mr. couture, the Quebec man who killed the soldier with his car and the current Parliament shooters were overlooked was probably they didn't fit the profile of middle eastern background. 2- Today while listening a radio, a university professor even suggested that these converts who are radicalized by Wahabis , should be put in a " Rehab" style classes to reverse the radicalization offered by other moderate Muslims. Most of these people may have personal issue and could be struggling how to cope. 3-Also the time has come to stop extreme Wahabi culture which makes these converts to seek redemption by killing others. 4-- Rather than make this a community wide issue, focus on the bad apples and ask the Muslim Community for help to identify these groups. 5- where did this guy got the gun. The government must reverse it's opposition to gun registry and stop the loophole allowing criminals and others to obtain illegal guns from the fleet markets. Finally do not overreact.
  13. Liin Iyo Caano Waa Lakala Leexiyaa. Luuq Luuq Maroow, Laamilee Ju Dhacaa. This are the Benadari ones
  14. Well, we got another deranged loser called Abdi Johnson. There is no Somali involved in this attack. The problem is in sOL we have deranged people who hate the Somali people calling themselves Abdi or other names. Dr. K , you are correct . This guy should have been in a jail cell. two days ago another French Canadian killed a soldier with his car. His passport were taken. in his Facebook, he posted killing and he had the ISIS flag. I can't imagine these guys are rooming without no surveillance. The RCMP, says they do not have any case to arrest or charge people with extremist activity, yet this year A Somali man was convicted in Toronto for ten years for attempting to join a terrorist organization Al-shabaab. The only reason they were not arrested was they were white French Quebecois, a privileged group in Canada. This government must answer these questions. They raised the alert level last week yet they have done nothing to protect the public. There was even reports that someone wanted to attack the parliament. NBC reported last week. Did they let this to happen so , the conservative government could score some points in the next election.
  15. Sotrry for the errors. he is a lost soul. donot wast your time with talaabo.
  16. Talaabo wuu ii dhuuntay. Dr. K don`t waste your time. IIaahay u bari uu soo hadeeyo. He isa lost soul
  17. CiidanSuldan, What someone else done 500 years ago or hundred years ago meant nothing today. These idea of nostalgic era, or the conquest of early Muslims has no bearing in today's world. The era of conquest or empire building is past tense. If you really interested how empires, whether, Muslim , Roman , Christian or Persian have done , let me give you small example of yester years empire. Once upon a time , there were small northern tribe called English. With help of other residents of the British Isle ( scots, welsh and others), they conquered and ruled north America, Africa, Australia India and Middle East. They were industrialized and educated tribe which have done a lot throughout their empire. With less than 10,000 army they rules 300 million Indians and Muslims of India. Today that India is going to be a world power. All that British empire disappeared in the middle of the twentieth century. The Muslim empire disappeared more before over 300 years ago. At least the British empire was replaced by other great nation like America, Australia, Canada and others. You don't see the English crying for the loss of their empire. THey moved . Did you heard about Napoleon Bonaparte who conquered Europe and reached Moscow in early 18th century. He parked his horses in Azhar University, in Egypt, the one thousand years old seat of Islamic learning. Please move on. The so called middle east that which is poor without the oil is nothing. Even with their Petro dollar , the combined economy of the whole Arab world is equal to that of Spain and Portugal in terms GDP and production. You and your friends must stop running around like wild dogs. Patience, honesty , and hard work is needed to build a functioning state. The Feudal Arabs must adopt and stop killing one another. Within six months ISIS will be without bullets. who ever sponsored them has abandoned them.
  18. the big difference between Muslim converts of yester years and those new ones converting today is the ideology and the people teaching them. They used to be people who were eager to learn, and deepen their understanding of Islam. They were good people who could see both sides of the coin. Today most of these new Radical converts are learning middle east nationalism and ideology, which is completely different than the basic tenets of Islam. I do not have empirical evidence , but , I believe the radicalization is done by Wahabi followers from the Gulf especially from Saudi Arabia. Rather than learn their new faith, they are told to wear a big bear and wear different clothing. Rather than change their inner sprit, they are told to change their appearance and hate their surrounding including their own communities. They This man converted just over a year, yet already shows contempt for everyone .Wahabi are also the bogeyman of international terrorism. They could easily sponsored to wage wars without c consequences. Everyone can use them for their ulterior motives. They must be stopped before they reek havoc around the world.
  19. RCMP confirmed that Martin Couture-Rouleau's passport had been seized and that he was radicalized. He may have been just a "lone wolf", working without links to any other radical groups, his deadly actions possibly motivated by Canada's involvement in the fight against ISIS. But what's known for sure is that Martin Couture-Rouleau had been considered some kind of threat by the Canadian government. And as details began to emerge about the 25-year-old, who had a pressure-washing business registered in Quebec, they began to paint a picture of a man who seemed to have embraced extremist ideas, and who, according to one friend, dreamed of dying as a martyr. As Public Safety Minister Steve Blaney asserted at a morning news conference, Couture-Rouleau, who waited in a parking lot for at least two hours before driving his car into two Canadian soldiers, was “clearly linked to terrorist ideology.” ■Patrice Vincent ID'd as soldier killed in Martin Couture-Rouleau hit and run ■Martin Rouleau, Quebec driver shot by police, 'radicalized': RCMP ■ANALYSIS: Has Ottawa been too slow to take on radicalized Canadians? The RCMP revealed that officials had been monitoring Couture-Rouleau closely, concerned that “he had become radicalized." On Tuesday, RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson confirmed that Couture-Rouleau's passport had been seized and that he was one of the 90 suspected extremists who the RCMP believed intended to join militants fighting abroad. Martin Rouleau Ahmad The Converted A photo of Martin Rouleau holding the Qur'an. He had changed his name on Facebook to Ahmad the Converted. (Ummaland) And all of this has left his friends and family in shock. Gilles Rouleau, Martin's father, was in tears this morning when he spoke to Radio-Canada 'I lost my son' “I lost my son, my son is everywhere [in the media] this morning. Leave me in peace. I have no comment." Coutoure-Rouleau lived with his father in a St-Jean-sur-Richelieu white brick family home, where neighbours say they watched Couture-Rouleau change over the last year since his conversion to Islam.They say he grew a beard and stopped wearing jeans in favour of Islamic clothing. CBC News spoke with Faisal, a Facebook friend of Couture-Rouleau’s in Saudi Arabia, who described Couture-Rouleau as a “really kind person." He said he befriended Couture-Rouleau on Facebook and began messaging him in June. "I was actually looking over some posts on Facebook ... and I saw all these people, they were for some reason dissing Islam, making fun of us, so I saw him actually replying in a really calm, modest, humble way," Faisal told CBC News. But Faisal added that this was before he found out Couture-Rouleau was a supporter of ISIS. Faisal, who spoke on the condition CBC News not publish his last name, said he changed the topic of conversation in the few instances Couture-Rouleau mentioned ISIS to him. He referred to Couture-Rouleau as “Ahmad,” the name he adopted when he converted to Islam. Faisal said he lived in Canada for a period of time, and did not agree with Couture-Rouleau when he allegedly called some members of Canada’s military personnel “infidels.” Angry that Canada supported U.S. bombing of ISIS "So he was really mad that Canada actually supported the American bombing of [iSIS] in Syria and Iraq so I think that was the main motive in killing that Canadian soldier." Radio-Canada reported that Couture-Rouleau's Facebook page, which is no longer active, identifies him as Ahmad LeConverti (Ahmad the Converted). Legal documents show Couture-Rouleau converted to Islam in 2013 Propaganda videos and other materials admiring jihad — or “holy war” against enemies of Islam — were on his Facebook profile page, including a video featuring the logo for ISIS. On a separate Facebook page, under the name Ahmad Rouleau, the profile picture had been changed last Friday to show a picture of two doors opening, one that appears to be leading to heaven, and one to hell. Months earlier, on April 14, one of the posts reads: "Allah has promised the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the disbelievers the fire of hell, wherein they will abide eternally. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment." Underneath that post was the image of a sheik, combined with an Israeli and American flag and American dollar bill. It's one of a series of images critical of American foreign policy. The page also features links to anti-Semitic videos posted on YouTube. On that Facebook page, Couture-Rouleau defends Islam, at one point writing "don't judge Islam by what other for yourself ... read the Qur'an." According to information Radio-Canada obtained from a friend of Couture-Rouleau, he had convinced at least four or five people in his circle of friends to convert to Islam. But he said that Couture-Rouleau got carried away with an extreme interpretation of the Qur'an. The friend said Couture-Rouleau spent hours on the internet and devoured jihadist literature, adding that Couture-Rouleau dreamed of dying as a martyr. 'Seems to be a lone wolf' Dave Charland, a former intelligence officer with CSIS, said from the information he's gleaned so far about Couture-Rouleau, he believes Couture-Rouleau "seems to be a lone wolf" in part because of the lack of sophistication of the attack. "Based on what's public right now, I don't think he had any links with any groups but clearly he had an extremist ideology. So he must have influences." RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson confirmed that Couture-Rouleau's passport had been seized and that he was one of 90 suspected extremists who the RCMP believed intended to join militants fighting abroad.
  20. Now, at least the real companies are involved. Shell is one of biggest oil companies in the world. When you bring heavy hitters , things could happen. Somalia must stop dealing these vulture mini companies headquartered in London and other places whose only purpose is to sell the rights they acquired through bribes to the real companies. Real companies need long term deal , peace and security before they invest millions.
  21. Nin-yaaban, don't be so harsh to these teenage girls. Under American law , they are considered underage offenders. There are many factors that should be considered. They could have been brainwashed by an adult male through the internet or other means. I would go even further and suggest that, there could be some kind of marriage proposals or love from someone in the ISIS camp. There are a lot of guys whose first language is English among the foreign fighters in ISIS. In North America, the problem of the internet predators luring underage young girls is becoming a huge problem. Further more, these is our communities problems, in terms of extremism, we should deal with it. Families are facing a double edge sword. On one side they worry about gangs and drugs luring their children in the criminal world, on the other hand, when they send them for religious and good moral upbringing , certain people who have different agenda intercepts them and brain washes them. So, it is an issue many families face. We must deal with it in find a way to avoid these potholes.
  22. Nin-yaaban, don't be so harsh to these teenage girls. Under American law , they are considered underage offenders. There are many factors that should be considered. They could have been brainwashed by an adult male through the internet or other means. I would go even further and suggest that, there could be some kind of marriage proposals or love from someone in the ISIS camp. There are a lot of guys whose first language is English among the foreign fighters in ISIS. In North America, the problem of the internet predators luring underage young girls is becoming a huge problem. Further more, these is our communities problems, in terms of extremism, we should deal with it. Families are facing a double edge sword. On one side they worry about gangs and drugs luring their children in the criminal world, on the other hand, when they send them for religious and good moral upbringing , certain people who have different agenda intercepts them and brain washes them. So, it is an issue many families face. We must deal with it in find a way to avoid these potholes.
  23. johnyB, we will cover the future after al-shabaab.
  24. I would prefer Somalis building alliances with a strong candidate rather than throw their hat in the ring. Probably two or three Somalis might be running this same ward at the same time. Waa ismaqqiiqnimo. Why not support one single Somali ?.
  25. Sister, thinking about marriage and finding the right mate should be a constant thought for every young woman. some how it seems in most towns in North America, men or young men of that bracket age are hard to see. As you stated , there are plenty of young men between, 18-23, . These are the children of the young Somalis who settled in North America in and married in early nineties. We have lost a large number of young men who were in their late twenties and early thirties due to incarceration, drugs and other social issued faced by Somalis who brought their children during the tough times of nineties. Having said that , the best way to find a compatible brother is through family and friends. Do not be shy to talk to an aunt, cousin or relative if there are suitable young men. For sure who ever they recommend or bring for proposal will be someone series who is interested foe marriage. Those who you want to engage with ant relationship , should be someone looking to settle down for marriage. Because of modern technology and the hectic nature of today's life , almost everyone has his own little world which keeps them busy. That is why it is important to involve older people, especially those who have already families. I emphasise that others must be involved to find the right person. . I would like to add that the issue of university graduate may lower the pool. There are many non graduates who are gainfully employed and could became compatible series husbands. I conclude recommendations and recommendations is the best way.