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Everything posted by malistar2012

  1. Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo dhoweysay doorashadii ka dhacdey magaalada Cadaado ee lagu doortay Madaxweynaha cusub ee dowlad goboleedka Galmudug Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed. Ra’iisul wasaare ku-xigeenka Xukuumadda Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Cumar Carte ayaa ugu hambalyeeyey Madaxweynaha cusub ee Galmudug Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed, isagoo bogaadiyey guddiga doorashada iyo Xildhibaannada maamulkaasi, si loo dhameystiro hanaanka doorashooyinka. “Waxaan u hambalyaynayaa Madaxweynaha cusub ee dowlad goboleedka Galmudug Cabdikariin Xuseen Guuleed, Alle ayaan uga baryaynaa in uu howsha adag ee loo doortay ku garab galo, waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay sida ay doorashada u dhacday, oo ah mid xaq ah iyo si xalaal ku dhacday, bulshadana ay la shaqeeyaan hogaanka cusub” ayuu yiri Maxamed Cumar Carte.
  2. Jenaral Muungaab:Hambalyo M.weynaha Cusub Ee Galmudug Guddoomiyaha gobalka banaadir ahna duqa magaalada muqdisho Md Xasan Maxamed Xuseen Muungaab ayaa hambalyo iyo bogaadin u diray madaxweyanaha cusub ee loo doortay maamulka Gal mudug C.kariim Xuseen Guuleed. Duqa magaalada muqdisho ayaa Ammaanay habka ay u dhacday doorashada m.weynaha cusub ee Galmudug taas oo uu ku tilmaamay in ay tahay mid ku dayasho mudan. mudane Xasan Maxamed Xuseen ayaa yiri ”M,weynaha cusub ee dowlad gobaleedka Gal Mudug waan u duceynayaa waxaana Alle uga baryayaa in uu u fududeeyo wajibaadka culus ee horyaalla, shacabka deegaanadaasina waxaan u rajeynayaa in uu gaarsiiyo nabad,barwaaqo iyo xasillooni ay ku waaraan” ugu dambeyntii Guddoomiyaha gobaka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada muqdisho ayaa Amaanay Hogganka iyo doorka wax ku oolka ah ee M.weynaha Cusub ee maamulka Galmudug uu ku leeyahay Nabadda iyo dagananshaha Soomaaliya.
  3. ADAADO (HOL) ----Somalia’s former interior minister has been elected as the president of the new Galmudug administration after three rounds of vote that saw two rival candidates losing the contest. Abdikarim Hussein has contested neck-by-neck in the running with Ahmed Fiqi, Somalia’s former director intelligence agency, ending months of campaign in the central Somali town of Adaado. Mr. Hussein would lead the administration that would have Mudug and Galgadud regions under its control despite opposition from the Puntland semi-autonomous region in northern Somalia which believes that the new administration aims to annex parts of its territory. Speaking after the result was annouced , the new president promised to serve Galmudug people with deligent ,determination and sincerity. Mr. Guled, a close ally of the Somali president has secured 49 votes while his rival candidate Ahmed Fiqi who trailed him until the third round got 40 votes. The election of Galmudug president comes few days after Ahlu Sunna wal jame'a declared Ahmed Shakir as the new president of central regions of Somalia. As the presidential elections came to an end, politicians have started preparing for vice president’s elections. HOL will keep you posted for any more updates as they come.
  4. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> niyoow all that Gaas is saying is that you can claim whatever you want, but if you ever try anything funny, Puntland will takeover the whole Cadaado district and surroundings by force. Not only that, but you will lose Baraxley district that Puntland effectively controls. Don't bite the hand that feeds you niyoow. Punt land is central to your survival niyoow and has been as we invented this whole GalMudug thing. Don't loose Bari & Nugaal sheekada gabdhaha wada
  5. Shameless Failed Regional leader Gaas welcomes July 1St with empty Threat from the desert land Gaas oo hanjabaad kusoo dhaweeyay 1-da Luuliyo ,Madaxweynaha maamulka Puntiland Cabdiwali Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa daboolka ka qaaday in xuduudda maamulkiisa Puntiland ay gaari doonto magaalada Guriceel ee gobalka Galgaduud.
  6. Dadweynaha banaanbaxa dhigayay ayaa Laad, Kab iyo Budh isugu Daray sawirada Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh, Gudoomiye Jawaari iyo Nicholas Kay, iyadoona aanu meesha ka muuqan Sawirka RW Cumar oo kamida Xubnaha ugu Sareeya Dawlada Soomaaliya. ! Bari and Nugaal Admin should focus Paying the salary of civil workers and security force , Lucrative Pirate and oil scheme dried up ..... Good Luck Taliye xigeenkii hore ee Booliska Puntland Gen.Muxyadiin Axmed Aw-muse (Gacamey) ayaa BBC-da uga warramay sababta ay u gadoodeen. (Dhegeyso) Jun 25, 2015 - Aragtiyood Reading Time: 1 minutes Taliye ku xigeenka booliska ee Puntland iyo tiro ciidamo ah ayaa dibadda uga baxay magaalada Garoowe, kuwaas oo sheegay inay ka gadoodeen wax ay ugu yeereen xuquuq la’aan. Muxudiin Axmed Muuse oo ciidamadan kala imaaday Galgala ayaa sheeganayo in askartaasi aysan mushaar qaadanin. Arrintan ayaa muddo bilo ah ka soo jiitameysay maamulka Puntland. Waxaana jiray dad isku deyay inay dhexdhexaadiyaan labada dhinac. Taliye ku xigeenka Booliska Puntland Muxudiin Axmed Muse ayaa BBC-da uga warramay sababta ay u gadoodeen. Hoos ka dhegeyso
  7. Somalia army re-takes over AU base from Al Shabab BY WARKA · JUNE 28, 2015 Ciidanka Somland LEGO, Somalia– government forces along with African Union mission in Somalia-AMISOM troops have re-taken over military base in Lego area where Al Shabab militants killed at least 50 AU forces from Burundi on Friday earlier. The situation at the battle zone is reportedly calm. The area is under control of Somalia National Army backed by AMIOSM forces, according to local residents who spoke to local Media in Mogadishu. The re-seizure of AU military base in Lego lies 130 Km North-West of Mogadishu comes after hundreds of Somalia government forces were deployed in parts of lower Shabelle region in a bid to thwart the militants’ attempts. The radical group of Al Shababa has vowed to increase its deadly attacks against on Somalia army and African Union forces bases in the country during holy month of Ramadan. By Abdirazak Mohamud Tuuryare Share This!
  8. Happy 26th June Beautifull celebration In The Nation Capital Mogadishu
  9. Somalia's security agency said yesterday it carried out a night raid on key targets inside a Shebab-controlled town in southern Somalia, targeting "senior" commanders. Internal security spokesman Mohamed Yusuf Osman said that members of the US-trained National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) carried out the attack inside Bardhere town, a stronghold of the Somali-led Al-Qaeda affiliate in Gedo region. "The specially trained security forces have carried out a well orchestrated attack at key targets inside Bardhere district and they have returned safely after the operation," he said. Osman said a police station and the district headquarters used by Shebab fighters and leaders were targeted in the raid. "Our forces interrupted a very senior level meeting of (Shebab) leaders. The intelligence we had indicated the meeting was to plan for more attacks in Somalia and Kenya," NISA said in an emailed statement, which described the raid as "retaliation" for a Shebab attack in Mogadishu on Sunday. NISA sources said that a Shebab leader known as Yusuf Haji was killed in the operation and they were working to confirm whether senior Shebab commanders, including intelligence chief Mahad Karate and Kenyan university massacre mastermind Mohamed Mohamud -- also known by the aliases 'Dulyadin' and 'Kuno' -- were in the building at the time of the raid. Witnesses in Bardhere said loud explosions were heard during the night. "We have heard several explosions, but it is very difficult to know more because heavily armed Shebab militants are patrolling in the streets," said Hashi Aw Adan, a resident. US drone strikes have targeted and killed a string of Shebab leaders in recent months, including the group's emir Ahmed Abdi Godane, in September 2014, but a ground assault inside Shebab territory is unusual. Under pressure in Somalia, the Shebab is increasingly turning its attention to Kenya. In its bloodiest attack to date four Shebab gunmen killed nearly 150 people, mostly students, in an attack on a university in Garissa, northeastern Kenya, in April.
  10. Hay’adaha Ammaanka oo ka warbixiyay weerarkii saakay Ciidammadu fashiliyeen”SAWIRRO Xilli Saakay Aroortii Hore kooxaha Dhagar qabayaasha ay isku dayeen in ay weerar ka fuliyaan degmada Shibis ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Ciidamm ada hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed oo Taxadar iyo feejignaan Ammaanka laxiriirta ku jiray ay ku guuleysteen in ay Fashiliyaan isku dayga kooxda ee Dhicisoobay. Ciidammada ayaa rasaas ku furay gaariga Nuuciisu ahaa NOHA oo walxaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay kaddib markii uu ka dhaga Adeegay in uu joogsado isagoo ku qarxay goob barxad ah oo kubadda Cagta lagu ciyaaro oo ku taalla Degmada Shibis. Ha’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka ayaa warbaahinta u soo bandhigay meydadka sedex ka mid ah maleeshiyaadkii qaraxa gaystay uu ku jiro Darawalkii gaariga waday, iyo labo ruux oo ku Cararay guri dad rayid ah ay leeyihiin oo ku yaala Nawaaxiga goobta uu falka ka dhacay kuwaasi oo ay toogteen ciidammada Nabad Sugidda Qaranka. Guddoomiyha degmada Shibis Axmed Muumin Maxamed ayaa sheegay in ciidammada ammaanka ay fashiliyeen weerarkaas oo uu ku sheegay in uu ahaa mid dadka ay doonayeen inay ku dhibaateeyaan. fhayeenka wasaaradda Amniga Gudaha maxamed Yuusuf Cismaan ayaa warbaahinta u Sheegay in kooxda alshabab ay doonayeen inay dhibaateeyaan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed ee Sooman balse Ciidammada ay ka hortageen. Halka weerarka fashilmay ay ku qaadeen argagixisada Alshabaab ayaa ahayd goob barxad ah taas oo muu jinaysa sida ay u doonayaan kooxdaas inay dhibaateeyaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed eek u danaya waajibaadka Bisha Rammadaan. Ciidammada hay’adahaa Amniga ayaa sii kordhiyay howlgallada Amaanka Caasimadda lagu sugayo taasi oo keentay in ay hoos u dhacaan weeraradii kooxda shabaab ay ka geysan jirtay bulshada dhexdeeda aydoo wadooyinka Magaalada Muqdisho lagu arkayo ciidan ka tirsan hayadaha Amniga oo howlgallo maalin iyo habeenba leh sameynayaan.
  11. Gen Mungaab rebuilds(Ex Ufficio Governo) the old Mogadishu local Government House Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in tallaabada maamulka gobolka Banaadir uu qaadey isagoo kaashanaya shacabka ay muujineyso in Soomaalidu ay wax qabsan karaan, door lixaad lehna ka qaadan karaan dib u dhiska dalka. “Waa inaan u wada guntanaa mashruuca DALKAAGA DHISO oo haatan ka soo gudbey heerkii fikirka, lonna beddeley waxqabad dhab ah oo sida maanta idin muuqataa aan dhex fadhino aqal taariikh fog ku leh dalkeena, oo ay dad Soomaaliyeed isku xilqaameen in dib loo dayactiro lana soo celiyo bilicdii uu lahaa. Ganacsatada Soomaalida ee dalalka dibedda ku nool waxaan ku boorrinayaa inay dalkooda maalgashadaan , waxayna taasi sahleysaa dib u dhiska iyo shaqo abuuris loo sameeyo dhalinyarada’’, ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha.
  12. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> What about the hundreds of thousands of students in Puntland who have been taking secondary school exams since 1997? Are they not Somali too? Why do the people and politicians of Mogadishu insistant on claiming that every single one of their local issues is of national significance or is beyond their immediate region in scope and nature? Puntland is a Federal state first of all let me remind you , its true thousand of students have been studying in a private education schools throughout the past decades despide absent of centre Gov in Somalia . The national secondary examinations in the academic year 2014-2015 was prepared by the ministry of education. Exams kicked off at different centres in Hiraan, Mudug and Galgaduud, Middle Shabelle, Bay , Lower and Middle Jubba and Gedo regions. For those who graduate they have the chance of receiving free education in Somali National University ( Jaamacada Umada Soomaaliyeed) Congrats to the Students and The FG . Ten Province holding Unified National Exams which was prepared by the ministry of education, it's not local Mogadishu issue The Audacity of these People
  13. Ardaydii ugu badnayd Bartamaha iyo Koonfurta oo maanta Imtixaanaadka dowladda u fariistay ”Daawo Sawirro” Jun 15, 2015 - jawaab Ku dhawaad Todobo kun oo arday Soomaaliyeed ayaa maanta u fadhiisatay Imtixaanka Shahaadiga ee ay Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Waxbarashada ka qaadeyso ardayda dhigata Dugsiyada sare ee bartamaha iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Ku-simaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha xukuumadda Federalka ah ee Soomaaliya ahna Wasiirka Cadaaladda Cabdullahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilka-jiir) oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirada Waxbarashada Khadra Bashiir Cali, Warfaafinta iyo dhaqanka Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Xayir “Maareeye” Aminga gudaha Cabdirisaaq Cumar Maxamed ayaa si rasmi ah u furay qaadista Imtixaanka shahaadiga dugsiyada sare ee ku yaala Bartamaha iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya, si ardayda ay u helaan shahaadooyin mid ah oo Wasaaraddu aqoonsatahay. Sidoo kale Mnaasabadda waxaa ka qeyb galay Taliyeyaasha Booliska iyo Nabad sugidda iyo Madaxsare oo ka tirsan dowladda, iyadoo ardayda ay imtixaanku ku galayeen dugsiga 15 May, waxaana ardayda u rajeeyeen in Imtixaanka uu Alle ku guuleeyo. Sidoo kale Ku-simaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka Amniga gudaha iyo Wasiiru-dowlaha Waxbarashada Mudane Cabdullaahi Bile Nuur ayaa imtixaanka ka furay Iskuulkii hore ee farsamada ee Buulo-Tikniko, halkaasi oo ay ku sugnaayeen ardayda aad u fara badan oo imtixaanka ka qeyb galaysay. Sidoo kale Ku-simaha Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa waxa uu maanta Imtixaanka ka furay Jaamacadda Ummadda, halkaasi oo ay joogeen arday aad u fara badan, iyadoo ay jiraan Iskuullo kale oo uu kormeer ku sameeyay Wasiirka Cadaaladda, waxaana uu xusay inay tahay tallaabo lagu farxo. Ku dhawaad 200 oo arday oo wax ka dhigta iskuulada magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa iyana saaka u fadhiisantay Imtixaanka mideysan oo ay soo diyaarisay Wasaaradda Waxbrashada, waxaana tani ay noqoneysaa mudd 24 sano kaddib in arday Soomaaliyeed ay u fadhiistaan Imtixaanka Shahaadiga ah ee dugsiyada sare, iyadoo ay sidoo kale jiraan arday imtixaanka ku galeysay xarunta Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Magaalooyinka Cadaado, Beladweyne, iyo qaar kale ku yaalla bartamaha iyo koofurta dalka ayuu saaka si rasmi ah uga bilowday Imtixaanka. Sidoo kale magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobolka Baay ayaa iyana waxaa ka bilaabatay Imtixaanka shahaadiga ee ay qaadayso Wasaaradda Waxbarashada iyo tacliinta sare ee dowladda Soomaaliya.
  14. Somalia:First Lot of Somali Students to sit for National Examinations since 1990 he first batch of Somali students have sat for national secondary examinations in the academic year 2014-2015 which were prepared by the ministry of education, today. Exams kicked off at different centres in Hiraan, Mudug and Galgaduud, Middle Shabelle, Bay , Lower and Middle Jubba and Gedo regions. Though the country has no national curriculum and unique text books but the government maintained set exams which are one step forward. “It is the right time we start shaping the future of our children. we need to take it very seriously and should never be discouraged by those pessimistic people who want the status quo . We carry out the national examinations regardless of all the obstacles ahead.” said the minister of education, Isse Mohamed Ahmed. secondary schools in the country are largely managed by the private education umbrella organizations. However, the government is willing to take over, provide the basic services, and coordinate all the national examinations. This does not mean that the government will turn down the efforts made by the education umbrella organizations; it will rather appreciate and support to the best of its ability for the betterment and future of the Somali children.somali_secondry_student “We will support and provide whatever we can afford materially, technically and mentally to develop and strengthen the existing systems so that it is up to the standards in line with the national education act” said the Director general, Mohamed Abdulkadir Noor. Since the central government was deposed early 1990s, the learning institutions were ran by education umbrellas which stood for the helping of Somali students. Umbrellas control some 817 schools country wide and the government has no control whatsoever in the schools, but the deputy minister is arguing that they they invited the individual schools to sit for the exams, not the umbrellas. Arguments sparked between the government and the Umbrellas after education ministry glued to hold general examination in the country. The umbrellas accused the government of jumping the process by not passing the required laws in the parliament for private education before such arrangements could be implemented. Umbrellas control some 817 schools country wide and the government has no control whatsoever in the schools, but the deputy minister is arguing that they they invited the individual schools to sit for the exams, not the umbrellas. more on goobjoog The armed rebel group Alshabab has previously threatened to attacks schools if the government get involved.
  15. Somali high school leavers’ sit for exams to join Police Force BY WARKA · JUNE 11, 2015 In what is seen as bright future to Somali security agencies, hundreds of high school students have showed up to join Somali Police Force. The Police recently announced the recruitment of 300 new officers into the law enforcing agency. Somali Police commissioner General Mohamed Sheikh Hassan Hamud who was present at examination center in the capital Mogadishu has promised fairness in the examination process to select the eligible recruits. Experts say the new move by the government to recruit high school and university graduates into the police force will transform the image of law enforcement agency which is recovering from decades of collapse. In another gesture to discourage drug abuse within the institution, drug abuse was one of the disqualifications in the application form to join the police. Somali Police Force which was established in 1960s and affected by the more than two decades of civil war in the country is currently undergoing rebuilding and equipment through government international partners such as European Union.
  16. Peace Agreement Galgaduud and Jigjiga Qodobada lagu heshiiyay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa: 1: Xabad joojin rasmi ah oo ka bilaabanaysa maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 07/6/2015. Dagaal danbana inuusan ka dhicin deegaanadii dhibku ka dhacay. Labada dhinacna waxay fariin nabadeed u gudbinayaan dadka shacabka ah. 2: Maanta oo taarikhdu tahay 07/6/2015 in deegaanadii dagaalku ka dhacay ay ka caagan yihiin xoogag hubaysan oo sharci daro in ay ka dhaq dhaqaaqaan. 3: Dadka Soomaalida ah ee kunool gudaha Itoobiya, iyaga oo aan loo eegin Diin, Qowmiyad, Luuqad, Qabiil IWM… waxay leeyihiin Xuquuq dastuuri ah iyo sinaansho dhinaca adeegyada Dowlada ah. 4: Laba dhinac waxay ku heshiiyeen inay xoojiyaan xiriirka iyo nabad kuwada noolaanshaha laba dal. 5: Labada dhinac guud ahaan, gaar ahaana Gobolada Qoraxey ee Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya iyo Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya iyo meel kasta oo labada Dowladood daris ka yihiin in si nabad gelyo ah lagu xaliya, wixii khilaaf ah ee soo baxa, iyaga oo adeegsanaya Odoyaasha dhaqanka, xoogaga Nabadgelyada iyo Maamulada labada dhinac. 6: Dhibaatadii ka dhacday Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya waxaa si gooni ah xil uga saaranyahay xalintooda Maamulka iyada uu la tashanayo, isla markaana kaashanaya shacabka ku dhaqan deegaankaas. iyaga oo Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya xalinayaan sababihii keenay khilaafka. 7: Labada dhinac waxay ku heshiiyeen in ay ula dagaalamaan si wada jir ah cadowgooda Al-Shabaab, UBBO iyo u Adeegayaasha Wadamada Shisheeye ee cadowga ku ah degenaanshaha iyo nabadgelyada labada dhinac. 8: Waxay labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen in si wada jir ah iyo si gaar gaar ahba ula dagaalamaan cadowga iyo cid kasta oo si khaldan u adeegsanaya qalabka Warbaahinta, abuurayana colaado hor leh.
  17. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> Ha ha ha...Lol@ " undermining" Everyone knows it's been a rough week for Damjadiid and their Anarchists incorporated colleagues: So it's understandable that Malistar has resorted to picking up such choice words as "undermine" and whatnot to cover-up his churlish meltdowns over the unstoppability of Federalism in Somalia and the futility of opposing its stalwart champions( Puntland). Sxb, Culusow is running out of time and 2016 is upon us, and his abject failures in office leave you and your lot no choice now, but to resort to your old argagaxiso ways... so get your Yasser Arafat style keffiyeh ready--- you gonna need it! Tick, tock, tick, tock. same old empty threat from the Pirates in a empty desert lol some Habits don't change , 2015 Pirates are still playing the tribal game , You Mean its Been Bad Year for the NGO Admin In Puntland waite a new scam in the air jackpot refuges cash cow kkkkkk
  18. THE GOVERNMENT OF PUNTLAND STRONGLY CONDEMNS THE ILLEGAL NO CONFIDENCE VOTE OF THE FEDERAL PARLIAMENT OF SOMALIA AGAINST JUBBALAND STATE PARLIAMENT. June 7, 2015 PRESS STATEMENT puntland-Flag The Government of Puntland State of Somalia strongly condemns the illegal no confidence vote of 6 June 2015 by the Federal Parliament of Somalia against the newly formed Jubbaland State Parliament. The Government of Puntland states categorically, that the vote of no confidence is unconstitutional, against the federal process and Vision 2016. The Government of Puntland finds it unfortunate, the federal parliament’s continued failure to deliver for the Somali people, and is instead engaged in divisive actions that are detrimental to the on-going peace and state-building efforts in Somalia. The illegal and destabilizing actions of the federal parliament will lead to further chaos, fragmentation and political divisions. The no confidence vote contravenes Article 50 of the Federal Constitution of Somalia, which stipulates the principles of federalism in the Federal Republic of Somalia. Therefore, the Government of Puntland will like to inform the Somali public and the International Community that the action of the federal parliament is a clear violation of the Federal Provisional Constitution. The Government of Puntland strongly supports and will safeguard the principles of federalism in the Federal Republic of Somalia and the working relations among and between federal member states per Article 50, section © of the Federal Provisional Constitution. The Government of Puntland fully supports the decision of the Government of Jubbaland State regarding the illegal no confidence vote of 6 June 2015 by the Federal Parliament of Somalia against the parliament of Jubbaland State. Equally, the Government of Puntland stands together with all constitutionally existing and emerging federal member states and administrations on the basis of safeguarding the principles of federalism in the Federal Republic of Somalia. - END Ministry of Information, Telecommunication, Culture and Heritage The Government of Puntland State of Somalia
  19. Dowladaha Somalia iyo Masar oo heshiis kala Saxiixday{SAWIRRO} Posted on June 4, 2015 by Ahmed Kaahiye in WARAR, WARARKA // 0 Comments Waxaa asbuucaan booqasho rasmi ah ku joogay dalka Masar Wafdi balaaran oo ka kooban Wasaaradaha Xanaanada Xoolaha,dhirta iyo Daaqa Somaaliya,Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga iyo Kheyraadka badda,Wasiir kuxigeenka Wasaarada Beeraha iyo khubaro iyo lataliyaal ka tirsan wasaaradahaas,Wafdigan waxaa si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay dalka Masar,waxayna kulamo dhowr beri qaatay la yeesheen madaxda wadankaan gaar ahaan Wasiirka Beeraha Masar Dr.Salaax Hilaal,Waxay sidoo kale lakulmeen Lataliyaha Amniga Qaranka Dr.Faaisa Abu-najja. Wafdiga ayaa gabagabadii kulamadooda waxay heshiis is-kaashi la saxiixdeen Wasiirka Beeraha,Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo Kaluuunka Masar Dr.Saalax ,Heshiisyadaan ayaa qeexaya in la dhiirigaliyo ganacsatada labada dal inay maalgaliyaan mashaariic lawadaago ee khuseysa qaybaha waxsoosaarka ee xoolaha,Beeraha iyo Kaluunka. Waxaa kale heshiisku si cad u sheegayaa in Suuqyada Masar loo furo si buuxda oo toos ah Xoolaha iyo hilibka Xoolaha Soomaaliya iyadoo laraacayo nidaamka caafimaad iyo xanaanayn ee labada dal ku heshiiyeen. Waxaa kale Dowlada Masar ay balan qaaday inay gacan ka gaysan doonto dhinacyada khibrada iyo aqoonta ee Beeraha,Xoolaha iy Kaluunka. Waxa labada dhinac ay sidoo kale isla garteen in suuqyada labada dal la isku furo in la is dhaafsada badeecooyinka iyo waxsoosaarka iyo kheyraadka labada da. Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha Soomaaliya Siciid Xuseen Ciid iyo Wasiirka Beeraha Masar Dr.Saalax Hilaal oo Shir wada jir ah ku qabtay goobta heshiisyadu ka dhaceen ayaa sheegay in heshiiskaani uu wadada u Xaari doono iskaashi dhaqaale iyo ganacsi oo dhex mara labada dal. Waxa xusid mudan Soomaaliya iyo Masar inay lahaayeen taariikh dheer ganacsi,waxa sidoo kale ay Masar door weyn ku lahayn tacliinta Soomaaliya.
  20. Congrats to the Business Community In Mogadishu , Two International recognised Banks in one Year IBS and Premier Bank . International Bank of Somalia This what counts the most providing Jobs for the Population , Premier Bank God Bless our President and Governor of Mogadishu Gen Mungaab for making our Nation Captial safe and secure to Invest Great Job ....... Yusuf Garad loving the service and feels like his back in U.K . Job Jobs that's what matters most significant boost to security and the Economy
  21. MasterCard Becomes First International Payments Network to Enter Somalia CAPE TOWN, South Africa — At the World Economic Forum on Africa today, MasterCard announced its partnership with Premier Bank, becoming the first international payments network to enter Somalia. As a result of the partnership, Premier Bank will now issue and accept the first MasterCard-branded payment cards in Somalia, a country that hasn't had any form of formal banking service since the collapse of the government and financial services system in 1991. "Somalia has made significant strides to rebuild the country and instil peace and stability. Today marks a historic milestone, signalling Somalia's financial liberation following years of being excluded from participating in the global economy," says Abdirahman Yusuf Ali Aynte, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of Somalia. Premier Bank ATMs can accept cards for cash withdrawal, while the bank will also issue 5,000 MasterCard debit cards this year, followed by prepaid cards, and point of sale (POS) machines. The introduction of the MasterCard payments network means that government agencies now have an efficient platform through which to transfer salary disbursements. Foreigners, expatriates and international aid organisations sending funds to Somalia can do so via a formal, traceable network that complies with international security standards, eliminating the risks of transferring and transporting cash. Remittances contribute well over US$1 billion to Somalia's economy annually, or over 35 percent of GDP, funds that are an essential source of income for individuals and necessary for the development of the country. "Reassuring foreign investors, Somalis in the diaspora and those distributing aid that our financial systems are secure and properly regulated is critical to Somalia's economic well-being," he adds. Premier Bank's MasterCard-branded debit cards enable Somalis to withdraw funds from any MasterCard-licensed ATM globally, shop online, and pay for goods and services at millions of merchants that accept MasterCard payment cards around the world. "We can now provide our customers with a safe, cost-effective, convenient means of transacting, both at home and abroad," says Mahat Mohamed Ahmed, Managing Director of Premier Bank. "It is our hope that increasing payment card usage in Somalia will encourage merchants and citizens to demand more electronic payments services as they engage with and contribute to the formal economy." Demonstrating the value of close collaboration in the banking and payments technology industries, this landmark partnership is a significant step towards reducing Somalia's dependence on cash, increasing financial inclusion and ultimately contributing to the country's financial stability. "To promote economic growth in Somalia, which has long been isolated from the global economy, there is a need for electronic payment solutions that align with international security and regulation standards,'' says Daniel Monehin, Division President for sub-Saharan Africa, MasterCard. "Our agreement with Premier Bank comes at a time when MasterCard is working closely with governments and financial institutions across Africa to introduce safe and simple financial solutions, achieving our vision of a world beyond cash," he says. About MasterCard MasterCard (NYSE: MA),, is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world's fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard's products and solutions make everyday commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances – easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Follow us on Twitter @MasterCardNews, join the discussion on theBeyond the Transaction Blog and subscribe for the latest news on the Engagement Bureau. About Premier Bank Premier Bank Limited is licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Somalia (License No. 0011) to provide Banking and Financial Services. The bank offers comprehensive one-stop financial solutions to customers who include both private and government institutions, corporate and SME businesses and individuals in Somalia. The bank has two branches on KM4 Makalmukarama Street and Bakara Market in Mogadishu, with plans underway to open more branches in the capital and key towns of Somalia. For more detail visit:
  22. These self hating coward SLAVES have been pushed back and defeated , they have commited Genocide against poor shepherd , organized war against poor Noble Nomads to wipe them out but they gave Liyu slaves unforgettable lesson . Hadaba halkan ka akhriso saraakiisha laga dilay iyo kuwa laga dhaawacay Liyuu Police-ka Kornayl Bashiir Aadan (Bashiir Afdheere) Ninkan ayaa xasuuq ba’an ka gaystay magaalada Gunagado labadii sanado ee lasoo dhaafya halkaasi oo lagu xasuuqay dad shacab ah oo aan waxba galabsan. Shiihalaqe Shaambal Santuur qorane. Shiihalaqe Ina Aadan Cali. Shiihalaqe Cali-yare waa ninkii masuulka uga ahaa gumaysiga maleeshiyaadka ay ka samaysteen Degmada Dhagaxmadow iyo deegaanada ku hareeraysan. Shiihalaqe Dhuubooy waa ninkii haystay maleeshiyaadka Hawaarinta ee dagmada Dhagaxbuur ee deegaanada ku dhawdhaw. Shiihalaqe Cabdulaahi Xaaji. Shiihalaqe Cabdi-gaab waa ninkii haystay maaleshiyaadka Tuulooyinka Huuraale,Sasabane iyo Bakka. Shaambal Laydh Cabdi Maxamed . Shiihalaqe Maxamuud Siyaad Mursal. Shiihalaqe Maxamuud Axmed Dhagay . Shiihalaqe Faarax-deeq . Shiihalaqe Dhibaaye Cali Barre. Shiihalaqe Xasan-boosaaso Maxmed Barre . Shiihalaqe Shaafi Cabdulaahi Caydiid Ninkan ayaa ah dhaawac aad u xun waxaana loo qaadya isbitaalka ku yaal magaalada Adis Ababa. Shiihalaqe Namhaani Maxmed Cabdi Ninkaan ayaa isaguna ah dhaawac meelo badan ka jajaban.
  23. At least 50 killed in clashes between Somali, Ethiopian militias on border MOGADISHU -- At least 50 people were killed and scores of others injured in border clashes between Somali clan militia and Ethiopian paramilitary unit since last week, the Somali authorities said on Monday. Somalia's Galgadud region governor, Hussein Weheliye Cirfo, said most of the victims are civilians in the week-long fighting between Somali militia and Ethiopian force known as "Liyu police." "Liyu police unit attacked the Somali nomad community, killing 50 people, among them 11 women," said Cirfo, adding that hundreds of families had fled the villages as fighting escalated on Monday. Somali Interior Minister, Abdirahman Odowaa, said his government was working with Ethiopian authorities to deal with the issue. "We are talking with our counterparts in Ethiopia so that we can find an amicable solution to this problem," said Odowaa. Liyu police is an Ethiopian paramilitary unit operating in Ethiopia's ethnic Somali region.
  24. Two Xabash agenda wishing for SomaliBlood to spill , salax and Mooge why don't you guys fire The Smoking Gun . Guddigii loo saaray baaritaanka dilkii Xildhibaan Dirir oo baaritaan horu dhac soo bandhigay by A M | Saturday, May 30, 2015 | 4524 views May 30 (Jowhar)— Guddigii loo xil saaray baaritaanka dilkii Xildhibaan Yuusuf Maxamed Dirir loogu geystay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa soo bandhigay baaritaan horu dhac ah oo ku aadan qaabkii uu u dhacay dilkaas oo ay geysteen Ciidamo ka tirsan Milateriga Soomaaliya. Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka Dr. Axmed Cali Dahir oo xubin ka ah Guddiga ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu shalay ku qabtay Xarunta CID ayaa sheegay in baaritaanka uu wali yahay mid horu dhac ah. “Shilkii ka dhacay Wadada Maka Al-Mukarama 23-kii bishan, halkaasoo muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed ku geeriyoodeen oo uu ka mid ahaa Xildhibaan Dirir iyo labo qof oo kale shacab ah,Guddiga baaritaan horu dhac ayay ku guuleysteen inay soo bandhigaan, waxaa gacanta lagu hayaa saddex baabuur, qoryihii fal dambiyeedka lagu galay iyo ilaa 14 ruux oo u xiran falkaas”ayuu yiri Dr. Axmed Cali Dahir. Xeer Ilaaliyaha ayaa sheegay in saddex baabuur ay kala yihiin baabuurkii ay Xildhibaanada wateen, gaari ay leedahay Waaxda Socdaalka iyo gaarigii ay wateen Ciidamadii Milateriga ahaa. “Waxaa gacanta Guddiga ku jira ilaa todobo qor oo lix qori ay yihiin AK47, halka qoriga kalena uu yahay BKM, waxaana tuhunsanahay inay yihiin kuwo fal dambiyeedka lagu galay 14 ruux ee falkaas u xiran labo ka mid ah waa Ciidamada Milateriga, iyagoo dhaawac ah ayay xiran yihiin”ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray Xeer Ilaaliyaha Guud ee Qaranka. Wasaaradda Amniga Gudaha ayaa sheegtay in falkii lagu dilay Xildhibaan Dirir ay ka dambeeyeen ciidamo milateri ah, iyadoo Wasaaraddu tilmaamtay in falkaas uu ahaa mid ku dhacan si kama’a ah, markii gaari ay wateen ciidamada oo wadada marayay ay dhowr jeer hoon u yeeriyeen gaariga Xildhibaanada la socdeen, dabadeedna markii uu ka dhega adeegay ay wado kale mareen, rasaasna ku fureen. Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa todobaadkii hore magacawday Guddi soo baara falkan, waana markii u horeysay ee Xildhibaan ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay dilkiisa ku lug yeesheen Ciidamo ka tirsan Milateriga Soomaaliya.