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Everything posted by malistar2012

  1. NewsSomali RAIISAL WASAARE SHARMAARKE OO LAGU WAREEJIYAY MAXAABIISTII PUNTLAND LOOGA QABTAY DAGAALKII GAALKACYO - Dr. Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke, Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Somaliya oo ku sugan Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa waxaa galabta lagu wareejiyay tiro ka mid ah Ciidanka Puntland. Madaxweynaha Maamulka Galmudug, C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed, ayaa wuxuu Ra’iisal Wasaaraha uu ku wareejiyay lix ka mid ah Ciidanka Puntland, oo maxaabiis ahaan looga qabtay dagaalkii Gaalkacyo. Madaxweynaha Galmudug, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in si wanaagsan oo qurux badan leh ay ula dhaqmeen maxaabiista, mudadii ay gacanta ugu jireen Maamulka Galmudug. Madaxweynaha, ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in maxaabiista laga wareysan karo waxa ay kala kulmeen Galmudug, tan iyo markii gacanta lagu soo dhigay. Ra’iisal Wasaare Sharmaarke, ayaa bogaadiyay sida diiran ay Galmudug ugu soo wareejisay maxaabiistaasi, isagoo sheegay in tani ay bilow u tahay nabadda Magaalada Gaalkacyo.
  2. Puntland Prisoners captured displayed demand Gaas stop the war concede defeat Puntland claims they captured Galmudug Police station in Galkacyo false claims by Mooge and Pirates .
  3. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> These guys are hiding in one Xafaad with hidden camera nothing but lies and whining .
  4. Ciidanka Galmudug ayaa goor dhaweeyd dagaalkii rogaal celiska ee biloowday ku qabtay Taliyahii Ciidanka Ilaaladda Cabdiweli Gaas iyo afar Saraakiil kale Abdiwali Gaas Personal security chief captured american trained Anti Piracy Puntland soldier captured in Galkacyo embarrassing stories Great Work Galmudug force brave fighters
  5. Sawirro muujinaya in Galmuudg ay la wareegtay Warshadda Galeyda iyo Cagaarweyne BAD Day for Warmonger Abdiwali Gaas
  6. Puntland failed to stop Galmudug state Politicaly and economically armed conflict will be great damage to Puntland in Mudug ninkii soo joog laga waayey soo jiif ayaa laga helaa
  7. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Good question. It is not like Al shabab has air force anyway. Somalia has Foreign enemies at the border Gates , Kenya and Ethiopia are exercising millitary power over Mogadishu Gov . Something that will change in the near future Kenya is land grabbing and rubbing Somali resource because of military power
  8. Xaalad Kacsanaan ah tii ugu darnayd Oo Caawa Gaalkacyo ka taagan & Qaylo iyo rasaas Wararkii Ugu Danbeeyay Xaalada Gaalkacyo Caawa iyo Magaalada oo ay Dad Badan ay ka Baxayaan Nov 25, 2015 - jawaab HM__Xafiiska Wararka Gaalkacyo Wararkii ugu Danbeeyay ee ku soo dhaca Xafiiska Warqabadka aya Sheegaya in caawa xaalada magaalada gaalkacyo ay qasan tahay labada dhinac isla markana magaalada dad badan ay cawa ka baxeen xili maanta heshiiskii gaalkacyo uu fashil ku soo dhaamaday isla markana dadka gaalkacyo aya caawa ka cabsi qaba in magaalada uu dhib ka dhaco kadib markii caawa magaalada dhaq dhaqaaq xoogan labada dhinac laga dareemayo 2 maalmood oo ahayd heshiis xabad joojinta ahayd ayaa maanta ku ekaa mana jirin wax waan waan ah oo si dhab looga gaaray xiisadii gaalkacyo ka taagnayd waxaana caawa magaalada gaalkacyo lagu arkaya labada dhinac dad aad u farbadan oo magaalda ka sii baxaya guud ahaan magaalada gaalkacyo gaalkacyo aya waxa ay u egtahay mid dadka ay ka sii dhamaanayan oo magaalda way hawanaysaa waxaana magaalada ku soo qul qulaya baabuur aad u farbadan halka baabuur badana ay dadka ka sii daad guraynayan dadka labada dhinac idaacadaha gaalkacyo ayaa baahiyay edeymo kala duwan oo cidba cida kale ay ku edeysanayo in ay ka danbeyso colaada gaalkacyo ka taagana isku soo wada duuboo caawa gaalkacyo waxa ay u egtahay mid jawi kale iyadona wali ay waan waantu ay socoto wixii wararka oo ku soo kordha kala soco
  9. Somalia: “Puntalnd accused of importing counterfeit money into the country” The Chairman of the central Bank of Somalia Mr. Bashiir Isse Ali has on Saturday held a press conference in Mogadishu and accused the semiautonomous States of Puntland of being behind of the flow of phony money into the country wide. “We made thorough investigation to know where the recent counterfeit money which we have recently seen causing fluctuation on the trade in the city is coming from, and the bottom-line of the investigation is that the money is coming from the semiautonomous states of Puntland in Eastern Somalia, it is very unfortunate to know that Puntland which one of the strong pillars of the nation is behind this illegal monetary” said Bashir the chairman of Somalia’s central Bank in a press conference. On the other hand the chairman has added that Somalia is on negotiation with international countries and the IMF on how Somalia can have a single monetary unit. The administration of Puntland has not yet given back reaction to the chairman’s comments. Radio Dalsan
  10. MOGADISHU (HOL) -----A moderate Islamist group has signed a power sharing deal with the Galmudug regional administration Thursday, ending months of political rivalry that started after the formation of the Somali government-backed state. The deal marks a new political era for the two sides which may help to quell the deadly insurgency by the al-Qaeda linked Al-shabab group which is fighting the two administrations. advertisements Under the new deal signed in Adado town, Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca group would have some of its members included into the Galmudug administration’s leadership circle, scenario which would also assign a 30% share in the state’s parliament. In addition, ASWJ militia would have 4% of the cabinet from their side. Political analysts say the new deal would help Galmudug administration to unite the Sufi militia’s strongholds into its territory that may boost its political clout. The new deal comes two months after the moderate Islamist group’s fighters have ousted government troops from Dhusomareb, a town which was supposed to serve as the Galmudug administration’s provincial capital as declared by Somali president in June in protest of the state’s formation. The town’s capture has since forced authorities to swap the headquarters to Galkayo town in Mudug region. Signed by Abdikarim Hussein Guled, Galmudug state’s president and Sheikh Ibrahim Gureye, the chairman of the Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca's executive committee, the deal ducks a major divisive issue: whether the two sides will avoid a more political row. Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca fighters control Guriel and Dhusomareb towns after the ouster of the Al-shabab fighters from the two major bases in 2009. The group has since maintained the control of both towns.
  11. The Million dollar Tour Kismaayo-- Jowhar Garowe Baidoa Balicad Gaalkacyo Galmudug Amb- Maxamed Cali Nuur Ameeriko also visited dhuusamareeb and Guriceel in Galgaaduud
  12. Godax barre is killing his political career he will soon reti , sure he will NOt be elect as MP after 2016 disgraced 1. Godax barre was shown the door denied Minister job 2 . Godax Barre Influence in Hiiraan and shabelle dhex state mechanism was reduced to zero Influence . Godax Bare is selfish Politicians feels betrade , its all politcs Good to see People Practicing God giving right in Mogadishu ....
  13. Kenya and Somalia agree on close business and development cooperation BY WARKA · AUGUST 21, 2015 The Governments of Kenya and Somalia have agreed to strengthen their economic and development cooperation. A joint communique issued by Parliamentary defense and foreign relations committee of Kenya and Somalia after meeting in Mogadishu has also agreed to cooperate on the areas of transport, security, governance and judicial reforms. Visiting Kenyan delegation has promised to work on direct flights between Mogadishu and Nairobi instead of transit to Wajir and respect to Somali officials and citizens while in Kenya. Kenyan parliament also recommended appropriation of funds to help rebuild Somalia in the areas of governance, civil services, judiciary and electoral reforms. Kenya will also undertake diplomatic support for Somalia in the region to encourage international partners and financial institutions to establish their presence and hold regional and international meetings in Somalia. more on radiodalsan
  14. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> ^ Rather than accepting the IC calls for a "legitimate transfer of power"(keyword being transfer) for what it is, you choose to delude others through obfuscations and your own self- imposed discombobulation. Transfer of power means just that: A TRANSFER OF POWER from Culusow to whoever else gets selected/elected in 2016. For all intents and purposes, Culusow and damjadiid are as good as roadkill, politically. Election will take take place 2016 and just like any other citizen Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud has the right to Run for the President seat as second term ,No constitutional law denies him that ?
  15. Galmudug is = Mudug and Galgaaduud As we speak the President of Galmudug state recognized by FG and IC is touring Galgaduud Cabdkariim Xuseen Guuleed iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa gaadhay magaalada Gelinsoor ee Gobolka Galgaduud. Galmudug admin bringing law and order back to Goboladhex , Somali Arm force unfication has start in centre state ... 21st Somali arm division Camp moved Galkacyo start of Integration of Goboladhex force Soldiers - Police - NISA Goverment will have strong Grib on Goboladhex . Nisa in in Galkacyo President Hassan Bring law and order to Goboladhex this is a significant progress and achievement recognized by The Somali People and IC ... Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa booliiska Galmudug iyo kuwa nabad sugida soomaaliyeed ee Nisa ayaa howlga;lo looga gol lahaa xaqiijinta amaanka magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta gobalka mudug maanta wax ay maanta si wadajir ah uga sameeyay qeybo ka mida ah magaalada
  16. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> ^ Malistar, are you now nitpicking sentences to extract anything even remotely useful to your daft form of cheap propaganda, huh? So tell us my desperate damjadiid mouthpiece: who might the IC wish to have provide " a legitimate transfer of power"? Face it sxb, time is running for retard culusow and the buffoons in parliament. 2016 has sealed their fate. Tick, tock, tick, hear that, Malistar? That's the clock running out for the embecile in Villa Somalia:", irregardless of the silly sideshow our placeholder parliament has going. ? 2016 legitimate transfer of power to who ever wins the Election us i see it ,this is not a dictatorship regime . Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud came into Power by democratic election so will the Next President of Somalia in 2016 , if the President Hassan is defeated in the election. Galmudug is = Mudug and Galgaaduud As we speak the President of Galmudug state recognized by FG and IC is touring Galgaduud Cabdkariim Xuseen Guuleed iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa gaadhay magaalada Gelinsoor ee Gobolka Galgaduud. Galmudug admin bringing law and order back to Goboladhex , Somali Arm force unfication has start in centre state ... 21st Somali arm division Camp moved Galkacyo start of Integration of Goboladhex force Soldiers - Police - NISA Goverment will have strong Grib on Goboladhex . Nisa in in Galkacyo President Hassan Bring law and order to Goboladhex this is a significant progress and achievement recognized by The Somali People and IC ... Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa booliiska Galmudug iyo kuwa nabad sugida soomaaliyeed ee Nisa ayaa howlga;lo looga gol lahaa xaqiijinta amaanka magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta gobalka mudug maanta wax ay maanta si wadajir ah uga sameeyay qeybo ka mida ah magaalada
  17. International community warns president’s impeachment would impede progress While recognising the progress that has been made in Somalia in recent years, IC recognizes the Progress made new dawn for Somalia , spoilers are recogized “Somalia has moved forward, and that progress cannot be halted just because obstacles or deceptions by elements who are not working for the interest of the public and the greater Somalia nation.” president Mohamud said.
  18. Motion put forward led by spoiler Tribal warlod named Cabdi Barre Yuusuf , Now claims the Presidenet has Killed 100 citizen by target assassination . Gov needs to Investigate this incompetent Mp who is funding him and who is he working sure not the Somali people or the Gov . This incompetent MP should be arrest and hold acountable for his action and Guilty of Treason should be his Verdict .
  19. International community warns president’s impeachment would impede progress OGADISHU (HOL) ----As significant numbers of Somali lawmakers have tabled an impeachment motion against the president over corruption allegations, the international community has warned the development would impede progress on Somalia’s peace and state building goals. In a joint statement issued on Wednesday, envoys from the United Nations, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the European Union (EU), the United States of America and the United Kingdom said they remain concerned about progress on the legislative agenda and the need to pass key legislation including laws on elections, citizenship, political parties’ and the constitutional court. Emerging institutions are still fragile. advertisements “While we fully respect the right of the Federal Parliament to hold institutions to account and to fulfil its constitutional duties, the submission of any such motion requires a high standard of transparency and integrity in the process and will consume extremely valuable time, not least in the absence of essential legal bodies.” The statement said. The envoys said Somalia and all member states are bound by United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2232, which sets out the expectations of the international community on the security and political progress needed in Somalia, and the need for an electoral process in 2016 without extension of either the legislative or executive branch. “Emerging institutions are still fragile. They require a period of stability and continuity to allow Somalia to benefit from the New Deal Somali Compact and to prepare for a peaceful and legitimate transfer of public office in 2016.” In addition, the international community has expressed doubt about the legality of the new motion which MPs say would help them to oust the president whom they accused of corruption and embezzlement. “We believe the Somali people should be given the opportunity to hold their elected representatives and government to account in 2016 through an inclusive and transparent electoral process.” The statement further stated. More than 93 legislators have lodged the motion with the parliamentary speaker who past the supreme court endorsement would have present the motion to the parliament for vote. Responding to the allegations, the president has credited his government with security gains, by ousting militants from key towns and the expansion of the federalism system in many parts of Somalia. “Somalia has moved forward, and that progress cannot be halted just because obstacles or deceptions by elements who are not working for the interest of the public and the greater Somalia nation.” president Mohamud said. Somalia’s donors often express worries over constant infighting between presidents, prime ministers and parliament, saying the spat could inflame tensions and undermine the country’s recovery from more than two decades of conflict.
  20. <cite> @Tillamook said:</cite> ^ Lol@ "the president always laughs like a hotel receptionist" ha ha ha ???? Our resident Damjadiid mouthpiece, Malistar, is one relentless peddler of nonsense and cheap propaganda, if there ever was one, I must say. But then again SOL needs the odd entertainment... ? NO one Can denie that fact somali has progressed and FG has achieved milestone , Only the blind and Ignorant will deny the facts.... Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud is bringing IC to Mogadishu , world powers are competing for Somali resources . 53rd IGAD Meeting in Somalia Local he got done the best way possible Federal states are complete in South ... Heshiiska Hiiraan iyo Shabeelada Dhexe Galmudug Parliament The only shortcomming is Jubba admin - when that is done godbless our President
  21. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye with Engineers surveying Hotel curuba , Why are you against rebuilding of the hotel Privation or not . Investment is the key to Jobs local or foreign investment or locals is welcome . Goveranment plans to add Port attached to the hotel Curuba Great work $$$$ .... Gov also manage to rebuild majority of the Govt Buildings in Mogadishu .. The South is reviving Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud has restored law and order - From South of Puntland all the way to Kenya border will Now have Government admin - Galmudug - Hirraan and shabelle dhex state - Jubba Admin - South West state ... Galbeed Give credit sxb don't be fooled by Qabill and region hatred P.s How is resistance movement going suldan Waber and the Crew
  22. Under Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud security of country has improved by 100 % Alshbabab power have been reduced by 90 % they are on the run .... The Somali Army is improving well traind inside the country and outside - new equipmet , Somali now has commandos - Counter Terrorist - Special force - World | Thu Jul 2, 2015 11:11am EDT Related: WORLD, UNITED NATIONS Somalia reached 'tipping point,' can secure peace, U.N. official says BY KATY MIGIRO NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Somalia has made "remarkable" progress in the last two years and has reached a "tipping point" where it can secure peace, the chief United Nations official in Somalia said on Thursday. Philippe Lazzarini spoke to reporters in Nairobi as he stepped down after 2-1/2 years as U.N. Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, which has been mired in conflict since 1991. "Somalia is a positive narrative in the making," said Lazzarini. "It is one of the optimistic stories in a world falling apart with crisis and conflict." Mogadishu has changed dramatically in the last few years, partly as a result of investment by Somalis who have returned home from abroad. "The progress is quite remarkable," Lazzarini said, pointing to its new airport and hospital. The Somali army and African Union peacekeepers have driven the al Qaeda-linked militant group al Shabaab, which once ruled much of Somalia, out of major strongholds over the last year. Stay tune for the Formation of Hiiraan and shabelle dhex Then Banadir State Job well done To our President ,,, The motion is Motivated by Neighbouring countries and Somali enemies ...... The People are not blind The rest is Politics
  23. God bless our President - with limmited time has achieved significant progress .... In the past two years, Somalia has begun to recover from the civil war, which ravaged the country’s economy and decimated key state and economic institutions such as the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank, and the National Statistics Office.The completion of the recent Article IV at the IMF Board on July 27, 2015—the first since 1989—marks an important step towards restoring the country’s ties with the IMF and rest of the international community. By Samba Thiam, IMF’s Resident Representative to Somalia some fruit Mogadishu exporting to djibouti Aden Adde International Airport Mogadishu exporting and importing real Success sxb , God Bless our Government Amiin ... That said, economic conditions improved rapidly in 2012-14, with real GDP rising by 3.7 percent during 2014. The recovery was led by growth in livestock and fisheries, and a very active private sector resurgence of the services industry, notably telecommunications, construction, and money transfer services, mainly associated with the return of diaspora Somalis. If security improvements continue, the entrepreneurial private sector will continue to be the most dynamic contributor to economic growth. For 2015, growth is projected at 2.7 percent. IMF mission chief Rogerio Zandamela Somalia is Back God Bless our President Amiin
  24. Somalia: COMMUNIQUE High-Level Partnership Forum Mogadishu 29-30 July 2015 Posted on July 31, 2015Somali News 1. The second Ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum was held in Mogadishu 29-30 July 2015, co-chaired by HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General in Somalia, Nicholas Kay. 2. 32 delegations gathered to review progress in political and security areas, as well as agree on priorities for the remaining period of 2015 in the framework of the New Deal Somali Compact (Somali Compact). Representatives from ISWA and Galmudug Interim Administration participated in the Forum. We applaud this broad participation and look forward to the participation of all key stakeholders; the absence of some today was a disappointment. 3. We welcome and support the new Galmudug Interim Administration and salute the positive steps taken (constitutional amendments) to resolve its border dispute with Puntland. We urge all parties to join the reconciliation and peace building efforts. We look forward to the successful establishment of Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle Interim Regional Administration and to determine the status of the capital Mogadishu this year. 4. We commit to support all new and emerging administrations to build their much needed governance institutions. 5. We welcome and commend the closer collaboration between the Federal Government and future member states, including through the National Leaders Forum. 6. We welcome the formation of the constitutionally-mandated Commissions: the National Independent Electoral Commission, the Boundaries and Federalism Commission, as well as the Independent Commission for the Review and Implementation of the Constitution. We commend the FGS’ commitment to engage in consultations with the Parliamentary Oversight Committee and ICRIC to come up with the most credible way to approach the revision of essential chapters that need our immediate attention. We endorse the timelines submitted by the Constitutional Affairs Ministry and urge it to accelerate a national civic education campaign. We commit to increase the participation and inclusion of women in these bodies, in line with the Constitution. 7. We stress the importance of the Commissions making fast progress on their work, welcome the support currently being provided and look forward to working together to support their mandates and activities. We look forward to the swift establishment of the remaining constitutional bodies, especially the Judicial Services Commission and the Constitutional Court. We commend the tasks outlined in the Rule of Law Programme and urge timely implementation. 8. We underline the need to ensure progress in the constitutional review process in order to establish a permanent Constitution for a federal and united Somalia. We commend Somali leaders and constitutional institutions both at the federal and state levels for their determination to deliver an electoral process in 2016 in Somalia and look forward to a detailed plan within 2015. This process shall show transparency through a broadly consultative and inclusive process, accepted by all Somali stakeholders, at all levels. We reaffirm the support of international partners to this process, in line with UN Security Council 2232. 9. We call on all Somali leaders, Federal Parliament, member states, civil society, and other stakeholders, to work together in the interests of Somalia’s democratization, within the framework of Vision 2016. 10. We endorse the agreed Guiding Principles and the three-point agreement between the Federal Government and the Federal Parliament, to achieve a national consensus on the electoral process. We expect detailed way ahead for the consultative process shall be agreed upon in the near term, and no later than the 15 August 2015. We urge all Somali stakeholders to seize the momentum and actively engage to achieve this national consensus. 11. We renew our call to all Somalis to join into the implementation of Vision 2016. We affirm that Somalia and its international partners will have no tolerance for those who hinder or delay the process of peace building and state building. 12. In line with the commitments made at the 2014 London security event, and reiterated at the HLPF meeting in Copenhagen in November 2014, we welcome and endorse the costed, detailed and prioritized time tables for the implementation of the Guulwade Plan. Both Somali and international partners commit themselves to mobilizing resources for the implementation of the plan. 13. We recognize the need to build a professional and accountable SNA and police service, able to address the needs of Somali people. We welcome the initial draft of the Heegan Plan and look forward to its finalization by October 2015 and its prompt implementation immediately thereafter. 14. We commend the ongoing integration of regional forces and recognize the support of the AU and IGAD in this process. We urge the completion of this process across Somalia, taking cognizance of discipline and professionalism of the Somali National Forces and recalling the importance of ensuring its fiscal sustainability. We note the importance and responsibility of the Somali Government to pay salaries, and the commitment of international partners to provide stipends. We urge the consistent and timely disbursement of funds in this regard. We recognize the urgency of the distribution of equipment and logistics support. 15. We condemn the terrorist attacks by Al Shabaab in the strongest terms possible and convey our regrets for the lives lost and our deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones. 16. We commend and honor the SNA and AMISOM efforts in the fight against Al Shabaab. We reaffirm the need to focus the joint SNA/AMISOM operations toward enemy elimination, ultimately contributing to their defeat, while ensuring that operations are conducted in compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights, in particular in regards to protection of civilians. We urge the imperative of creating the necessary conditions for stabilization of the areas recovered from Al Shabaab, recognizing the role of different actors, including the civil society and the police, and in line with the national stabilization strategy. 17. We urge the rapid completion of the National Security Sector architecture and medium-term security plan and definition of the roles and responsibilities of the national security sector institutions to ensure coordination among the Somali security sector, and to be presented at our next meeting . 18. We commend the progress made to containing the piracy activities in the coast of Somalia; we underline the need to ensure that maritime security addresses other illegal activities. 19. We welcome the plans to strengthen the financial management systems of the FGS, and in particular of the security sector, including the development of transparent and credible payroll systems for the security forces. We welcome the establishment of the multia-gency task force to address payments of salaries and stipends and urge the completion of a harmonized system and timely payment of salaries and stipends by October 2015. 20. We commend the recently implemented Somali Financial Management Information System, which captures the revenue and automates the processing of expenditure providing financial data of the activities conducted by the FGS. 21. We commend the revised 2015 national budget initiating greater fiscal discipline as well as the inter-ministerial budget strategy committee for the preparation of the 2016 national budget and the implementation of revenue mobilization reform. We look forward to an early enactment of the revised budget. We commend the progress on increased transparency and accountability on revenue management, and look forward to the publication of all completed annual financial statements and audit reports. 22. We welcome the re-engagement of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and the initial steps taken towards arrears clearance and debt relief processes. We welcome the recent article IV International Monetary Fund (IMF) consultation setting the stage for its first Article IV consultations since 1989, and are committed to the key reform areas raised in financial governance, resources management and the strengthening and independence of the Central Bank of Somalia. 23. We welcome the work of the Financial Governance Committee (FGC) and the creation of the Interim National Procurement Board (INPB). We welcome the FGS’ commitment to ensuring that all new procurement and concession contracts are submitted to validation through the INPB. We recognize that further work is required to strengthen these bodies. 4 We look forward to the finalization and adoption of the Public Finance Management, Procurement and Audit Bills. 24. We recall the role of the New Deal Somali Compact in ensuring the coordination of priorities and actions on security, inclusive political process and development. We further recognize the role of the New Deal Somali Compact in providing a structured aid planning and delivering approach for Somalia. We renew our commitment to the implementation of policies and operational reforms to support the efficacy of the New Deal mechanisms, in particular commitments on transparency, risk-sharing, timely and predicable aid and strengthening the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) planning, coordination, implementation, monitoring and oversight capacity. 25. We commit in finalizing the Compact monitoring framework, consistent with the principles of mutual accountability, through the establishment of a task force, under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and look forward to reviewing the overall Compact implementation progress, based on the agreed monitoring framework, at our next meeting and drawing on this as a basis for moving towards a renewal of our partnership, beyond 2016. 26. We welcome the establishment of the World Bank, United Nations and the upcoming African Development Bank Funding Windows, to implement the New Deal through improved coordination of the Somali Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF) mechanism and in the spirit of Somali ownership and leadership. We welcome the establishment of the National fund stream of the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund and urge the quick identification of programmes to be funded through this funding stream. 27. We welcome the Use of Country Systems roadmap and steps taken by the FGS and development partners towards achieving related benchmarks. We urge increased use of country systems, as the country PFM systems improve. 28. We reaffirm our commitment to the partnership principles and emphasize the national prerogative of setting development priorities, accelerating delivery, visibility and overseeing implementation mechanisms and monitoring of results. We welcome the proposed measures and way forward to increase national ownership, visibility and accelerate delivery and commit to finalizing and agree on final measures by September 2015. 29. We welcome the progress made on using the New Deal framework and processes for programme development and oversight, and coordination. We recognize that further progress is required in this regard and urge for those coordination mechanisms and programme governing bodies still outside of the SDRF to be brought within that framework. We urge bilateral programmes to coordinate under the leadership of the government. 30. We commend the Federal Government for accelerating activities and planning for a sustainable economic recovery. We look forward to the progress on the National Development Plan, fulfilling the requirements of an iPRSP, to be developed within the 5 framework of the New Deal. We reaffirm the importance of infrastructure for economic recovery, job creation and service delivery. We welcome the conclusion of the national infrastructure needs assessment, and look forward to an investment conference dedicated to infrastructure, to be held in 2015. 31. We are encouraged by the effort made by the FGS in consultation with the Interim Regional Administrations to initiate work on a long-term development framework (Vision 2035) to positively shape the future socioeconomic transformation of Somalia. We acknowledge that this long term framework must be linked to strategies such as the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, and reflect the global Sustainable Development Goals. 32. We commend the work done by the FGS and partners, including civil society, in fostering stabilization in the areas recovered from Al Shabaab. We recognize the importance stronger harmonization and coordination of the different stabilization funds and programmes, in order to properly support the building of local administrations and deliver basic services and sustainably expanding economic opportunities, employment and better livelihood. We commit to this enhanced coordination and harmonization under the leadership of the FGS and through the coordination mechanisms set up under the Compact. 33. We recognize the continuing humanitarian crisis, including in recently liberated areas and its impact on the Somali people and commend the principle humanitarian action in response. At the same time, we commit to the formulation of a more long-term strategic approach that addresses the underlying causes of crisis, by supporting multi-year planning for sustainable solutions and resilience gains, led by the Ministry of Planning and bringing together existing and planned resilience and recovery activities. We recognize the need to address the longstanding issue of internal displacements and provision of durable solutions under government leadership, at federal, regional and local levels. 34. We express grave concern over the growing refugee and Somali returnees’ influx from Yemen and urge the immediate deployment of financial and physical support to provide shelter, supplies and income support to those refugees, in addition to the support currently being provided in reception centres. We urge an extension of this support to other areas where people are arriving. 35. We reaffirm the important role of women in peace and state-building and commit to increase their participation in the political, social and economic spheres. 36. We recognize that the protection and promotion of human rights is crucial for sustainable peace and state building in Somalia, and welcome the Federal Government’s commitments on human rights, including through participation in the ongoing Universal Periodic Review process. While we recognize that broad consultation is critical for enactment of a solid law establishing the Independent Human Rights Commission, we stress the importance of expediting the passage of the legislation and subsequently establish the Commission. We call on partners to support processes aimed at ensuring 6 that human rights is anchored in the implementation of all PSG priorities, in particular through the Human Rights Roadmap and the existing Action Plans on Human Rights. 37. In conclusion, we thank all participants for their constructive engagement and commit to implementing the measures and actions agreed upon in the remaining period of 2015 and review the overall progress of this year of implementation of the Compact at our next Ministerial-level meeting the first months of 2016. List of participants attached
  25. High Level Partnership Forum opens in Mogadishu July 29, 2015 The first ever Ministerial High-Level Partnership Forum (HLPF) has opened in Mogadishu co-chaired by Somali president Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and UN special representative Nicholas Kay. The forum brings together 30 international delegations and more than 120 participants from all branches of Somali government, including Parliament and the Interim Regional Administrations, and the international community. The HLPF will review overall progress against the New Deal Somali Compact, focusing on political and security progress over the past six months. The HLPF represents a critical point at which to review this progress, address the challenges, identify possible gaps, and agree on what must be accomplished by the end of 2015. According to a press statement from the presidency, one of the main outcomes expected from the forum is the guiding principles and an action plan outlining the process for reaching a workable agreement on the 2016 electoral process will be presented. Jubbaland president Ahmed Madobe and Puntland president Abdiwali Gas have refused to attend the forum over disagreement with the federal government.