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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. Ciyaal Facili;936758 wrote: Sidey yirahdaan odayaasha HAG, Lafo D-block IYAGA AYAA LA ISKU jebiyaa ilaahey ayaan ka baryeynaa inuu naga qabto sharta shaydaanul jadid Iyo tan Kalil The HAG themselves only united very recently after 21 years of slicing each other's throats.
  2. NGONGE;936763 wrote: ^^ Does it give you an idea of how hard it will be for the FG to convince SL of anything? Niyow u sheeg dadkan jaahwareersan;)
  3. Chimera;936775 wrote: The government has to come up with a deal that sees all of the UN operated NGO camps fall under the Turkish Red Crescent, The latter's camp is organised, clean, secure and has running water. None of the terrible acts plaguing the other IDP camps happen there. If the president is sincere, he will immediately replace the non-vetted soldiers and deploy instead 200 Alpha Group soldiers to man each of the camps and provide security. They are disciplined, respected by the public, and have a good track-record providing security in the capital during big events. Where will the 200 come from?
  4. Abu-Salman;936772 wrote: Wash-machines may well already be in Hargeysa but those power hungry gadgets are wasteful and I agree that female maids are not for men, plus one can dispense with it (always good to live like locals for more realism). Juxa is right and you can easily manage with 10 time less than budgeted; that sum was enough for a small import-export or lucrative beekeeping (I could put those $8000 to good use for you). One needs to be ruthlessly frugal in business as old somalis amigo Yes Hargeisa department stores sell everything under the sun. I was surprised to see all sorts of exercise machines like the treadmills lol but they are not in every house. Yes more and more people are buying them but these gadgets are still too expensive for most of the locals.
  5. Chimera;936595 wrote: Abu-Salman, that's very kind of you, if things do go as planned, then I'll hit you up with a PM. I don't want or need maids though, what man can't cook his own food, or use a washing machine ? A little boy, I guess. It's also one step removed from the path of madness that Alpha is currently walking on. :rolleyes: Alla war la' aan baa kuhaysa saaxiin. Waar you leave behind those luxuries in London.
  6. Homunculus;936716 wrote: That's not true. If you conduct a referendum based on tribal lines say Maakhir, Khatumo, Awdal, and the rest of Somaliland you can see a huge chunk of Somaliland choosing a union with Somalia. I thought you accepted a village by village referendum. I see you conducted a poll in Somaliland;)
  7. Somalia;936659 wrote: http://saadaalnews.com/feysal-cali-waraabe-2/ He says he has 20,000 Bantu troops why does he needs weapons kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, Faysal is too funny, this is the biggest opposition leader in Somaliland. Don't take him too seriously
  8. malistar2012;936713 wrote: It gets deep for Silaanyo admin Locals are know supporting FG and are accepting Fg leadership as it stands " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Well I can rent a hall in London, decorate the place with flags, get together some unemployed folks to clap and sing, and declare the union of Venus and Mars:) Will that change anything on the ground?
  9. rudy-Diiriye;936684 wrote: A leader must have something outstanding to be remembered about! With Maggie-mad-cow-shyte-diva! its zilich!! Can anyone tell me anything good that this lady contribute to humanity ? Nada.........so she basically, your daily douche bag conservative phalatican!! She might rip! but history is her last judge!! We r all judged by our good deeds on planet Earth!! It may be different in Uranus.... never been there, so i aint got no clue.... Ce la vie. Don't be silly, you should thank Baroness Thatcher everytime you tuck into a delicious ice cream:cool:
  10. Boondheere;936633 wrote: why allah wants to finger point the beauty of boys``? what would someone gets that from and why do we care how boys look like wather they look like scattered peals or not ? i dont understand that.. .. Mr Boondheere, not everyone is straight and fancies women. The righteous homosexuals will also go to paradise. They will get their share of pleasure there and all their carnal desires will be catered for. Also the boys in paradise are not necessarily underage children. I don't understand why is everyone going in circles and avoiding the truth in the Holy Quran that their will be boy lovers in paradise entertaining gays like they did in ancient Greece and Rome.
  11. Xiin, the ICC is not a world government which decides the fate of all nations. It is a mere organisation set up to safeguard the human rights treaty and bring to justice the war criminals of the weeker nations. Therefore, your question is still irrelevant and depends on many things chief of which is whether the former republic which Somaliland was part of was a member of the ICC.
  12. Apophis;936374 wrote: Quantum physics allows for contradiction Just for the sub-particles Apo.
  13. Alpha Blondy;936349 wrote: you are BANNED from this thread. :mad: He is right Alpha. And my RIPing for the Indian soldiers is for any Muslim among them and not for the kufaars.
  14. Xaaji Xunjuf;936528 wrote: Tallaabo ha isku daalin walaalkeen Xiin iyo kubadisa dhalalaysa eeh u gacanta ku wareejiyo. Somaliland and Somalia are clarirying their future relations in a foreign country its being facilitated by a foreign country as agreed on. The Garowe clan enclave was forced to sit behind their president Mr Hassan sheikh Maxamuud they have no input in this and thats whats burning them. The upcoming talks are just to pave a way for the real settlement talks between the 2 countries. Waa runtaa Xaaji
  15. xiinfaniin;936527 wrote: ^^You are showing a deep ignorance of how the world works. Unless you are pulling alshabaab on us and do not recognize the world structure A simple question shall clarify this for you: Does the ICC has a leverage on Somaliland ? This is an irrelevant question and depends on whether the former republic signed to be part of the ICC. But the truth is no one will tell Siilaanyo to join Koonfuria because Siilaanyo does not have that power the and IC knows it.
  16. xiinfaniin;936522 wrote: Oodweyne, What you call crystal ball is a water tight analysis grounded on current geopolitical reality. Only if you were manly enough to admit recent political trajectories in the country is nothing but a manifestation of the said geopolitical reality. Somaliland is a peaceful region within the legal jurisdiction of Federal Somalia. The London and Stanbul diplomatic dances are nothing but a face saving formalities to complete the inevitable integration of the country. When I say integration, you should read it in political terms. Somaliland isn't Somalia which is a UN trustee. The IC knows it is the voter who runs Somaliland and not the African mercenaries therefore no one will ever tell Siilaanyo to unite with Koonfuria because everyone knows Siilaanyo can not do that.
  17. xiinfaniin;936515 wrote: Oodweyne, Turkey's task is very simple one; give our separatists leaders a way out of the current political stagnation they find themselves in and give international cover to the decision the separatist leader will be making regarding integration with the federal government. That, in a nutshell, is the gist of these talks at Stanbul. If you truly think Turkey will bless the dismemberment of poor Somalia, you are more delusional than NGONGE Xiinoow nobody expects Turkey to bless the former republic's dismemberment. It is already dismembered. The reason Silaanyo is in Turkey is to negotiate with the Koonfurian delegation and not to ask Turkey for anything. You can guess, fantasize, or daydream about whatever you what but the truth is Somaliland is negotiating a divorce deal with Mogadishu and the Turks are there only to facilitate those negotiations.
  18. At the moment you find the cheapest land in Puntland. Indeed it is selling so cheap it is almost a give away. This xaraash came about because nowadays everything is about Xamar Cadeey and Jubbaland:D
  19. I think Carafaat's poem should be appreciated for its literary beauty. It is also in line with the Somali tradition of poetic communication about current events such as the Jubbaland initiative.
  20. Wadani;936485 wrote: Markaan sidaa u hadlayay waxaan sheegayay dadka damiirka leh ee lamaan hadlahayn dadka xishoodka iyo anshaxaba samada lagaga laalay. Saaxiin these are valid questions therefore if you can't answer them say it so but don't make lame excuses for your ignorance.
  21. Don't forget before all of these groups, there were the sailors who came to the UK as early as the 1800s.
  22. Wadani;936326 wrote: Tallaabo, they too will get all of their desires fulfilled. Afterall, it's jannah. But it's not spoken of in the Quran because it's ceeb. Would you feel comfortable reading about righteous women being with men, and how these men will satify them and how these men will look physically? I don't think so. Even women wouldn't be comfortable reading such stuff from the holy book. Why is it ceeb to talk about the number and type of men righteous women would get in Jannah? Will there still be difference in the physical abilities between men and women in Jannah? When the Quran describes the great looks of the female natives of Jannah who will be enjoyed by the male inhabitants of the earth, why do you think there is any shame in encouraging our sisters to look forward to sexy hunks with six packs and so on in paradise waiting for them to fulfil their wildest fetishes? Another Question is, will there be childbirth in paradise?