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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. Apophis;929901 wrote: Spare me sxb. My father was among those who were jailed but as usual, we see the whole to be greater unlike some people. But the Jaalle Siyaad you are so fond of shook the very foundations of the Somali Republic by signing away the whole of Somali Galbeed for good.
  2. Genetically, linguistically, and culturally there is enough evidence to suggest that we were once a single nomadic group.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;929892 wrote: Their might not be conspiracy but the eastern oromo tribes want to imitate the Somali and go from there they know their numbers will increase its not natural growth they breed like rabbits They have more children than the average Ethiopian Xaaji are you aware that the Oromo and Somalis were once one group of people. Indeed the split between us was not that long ago.
  4. Sulleiman The Great;929807 wrote: the orormo are a good muslim people they are our genetically and culturally the closest thing somali have with the rest of the dark continent, the bantu expansion has been happening for hundreds of years, and right now its is in mugdishu, we somali need to understand that the oromo are our ally, we need to come together and look beyond tribal differences, build our nation raise our children with the strength and love to safeguard our land our people and our culture, if not we will go extinct, I for one dont care which path we choose nor will history. The Bantus in Mogadisho are Somali nationals and not invading foreigners. They have every right to settle anywhere in Somalia.
  5. ^ Xaaji there is no Oromo conspiracy to invade the the Somali territories or use culture and language to overtake us. Their expansion comes with their natural growth in population and the resultant movement of people in search of livelyhood. And in Galbeed, Somalis have little power to resist such influx of migrants as they are within the Ethiopian borders.
  6. oba hiloowlow;929701 wrote: Xaaji your right Xaaji I don't think there is any problem with sharing language, culture, music, folklore, etc. Indeed it is good we that we make cultural exchanges with our Oromos brothers and sisters. But the only problem with the Oromo is their persistant expansion into our territories.
  7. ^ What? Are you a Somali Nazi now?? The problem is not with the Oromos in Somalia or Somaliland but those in Ethiopia who are continuously overtaking Somali provinces. Those are the problematic ones who should be stopped.
  8. malistar2012;929686 wrote: Wararka aan ka Heleyno Ilo Wareedyo ku Dhaw Xarunta Madaxtooyada Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa tibaxaayo in Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu u duulay Isutagga Imaaraadka carabta kadib casuumaad uu ka helay boqorka dalkaasi. Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxa la Filayaa in Halkaasi Lagula kulan Siiyo Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federalka Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo la Filaayo in Todobaadkaan uu u Duulo Dalka Isku taga Imaraadka Carabta waxaana la Sugayaa in kulansi Lagu xaliyo muranka ka taagan qabsoomida kulanka 7-da May ee sanadkaan oo Somaliland ay ku sheegaty mid aan iyada quseyn. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa dhawaan mar uu kasoo laabtay safar uu ku tegay dalka Turkiga waxa uu garoonka diyaaradaha Barbara uu kula hadlayay Saxaafada uu daaha karogay in Somaliland aysan ka qeyb geli doonin kulanka London oo ay si wada jir ah u shir gudoominayaan madaweynaha Soomaaliya iyo R/wasaaraha Ingiriiska, go’aankaas oo muran ka dhex dhaliyay siyaasada Somaliland. Qaar kamid ah siyaasiyiinta mucaaradka ah ee maamulka Siilaanyo ayaa waxa ay go’aan qaldan ku tilmameen diidmada hogaanka maamulka Somaliland uu ku dhaqaaqay iyaga oo sheegay in ay ku habooneed in shacabka degaanada Somaliland wax laga weydiiyo sida ay u arkaan ka qeyb galka shirka. Imaaraadka carabta ayaa horay waxa ay marti qaad ay u sameeyeen kadib wadahadal uga fureen halkaasi madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya, Shiekh Shariif Sheikh Axmed, iyo Siilaanyo, hogamiyaha Somaliland, iyada oo aan wali cid si rasmi ah ula socota aysan jirin waxyaabihii kasoo baxay kulankaasi. Your desperation can be turned into a good drama series:)
  9. Mooge;929776 wrote: lool. oba, please don't give away my phone number. looooooooooool. i think you expected me to say "no I am not from that sub family because i am landhere". loool caqli eber dhinacaga ninyoow. you forgot you are talking to an eagle supremacist. i am eagle family member and the rules of eagle are that the Eagle family is one. lool. habeenkii waxan ku so toosa anigoo ducaysanaya oo leh Rabigii Eagle iga dhigayoow adiga mahad leh. :cool: The Eagle is in the air. Gabbo waryaa Oba. Geed hoos gal;)
  10. ^ Waar carafaadoow, in Konfurian Somali kalsooni means riding high on Ethiopian tanks, surrounding yourself with Burundian bodyguards, sitting in the cockpit of foreign jets like a kid given a candy, whilst showing nothing for five or more years in office. Wax fahan saaxiib:)
  11. Odey;929500 wrote: I see no problem if they get their humanitarian aid, which this essentially is. He re-affirmed the US position and that they will only deal with xamar when it comes to matters of National significance . I don't mind USAID visiting that region and helping it prosper The US will deal with Somaliland directly with regards to our security, governance, and development. So now the question is, about which "matters of national importance" will the US government government talk to Xamar?
  12. Well come back ditoore, in your absence beautiful Boosaaso was relegated to the Z-list of cities. It was all about Kismaayo, Mogadisho, and the occasional appearance of a mysterious place called Burco. I think you should make up the lost ground.
  13. malistar2012;929544 wrote: we shall see things are falling apart in somaliland , That was the talk since 1991.
  14. Nin-Yaaban;929323 wrote: Complicated, u still haven't graduated from UCLA? And you've been here this long? I don't believe it. It is not UCLA but UCL (University College London) on this side of the Atlantic. I predict any meeting of Somalis educated or not will eventually descend into an inter-clannish farce.
  15. Carafaat;928910 wrote: Somalia demanding the release of all Somaliweyn political prisoners. Hasan Sheick would for sure score big time! You are wrong Carafaat. Political negotiations between countries do not involve demands for the release of convicted criminals. If Koonfuria ever makes such an absurd demands, Silaanyo would simply tell them to mind their own business.
  16. Gabbal;928869 wrote: With all of the punditry and privilege of discussion that the diaspora holds, I think we sometimes lose perspective about the reality of Somalia. It is a totally destroyed society at the bottom of all levels of human development. Even what we sometimes herald as progress is wholly as a result of humanitarian aid and not anything resulting from self-sufficiency of society. In the backdrop of all of this we still have reports of our people dying from lack of basic drinking water and basic food. Our need for governance and stability and the desire for governance and order should reflect this reality. http://shabelle.net/caruur-haraad-darteed-ugu-geeriyootay-inta-u-dhexeysa-xudur-iyo-ceelbarde/ Indeed it is disappointing that the useless foreign propped administration in Mogadisho is more concerned about defending a convicted war criminal than providing the very basic necessities of life to its starving citizens.
  17. Odey;928793 wrote: Hasaan sheikh ignores anything "Somaliland" yet represents them around the world anyway, and Boom!, all the Somaliland Websites are printing rubbish stories about Hassan sheikh being upset with silaanyo like this one above. How may I ask did they know he was angry?. did they for instance have spy cameras in Villa somalia, given that they have no contact in the Villa? (Sorry!, I forgot the Somaliland Intelligence was so good, they had spy cameras in the good president's bedroom and recorded him having nightmares about the great Silaanyo!), Secondly, have you forgotten that Turkey actually delivered a real message of of " You are part of Somalia" and "we will not support secession" ?. Now ,why in the world would the Good president Of Somalia be angry about a holiday the Governor of Somaliland took in Turkey in search of a good Doner Kebab?. So you were with the Turkish officials when they "delivered the message"? Saaxiib, though the Koonfuria (thanks Xaaji for this handy word) administration is recognised by the international community to the local government of Mogadisho, the IC knows that facts on the ground matter most and hence deal with the Somalis according to how things are on the ground. No self respecting foreign government talks to the Koonfuria interim leader about the affairs of Puntland let alone Somaliland.
  18. PasserBy;928774 wrote: The incompetent and senile leader of the Hargeisa clan is increasing becoming a pariah. He banked on the British to keep his common wealth dream alive, but that dream is turning into a fantasy. He banked on Odinga to win the Kenyan Presidency, well his Kikuyu rival has taken the trophy. He and his clan hoped Al Shabab will keep southern clans chaotically busy for years to come, but that is not looking good. He tried to flex his khat riddled muscles on his benefactors, the xabashi, they weren't impressed. Today the Hargeisa clan goons spend their time bashing their Southern clan cousins, the British and the xabashis. They are frustrated bunch. You live in a house of cards boy and you come here with no shame to speak about the affairs of a free democratic country!! Cajiib.
  19. Odey;928876 wrote: You forgot something, It isn't a nation yet, so he can exercise his convictions as he see fit. Besides since you are all claiming to be breaking away from somalia, all of you are then committing treason which then brings up the question; why blame General Ali samatr and Siyaad Barre for the actions they took to safeguard the integrity of the nation?. One breeds the other. Either all have the right to express their opinion or none should! You are comparing apples and oranges.
  20. It seems a lot of folks here can not distinguish between freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, and political treason. The old guy is guilty of political treason committed against his country but he is still entitled to his opinion and speech.
  21. ^ No they were never part of Somalia's regions. However, 22 years ago they were part of a political structure called the Somali Republic. You need to get some history lessons boy.
  22. Tallaabo

    God's creation

    It is a very beautiful creature just like a flower.
  23. ^ Attention!! For what? Somaliland is too busy to care about the governor of Mogadishu who can not even step out of his bunker without the armed escort of foreign armies.