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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. Safferz;941006 wrote: I'm not sure it's controversial in the context a play, where she may be playing a character who is supposed to be clearly marked as immoral and immodest when compared to the "virtuous" and "traditional" female characters. Plays make arguments and always carry a social message. I found the online and will watch later in the week, so I'll have more thoughts then. I've always been interested in how ideas on women and gender circulate in Somali oral literature and popular music, and how those ideas have shifted over time. Very well said. You are very academic safferz. I like your take on things.
  2. The Sage;940353 wrote: Despite the nay-sayers, doubters, plotters and contemptuous foes Somaliland still stands firm in its unwavering right of sovereignty and self-determination. With more engagement from the international community than ever including direct relations with heads of state and major powers, booming business and investment from manufacturing to natural resources, strong national defense and expanding control over its rightful territory and burgeoning government finances that are literally in the hundreds of millions and exponentially expanding year after year. ... where is that final nail in the coffin now ? Waar this coffin never closes;)
  3. ^ Yes we do live in that blessed triangle. We also live in a square, rectangle, circle, cylinder, and trapezium. The ancient Greeks were indeed inspired by our magical shapes. So what is your point buddy?:confused:
  4. ^ You are right Oba. Somalia desperately needed a humble guy like him and he came into the scene at the right time.
  5. Xaaji as Somalilanders we love all our fellow Somalis regardless of the size of their villages. Somalinimo is part of our national character.
  6. I heard Sheekh Shariif will be given the post of professor of air travel and tourism at Harvard;) He is a good guy though.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;940532 wrote: It dont matter what is more important is the usp alliance sl clans, borama laascaanood laasqory political alliance it shows that the people of sl share the same political history. Flags is not the issue i have in my house the blue flag i like it allot Waaryaahe:D
  8. Maashaa Allah, the bond of brotherhood between Somalia and Somaliland will grow inshaa Allah. Please don't interpret this goodwill gesture from the Mogadishaawis into tribalism. The same will be done between Hargeisa and Garowe too God willing.
  9. Mintid Farayar;940498 wrote: LOL @ Xaaji X and Wadani! You guys are trying to reason/argue with a collective guilty conscience that needs deniability for various reasons Here comes the various anecdotes: "I knew of XYZ of the SNM clan who participated in Siyaad's military, etc." You are right Mintid. It is a waste of time to reason with the Neanderthals. Instead you just drive them out of the human civilisation and into their sh!t holes.
  10. AYOUB;940212 wrote: ^ Excuse brother Xiin, he suffers from PRP (Premature Rabbit Punch).
  11. Praise the Lord for Somaliland's foes are once again dumbfounded at our tenacity:cool:
  12. ^ Waaryaa leave the Maasai alone they are good people and are our natural allies. We have a long established relationship with them.
  13. SomaliPhilosopher;940148 wrote: Oba you report to me now. Alpha is a horse with a few last breath. Together we will reestablish order in this thread. The kacaan era is over sxb. I don't know whether I should join your spring revolution and take to SOL’s Tahrir square or stick with the entrenched tyrant because of the Stockholm syndrome I developed:confused:
  14. ole-maasai;940156 wrote: Believe or not "Ngonge" my learning is better than casiir tutorials .I was schooled by none other than brother to legend Hadraawi. By name in Walanwal, Lived here among the Maasais. Wow I am surprised Hadraawi is a Maasaai. Deep down I knew there was something jumpy about him:D
  15. Waranle_Warrior;940201 wrote: Lets be realistic waryaada, SNM clan cannot be their own country or decide whatever they want within Somalia. They are not more powerful or influential than the D-block or H-block. If that happens, then the D-block and H-blocks will be their own country, each to his own and at least they will have peace in their own mini-country as there will be no more D vs H shenanigans. Trust me when SL becomes a country of its own, the rest of Somalia will be divided into 3 or 4 other mini countries. You are right we are not in Somalia, we are in Somaliland. And if the H block and the D block decide to create their own H and D countries, Somaliland will send its blessings:)
  16. Sulleiman The Great;939988 wrote: the way I see it somaliland should be allowed minor victories, heck I would go as far as saying they should have a special status within the union...This should come with the following stipulations. 1: drop secessionist fairytale 2: FGS controls all foreign interaction. 3: tax collection inline with all member states 4: the exchange of tax revenues with services provided by the FGS 5: No military capabilities except a state(national Guard) for self defense measures. This is the only way to go as somaliland's achievements thus far have been limited to sustained peace, with no resounding progress, one has to be careful how they resolve these kinds of situations, there are regions of equal economic capabilities in somalia who would see this as a call for bad behavior, if we reward it that is. The FGS must be firm so as to portray ist legitimacy, this is not the transactional government of yesteryear and there is absolutely no room on the table for somaliland to be on equal footing with the government of somalia. There must be a firm stand against secessionist, Somalia will be united, period!. Hello!! Are you still hallucinating!! Hurdada ka kac saaxiib. You are talking as if Somalia has any influence on Somaliland. The on going talks are between two independent entities with hadly any connections between them. They are almost two different countries and so one can not force the other. Get that into your skull for your own sake and sanity.
  17. More evidence that not all "people" on this planet are genuine humans.
  18. Carafaat;939726 wrote: I heard from XX that man marrying to Somaliland women do not qualify for the SL citizenship. Xiinoow, ragani wee diyaar garoween. That is true Carafaat. It is the Hargeisa girls who should be given Puntland citizenship (meesha ay u dhexeen) because the Puntland boys are not eligible to become Somalilandish:D
  19. Caasimada Jumhuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxa ay ahaanaysaa Xamar cadeey. Odayaasha Garawe ama haka baroortaan, ama haka taahaan, ama haka calaacalaan, ama haka dudaan arintaas wax iska badelayaa majirayso. Caasimadu waa Xamar cadeey taasi waa muqadas.
  20. NGONGE;939880 wrote: ^^ A Somali speaking Maasai? Did the family want you to learn a new language but could only afford the cheap schools, mate? Waar maxaad ninka sidaa ugu gashay;)
  21. Carafaat;939725 wrote: Wadani, didnt you know. Only certain folks may call themselves 'nationalist' or 'unionist'. The bed-wetting type? No disrespect to Chimera, Somaliphilosopher, Liibaan, and few others who are probably genuine nationalists.
  22. The FBI made a huge mistake publicising the CCTV footage of the terrorists. What on earth were they thinking!! The terrorists would never go down quietly when cornered. They should have just launched a low profile manhunt to surprise the suspects. Now they got themselves into a very messy situation.
  23. They have the right to have a political opinion different to that of the mainstream society in Somaliland as long as they don't break the country's laws. Somaliland has people with all sorts of ideologies and they are all free to express their opinion.
  24. Apologies to him then. Haddii hooyaddi ay wax ku dheceen Alle ha u sahlo.