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Everything posted by Tallaabo

  1. I think he is not the one. Some people are saying he is still alive!!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39Sgy7Ljn80
  3. I wish the government had Xaaji as their press secretary. At least we would have been updated more thoroughly;)
  4. I think Somaliland has enough members and friends in the parliament to stop this nuisance:o
  5. I think this is a coup for the UDAD party. Abdul Wali will formulate good policy for this party. Ditoore please tell all the SOLers to come to this thread and forget about those useless London conference threads. This is a very important matter and affects the Somali people's democratic progress and therefore in my opinion should be given all the attention.
  6. I think Silaanyo and Mr Cameron were only talking about Baroness Thatcher's legacy in the world and nothing else:o
  7. Well Silaanyo did not say he is coming to the conference as far as we know. He only met Mr Cameron but made no promise:)
  8. Seriously Somaliland's parliament should immediately table a motion threatening Silaanyo with empeachment if he agrees to attend the London conference. Silaanyo must be shown the stick.
  9. What I have always feared seems to be happening today. I knew the moment Wadani and its useless "leader" got elected that Somaliland would be in serious trouble. Here we have a man who should be doing a vital job for the nation by actively bringing the government to account, and guess where he is now? Yeah good old London. If Mr Cirro had any care for Somaliland's interests, he would have long ago rendered his resignation of his parliament role in order to allow some one else to do this important job with an undivided attention. Today I think only Faisal is the real opposition we have in Somaliland and therefore he should mobilise his parliamentarians and lobby the others to table a motion in parliament threatening Silaanyo with impeachment if he ever attended the London conference in its current form.
  10. Johnny B;939148 wrote: There are arguments to be had here allright , but none of the ones presented by Xiin as in the good professor doing what he was elected for or the one presented by our dr_osman and Xiin for that matter, namely the ingredience of the talks in Ankara are semeterical to those in Garowe. I do for once agree with my Guru regerading our good professor yelling off-side for a goal both the referee ( IC ) and the Flag-refrees ( Somali mainstream poltiking ) has whistled for. Despite my unquestionable sympathy for the Khaatumo cause i (as a supporter of the PM Saacid's federal government and the president of the Republic) have to highlight that the good professor can't have it both ways, namely milking the Republic as it's gateway towards the Somaliland issue and not deliver any Khaatumo political or Military achievements to the table. These talks were started by the previous TFG and the FG can't and won't act on delusion as both men promissed me, yes this Federal government won't ( read atheer Hassan's libs ) by any chance compromise Somalia's dissmemberment but as long as the good professor's Khaatumo is of no real significance either politically or militarily, the Federal governement has to deal with the reality on the ground , namely the shots in Laasanood ( the good professor's birth place ) are called from Hargeisa due to the flipflopping attitudes Khaatumo folks became famouse for. Now dealing with the reality infront of us , Puntland needs to take it's responsibility militarily ( i must admit though i was not fan of the late Yey, i shared his practical policies and visions, i even supported him on the Ethiopian tank, despite my belonging to the Mogadishu clan ) and stop punishing the Khaatumo entity for having rebelled against Puntland, Puntland's "i_told_you-so" policy towards Khaatumo is what got us here, as Atheer Saacid and atheer Hassan can't send federal troops ( read : clan troops) from Mogadishu and Abud waaq. That and only that could challenge the Somaliland entity to it's limits and show how far it's willing to go regarding it's hijacking policies towards Awdal and Sool. Puntland is no superpower saaxiib. Cid ay dagaal wax kaga qaadi karaan majirto. If they ask for a fight they will get a fight simple as that. As for Somaliland's policy towards the Khatumo people, it was never about military conquest. The Khatumites were always in control of their territory except during the brief occupation of Sool by Puntland. Somaliland never took control of their territories by force, they joined us willingly and we love them for that. Faroole is not a fool. He knows he can never take over the Khatumite territores by force as long as they are with Somaliland. Hence his inaction. Saaxiib waa laga baxay wakhtigii qoriga la isu qaadan jiray. Haddeer wax walbaaba waa siyaasad reer khaatumo badankoonudna siyaasad ahaan annaga ayay nala jiraan. Galaydh wuu iska bacaacleeyahay ee wax uu meesha ku hayaa majirto.
  11. Ditoore Osman. The title and contents of your thread do not match so I will not be voting. Before we do anything please correct this post by comparing the presidential palaces in Mogadishu, Hargeisa, Djibouti, Addis Ababab, Nairobi, Washington, Moscow, Beijing, etc. Thanks you:o
  12. ^ He came in here once to announce that his children had effectively taken control of his computer;)
  13. I think these boys are no different to those who lived in Somaliland all their lives and spout obscene language on daily basis. These boys are only doing it more artistically:cool:
  14. ^Let these folks learn that there is a difference between a government in total control of its jurisdiction and a city with a Korean syle line of control.
  15. Sensei;938967 wrote: What foreign agents, Pakistani ? ISI ? kiyaa piyaa bhai ? Don't be silly, Pakistan has no interest in Somalia. However, your parliament contains agents from all sorts of interested countries in the IGAD neighbourhood and beyond. I will not be surprised if Somaliland has some guys there too.
  16. I think now the Koonfurians will have a political crisis when they realise that a lot of their law makers are foreign agents:cool:
  17. Mr Somalia and Xiin want Somalia and its towns to be divided into tribal fiefdoms. Shame on you:eek:
  18. Don't worry Xaaji we have enough members in the Somalia parliament to ensure that nothing opposes Somaliland. The 4.5 formula is unwittingly working in our favour. Galaydh is wasting his time, poor guy;)
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;938873 wrote: Carafaat dalkan waad ka hadli karta , laakin maalinta SL la aqoonsado oo ay Somaliland iyo Somalia si official u kala baxaan hadal haynta koonfurianska adigu waad deyneysa galkacyo may 5 mamuul ha u samaystan. Dadkan waxay isla jecelyihin la jecloow wax alalay waxay isla raban la jeclow haday beletweyne 10 mamuul ka samaystaan tafadal banu leenahay , haday al shabab raacayaan , mabruuk baanu leenahay , haday afka kikuyada baranayaan bugaag iyo qalimaan baynu u diri. wax alaale waxay isla jecelyihin wanu la jecelnahay. Thats my new motto. Xaaji haddii ay waraabe qashaana Alle ha idiin barakeeyo ayaynu leenahay soo maaha;)
  20. ^ Waar Alle ka cabso reer Muqdisho waa dad walaaleheena oo dhibi haysato. Alle dhibtaa ha ka dulqaadee waa inaynu u ducaynaa. Kuwa riyoonaya waa qaar reer waqooyi ah sida ka halkan sheekadan madadaalada badan kusoo qoray. Waa kuwa ku tunta makhaayadaha bunka lagu cabo ee ku yaal wadamada reer galbeedka. Kuwaasi waxa ay u baahan yihii in loo soo shubo frappuccino kale oo sheekada lala wado:cool:
  21. Alloow u naxariiso. Madaxwayne Cigaal wuxuu ahaa ninkii dhagax dhigay dimoqraadiyadda Somaliland.
  22. LANDER;938364 wrote: This is cute, the disgruntled folks are coming back into the fold of Somaliland politics. Is it 1958-1960 all over again? The USP was the second most popular party in Somaliland and enjoyed wide support in Far eastern and Western provinces. But make no mistake it was very much a Somaliland party. It did what was best for its people, that is ALL its people not just those who voted for them. It essentially went along with popular sentiment of the majority in Somaliland. When it was time to work with the SNL they did that, when most Somalilanders deicded they wanted to unite with Italian Somalia they supported that as well. They were real patriots who did what they felt was best for the people of their country and acted on what their people voted them in office to do. Now this splinter group who spreads discord at the heart of Somaliland and even among their own tribal circles wants to monopolize the name of USP for themselves. It is very ironic walahi, because many Somaliland politicians from these regions have called on them to do this and have even historically site the USP in their speeches. Let's see if these folks live up to the name they wish to appropriate for themselves, or if they continue on their path to create political instability in otherwise relatively stable areas. It is a good change of direction now that they are joining the nation's democratic system instead of holding endless parties in coffee shops in Western capitals. Welcome back guys:)