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Everything posted by Homunculus

  1. xiinfaniin;974357 wrote: It appears Hassan like GAROODi predicted could not decide against his USC base , hence the deal failed and the president left for Mogadishu. For goodness sake, can't we get positive news that's actually true. From now on I'll assume the worst and discount any good news coming from Somalia(long overdue I know).
  2. xiinfaniin;974341 wrote: Equally problematic, in the context of political dialogue, is the diminishing credibility of the Somaliland government’s claim that it represents a cross-section of the territory’s clans. Vocal minorities have long opposed Somaliland’s quest for independence, arguing that it is an agenda associated solely with the dominant ***** clan. Previous administrations could refute this claim by pointing to the genuine participation of members of all clans at all levels, across the government. Somaliland’s last president, Dahir Rayale Kahin,who governed from 2002 until 2010, was a member of the Gadabursi clan; Parliament and the Supreme Court, National Electoral Commission, and police force have also generally been headed by non-***** officials. Today, however, all of these institutions are headed by members of the *****, tarnishing Somaliland’s past credentials as a genuinely pluralistic, democratic polity. Absolutely. I remember when a dear friend of mine kept trying to convince me of the virtues of a separate Somaliland and that was his main selling point. Somaliland got tired of this facade and now is consolidating all the power in the hands of a sub clan.
  3. Happy days are here again. I don't want to hear about jubaaland again, I hope the SFG will now focus on the real problems.
  4. GAROODI;974296 wrote: Proves nothing like I said nothing will come of it at all...and I think I have seen those pictures before. Why do you hope for the failure of these negotiations? How does it affect you and why do you care? President Hassan is not part of the Negotiation team..... SFG demands are the same nothing change . demands are , Blacky will be intern leader for sometime 6 month to years ? Then what is he doing there? Enjoy the view and eat in a fancy hotel. Negotiations are about compromise, the SFG or Raskamboni can't get everything they want and they should find middle ground. After 6 months of aggravation and division lets hope that this issue is behind us.
  5. There are hungry people everywhere in Somalia (including Somaliland and Puntland), fake pride will not change this fact. It was amusing reading the somaliland news article confirming that they've never heard of any starving people there.
  6. Cambuulo iyo bun;974112 wrote: Lets hope for an agreement we're tired yaaqey Hear, Hear. The Jubaaland issue paralyzed the SFG and almost destroyed the peace process. I hope we focus on the main problems now (Al Shabaab, federalism, rebuilding).
  7. It's good to read positive articles from western media (even foxnews).
  8. Both sects are killing each other. It's a sectarian civil war, what do you expect?Salafis are no worse than Hizbollah (or Iran).
  9. We have our own problems and we should focus on them.
  10. Hobbesian_Brute;973522 wrote: You have shown your ignorance, Aid is not only UN but includes lots of other organizations. MSF falls within the Aid industry. if you want fight endless clan wars, no one should treat you, but must be left to face the horrors of your foolishness alone and unaided so that you truly cherish peace. There in lies the wisdom, einstein. I wonder if you will say the same thing if you lived in Somalia.
  11. Cambuulo iyo bun;973408 wrote: poor Idps damn that heat yo living in a jiingad doesnt help it either People will be cooked in these tin cans.
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;973031 wrote: SNM cease to exist in 1993, after the Borama conference a civilian goverment was elected all inclusive of all regions of Somaliland. Although there were members who supported the SNM like Garaad cabdiqani Garad jamac and Mujahid Fagadhe who was the SNM spokesmen. But Somaliland is older than the SNM fighters. SNM might be gone in paper but it still lives in spirit. Individuals like Garoodi and Saalax who like to run their mouth and gloat are prime examples but there are also many people here who should leave their tribal hatreds behind already (living in the west makes people worse unfortunately). It's unfortunate that the SSC region is one of the least developed regions in Somalia, this territorial struggle is keeping that region behind and I wish that the issue gets resolved but that's almost impossible when we have incompetent governments around us and in Mogadishu.
  13. Puntland rejected the symbolism not the gesture no matter how well intended. After cutting relationships with SFG you can't expect puntland to accept that mogadishu should be the siphon where everything come from, they want the turks and the international community to deal with them independently.
  14. Threads like this are the reason I wonder if Somalis are evolved enough to have their own country. Grow up people. Especially Saalax, how old are you? try to use your head and stop insulting people like a 12 year old.
  15. GAROODI;972257 wrote: I don't think any of you is from mugdisho always running with Habar this and Habar that... Saxib not all duriyada clans are Habar. Im not a habar nethier are another 4 sons The pirates are known as Habar ** and you have Habar gangster from down south wtf is your point. What is going on in mugdisho? No pirates we know what's going on in the 2.5 barren wasteland and the dervish fabricators can continue to shir in taleex. Why is mugdisho so UN governable in all seriousness every government struggles except the Islamic courts. What did the icu do that the federal government is not doing in other words how did a bunch of malnourished skinnys with cumamads achieve what 8000 au troops and the world are failing to do? I feel like I'm losing IQ points every time I bother reading your comments. The fake concern and condescension is so obvious, I wonder if you believe half the things you write.
  16. One day (the sooner the better) all these foreign troops will leave, the south needs to figure a way to live without them.
  17. Tallaabo;972171 wrote: Somaliland rightfully defends because they are right within its internationally recognised borders. Congratulations, when did you guys get recognition? I thought you'd have more celebrations for that momentous occasion. Look, I don't mind oil exploration,but I'd prefer that SL is more careful when exploring further east. I don't think it will go over well, nothing causes agitation more than greed.
  18. Hooray for sanity. Let's all hope that there will be a peaceful transition of power and the greedy militias stop fighting ( slight hope).So, what happens next?
  19. Xaaji Xunjuf;971633 wrote: i never spread their propaganda i just post the news u can comment on it but be a bit less emotional next time i dont support shabaab guys. Homunculus they already bombed hargeisa in 2008 remember. But still alshabaab cannot be defeated by Foreign forces it shows. It needs another solution. You don't hesitate to use honorifics when you mention their despicable leader (Amiir, Sheikh,..etc), and you are intent on convincing people that compromise with this group is the best choice. The government is already trying to incorporate those terrorists and look at what it got them.Al shabaab are intent on dominating Somalia and will not rest until they have full control. I also think you're extremely misguided and not looking at the big picture, what do you think will happen when they finish consolidating the South (and somehow nobody interferes)? Do you think they ill be content and decide that they will leave the North to their own? They will not rest until they have the whole country under their yoke, I'm sure you'll be satisfied then. P.S. I'm always emotional when talking about Al shabaab, i'm sorry that i offended you.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;971605 wrote: Thats a good point he should've compramised with the government that was the best way forward. But he is to proud, and does not want to give in. One day this degenerate terrorist leader will die (soon hopefully), I wonder if you will spread their propaganda as faithfully. Nothing makes me angrier than ignorant people who want to force those savages on the Somali people. If the terrorists start bombing Hargeisa you will be as willing to compromise.
  21. Johnny B;971485 wrote: 4 years of heartache is what is ahead of you nay sayers. May your dreams come true and Al-shabab takes over Somalia. There is no future with Al Shabaab. Those savages will set us back to the 7th century instead of the 12th century Somalis live nowadays. Women will be relegated to slave status (no school, no business, no opinion) they will be lucky if they see the sun, God forbid if a man will see them even if they are covered from head to toe. Even boys might be forbidden from going to school, they don't want them to be infected with western thoughts you know. If they think they have a future that will prevent them from killing themselves in the future in a suicide mission. I don't live in Somalia (like most of the people here I guess), but If Al Shabaab succeeds in taking over the country, I'll never consider coming back.
  22. Put a nail in the coffin, this government is done. People here call for patience but if things continue at this pace then Al Shabaab will take over this gov. from the inside and all the progress that was made by the previous administration will be for nothing.
  23. Xaaji Xunjuf;971013 wrote: It doesn't really matter whether they have support or not these leaders were not elected by the people,aslong as the goverment has the mandate and the the African union troops they have nothing to worry. Neither was he elected by the people. I wonder if the MPs have the power of a no confidence vote.
  24. Killing the people who are trying to help and are instrumental in rebuilding the capital, that's a great strategy to win hearts by al shabaab(sarcasm if you don't get it). What's this government doing to stop them? They are hiring former ICU members, shouldn't they be able to talk these guys from attacking civilians?
  25. Carafaat;970570 wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjYlHonJ8k0&feature=youtube_gdata_player Interesting Intervieuw with Ciilmooge. There seem to be diffrent vieuws and interpretations on the Turkey agreement within the Somali cabinet. If they can't figure out something as simple as this, how do you expect this government to do anything without messing it up?