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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. you think in the language that you have most vocabulary ...... in my professional career....i think in English In Religion....I think in Arabic In my daily Issues.....I think in somali it is dependent on vocabulary....
  2. Race or Ethnicity are Two different Variants . I am black, If I go to united states, People will expect certain behaivior from me (Call it Ghetto culture, African- American Culture etc) But after a while when they start to know me, I will be identified as an African Immigrant rather than African American . The same goes for Middle east, In all Arab Countries there is considerable "Black" communities who were natives to that country for many generation, they integrated into the Arab culture, They are arabs in everyway, Therefore I don't feel comfortable around them the same way I feel uncomfortable around Arabs or people of other cultural backgrounds. But in your case, You feel at ease when being around Arabs, in contrary Around somalis ( I mean Real Somalis who don't speak arabic) you may feel alienated and avoid them. Expatriate is always an Expatriate, But My point is "Your upbringing is Arabic "Culturally 'culturally' but my upbringing is somali 'culturally' , I fluently speak arabic 'in dialect also' but still, I avoid arabs as much as possible I don't hate them but we don't just click. A fascinating case study is Somali students studying in Far east, Say China, India, Malaysia etc. There are two groups of students, Those who come from somalia and adhere to the "True" Somali culture, and another group who grew up in Gulf countries and are somalis by "Proxy". The first group in spite their differences they adhere to each other and form their own community, the second group also form their own group. Both groups are related by "Somali" Identity but not by "Somali"....If a party is held and both groups attend, One group is always have the upper hand thus the other group will not like this gathering... Inaan sii dheeraado ma rabee...Any body can be somali "You can buy passport or may be 1/5 of somali origins" But it is difficult to be "SOMALI" as the Fiercely independent, bitter sweet ignorant Cattle/Camel herding creature.......
  3. Sidii Shirka Garowe Dadka loogu socodsiiyay baa imikana "Boowe" iyo "Waxa JIDHA",,,Nalagu Socodsiinayaa..... Puntilayn Iska jir...
  4. Take "Injir" Preventive Measures.........Good luck..I just love that Country..Ambassa
  5. Bashir Good Has spoken.....Albeit full of ambiguous conspiracy , many of the things he pointed out are to be waited upon......
  6. Hadaynaan xumaanta iyo dilkiyo, daynin kala qaadka Dibaddaan ka joognaa sharciga, daacadda Illaahe Danbarkeedu waa Jahannamiyo dogobkii naareede Dul iyo hoosba waan ugu dhigaye, waa dix-dhagaxeede Anuunbaa damqanayee dheguhu, uma daloolaane Dadkaan la hadlayaa baan lahayn, dux iyo iimaane Bal inay dalfoof tahay caqliga, dooni laga saaray Wixii hore u soo daashaday, degashanaysaaye Doc hadday u wada jeedsatooy, dhowrto danaheeda Ooy duul walaala ah tahooy, duunka ka heshiiso Dadka kama yaraateene ways, dabar jaraysaaye Dubba madaxa wayskala dhacdaa, daa’in abidkiise Goortay is wada dooxatay baa, daad u soo geliye. This man said it all......
  7. He took the Risk....That is how it works sometimes.
  8. "Siyaadaw Subeer Noo dalacsii" lolz
  9. Dhakhtar baad sheegiye,,,Biyoole,naag umul ah iyo tu xaamilo ah, Midna lama dhaafayo.....
  10. Abwaan, Qurbaha ayaad ku raagtay baan filayaa.......Mida kale miyaan laguu sheeginba inu Faylka la galayaa uu shuqul gaalo yahay..lolz
  11. There is another episode about the discrimination of African Americans....
  12. Tiniiqi and Tincawsle...Labadaas baan maqlay
  13. Qolaba calankeedu waa caynoo inagana keenu waa ...........
  14. Nice,,Respect of Human Life is the building block nations...
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;781855 wrote: Its a pretty building A new phase of Black Africa.....Dhisaay Xaaji Khaatumo ayaa sidaas ah ayaad na leedahay?
  16. Che -Guevara;781843 wrote: ^None taken since we are extinct. Lolz
  17. Miriam1;781821 wrote: I would like to add a last suggestion Sam, consider importing a husband from East Africa or the Middle East. At this age, your passport is an asset to be exploited. Choose wisely and you will get a partner that is indebted to you for life! Loolz ()
  18. Interesting, One very flawed definition always comes to my mind "Somali men" it is always used with out setting bounderies. Those who grew up or reached puberty or ku indho furtay in the diaspora (West or East) cannot represent Somali men, Even Those who came from Villages to Cities and Towns "Xariif tuulo" are not "Somali men" because they have diluted identities and trying to fit in a vacuum with the wrong texture. Somali women also should lower their standards...
  19. Che -Guevara;781793 wrote: "Naftu inta ayna bixin Qofku wuu raftaa" off topic, you mean literally happens...lool Only Homo Erectus will not understand metaphors...No offense but my little simple metaphor was directed to Maakhir state...I don't want to be seen as opponent to the Blessed state, But the People should not get their hopes to the sky.
  20. Recently I have been fascinated With the writings of Mr.Axmed Deeq... Truly talented young fellow...Thanks for sharing.... I recommend an article he wrote a while ago called ""Bahal Gadh leh"
  21. Personally I perceive "Arranged Marriage" in variety of forms, it has been around since the beginning of time and it worked, Right now it is not healthy to blindly enter the Lions den, a little haasaawe is always required, But in marka hore lagu tilmaamo either by family member or a friend ayaa wanaagsan ..... Yacni ha lagu jiheeyo....Plus if it doesn't work out you will have someone to blame besides yourself .loolz
  22. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;781795 wrote: Anaga 'master' caddaaladnimo ku jirto inaa isku noqono maxaa inoo diiday. Walaalkey master in uu ii ahaado uma ogali laakiin nin shisheeye ah oo afkeyga, diinteyda iyo dhaqankeyge heysan diyaar u ahay in uu noo wada ahaado master, hal hal meel noogu xirto. Walina isma aragno, waa isku maqanahay. Because of Ignorance,,,Ignorance Kills...
  23. The US is Semi-autonomous Federal and I see no Weak central Government Xaaji