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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. Naftu inta ayna bixin Qofku wuu raftaa,,,The same thing, Way rafanaysaa.....Dabcan Dawlada Siilaanyo oo Life support siiso mooyiye (Injecting them With war) Waayo Dagaal ayuun baa midayn kara, Nabadse Gole ma wada fadhiisanayaan
  2. Hadii ay Khaatumo State dhaqaaqdo Dameer ha la i saaro.........No offense but People of SSC has long history of failed administrations, They never governed themselves and they never will...Lessons learned from history...
  3. Very sad,,,Odayaal ay ka dhamaatay ayaa Dagaal la galinayaa...Ilaahaw Somalida dubka madaw leh u gargaar...
  4. it is the little imperfections that makes everyone unique.....The special person concept is not valid Neither is the 10 year Haasaawe. Lately I see Arranged marriage could be the answer ,,as they say "Marriage after dating is a hot soup that gets cold with time while arranged marriage is a cold soup that gets hot and hot with time"
  5. The Older we get the more conservative views we tend to adhere. Qabyaalad is the same, The more you live in Somali community the more you get convinced that Qabyaalad is a form of living that we are doomed to accept & all of those who say otherwise are a bunch of hypocrites who are trying to delude others.....
  6. Another Proof of the cultural evolution in Somaliland.....Homo erectus in some places of somalia should try to learn....Learn monkey learn.
  7. Kooxda Fanka Buuhoodle oo soo Bandhigay Riwaayad la magac baxday "Jabkii Landta"..... Waxa lagu Dhigay Theater-ka Buuhoodle,.....
  8. Two Magac-u-yaal with no agenda other than Hatred for their neighbors.
  9. "20 Jir lalama Lagdamo" Hadii aad ladagtana "Wiilkii buu dilay" baa la odhan, HAdii uu ku lagdana "Waar ninkii waynaa wiilkii baa dilay" !! Marnaba dheef ka heli maysid. The same thing, Somaliland in ay Buuhoodle iyo Dadkaas gacan u qaado maba ah.....
  10. Xilligaasuun baa Balo laga Sheekayn....The guy is Against Khaatumo , Qurbomeer and Naasahablood states.
  11. Another Siyad Barre....
  12. Sawirka Ubaxa leh+7-up+Jaadka+Waa qolama+Music contradictory + 1st of January .......All are real as Bananas
  13." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  14. Very Disappointing,,,,,Instead of Trying to talk somali people of speaking Load and Being rude, Some of you have chosen to distance themselves from Somalis....Chickens Actually Last summer When I went back to hargeisa, I felt People are very nice that is when to Compared to the Middle east. I was preparing my self for the common "Qaylo" that I hear of, But on the Contrary I loved how they treated each other...... BTW consider that Somali language needs load vocals to be spoken if not it would just be whispering not least that is how I reason my load voice.
  15. I am very Awdal and That makes me disappointed of what This intellectual is saying,,,,,
  16. I don't think the diaspora is in place to decide what is good for awdal. For starters, Awdal Diaspora is the least contributing somali diaspora to their Home region, (Awdal was peaceful for 20 years and yet the 30km road between Dila and borama is hellish) Second, only those In Awdal have the right to choose the path that Awdal should follow and for now, I am pretty sure that their voice is well heard.
  17. Just when the graph shifts to the right, Abtigiis pushes it with his mighty keyboard. Being a silent reader of his posts for many years, I find it intriguing and yet mind boggling how he can make something so derogatory sound nice, If I was Hitler he would have been my Propaganda manager.
  18. Coofle


    Rag badan oo Forum-ka ku jira in Loo micneeyo weeyi ereyadan (Mukhbaasad, Baangad, Majarafad etc) So funny JB thanks for sharing.
  19. No offense Laakiin Mujaahidku ma Calanka kulmiye ayuu meesha kala soo dagay oo diyaarada ku sitay, Ka somaliland-na dhalinyarada ayaa u dhiibtay... Mida kale I heard he was buying weapons!!!!
  20. Very disappointing,,,Even after those millions from selling fish, pirates, etc......
  21. Thread-kan Waxaan ku soo qori doonaa Kaftanada iyo walxihii ay ku qoslin jireen kuna maadoon jireen soomalidii hore. Ciroolayda Groupkan ayaa aad ula dhici....Dhalinyaraduna ha faaiidaysteen ======Fujaan dheehu ka daatiyo==== Nin ayaa maalin dad beer u falayay,markaa ayaa waxaa loo keenaya falaas shaah ku jiro lkn nasiib darro waligii falaas shaah kama cabin,markaa si uu u furo ayuu garan waayay markaa ayuu kala jabiyay tixda tan ayaanu ka tirshay *Fujaan dheehu ka daatiyo *Faras'laan ku cabaaye *Ma anaa nin falaasa. =======Markuu helo==== Nin ayaa wadaadadii hore mid kamida tix yar u tiriyay,waxa uu yidhi: ................... ............ ................... markuu kildhi helo kidkidshow marka kale kuudad xumoow markuu axan helo ku ordow marka kale aayar socdow markuu xeedho helo xamdiyow marka kale xaaska jarow =========Labo Gabdhood==== Laba gabdhood oo midna guri joog tahay(A) midna geela raacdo(B) ayaa markay guriga iskugu yimaadaan xintami jiray A:naa dabka naga qafuuf; B:naa adiguna qafuuf; A:coonyahay la nacay B:ma adaan la nicin. A:timo gucusalay. B: ma adaa girdhaleh? A:geel xero ka didis B:ma adaa ku celin.
  22. Nin-Yaaban;765196 wrote: LoL Qalooc, good one. It is called Magaalo Qallooc,,,Without "Magaalo" it doesn't make sense.
  23. Allaylahe,,,,Odaygu Guurkii hoos loo dhigay buu ka faa'iideeyay.....Ciilka hayay waynaayaa
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