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Everything posted by Kool_Kat

  1. I highly doubt this is an actual sign displayed in an actual restaurant...For displaying such a sign, trust and believe there'll be lawsuits! Wuxuu u egyahay wax la'iska suubiyay, yacnii dacaayad camal...
  2. ^Americans like their food/beverages bigger, the same thing happened to me in OH, when I ordered a large double double they gave me bakeeri gacanteyda dherer le'eg! GO TIMMY GO!
  3. Good day all! Hadaan shaqada soo galay and I'm ready to head on home... Ms Moons, happy belated birthday! Enjoy being 21, before you know it people will be telling you "foodhigii wax yar baa kaaga haray"! And you'd be thinking "maxaa cimri dag-dagaasna, lix sano dhan aa ii hartee wah"!
  4. A_Khadar;762662 wrote: Did he run school board or something like that few elections ago.. I went same Univ he went... Good luck to him.. And what do you have show for it? I kid, I kid! Walahi I couldn't let that one slide, adaa goalkaaga ka dhaqaaqay nooh...hahahahaaaa Good luck to the brother...I hope Somalis in MN are different than those in Ontario, where voting is at the very bottom of our to do list, if even on the list!
  5. Dahab? As in Gold? Mise dahab kalaa jira? Bal wax aan hubiyo intaan afka iska furan!
  6. Bwahahahahaaaaa @Juxa! Ka daa yaaqoo...
  7. Caleyku masalaam yaa muslimiin! Kuli shayi' dhag-dhag today, alxamdulilaah...It has been a crazy and scary week for me, but overall a good one, specially on this rainy not-so-cold Friday... Shalay nin aan waligey magaciisa maqli jiray baa Toronto lagu dilay! Ilaah ha'u naxariisto...Laakiin qof dhib badan haduu ahaa qofka, hadaan siduu ku dhintay ama dhimashadiisa ka nixin ma qof xun baan ahay? At the end of the day he was someone's husband/father/son/etc.! SMH @wadna xumideyda...Ilaahoow na cafi!
  8. NGONGE;761061 wrote: ^^^ Waaxad la socotid ayaa iska yar ( ), iLoox miyanaad maqal? LOLD! Adiga baby ayaad tahay, hadaadba iLoox sheegeyso! War 'i' wax la dhoho majirin waagaa, it was only Loox...Wax fahan!
  9. JB waaguu yaraa FB iska daayee computer xataa majirin! Good day all...
  10. Marka waxaa ii sheegtan nimanka hurdadabadna maxaa laga yiri?
  11. LOL @boo! Isn't the purpose of booyaaso to help around the house, so that Xaajiyada can get her beauty rest? Booyaaso does not equal to naag karti leh ama gaari (not baabuur yaah) ah...They get paid to do just things as cook, clean, and look after the kids! Koley I can't access the link, ee mala sheegay daraasata yaa suubiyay? Meeqa qoys ayaa laga soo qaaday? Imisa ayey socotay?
  12. ^LOL^ I had no idea it showed who voted for whom! Ibti voted for herself, that's a little dry! looooooool Che, ayeeyo dad badan baa ka tagtay sanadkaan, majority of dadkaa qortay hurdo eyba igu ridaan, I mean their threads! Zack inaa ku darteey eheed, of course A&T (mise sanadkaana inuu raayo aad ka baqday)?
  13. Cawaale iyo Nuune bey iigu soo biyo shubatay, dee markaasaan Cawaale ugu shubay wootka! Nuunka aan dooran lahaa, laakiin hadaladiisii ugu dambeeyay oo ku saabsanaa abaaraha Soomaaliya baan i cajabin...Wuxuu ku biiray dadkii farta fiiqi jiray intuu dhihilahaa dhibaato walbo oo inoo taala anagaa isku keenay...Ughhh!:mad:
  14. Johnny B;758461 wrote: Can you as a religious person think of any situation where supernatural explanation is the only or the most plausible answer, after having exhaused all other possible natural causes? Higher powers are telling me I need a new pair or two of shoes, for winter is around the corner...For the life of me, magaranaayo meesheey ka socoto sheekada cuz I have three pairs of winter boots, one never worn mind you...SMH!
  15. ^NUUNEEEEEEEE, I NEARLY EFFIN' DIED LOLing!!! Thanks! I 2nd Juxa on this one!
  16. ^Fiiri adi, naga daa hee saa u socotay meel uun baa madaxa lala galaa baa noo keentay...War meeshaa madaxa lagashaba, laba madax baa kula galeysa, don't you get it? It is one thing if the person lives alone, or has "full-time" school aged kids, laakiin anigoo kale markey teyda weyn only three hours ku maqantahay school, mida yarna guriga ila joogto, wax soconaayo ma'aha nooh...
  17. I leave my personal issues at the door as soon as I come into the office, same as I leave my work soon as I step out of the office! If they allow me to bring my kids to work, then I'll be more than happy to work from home some times...lol On the real though, just before I returned to work, I was offered the option of working from home twice in the five day work week...That lasted about three or four weeks! I rather come in, do my work, and leave to go home to my family...I now work only six hours a day and get so much more done than when I was set up at home and worked 12hrs a day...Wah! Caruur inta ka qeylinaayo, offshore training at 9, suugo dabsaaran, baasto biyaheeda karooyaan, email response due by noon, conference call at 1pm, diaper changing (at the worst time possible)! NO THANKS!!! Bidaar baaba igali rabtay...
  18. Awww Mansha'allah! Ilaah ha'usiyaadiyo dadkeena...
  19. Word on the street is that some guy (don't want to name him), who runs a Somali community centre here in Toronto, might be behind or has something to do Mr. Warsame's arrest! Whatever the case might be, Ilaahay ha nabad galiyo...
  20. The Avatar make-up is spot on! I would be very surprised if someone else took the prize for best costume... How's this any different than attending a New Year's Eve ruwaayad or any other party for that matter? A party is a party is a party! Reer London laakiin waa naga ilbaxsanyihiin... Mac Isiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
  21. Are you deserving of love waryaada? Anaga dignity iyo xurmo hanoo sheeginee! Maanta S*S sheeko waalan uu wadaa, from single mother maxaa dhalay to do I feel deep down that I'm an OK person? Sheeko waa qasan tahay...
  22. Ex-convicts have feelings too just like any other Cali iyo Faarax! It's a plus if they have all the qualities listed by the poster, yaaba heli kara kaasoo kale? LOL @Ibtisam's list of crimes! Speeding ticket, REALLY?
  23. Oz;754434 wrote: I demand that the old members come back. This place is somewhat dead and boring. No more excitement. Start with yourself marka hore nooh! Yaa rabtaa in lasoo celsho anaa Admin-ka u caga jugleenaayo, haruuf yarna dhag kusiinaayee?
  24. Sahal laguma keenine Dusha calanka ii sudhan Samiroo ha iilanee Samaduu la mid yahoo Sanad guuro sanad guuro Sanad guuro wacan Very moving!!! Belated Happy 2nd Anniversary! Keep waving the beautiful blue flag, ever so proudly! GUUL KU WAARA ILMO'ADEERAYAAL!!!