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Everything posted by Kool_Kat

  1. Subxaanalaah @Nuune! Ma inkaartamoysee, meesha cunug saqiir ah magaceeda lee la is weydiiyee? Cawrala and Jamaad are also fav of mine...
  2. Abyan and Aragsan are my fav, hence naming my daughters such beautiful and original Somali names... I also like Samawada, Mahada and Caweys...Good luck to your sister...
  3. ^Awww, aamiin alle janada haka waraabiyo, iyada iyo intii muslim ahba... Markaan duceysanaayo waxaan ku duceystaa in caruurteyda sidaan aniga hooyadey u ahay oo kale Ilaahay iiga dhigo! Juxa is right, love alone is not enough...Just last night, my mom has been sick with the flu for the past few days, I went to her and just drove her around so she can get out of the house and get some fresh air...We to the drive thru (after she refused a nice/full mean) got sandwiches, parked the car in the parking lot and enjoyed out sandwiches while we chatted...She called me when I got back home to say "thank you hooyo, hawada yar aan soo arkay wax badan bey ii tartay"! Moments like that wax lagu sheegi karo maleh...Ilaah hanoo daayo hooyooyinkeen...Aamiin.
  4. A friend of mine from Toronto sent something to another friend in OH in November, the item she sent was returned with a "undeliverable" message on it nearly two months later...She used regular mail and was around the holidays, nonetheless it shouldn't take that long to be returned...My friend in OH used to say "war gabadha ameysan soo dirin"...lol Go to the postal service you used and ask for your money back...
  5. Maxaa tiri @Stoic? Depends on what you sent and how fast it clears customs, has nothing to do with the postal service...It also depends on what shipping service you used to send this package (Regular, priority, next day, etc.)...Marka bal caayda intaa naga kala yareyso, pay the extra needed so that your package gets here on time guaranteed or money back!
  6. Maaddeey, qosolka waa caafimaad dee! Maya ee maanan ka fileyn inuu Admin usoo jawaabayo, specially sidii cunug nanac lagu aamusinayo...Sow maadan garan?
  7. Admin;796165 wrote: Ayoub, there you go. I don't think I've laughed so hard while at work, like I did when I this! Dadka inaan waalnahey imoodeen!!! Thank you Admin... MMA, said all there's to say (jac kulul sidii muufo tinaar laga soo saaray camal)!
  8. NGONGE;796139 wrote: What a tease! Maanta sadex saacadood baan miiskeyga fadhiyaa wax aan qabtay baa iska yar...Waad salaamantihiin dhamaan reer troll!
  9. NGONGE;796145 wrote: ^^ I see an open goal but I can't make jokes about my son's future mother-in-law or her mother. Soo tuur waxaad heyso, ayeeyo waa iska maskiine...
  10. NG, waa hore baan ogaa... You know my mom gets beyond xanaaq every time we use the term "waawaalantahay" or "wuuwaalanyahay"! Of course not to her, but just in general...Labaatan iyo labo kab baa waa hore kugu dhici leheed hadaad ag joogi leheed...
  11. Nin waalan kuwii ku goobtaa ka sii waalan! Carafaat, ma'ogi waxaad dadkan kusameesay laakiin hadaadba gaarsiisay in a whole thread laguugu magac daro, as I love to say "war maa wadeenaa hee"...Saasaa lagaa rabaa... Ps, doqonimo yee ku qaadin walaalahaa Puntland faraha kaqaad, black gold ka siduusan kuu dhaafin!
  12. Che -Guevara;795453 wrote: Or that could be the middle finger to you:D A la sideways wilibo ku dar!
  13. Zenawi gadaashiisuu madaxweyneheena taagan yahay oo Soomaalida kale kacararay dad ku faraxsan ama ku faanaya maxaa ladhihi karaa aan ka eheen allaha idin caafiyo...Subxaanalaah!
  14. Who cares where Siilaanyo sits or stands in a group photo, fact of the matter is HE IS THERE at the London Conference for Somalia as a representative of one of the many Somali regions partaking in this conference...Kakac dheh, odayga waa ku dhagan tahay! lol Ceeb looma dhinto walee...
  15. ^War kadaa, kadaa! Waxaa isoo xasuusisay macalin la dhihi jiray Macalin Basbaas oo caruurta markuu usha la dhoco basbaas marin jiray meeshuu usha ku dhufto... :D
  16. Jacaylbaro;793142 wrote: xataa in Baasaaboor SL leedahay ma oga dee Halahaato mise yeeysan lahaan, miyuu Somaliland, Somalia uga soo duulay oo uu London garoonkeeda uga soo dagay isagoo isticmaalayo baasaboorkaas? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Duushay, duushay, I tell ya! The Zack, when "The Zack" goes to Staples to create his own, can "The Zack" use scented papers please? Daaco shiirka dadkaan (toxic style) aa idhiboyso nooh! lol
  17. Wax la'is weydiiyo maxumee, baasaboorkuu ku duulay Siilaanyo?
  18. Abwaan;792831 wrote: Candhuufo walaalkaa kaa yar sacabkaa la iska mariyaa! LOOOOOOOOOOOL! OMG, you're just killing me today...Ishaa ka tuurtay... All you haters stop hating and giving the evil eye waryaada...Viva Sland, Somalia...
  19. Abwaan;792617 wrote: This is amazing, except calan gubidda (intay calanka siibaan inay baabuurta qaadka u sii dhiibaan bay ahayd Hargeysa ha geeyeene..lol). Thanks reer Buuhoodle :D
  20. Maaddeey;792074 wrote: Iyaah! Ma indhaheygaa mise labada qof, qofka soke waa naag kastuumo baanyo wadato? Maaddeey seecamalkaa? Glad to see a softher, relaxing side of you...Enjoy...
  21. Somalina;792143 wrote: Koombo hadii kor loo tuuro, keligeed lee soo noqoto. ROFLOL! Thanks Somalina for helping me start my work day with a laugh...
  22. No money + no scholarship + no job = blow yourself up + enter paradise with no shoes! Equation qatar eh waaye, laakiin waa iga maqnaanaa lee equations kaas! Subxaanalaah...
  23. Same sheeko, different day lee ahaa sheekada! Everything to be said has been written on these walls, each and everytime a topic about this great man, Ali Samatar, has been posted...Kuwa kasoo horjeesa sheekadeey horey udheheen uun baa lagu soo celin, kuwa lajirana ama leh hala cafiyo sidoo kale iyagana...Isku noq-noqda lee maantoo dhan... Ps, Morgan iney udhowaadaan iska daayee, duqsi garkiisa saaran xataa ma afuufikaraan! Mala'isku dheelaa...