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Everything posted by Baluug

  1. I heard the story behind M*****n and it sounds like a bunch of garbage to me anyways. Every society needs a scapegoat, someone to hate on for no particular reason just to make themselves feel like they're better than someone else. Of course I would marry a woman from any qabiil.
  2. LOOOOOL Only in UK would you see something like this I think in the week and 1/2 that I was in London, if I chewed qaad everytime it was offered to me, I might've turned green! LOL
  3. Baluug

    SOLers on Facebook

    Originally posted by 2+2=5: MALES The charming fella in Maryan-Ruun Isse's photo. He happens to be so cute he blows everyone else out of the water. There are no runner ups. Damn, not even an honourable mention for me. :mad: Rudy, your link just directs me to the FB homepage. This must be the 4th time so far there's been renewed interest in SOL's FB page, comes around once a year or so and then dies off after a week or two after everyone's done looking at all the people's profile pics
  4. Baluug

    The Show..

    I thought I was supposed to be an esteemed guest on this show at one time or another
  5. You worry too much about what a bunch of greasy wops think about you. They wouldn't like you any more if you were white, cuz you're still a foreigner so I advise you to just be yourself and stop hatin'
  6. LOL I love it you whistled for a taxi and it came the next day? That's some sh*tty service
  7. Originally posted by NGONGE: It took a pair of shoes to get you to realise all this? I'd be insulted if I were your mother. ^LOOOOOOL The thing I'm wondering is, where did they find a pink crocodile to make the shoes from? Just kidding CL, great story and very touching with a good reminder. We need to spend time with family as much as we can because someday they're gonna be gone.
  8. Another year older and another year wiser Happy birthday!! I actually have 3 Somali friends and one Sudanese friend on Facebook who listed their birthday as Jan. 1st
  9. Here's some christmas songs since the time is appropriate. Did I tell you guys about when My older daughter Layla had a serious kidney infection when she was 2 months old? My ex basically lived in the hospital with Layla for 3 weeks until she got better and I would stay there on my days off, since it was in December, the radio played nothing but christmas songs and these 2 songs were on heavy rotation Paul McCartney-Wonderful christmastime Jose Feliciano-Feliz Navidad For those of you who are old enough to remember the disco age, you probably know of a group known as Boney M. But you may not know that they put out a Christmas album, and growing up, my parents would play that album over and over during christmas. Here's a sample and you can tell me if disco and christmas music go well together, I'm really not sure....
  10. Good thing I read the comments in this thread before watching
  11. Merry xmas Sherban and to whoever else may celebrating it and happy new year. Obviously I don't celebrate it but I'm still connected to it through my parents. Mum's turkey dinner is awesome!! And I got a free turkey from the union so I'll get to eat it twice Mmmmmmm turkey sandwiches.....
  12. So many places to see, so little time and money.... Vancouver Toronto London Singapore Australia Zanzibar sounds nice too, I agree Egypt UAE Mecca of course for hajj
  13. I've met a lot more lazy Somalis in Canada than I did in England, then again I was only in England for a week and 1/2 I can say for sure that all the SOLers I met in Igriiska were the complete opposite of what you said, Garoodi, so I'd say it's unfair to paint them all with the same brush.
  14. Originally posted by Norfsky: Indho Blue, 2 degrees C is T shirt weather for you Canada is a nice place. But the weather is something else I hear. I'll need to wear a mink on a daily Ibti, calm down. I might even go out in my shorts tomorrow You'd get used to the weather though, if the Sudani refugees here can handle it, I think you can too There's another famous saying: "There are 2 things you can't trust:the weather and women."
  15. Norf, that's a hell of a lot of food, I don't eat nearly that much, at least on a regular basis. I've at least cut down quite a bit on my fast food intake lately, now mostly just on weekends but I gotta get my a$$ outside other than work, that's my problem.
  16. "Come and shake" "D That's the name given to Calgary by Somali people due to the fact that there's nothing to do so you'll be left trembling due to stress and no social life I forgot to mention that part, didn't I? That's OK, Edmonton is only 3 hrs away....
  17. Norfsky, the economy is rebounding quite nicely over here, and there's a saying about Calgary, that there are only 2 seasons:winter and construction So come on over. You Londoners can take all the snow you want, we don't need any more over here. We're just getting over a real nasty cold snap which saw temperatures dip down to below -45 degrees in some parts of Alberta and insha Allah it's gonna be +2 for the next few days yay!! It's pretty sad when weather above 0 degrees is something to celebrate
  18. Speaking of cake, I had some realllllllly nice cheesecake a week or so ago, man it was lovely. Reminds me why I never buy cheesecake, because I know I'll probably eat it all at one sitting
  19. My job pays very well, is very easy, and I am highly unlikely to ever be laid off due to the fact that people will always buy the product I make(potato chips)and I have been trained and done almost every single job in the factory. The problem? I work in a factory, not the most prestigious of careers and I don't think it's something I should be doing the rest of my life.
  20. The main events of the year for me were all work-related, spent lots of time outside connecting with mother nature which most of the time was no good, we only really had about 3 weeks or so of half-decent weather. Anyways, after sticking it to the man, I'm happy things are back to normal. Alxamdulillah, 2009 went quite well for me.
  21. I remember how I started off the new millenium at the ripe old age of 21, at midnight on New years eve I smoked a big fat joint Man, how times change. Now I have a new religion, new life, and new responsibilities, alhamdulillah
  22. LOL I love that one about Mountain Dew, never heard that one before
  23. And here all this time I thought you had to be laying down
  24. ^Who wants to live to be 90 anyways? Eat up!!
  25. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: It's 0 degrees in Minneapolis. JB what a lucky *******. lol I know how you feel bro I look out my window at the endless white from the snow and Berbera is looking real good right now. I had to laugh at the guys getting their car stuck in the sand at the beginning of the video