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Deeq A.

Somali forum

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Deeq A.   

In the next few days, we will be adding an Af-Soomaali forum on SOL. All the af-Soomaali threads will be moved to that forum and the General section will be organized. This separation will make things easier for everyone.


We have been getting complaints lately about the quality of the General section and the way the General section is organized. The majority of the nomads who come here prefer to write in the English language and we have to make changes to accommodate everyone.

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That is an excellent move to launch a New Section for Somali Langauge, Masha-Allah. I personaly welcome that move. And may Allah reward your efforts. Let's initiate constructive discourse where we can educate our people in setting forum pages where they can exchange their views.

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I disagree with that approach

cause after all this is SOMALIAONLINE



Those nomads that have complained to ADMIN. need to learn how to read and write af-somali too.

They just don't make that effort

and DON'T WANT to make that EFFORT to do so.

They just want to come on SOL and blabber/gossip/talk #####.


Hey I got a difficult time too reading and writing af-somali, but I like and jokes are always better in somali. smile.gif


You probably won't take my advise ADMIN.

cause u usually RESPOND to FEMALESSS. ;)

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loool kheyr, waraa adminka iska dhaaf nooh, bishiiba halmar uu wax qoraa :D mar kaasna khaata bilaahi ay ka taagantahay :D


kheyr horta waa runtaa complainka waxa sameeyo waliba gabdhahay u badanyihiin maba u maleeyaan halkan inay tahay somali website.

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I understand your view admin and respect your attempts in trying to sort things out, but sorry I have to be blatant in here, your decission in this matter is not wise.

As far as my understanding is concerned or the rationale will lead us to believe is part of the machinary in promoting Somali culture and tradition. Therefore the language is the core of all this unles am wrong. Am not advocating for the total use of the language as I understand you also want to accomodate for readers of Somali origin, but were unfortunate not to learn their language. You are right in doing so, but allienating the language and taking it to a different section and thus limiting to it there, am afraid to say you are fueling its demise. Ofcourse I dont assume you want to do that but such steps will reflect such picture.

I support the current use of both languages ( English and Somali) in here. In saying that I will respect any rationale changes you make

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cause after all this is SOMALIAONLINE


Those nomads that have complained to ADMIN. need to learn how to read and write af-somali too.

How a person chooses to communicate is not an option for you or anybody else to dictate. If they feel more comfortable in English then good for them. This is a public forum, and nowhere in the membership does it stipulate that comprehending and writing in Somali is a prerequisite !


What you should be doing is positively encouraging instead of criticizing and patronizing others, who might not have been so fortunate to master the language.


P.s. On a lighter note im looking forward to this section, and I’ll be there full swing with my poorly constructed Somali sentences, :D

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Salaama caleykum admin..

Waa anigii ina bakhti


Horta aad baan u jecleystay sida aad meeshaan u nadaamisaan iyo sida aad u xilgilisaan dadka they say customer service is #1...


Sxbyaal aniga aad iyo aad baan uga soo hor jeedaa arintaan cusub aad go aan sateen umana maleynaayo in aad si fiican ugaga fiirsateen.. Maxaa yeelay dadka somaliga qorayo kama aha xumaan iyo is yeel yeel ee ku dhibaan dadka aan qori karin ama aqrin karin. Ani mathalen, Marka aan somali qoraayo waxee ka midtahay Identity, shows my personality and it shows that I'm being my self and not trying to be some one alse..I feel 100% comfortable in aan af somali ku hadlo, ku murmo, ku kaftama, ku murti sheegto..EXT...


Walaalayaal hadaa dhahdaan somali halooga hadlo meel kiliya ma shaqeyneeso meeshana waxaad ka dhigeysaan mugdi..walaahi..Hadaan rabo in aan wax hadal ah ka dhiibto womens, or Islam, or politics, ma waxaad rabtaa in aan ku qoro english..what if I can't express fikradeyda aan ka qabo in english. Eena iigu fududahay in aan ku sheegto Somali...


Walaalayaal Somali hadaan nahay waa in la fahmaa dhadhankeeda iyo macnaha ee noogu fadhiso. Dad badan oo cukhdad ka heyso luqada somaliga ah ayaa idiin soo dacwooday..waxeyna u badan yihiin gabdho maxaa yeelay aniga iyo dadka kale ku qora somaliga ayee nafta u keeneyn.


Dad badan oo SOL ka mid ahaa baa jira oo hore aan u a qoon somaliga sida loo qoro hadana si fiican u qora una aqriya. heerkaasna waxey ku gaareyn aqrinta ee aqrin jireen dadka kale somaliga ku qori jiray. I my self have helped some people in SOL with their somali.


qaar baa jira u qabo reer magaalnimo hadey English wax ku qoraan. Waxeyna u qabaan in dadka somali ku qora wax ee hada ka yimaadeen Somali. Which means waxey u heystaan Somalia qof ka yimaaday in uu yahay reer baadiye..Aqri waxa ku qoran one of the forums..


Meeshaad kala dagaalami la heydeen dadkaan fikradaha foosha xun ka qaba in aad ku raacdaan oo somaliga soocdaan ma aheyn..Waan la socdaa dad baa jira oo aanan aqrin karin somali laakiin aan xumaan u arkin Somalinimada iskana jeclaan lahaa in Somaliga lagu yareeyo meeshaan.


websiteka waxaad u bixiseen SomaliaOnline waxaana raa ciseen "givin the nomads their piece of the net"..... waxaa meeshaas ka muuqda wax la yiraahdo freedom...laakiin hadaa kala sooc bilowdaan freedomka ayaa ka qaadeysaan dadka qaarkooda....


Waxaana jira arin kale....

Dad waxaa jira sideyda oo kale oo isku dhex qasa somaliga iyo englisha ila markii..waxaana la yiriihdaa luqad Somali maxaa ka sameyn


walalayaal ani waxaan dhihimlahaa ku daaya sideytahay meesha hana u bixina dadkaan hadalkooda.. qofkii somali wax ka qaba una arka left out because ma fahmaayaan, iinsha allah waxey ka heli doonaan meesha karti ee ku bartaan somaliga....


Aniga personly I don't think I could write all my somali in one place and if that is the case " wadeeca allah"


wareer badanaa!!!!

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Oh wow, I think that’s a great idea!


I think this will put an end to a lot of the problems that were escalating in SOL, and I’ll definitely be welcoming the change, and who knows I may even try to brush up my Somali and use the section myself.


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I also, with all due respect admin, think that this is a bad move.


This is a Somali forum and users should accept this. There is no need to whine over that which is their own downfall and deficiency.


If they have issues with the Somali language then why come on a Somali website?


Why should there be alienation for nomads who wish to use our beautiful language.


I too am not confident with writing in af-Somaali therefore I never write in it, however I enjoy reading their posts in the GENERAL FORUM amongst the posts of other users, simply because it is my language and wish to expand my knowledge on it.


Therefore i say we incorporate our language into all forums instead of seperating it like as if it is a seperate part of our discussions.

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I wonder what the new section will be called?


Hmmm, the words SOMALIland seem to spring to mind. :D



What other changes are planned for the General section, admin? I hope GENERAL will not become SPECIFIC! :rolleyes:

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I have ta totally agree with the admin on this issue, as we are all aware of it's only hand ful of us that write soomali and really enjoy each other's company.


If the admin wants ta create a forum for af somali, i say thank you admin for considering us and we totally agree with this move, sympathizing with the rest of the nomads that don't read or write soomali.....



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That is great idea.Thanks Admin.


We can go somali section and learn some somali when we have some mood :D


Admin, What about Arabic Articals, can we post some from time to time in general section? cause I was preparing to post Arabic Articals for those whom speak Arabic.



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I think the best way is to have a section called Languages, languages such as arabic, chineese, hindi russian or german, and english would be included in this section, and somali language will be excluded from these to show pride and dignity, that is my opinion,myyyyyyyyyy opn.

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^^agree with the title. However, I wish the nomads selfishly complaining recognize that this site is built on the basis of AF-SOMALI(unless the admins or the operator/owner(s) of the site is trying to "sell" himself/herself to the english-speaking interestors-if they fail to recognize that the site is part of promoting the language/culture/traditions/customs of SOMALI-WEYN. Therefore, they(complainers) should try harder to learn the language or bare with af-somali posters.



Hmmm, the words SOMALIland seem to spring to mind

..are you still in that boredom mood or this is you- :confused: I wonder what are you intentions in bringing such name into the scene when you know there is enough stir(regarding the somali/puntland/somaliland etc conflicts)on the other threads mind you.


lastly-afsomali hadii gooni lo dhigo..then afswaxili/or other languages thread-ah halasameyo as well-kidding.

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