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What language/s do you speak?

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Originally posted by GJ_Goate:

quote:Originally posted by Shar ma'arke:


Originally posted by Abdillah:

[QB] Why has it become almost fashionable, nowadays, for almost all somali kids growing up in the west to claim, "I can barely speak spoken somali, and I can't write it at all". It is really sad.

Speaking Somali is considered(in some Somali environs)being uncivilised . I kind of grew up in such an evironment. Afrikaanimo iga dheh!


Contrary to the European societies(who are deemed to be civilised and we love to simulate) are so proud of their languages and traditions. And even push their children to learn their mother tongue/tradition even if they are born outside their home country.


Growing up I remember waan ka faani jirnay in aan cunno Ugali(soor). And now I envy Norwegians who eat a thousands old meal every thursday(young and old in every homestead).


You'll find Somali, Swahili, Norwegian and of course Ingiriis in my language thesaurus.
How do u expect young Somalis kids growing up in the West or Carabaha to write Somalia unless their parents teach them or send them to some kind of tutor?
Maxee tahay "Somalia, Somalia" aad ku heysid? Afkee waaye afkaas? Intee loogu hadlaa? Adigoo leh kuma arki "England, England" when talking about Afingiriis, ee afkeena haku ciyaarin, dalkeena meel loogu wicin ha ugu wicin. Afsoomaali waa Afsoomaali, Soomaaliya waa Soomaaliya, kala saar. Wah.


Ciyaalka ku dhashay dibadahana, ma kuwa Afgaanka iyo Bakistaamiinta iyo Hindida iyo Turkiga iyo Kurdishka iyo ... -- ma kuwaas ayee dhaamaan?


Kuwaas jiilkooda jiilkee dhaleen [in another way, aabahooda xataa inta ku dhashay] afkooda hooyo ku hadlo wali. Soomaali dad iska jaahil ayaa ka buuxo, kana faantano afkooda, waligoodba saas iska ahaa, ha ahaado kii laba erey Talyaani bartay in '60s oo aloore, aloore ku heyn jiray ama kii maanta laba Sawaaxili qaabdaran hakuna matata lasoo shirtagaayo. Had iyo jeer dad nagu dhex jiro moodo af shisheeye inay tahay aqoon iyo ilbaxnimo ku hadalkeeda, waana tan ay heesta Magool ku heysto af qalaad aqoon miyaa.


Afkii kaligiis kalsooni la'aanta heysato ma'ahee, waa dhaqankii xataa. Waakaasa magacyada Carbeed ciyaalkeena loogu yeeraayo, xataa Carabta lama baxaan waxee Soomaalida u bixiyaan maanta. Xataa arag qolkaan? Mid walba af jini ka hormarsiiye afkooda hooyo ee Soomaaliyeed.Shuud.

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^^What do you call a person who speaks many languages.....Bilingual


What do you call a person who speaks only one language......An American.. smile.gif


Sheekaada meeshan ka socoto sounds to me like the flight 13 guy marki la weydiiyey imisa wadan ayuu arkey counted all the countries the plane flew over on his way from Nairobi to Minnesota...

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^^ Lol@ the flight 13 guy. Seems the same is happening here, Gediidow. I should as well add German to my language dictionary since I once flew over Frankfurt. Not mentioning Swedish and Danish that I understand almost 70 % (This is true though). Lol.


Well said, MMA.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Maxee tahay "Somalia, Somalia" aad ku heysid? Afkee waaye afkaas? Intee loogu hadlaa? Adigoo leh kuma arki "England, England" when talking about Afingiriis, ee afkeena haku ciyaarin, dalkeena meel loogu wicin ha ugu wicin. Afsoomaali waa Afsoomaali, Soomaaliya waa Soomaaliya, kala saar. Wah.

Eekaalay hee cun wiilka...Inaa ku bururtid wax yar aakaaga dhow ma'is tiri? Shaqfurtubilaahiyee!!!


Mid walba af jini ka hormarsiiye afkooda hooyo ee Soomaaliyeed.Shuud.

Xamaa ka laqday dahii faniji lagu dahlo? Geeshaaba dawdaayee...Foqkii faniji qayaano, foq Loosaami qayaano lee yaawe, saat go'oow liiwoow...Na'aga tancaroshabaqa naga faadhee...Haw!

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Afkii kaligiis kalsooni la'aanta heysato ma'ahee, waa dhaqankii xataa. Waakaasa magacyada Carbeed ciyaalkeena loogu yeeraayo, xataa Carabta lama baxaan waxee Soomaalida u bixiyaan maanta. Xataa arag qolkaan? Mid walba af jini ka hormarsiiye afkooda hooyo ee Soomaaliyeed.Shuud.

Saaxib horta run baad ka hadashay, maalin dhowayd nin baanu Suuqa isku qabsaney, Sadex ciyaal oo uu dhalay buu daadihinaayey, markaas sheeko ka dib baan caruurtii waydiiyey magacyadooda? Waxa ii sheegeen wax kuba adag oo carabkoodu aanu karayn, oo anan hada xuusan? Markaan la yaabay, Baan isagii waydiiyey? oo iri, waa maxay sidani? Maxaad caruurtaada kala doontay magacyadan aan cidi ba karayn? Indha adayg waxa uu iigu jawaabey soo carab manihin? :mad: , Dood ka dib waxa aan ka dareemay in uuna kuba kalsoonayn magacyada Soomaaliga ah. Dhibku intaas maahe, Soomaali badan weliba qurbaha baa taas la qabba.


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I speak




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quote:Maxee tahay "Somalia, Somalia" aad ku heysid? Afkee waaye afkaas?



Saxiib it was a typo......don't get the the Somalinimo Police to drag out of my bed and lock me up adeer.... :D


quote:Ciyaalka ku dhashay dibadahana, ma kuwa Afgaanka iyo Bakistaamiinta iyo Hindida iyo Turkiga iyo Kurdishka iyo ... -- ma kuwaas ayee dhaamaan?


Kuwaas jiilkooda jiilkee dhaleen [in another way, aabahooda xataa inta ku dhashay] afkooda hooyo ku hadlo wali.



The amount of children( 2nd or third generation) that write their language is logically declining amongst all ethnicities. However, one could say it is increasing at a faster with regards to Somalis. That is because other communities have homework clubs and communities that teach people how to write their home languages. I highly doubt that there are many places in London that teach how to write Somali properly. It's people like yourself who should really be setting up once a week classes for Somali children/youngsters @ your local community or school halls. .........

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I speak read and write Somali, Enlish a bit of Arabic and about 10 Spanish phrases (from 5 years of learning.. khasaarah).



Waakaasa magacyada Carbeed ciyaalkeena loogu yeeraayo, xataa Carabta lama baxaan waxee Soomaalida u bixiyaan maanta.

Inta kale kugu raacey, laakin magacdayadan aad cayeeysaa waa qaar Islamic ah! Magacda Somaalida aad ayey u macaan yihiin, laakin qof ahaan kuwa saxaabida ama Islamiga ah ayaan jeclahay... and that's the case for many Somalis.


I find reer UK to be the only Somalis in diapora that are proud of their language. I know alot of kids who are born and bred in the UK and speak great Somaali.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Xamaa ka laqday dahii faniji lagu dahlo? Geeshaaba dawdaayee...Foqkii faniji qayaano, foq Loosaami qayaano lee yaawe, saat go'oow liiwoow...Na'aga tancaroshabaqa naga faadhee...Haw!

Afka Sixirooleyaasha aa ku hadlee miyaa? Waxaan maqlay hadaadan Reer Kismaayo eheen oo afkoodaas aa ku hadashid waxaa noqonee dameer dhaga dheer leh oo qeylo badan...sababtoo ah af kaas ee ku hadlaan markee wax sixraayaan marka Hayeey.... :eek:



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Maansho labadaan bari dhagaha xoogaa idheeraadeen...Ar amaan dameer isku badalooyaa?


Boboow saa u socotay maa saas keentay? Waa yaabee reer Kismaayo maatahay? Ani mugoo waligey bakeeri biyo maka kaban Kismaayo iyo agagaaraheeda, balse dhalinyarada gurigeena joogeen aa kawada yimaadeen...Been speaking this afjini thingy since I was 7yrs old or may be even younger...

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Originally posted by Awlugeeye:

quote: Garam garam waxay??

It is a demeaning word.I don't know why the brother/sister used the word.This is one form of intolerance.The word points to a language of a people called Borana.It is one thing to name a language of a peopl-in a respectful manner-but it is something entirely different to call people's langauge with a superiority undertone.
redface.gifThanks very much walalo for the explanation - its very interesting information.


Ps:Is Borana language similar to Somali or?/

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Somali: When I want get straight to the point.


Arabic: When I feel Overly-emotional.


English: To to sound like emotionless professional

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