Deeq A.

Pictures: Taleh Genocide by the British 98 years ago is remembered in Lasanod

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3 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

The monument built by ABdi Illey should be demolished,  it is does NOT respect the image of SAYID, It is cultural misappropriation, where current SLAVES  trying to reattach themselves to the great hero. 


What a shame.






I disagree. Let alone for a man who fought colonialists, even if he was a rebel with sos so cause, and was so brave, you would just admire the man.

And also the Sayyid was from kilil 5 (here goes new debate).

Illey is not slave to anyone. Its just the Somalis in Ethiopia have chosen to stay there. The Somalis in kilil 5 are actually one of the few ethnics recognized as staying by free will and made sure there are contitutional guarantees that they can enforce if change of mind.

Slave is really too heavy of a word in this case. As much as the positive, the Sayyid also left quite a lot of negative experience.

The tactics used on the Somalis by the Darawish may even have contributed to disunity when it came to the 1950s.

But Illey is just celebrating the bravery and poetry of the man. Nothing more analytics is needed, since from there becomes disuniting.

All other Ethiopians admire him for his bravery and accomplishments against the most capable and most competent empire. Of course its to be expected some unhappy folks from king menelik, but most noisy ones are in Diaspora.


There are two things common about the Sayyid: 1. everyone admires his bravery, military tactics as well against the British 2. His poetry. On the contraray even those who admire him highest agree the Sayyid would have made a really bad Boqor, Sultan, president..and his quick to anger when people did not agree with him or follow him is negative for nationalist fighter.

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As already mentioned by others, the Sayyid and his movement regardless of their initial well-meaning intentions, were as misguided and indiscriminately violent as Al-Shabaab and their psychopathic leaders are today.  

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there is no question about it whether sayidka was hero or not but he was not the only one there were many more heroes laakiin the problem was dawladii siyaad bare si cadaalad ah uma wada khiimeeeynin halgamayaashi taarikhda somalia soo maray, taasi ayaana sababtay in dadka qaarkiis ay u arkaan inuu sayidka ku koobanyahay qabiil gaar ah.

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15 hours ago, Holac said:


Ducale, I haven't seen anyone from Southern Somalia who disagrees with Sayid Mohamed's struggle against the British in Somaliland. 



There is a factor called Epicenter. The South was least affected by the Darawish movement. Its easy to be supportive of your kin and folk when things are relatively not affecting, but if you are at the epicenter its another story.

The fight was not only against Britain, it was against anyone foreigner. Britain and Ethiopia were the only ones that saw the danger to them and confronted him.

Any nationalist movement which spends any time fighting its own base and people cannot suceed and that is what happened. All that bravery in fighting would have probably made bigger impact if it was against Italy and joined with the Boqor and Sultanates fighting against Italy.



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And now Tigrey is teaching us about the great struggle of Sayid.


As for those idiots badmouthing the great man, I am certain if it was not him, half of Somalis in North would have become Christians.


Before you say anything , educate yourself, how colonizers  like today used certain tribes against him and first Modern Somali State.


He had big delimma where many Somalis were happy and working with colonizers.


Weliba Dhashii iyo faracii kuwii dooraalaha baa wax ka sheegi Sayidka! Ceeb!

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 Baqbaa ninkii waalaa (Dabcasar) ee daaqadda waalidda ka soo hadlaayey soo dhegaystay amaba soo akhristay taariikhdii beenta ahayd ee Daaquudkii gacanta ku rimiyey ayaa u daran! 

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17 hours ago, cadnaan1 said:

there is no question about it whether sayidka was hero or not but he was not the only one there were many more heroes laakiin the problem was dawladii siyaad bare si cadaalad ah uma wada khiimeeeynin halgamayaashi taarikhda somalia soo maray, taasi ayaana sababtay in dadka qaarkiis ay u arkaan inuu sayidka ku koobanyahay qabiil gaar ah.

Cadnaan, Could you please tell us other Somali freedom fighters that were left out? or has even close or same calibre to the movement led by Sayid. we need to know.


Like in North many of the tribes in South were collabrators, and those who fought are well remembered and documented and that is fact, run tuna ragga kama Wada farxiso.


We are not defending or hiding the mistakes of Sayidka cuz he was from Ogaden, it is only because he led a noble somali struggle. And he could have been from any clan, deserve respect not only from Somalis but around the world.


Some of Halyeey Geesiyaal that worth mentioning in South ,  are Biyamaal and how they refused to bow down and serve the Italians, and many more like them.


At same time kuwa dulinimada doortey  Doora Waynaa u hiishey, la shaqeeynaayey waa in la xusaa!

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First of all , I wish these Tigray stooge would have a sense of decency to leave things that he doesn't know anything. Do not make yourself a fool and delve everything. This is a Somali family issue and we would like do debate among us despite people like you throwing himself head on. Don't you have a shame. The so called Boqor had signed a peace treaty with Italians. The Darwiish never fought his base until later, he specifically fought the British, and the British did the logical thing that  any colonial power was expected to do which was  divide and rule. As a Tigray, you are expected to always side of the Anti Somali nationalism segment of the history


For the last time leave our family discussion alone, and take your troll somewhere else. We might talk about Hiiraan and you jump in , there are local issues. Aren't  you the one who keep telling us that we do not know the dynamics of what is going on in Ethiopia between Oromo, Tigray and everyone else.Do you think you know better than our history.


Without that resistance , the Somali territory would have been taken by Menelik, Haile Salasie and others. THat fierce fight by the Darwiish has discouraged every colonial entity to think twice.


Folks, history is very cruel, you nice tribe , in certain stage of the past history might have collaborated with colonial powers for few shillings. If we had a movie industry, these people will look really bad. Just accept it and move on. In some other times, your nice tribe might have done the honourable thing, so do not try to erase history because it looks bad on your group. 


Some of the young guys thing the Sayid is D block and they are claiming his glory. The Fact is that certain members of the D block especially the " Reer Bari" from Puntland had fought and undermined the Darwiish movement just like those from the north. The Sayid asked them for accommodation during war and drought, and as soon as he landed the Reer Bari countryside, they ambushed and stabbed from the back. Many poems are made of that event.


The truth is there were Somali tribes who throughout the history  never objected  the colonial project while others have lost thousands. The Biyomaal was decimated by the Italians and after their defeat , the Italians erased them from the political discourse of the southern Somalia, but history will show that they were freedom fighters and brave.


Also, the Darawiish battles and history is recorded by the british and Aw Jaamac even used some of them for his book.

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Galbeedi, aad waxa aad  ula yaaba sida Tigreegu uu u ilaalinaayo Goboladan SL, Abdi Illey iyo Puntland,uu aaminsanyahay in hirjoogaan DAWLAD DHEXE OO Somali ah QUWAD LEH.


Hadaad Sl ama Puntland wax ka sheegtid, waa uu kugu soo boodi!



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Ma ila aragtay. Waxaad moodaa in goboladani ay u arkaan meeshii lagu hor joogsan lahaa dawlada Soomaalya. 


Shaqadiisuba waa in uu difaaco gobolada. 


Imagine that kind of person being those who are consulting these regions.


Niman yahow aynu dawladeena xoojino. Aynu is agtaagno si qaranku u soo noqdo.


We have to take the big picture and help our own government for our own sake and for the sake of the Somali people.

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You know the funny thing reer Bari had to eventually fight the Italian fascists alone. All coastal towns in Bari were decimated by Italian warships. Don't stab your brother in the back in the first place. To his credit though, Kenadid refused the Italians to allow British forces to land in Hobyo so the Brits can chase Ina Abdulle Hassan. This is when the relationship with Italians started souring.

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In British Somaliland and the regions of Bari, Nogal and Mudug, these important events occurred

  1. The British Empire fought the Dervishes
  2. The Dervishes fought the Migiurtinia Sultanate
  3. The Migiurtinia Sultanate fought the Italians Fascists
  4. The Italian Fascists fought the Dervishes
  5. The Hobyo Sultanate fought the Migiurtinia Sultanate
  6. The Hobyo Sultanate fought the Italian Fascists
  7. The Italian Fascists fought the British Empire

It is a fascinating history. 


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1 hour ago, Che -Guevara said:



You know the funny thing reer Bari had to eventually fight the Italian fascists alone. All coastal towns in Bari were decimated by Italian warships. Don't stab your brother in the back in the first place. To his credit though, Kenadid refused the Italians to allow British forces to land in Hobyo so the Brits can chase Ina Abdulle Hassan. This is when the relationship with Italians started souring.


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I am always fascinated by the story of Omar Samatar, the miliary leader from Hobyo Sultanate.  I read he was a brilliant military strategist who nearly defeated the Italians. After his Hobyo Sultanate was defeated by the Italian Fascists, he went into the country side and continued his fight against the Italians. He liberated Elder, Elbur from the Italians until the fascists brought in heavy reinforcement from Eritrea. He was pan-African anti-white, anti-European warrior who is ironically revered in Ethiopia today because of his fights against the Italians. His military tactics frustrated and demoralized the Italians. There are many roads and schools named after him. 

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Omar humiliated the Italians. The Italians were forced to bring battalions from Eritrea. His forces killed Lieutenant-Colonel Splendorelli. Sucks there was no poem memorializing the event.

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