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AUN HAG Sponge Shirdoon (PM of Konfuria)

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The HAG secret society along with their Petro-Dollar arm (Damul Jadiid) have successfully carried out their first mature political New Order by out maneuvering their main rivals since the days of Dr Jimale Professor Osoble, Sheikh Ali Sheikh Mahdi and Professor General Mohamed Sheikh Farah Sheikh Aideed.


Mr. Shirdon is now history after they successfully squeezed him hard and got more out off him than Shamwow.




All along they were using Shirdon against Garowe and Sheikh Madobe as the main rival Siad Barre crew but after they successfully told Farole to 'sit down warya' in Brussels and neutralized Madobe and his bodbod---------they showed Shirdon the exit. In Xamar cafes today the talk is: "Eebow been kuma shegayo nooh, duqi Shirdoon isbuunyo camal aa loo majujiyeey nooh...Macbuudka Adeerkay Abdiqadir something something".



In short and plain and straight forward reer Waqooyi talk, war nimanyahow ninki wa la asay dee, AUN.


In few months, Ethiopia will deploy its forces in Kismayo and slowly help smuggle HAG troops, in no time they will be the majority again in Kismayo. That's the plan, its stealth politics...USC 2.0


They might name Sheikhah Fowzia Sheikh Osman Sheikh Caato (ex. Fowzia Yusuf Haji Aden) as the new Premiere of Konfuria Democratic Republic (KDR).


They plan to present her as the relative of Ismail Omar Guelleh (Djibouti) and Prof. Samatar's, yes indeed the second D word is been thrown around and Duriyada rights might be violated because they plan to present that as well as her 'sub-category' identity.


Therefore I urge all Landers to carefully monitor our Wikipedia page. What we are looking for is the following under NOTABLE PEOPLE. We must not, I repeat inadeerayaal, must not see the following.


Sheikhah Fowzia Sheikh Osman Sheikh Cato, Prime Minister of Konfuria Democratic Republic.


If it does happen and she appears, we must call our cyber army into action, hack Wikipedia and change it right away.


The army of the Duriyada is vast, fast, diverse and elite. Allow Dhowr.


The reason we don't want her on our list is simple. Gabadhas reer ban siinay. Xaydhadeedi wan xidhnay, iyada wan xidhxidhnay (with DHL packaging tape weliiba). We performed the galbiis, bataar and saylaaci for her.


She owes us nothing and we owe her nothing (not even joining us on Wikipedia page). She is part of reer dega Central Konfuria Democratic Republic. She must be loyal to her blue gogarad and her guri because we told her; "guriigaga guri khayr, gurigaga guri nagi, Guullow ka yeel."


Maha inay inagu dul meraysato and make ridiculous and outrages comments like:


Somaliland is my country, Somalia (Konfuria Democratic Republic) is my country, both are my countries and I am for both

Thus her re-appearing on our Wikipedia page without our authority and without divorce papers further exasperated by Konfur propaganda is a violation of our values, ideals and great insult to our heritage. Thus we must guard and protect our page, our liberty and motherland from any belittling, any false claims made against them.


In short, Shirdon is history, HAG is in party mood but its going to be short lived because AMISOM will get tired of escorting a new Farah every 6 months.


All in all, it was reer motivated kill. AUN.

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Indeed walaal he is finished. This is developing news:


sniin, December 02, 2013 (HOL) — Waxaa lasoo gaba-gabeeyay codeyntii loo qaadayay xukuumadda ra’iisul wasaare Saacid, kaddib iyadoo xildhibaanada ay si aqlabiyad ah codka ugu diideen xukuumadda.


Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari ayaa ku dhawaaqay natiijada, isagoo sheegay in 249-xildhibaan ay codkooda dhiibteen, ayna 184 xildhibaan oo ka mid ahna ay ogolaadeen in xukuumadda kalsoonida lagala laabto, halka 65-mudanena ay ogolaadeen in xukuumaddu ay sii shaqeyso, mana jirto cid ka aamustay.


Prof. Jawaari ayaa sheegay in ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon uu sii shaqeyn doono inta uu madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh kasoo magacaabayo ra’iisul wasaare cusub, kaas oo xilka kala wareegi doona.


Natiijadan ayaa timid kaddib saddex maalmood oo xildihibaannadu ay si adag uga doodeen mooshin ka dhan ah xukuumadda Soomaaliya oo ay soo gudbiyeen 168-xildhibaan oo ka tirsan kuwa baarlamaanka.


Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon ayaa maanta sheegay inuu aqbali doono go’aan walba oo kasoo baxa kulanka baarlamaanka, balse ma jirto hadda wax hadal ah oo kasoo baxay ra’iisul wasaaraha.


Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay in la qaban doono shir jaraa’id oo lagu faah-faahinayo codeynta iyo sida ay u dhacday, waxaana lagu wadaa dhanka kale inuu natiijadan ka hadlo madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

185 vs 65 = successful kill which translates to intra-war in Jubboyinka, intera-war in Taleeh, intra-karbaashin in dhagaxbuur/shilabo/goday (ONLF vs Liyu), Garisa now fully incorporated into Kikuyu, Duriyada fully consuming SSC.


The HAG timed it well. Whoever said Cullusow was a simple NGO man?


Rumor has it Fowzia Osman Cato will be named new PM.

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So finally Saciid leaves office . I was told that another reer gedo will be named as PM. Also fair play to Saciid he went through the channels a vote of non

Confidence through Parliament .

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Damu-jadiid ain't playing.


Look at the bright side tho. Saaciid has more time for marfash.


How long until the next conflict between the president and whoever gets appointed PM.

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Awoowe, I categorise this murder as a a road kill. Jaale Saacid was not even allowed to come before the Parliament.


This is happenned while the D-Block was entertaining the Mogadishu elite.



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Suldaanka saacid was not allowed to run his cabinet by the damuljadid strongest party in Somalia they have to sit in the back of the bus as oday oodweyne calls it. I believe the next prime minister will be much weaker than saacid.

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Suldaanka;988899 wrote:
Awoowe, I categorise this murder as a
a road kill
. Jaale Saacid was not even allowed to come before the Parliament.


This is happenned while the D-Block was entertaining the Mogadishu elite.



Somalia members of parliament voted to endorse a no-confidence motion against the government of Prime minister Abdi Farah Shirdon...


The Vote of No confidence was led by members of Parliament from different clans i sense that Somali Parliament has matured well done


why are the SNM descended twisting and spinning the decision of the Somali Federal Parliament ?


Stop trying to divide the Somali People :confused:

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^^ The Parliament is divided along clan lines 4.5 remember and they were hand picked by Elders clan elders.the division is there in the parliament no one is twisting anything.

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malistar2012;988906 wrote:
why are the SNM descended twisting and spinning the decision of the Somali Federal Parliament ?


Stop trying to divide the Somali People :confused:




^It's not them. It is the truth that is hurting you. Somali people have always been divided, for the past three decades or so.


Secessionist boys trying to make this as H vs D war. Saaciid was a yes man to Culusoow. Saacid was never a strong PM. I can't remember anything he has done as a PM alone. Hassan was running the show all along. Hassan needed a stronger yes man than Saacid. More power to him for firing his little yes man.

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Xildhiibaan Xoosh Jibriil D block member of the Parliament states why he voted against Pm Shirdon ?


” Mooshinkan in muran la geliyo goorma uu bilowday iyo cida bilowday ma ahan. Sida aad la socotaan bishii april ayaan soo bilowday mooshinkan waxaase ilaa xilligaasi ina hortaagnaa madaxtooyada oo laheyd suga bal inay xukuumada qaladkeeda saxdo laakiin taasi ma dhacin oo waa mida keentay inaan hadda mooshinkii dib usoo celino” ayuu yiri Xildhiibaan Xoosh Jibriil.

Isagoona intaasi ku daray in xukuumada Saacid Farax ku fashilantay wax ka qabashada ammaanka iyo ka xoreynta dhul hor leh deegaamada ay heystaan kooxda Al-Shabaab. Waxaana uu tusaale usoo qaatay Baraawe iyo Buula-burde.

” Sanad iyo bilo ka hor ayaa Baledweyne iyo Kismaayo laga xoreeyey Al-Shabaab, balse xukuumadan hadda jirta waxay ku guuleysan weysay magaalooyinka qaraxyada iyo dhibka ay Al-Shabaab kasoo abaabulaan oo kala ah Baraawe iyo Buulaburde inay xoreeyaan, taasi ayaana ku tuseysa inay fashil tahay” ayuu yiri Xoosh oo sidoo kale sheegay in howlo dastuuri ah oo looga fadhiyey aysan ilaa hadda qaban xukumadan.

” Cadaada in isbadel lagu sameeyeo ayaa dastuurka qorayaa ilaa haddana waxba lagama qaban, waxaana kasii daran anaga baarlamaanka ah xitaa waa ina curyaamiyeen sababtoo ah barnaamijyo aan socon karin ayeya inoo soo gudbiyaan mana meel marin karno. Marka mooshinkan aan meel marino si xukuumadan midan ka fiican loo helo” ayuu yiri xildhibaan Abdirahmaan Xoosh Jibriil.

no-confidence motion against the government of Prime minister Abdi Farah Shirdon is not tribal a feud its a failure issue .

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