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FIFA World Cup 2010

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^^ Every team has a suspect defence. Brazil conceded a goal to North Korea, saaxib. :D


I think Brazil is a good team but not great. They rely on Robinho to bring the flair, Maicon to attack from the wings and Kaka to run down the middle. A proper team can actually blunt their attacking instincts whilst giving problems to their two graceless holding midfielders. In fact, I reckon Spain's style of play will cancel those two and their attackers will penetrate that defence more than once.

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Nin adeer ii ah oo Somalia markii la joogay alifle ahaa ayey isqabsadeen nin kale oo isna adeer ii ah oo General ahaan jiray (Gen Siyaad Da'uud). Markaas ayuu dad hortii ku caayey uu yidhi "War adna waxba Janan matihid, ana waxba Korneyl ma aheyne, meesha inagu kala kexee!" :D:D Miyaad fahantahay khidadiisa?


Adeer adna waxba analysts ma tihid, ana waxba senior Expert ma ihiye meeshii ha inoo ahaato, ZonalMarking unbaynu ka soo dab-qaadanaa labadeenuba'e!! :D:D:D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Bob, who will they meet in the semis? Ghana? Dee naga daa ninyaho.

I'd love to see Ghana in the semis but I'm realistic (Though I never show it publicly, not on SOL anyway) I don't think they're a match for Uruguay plus Ghana are missing two very very important players in Jonathan & Ayew through suspension which is sad because with those two Ghana would've increased their chances by 15-20%.



About last night's game Portugal had more chances than Spain and Queiroz cost them with his cowardly tactics. I can't understand how you can have the second best player on the planet and not be able to create one single chance for him in 90+ minutes.


Pepe had no business in playing once Deco was declared fit. I would've played Deco and given him the task to look for Ronaldo and I'm sure 6/10 he's have found I would've subbed Simao by half time instead of Almeida who in my opinion was by far the most useful portugese attacker.



I don't think Spain would've scored with Torres on the field and the Bilbao player completely dominated Bruno Alves and Cavalho...I have never seen Torres as useless as he currently is and it kinod of makes you sad because you want to see all the great players at their best ok I understand he's not fit but come on the guy seems to have a mental problem rather than physical and I'm sure once he scores we'll see the old Torres and Xavi understands this which is why he was desperate to set him up no matter what.



Something tells me that this cup is headed for South America...I hope it goes to Buones Aires with Messi & Maradona. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ Jonathan was not a starter for them. He only came on in their second game. They'll cope fine without him. Also I think missing Ayew for that game will be a blessing in disguise for them. They need a wise old head against Forlan's boys, not a young excitable kid who wants to attack at the wrong time. :D


A&T, gartay. We shall resume our talk in the final, Korneyl.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:



Nin adeer ii ah oo Somalia markii la joogay alifle ahaa ayey isqabsadeen nin kale oo isna adeer ii ah oo General ahaan jiray (Gen Siyaad Da'uud). Markaas ayuu dad hortii ku caayey uu yidhi "War adna waxba Janan matihid, ana waxba Korneyl ma aheyne, meesha inagu kala kexee!"
Miyaad fahantahay khidadiisa?

^^^see this is exactly waxaad dadka ku wareerisaan labadiina. :D



I challenge Ngonge to explain what you just wrote...Gartay uusoo qoray isaguna sida nin wax fahmay. :D



Managa deyenysaan bahasha mise anagana dhinacayagaan ka bilaabanaa? Where the heck is Fu-Fu. :D



PS. Ngonge...Regardless who plays and who's missing Ghana are gone....that diving and cheating scum Suazo will have a field day.




Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ Between us two, I think it's you who misunderstood his meaning. I recieve A&T reception loud and clear. :D

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Between me and you huh? :D



A&T forgets that your Somali is... ;) Reer magaal waa kuwii isu ceeb qariya ayaan maqli jiray. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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I'm completely fed up of all this diving and *****ing the modern day players do, it's seriously doing my head in. Also incredibly fed up that such massive mistakes are allowed to occur due to some fat old blatter refusing to implement goal line technology. TWO huge refereeing blunders, it damages the modern sport.


Go Spain! Go Villa!


Have to say this is now where Quieroz's poor squad selection could prove very costly, to not take a replacement for Deco who is the chief centre midfield creator was a major mistake as this game is showing.


If you are relying on Tiago and Mereles in midfield for creativity then you have problems, Ronaldo is getting no service and support, a player like Moutinho or Carlos Martins from Benfica would have been ideal here to pass the ball and create chances.


Taking Almeida off was a silly mistake too, I rate him as a player and he has a physical presence up front as well as a decent touch.


Llorente should start next game ahead of Torres, he is fitter, fresher, not carrying a knock and his physical presence can unsettle defenders, you dont have to resort to kick and hoof with him but he is a useful option to have and he can give you a Plan B and given his height at set plays he is a threat too.


Good performance by ESPANA, Villa again scores the only goal for Spain. IT was a very good performance against a strong defensive Portugal team. Xavi controlled the game, Felt bad Torres nothing went ok for him LOL (playacting), but as soon as Llorente came on, the game changed suddenly for some reason, I think he gave Cavarlho so much problems it helped unsettle Portugal defence. Sergio Ramos was also excellent, except his was easily cought time to time in the back. Iniesta had a great game. Alonso,puyol also had a top game. Both GKs made some top saves.

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Quarter finals predictions in Bold.


Holland - Brazil


Uruguay - Ghana


Germany - Argentina


Paraguay - Spain


And Maradona tells the Germans "For you the World cup is over"..... :D:D




Brazil- Uruguay


Germany - Spain




Brazil - Spain




Germany - Uruguay

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@Oz, I think you are fed up with the fact that there is no footie show for 2 days. After all It is understandable, and a rational response from you since the games have been halted for 2 days. If you have seen a game or two these 2 days though(where no games where scheduled to play), you would've sang a different song indeed!


Spain is not going anywhere, so don't go on buun buuni them ya hear! The only reason Villa scored that goal was because the No11 Portugal player (Simao) took his eye off him for 2 seconds!

The game was destined for penalties from the start! I wonder how long Spain will survive, because they have nothing to make a move on and win the WC so far! Argentina or Germany all the way!

Sorry the Aussies lost! they just never had what it takes to win this tournament! Peace

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Waraa OZ Ghana is better than Uruguay... We going to take Forlan out of the game and that will be it lool



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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The Zack   

The final of this World Cup is not predictable but the the Semifinal will be like this:


Ghana VS Brazil

Argentina VS Spain



Mark my words on that one..

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