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Inaalilaah wa inaa ilaahi Rajicuun: Sh Abdulqadir Nur Farah Killed

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If his the assassin , who sent him ? was it actually alshabab ? and why is alshabab killing innocent people ?


and what do they benefit from this killing ?


I think we sense something interesting here , this might be bigger than alshabab

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This is by far the most shocking news I have heard this year. Ilaahey Janatul Firdausa ha ka waraabiyo shiikha. The sheikh was one whose credentials and calibre as a scholar none of those mad men in AS could question and he was the one voice who stood up to them and they had no answer to him. They decided to kill him instead.


His message shall live on Insha Allah because he has already shown them for what they are by not only questioning them Islamically, but proving them a bunch of power hungry, blood thirsty mad men. He has done his duty as a scholar and May Allah accept his supplications Amiin.


I wish all the other scholars would follow his example and Stand up for their people. Ina Lillaahi wa in a ilayhi raajicuun!!!

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The Killing of late Sheikh Cabdiqadir N. Faarax, one of the pillars of Islamic knowledgeable and a peace maker, may allah grant him jaanah. What is shocking and tragic is not only his death, but also how the authority is dealing with the suspect of the crime- who is nothing more than a small boy, this is sadistic and beyond how we as humans, Somalis or/and Muslim's should behave- the good shikh would be turning in his grave with all the beating, swearing, and torture interrogation. Kid sent by a mob- justice by the mob. This is all to tragic!


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^ The people who are interrogating him are not the police or any one from the authority. They are same people who caught him hence the anger . But he is now doing well and cooperating with the police.

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Ina lilahi wa ina ilayhi rajicun. AUN Sheikh Abdulqadir Janatul firdowsa hageeyo.



Little kid or not, I have no sympathy for the killer whatsoever and he's a mass murderer and may have killed many other innocents. If he killed an innocent Sheikh in the Masjid in the middle of Salat, I don't know what's he's capable of doing and how many other people he killed.


In fact, I think he should by lynched in public execution style and his body cut piece by piece till death gets him painfully while all people are watching in Garowe football ground. Alshabaab haku quusqaateen, they commit the worst crimes and people treat them lightly when caught, that was wrong message to Alshabaab all along, nothing less than like the American torture in Guantamo Bay suffices or even worse techniques.

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Then how are you any better? Wrong message? and what message are you sending? We are the same animals with different flags.


He looks like a 14 year old kid if not younger. A reer miyi kid who has been brainwashed. We should find the real criminals, and rehabilitate the kids.

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This is tragedy, and Sheikha ilaahay ha unaxariisto reerkiisana samir iyo Iimaan haka siiyo. Let's not let the criminals issues overshadow this Tasci and this sad moment. Whether its a mob justice or good justice, that discussion should be for another day.

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xabad;918750 wrote:
Poor kid??

He's just trigger man (kid), a victim of circumstances. I hope they don't kill him. Anger and hatred will not bring the good Sheikh back.

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Somalia;918741 wrote:
No, I am saying it is logical and convenient to target Puntland as it is connected to the south, whereas Somaliland isn't.

Exactly. It is not because of bodyguards or police protection units which makes Somaliland a safer place from Al Shabaab but it is because Puntland is a buffer zone for it.

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Dhabtuun baa khalqigu diidayaa meesha dheer tegaye

Dhulgariirka waa laga baqaa waayo soo dhaxaye

La dhex joogi mayo arlada dheelmashow qorane

Qofba wuxuu dhigtaa baa u yaal dhiilka aakhiro

Ninkii dhiiri sheegtow is furo waa dhanaan tahaye.




Aad iyo aad baan ugu naxay dilka Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Nuur Faarax, runtii waa wax lagu naxo masiibadaan ina hortaagan, Illahay waxaan ka baryaaya in aan ka badbaadno indha tir kaan lanala rabo. Culminta waa indha shacabka - dilkooduna waa in bulshoyinka la indha tiro.


Having said that - markii naxdintii iga degtay - waan faraxay - oo waxaan soo xasuustay asxaabtii nebi Maxamed (SCW) oo iyogoo nool loo balanqaday janada - sida sheekh Cabdulqaadir loo dilayna loo dilay - iyagoo racuu salaad ku jira - ie- standing/bowing before Allah (swt).


Now having seen the video of the perpetrator of this heinous crime, I am more saddened than angry, whilst I can excuse his initial treatment as nothing more than emotionally ridden mob enraged by the assassination of their beloved sheikh.

I do not approve or support this child’s further harsh treatment/torture or been killed by those u hadda gacanta u jidho. Even if they get all the information they need from him. The main point is for the main perpetrators are tracked and hunted. Once they are caught or killed for this child to be rehabilitated and forgiven for his crime and used to warn others of dangers of being brainwashed.

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Jacpher;918742 wrote:
Hoos ka Daawo Muuqaal lagu Faafiyey Face Book oo Mobel lagu duubay inta aan dhagarqabaha lagu wareejin ciidanka Amaanka ee Garoowe.


This is not a civilised way to treat or interrogate someone in police custody. The boy could reveal a lot about the real criminals behind this murder if interrogated professionally.

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Before you all start going Moral, spare a thought to the three people that are heavily wounded by this monster while they tried to apprehend him. Maybe that will explain the anger you see in these civilians. Had they been police or other assorted security personnel, they would have done things differently. Having said that he got beaten up along the way and towards the end I could see him being offered water etc.


I pray to allah to save the wounded whom I understand sustained serious injuries and May Allah Grant Janatul Firdausa to the Sheikh amin!

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Che -Guevara;918770 wrote:
He's just trigger man (kid), a victim of circumstances. I hope they don't kill him. Anger and hatred will not bring the good Sheikh back.

He is a ruthless cold blooded murderer and your gall in painting him as some sort of infant who does not know the consequences of actions and thus shouldn't face the consequences for his heinous crime is unbelievable and troubling. The man journeyed from LA and meticulously planned the killing of the shaikh. please refrain from such outrageous statements. SMH.

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