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Che -Guevara

Kenya: Garissa residents shot after army launches crackdown

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The Zack   

Abdul;891470 wrote:
Yusuf Haji is from Garissa and this happening in his own backyard while a minister of defence....i think he should resign immediately.

He is not from Garissa.

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North Eastern last I knew had ONLY three districts;Garissa, wajir and Mandera...Glad that you accepted he is from Garissa...I have a very close family members that Own a restaurant/lodging in Garissa.I have visted there many times during my school years...I guess you can guess which Hotel it is with my affiliation of Somaliland...haha

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The Zack;891466 wrote:
STOIC, LOL ok I give you that I don't want you to lose your left leg.
NE Province has 4 districts: Garissa, Ijara, Wajer and Mandera. Yusuf was born, raised and elected from Ijara.
But again you are correct otherwise.




Humiliated? How so? He has recently fired and/or replaced the entire Police leadership in October. I am sure these "Police" aka thugs will be dealt with soon.

The army shot students and rampaged through the city beating up people and burning the central market, the very army that reports to his ministry. What else is there to talk about really? Somali 'Kenyans' are getting raw treatment and you are making accuses.


What difference does it make where's from? The point is his people are oppressed by the very army he 'commands'.

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The Zack   

STOIC;891473 wrote:
North Eastern last I knew had ONLY three districts;Garissa, wajir and Mandera...Glad that you accepted he is from Garissa...I have a very close family members that Own a restaurant/lodging in Garissa.I have visted there many times during my school years...I guess you can guess which Hotel it is with my affiliation of Somaliland...haha

LOL@accepted he is from Garissa. Alright man..


Yea I know the hotel. :)

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The Zack   

Che -Guevara;891475 wrote:
The army shot students and rampaged through the city beating up people and burning the central market, the very army that reports to his ministry. What else is there to talk about really? Somali 'Kenyans' are getting raw treatment and you are making accuses.


What difference does it make where's from? The point is his people are oppressed by the very army he 'commands'.

Calm down dude! Just calm down. Nobody is making excuses for the Kenyan that shot innocent Somali civilians. 2 soldiers were shot, then 3 other soldiers were shot dead in the same day...then Kenyans went crazy and shooting all over the place. We all agree this needs immediate action but not sure how a resignation would help.

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Does this mean Somali-Kenyans are second class citizens?


Does it really matter where he is? Should Garissa ask for protection from those in the government who are from it? Is this how things work? As the head of the Ministry of Defence, isn't he where the buck stops? He is ultimately responsible for the armed forces of the country. No?


Why does Zack sound like he's passing the buck to someone else?

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Zack-You remind of the people who make excuses for the Woyanes did in Xamar and what they continue to do in Somaligalbeed. I just want to know your logic in defending these Kenyans?


Jacpher...I think this means every time Kikuyu is shot in Kismayo, their army will rampage through Garissa.

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The Zack   

Che -Guevara;891481 wrote:
^You remind of the people who make excuses for the Woyanes did in Xamar and what they continue to do Somaligalbeed. I just want to know your logic in defending these Kenyans?

You are actually being too emotional, you just don't know that. I have condemned the shooting and the massacre, we agree on that, don't we? Some objectivity please! What exactly should happen now? Haji resignation, ok then what?

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^What should happen is you realize the futility of being 'Somali Kenyan' and the stup!d!ty of supporting Kenyans in attacking Juba all the while they are killing Somali Kenyans' in Garissa.

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The Zack   

Che -Guevara;891483 wrote:
^What should happen is you realize the futility of being 'Somali Kenyan' and the stup!d!ty of supporting Kenyans in attacking Juba all the while they are killing Somali Kenyans' in Garissa.

LOOL Biyo cab sxb. You don't know my stance on being a Somali and a Kenyan. As far as Jubbaland, that is apples to oranges. Let's not get there now.

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I think the Xaaji guy should resign and a full blown parliamentary committee investigation should be done.Watching the Kenyan news clip for once I thought It was a war-torn country.The Kenyan army rampaging the market was offensive and barbaric.Instead of them investigating the shooters they decided to attack the civilians. There are different approaches they could have taken, but the military thinks they can treat the city like a garrison! and so they experiment their power with the civilains. Why not take the guns to the Al-shabab? An alternate does exist to brutal force..If I was an MP from Garissa I'll make the head of that army testify and also send him packing! If they are let free this time, this will suggest that they can intimidate the civilians anytime!

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^Preach on brotha. We'd need someone like you on the ground for all that to be possible. I won't get my hopes high for these Somali, I mean Kenyan leaders to do anything to that level.


Che: I hope you're wrong but these Kenyan solders are shooting Somalis with impunity.

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The Zack;891484 wrote:
LOOL Biyo cab sxb. You don't know my stance on being a Somali and a Kenyan. As far as Jubbaland, that is apples to oranges. Let's not get there now.

Your stance has been established, the center of it is self-deception. Let's see how long carry this charade.

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Gaarisa (RBC) Waxaa saaka xasiloon xaalada magaalada Gaarisa kadib markii shalay weerar ay qaadeen askarta militariga Kenya ay galeen suuqa weyn ee degmada ayna dab qabadsiiyeen halkaasoo uu ku basbeelay qeyb ka mid ah suuqa loo yaqaano ‘Suuq Mugdi’.


Wararka saaka naga soo gaaraya magaalada ayaa sheegaya in dabkii suuqa uu iskiis u demey iyadoo qeybo ka mid ah suuqa uu basbeelay dabkii ay qabadsiiyeen ciidamada Kenya darteed.


Weerarkan waxashnimada ah ee ay geysteen militariga Kenya ayaa yimid kadib markii duhurnimadii shalay rag ku hubeysan bastoolado ay toogteen saddex askari oo ka tirsanaa militariga Kenya kuwaasoo ka soo laabtay dhanka Soomaaliya, isla markaana baabuur ku sameysanayey meel u dhow Dugsiga Sare ee Gaarisa kadibna ciidamada careysan ay galeen suuqa Soomaalida. Weerarka lagu qaaday suuqa waxaa wadajir u fuliyey booliska Kenya iyo militariga oo dad badan oo hotelada jiifay garaac iyo xarig isugu daray.


Ma jirto goob suuqa ka mid ah oo saaka la furay, sababtoo ah waxay ganacsatu ka cabsi qabaan in falkii shalay oo kale uu dhaco ama in burcad ku soo qamaamto oo la boobo hantidooda.


Goobaha gubtay waxaa ku jira labo hotel oo ku yaalla wadada Kismayo Road ee bartamaha suuqa Gaarisa; mid ka mid ah hotelada waxaa iska leh ganacsade Mahad Kuunow Rooble oo ah Soomaalida reer Gaarisa.


Cabsi xoogan ayaa ka taagan magaalada gudaheeda kadib markii shalay askarta ay garaaceen dad illaa 60 ruux gaaraya oo ay meelo kala duwan ka qabteen, waxaana la xiray oo illaa hadda maqan dad lagu qiyaasayo illaa 100 ruux oo Soomaali ah.


Magaalada Gaarisa dadku saaka ma aysan tegin masaajidada xilligii Salaada Subax iyagoo ka cabsi qaba in sidii shalay ay askartu u galeen masjidka weyn ee JAAMACA ay haddana u soo weeraraan haddii ay Salaada Subax u soo baxaan.

Cabsida ayaa dadku sheegayaan inay sii kordheen kadib markii magaalada Nairobi kooxo Kirishtan ah oo Kenyan ah ay bilaabeen inay beegsadaan dadka Soomaalida ee ku nool xaafada Islii arintaasoo walaaca ku sii kordhisay dadka Soomaalida.


Magaalada Nairobi waxay kooxaha burcada Kenyanka ee weerarka ku ah Soomaalida dileen saddex ruux oo Soomaali ah iyadoo 30 kalana la dhaawacay budad iyo seefaf lagu garaacay awgeed. Illaa 10 gabdhood ayaa la soo sheegayaa in la kufsaday.


Culimada Soomaalida ee ku sugan Gaarisa iyo Nairobi ayaa si isku mid ah uga codsaday dawlada Kenya inay badbaadiso dadka Soomaalida ah ee beegsuga lagu hayo ayna wax ka qabato ciidamada militariuga ee shalay gubay suuqa Gaarisa isla markaana xoog ku galay masaajidka Gaarisa.


Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Kenya Maxamed Yuusuf Xaaji oo xalay ka hadlay xaalada Gaarisa ayaa sheegay inuu aad uga xumaaday falka ay geysteen ciidamada isagoo cadeeyay “inaan lagu soo wargelin waxa ay geysteen askarta uu madaxda u yahay”.


Hase yeeshee gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka Kenya Faarax Macalin Dawaare oo isaguna hadlay wuxuu eeda masuuliyada dhacdooyinka ka dhacay Nairobi iyo Gaarisa dusha u saaray masuuliyiinta amniga iyo wasiirka gaashaandhiga isagoo sheegay in rag badanay isku casili doonaan masuuliyad darrada dhacday darteed.



RBC Radio

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Apophis;891515 wrote:
And no, Xaaji should not resign, Kenyan Somalis would be unwise to give up such a powerful and influential position.


But let us not forget what Che wishes us to dearly forget, those killing soldiers and then hiding within the community are responsible for a large part of this happenings. People in Garissa need to see them as enemy number 1 and root them out.

I don't think his stay nor resignation will have any effect now. His reputation has been terribly dented. His people were maimed, pilfered and raped by juniors under his docket. Locals on the ground are very upset and frustrated. Especially, with his rejoinder when asked if he ordered the attacks. The defense docket (and other powerful positions), though influential, doesn't benefit the Somalis as they're hardly consulted when matters get out of hand but rather bypassed. Former president Moi once visited Garissa back in the 90s and a local asked why there's perennial shortage of water in Garissa. And his answer was; your own son is Kenya's minister of water. A Somali from Garissa. Grasp the paradox there.


The issue in NEP is not about being allocated some fancy and popular positions but rather lack of visionary leaders. Leaders whose interest lie on the welfare of their people. NEP finds itself in a sad position mainly because of worthless crop of leaders.


You made a good point there, Apophis. Citizens have a civil responsibility to contribute to the security of their regions. People of Garissa need to organize and cooperate with the relevant authorities and weed out the few that are behind the chaos. Garissa is a small town and everybody knows what his neighbor is up to. But what happened in Garissa is never pardonable and KDF should be held responsible. Never would it happen in the Kenya we know of . But rest assured the Kenyan Somalis of today are hell-bent on pursuing other civil routes within and outside Kenya.This won't go quite as Wagalla, Garissa Gubay and others did.

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