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HAG: Somalia’s Interhamwe

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Maaddeey;844105 wrote:
Abtigiis, rest assured I denounce all HAGS, men and women!

:D :D That is great! So, let us all say in unsion: Down, Down HAG! HAG, get life!

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Libaan the snake oil rental dealer from Toronto – the perpetrator of the online HAG, is probably looking back at this thread with big grin, oh look my farce organization is now at par with onlf...

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I came across many active HAG members in the UK, its true the victimihood mentality became stronger and stronger since AY was elected in 2005 and the arrival of the Ethiopians in Mogadishu, but since the departure of AY and the Ethios many HAG members became leaders, the likes of Tarsan, Yariisow and many others who used to organize big rallies in Hyde park against AY's government every weekend, but when I challenged many of them why they were not organising the saturday rallies any more since Bakara market was being bombarded by Shariif and his AMISOM allies many of them just shrugged it off.

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Thanks Awoowe, but I corrected that in the previous pages! I said the HAG chair is Maaddeey's cousin! Maybe next time, Maaddeey will add him to the list of his somali heros! :D

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^ lol


Adeeradeey waa Cali (Sayfu Allaah al maslool), Ahmed gurey, Sayidka, Xasan Dahir IWM, you already noticed they are not related. Now, tell how they all became my uncles?.

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^ lol


Adeeradeey waa Cali (Sayfu Allaah al maslool), Ahmed gurey, Sayidka, Xasan Dahir IWM, you already noticed they are not related. Now, tell how they all became my uncles?.

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MoonLight1;844215 wrote:
I came across many active HAG members in the UK, its true the victimihood mentality became stronger and stronger since AY was elected in 2005 and the arrival of the Ethiopians in Mogadishu, but since the departure of AY and the Ethios many HAG members became leaders, the likes of Tarsan, Yariisow and many others who used to organize big rallies in Hyde park against AY's government every weekend, but when I challenged many of them why they were not organising the saturday rallies any more since Bakara market was being bombarded by Shariif and his AMISOM allies many of them just shrugged it off.

Moonlight1 bahashii meel kale ayaad kala dhacday saaxiib. Dacaayadaha Idamaale miyaa haddana la rumaystay? Way jiraan dad sheegan jirey HAG in London, UK waana la yaqaannaa, laakiin meel ay ku noqdeen Tarzan iyo Yariisoow anigu mana maqlin mana arkin. Just because AY iyo Itoobiyaanka ayey mucaarad ku ahaayeen baa label loo mariyey. Waxaa kale oo jirey Urur la yiraa Somali Concern Group oo laga yaabo in H block xubnaheedu u badnaayeen oo ay raggaan xubno ka ahaayeen markaas baa koox reer Ptlnd ah oo baaranooya ka qabtey ku sifeeyeen inuu yahay HAG. Anigu waxaan dhihi lahaa dacaayadaha iyo wararka saxda ah halla kala saaro.

Anigu ma difaacayo Tarzan iyo Yariisoow. Waadba ogtahay Tarzan xitaa inuusan u qalmin mayor ayaan mar walba ku celceliyaa balse awoowe nagaddaa hagrashada.

Waxaanse la yaabay waxa aad u arki weysey in taageerayaashii AY markii Shariif yimid oo odayga tegey inay kuwo badan ku doodeen "Dhallinyarada Shabaab waa fiican yihiin" Soomaali siyaasaddeedu qabiil baa hoggaamiya oo lagu danaystaa markii la rabo waxna lagu dumiyaa.


Taageerayaashii AY weli waxay liqi la'yihiin in siyaasaddiisii gurracnayd laga horyimid marka waxay ku doodaan maxaa Saturday loo muddaaharaadi waayey. How can you compare the Mogadishu today and the one during AY era? Ma indhahaad rabtaan inaad naga xirtaa? Yaab badanaa!

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oba hiloowlow;844262 wrote:
Abwaan Tarzan rageedi waaye maxaa ka rabtaa? Gobolka horumarintiisa buu ka shaqeynayaa

lol...Oba, Tarzan intaan ka aqaan haddaad ka taqaannid sidaas ma dhahdeen.

Aanba taada kuu raaco anigu Tarzan inuu wax horumarinayo maba aamisani laakiin xasuuso Maxamed Dheere xitaa Jowhar siduu u hormariyey waa ogeyd and you know what kind of man he

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