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nuune;817776 wrote:
bal wakaasee eeg, kan Raamsade fiiri wuxuu qorey, wuxuu ku leeyahay Islam ma daba socono waan iska dhaafey, xagna wuxuu ku leeyahay wadaadaa na qarribey, dadka iyo dal baan xoreynayaa buu ku leeyahay, yuu ka xoreynayaa, Islam buu ka xoreynayaa soo ma ahan, eeg bal waa wixii aan ka hadleenay.

Waxaa habboon in aa runta sheegtid. Xaggee ku qorey Islam aa Somalia ka xoreyn? Mise waxaad kala garanla'dahay Wadaadnimo iyo Islam. Wax annaga naga galay kii Islam caabuda ama kii yaxaas caaabuda ma jirto. Caabud waxaad doontid.


Balse, dhibka na horyaala waa Wadaadadda. Kuwa maanta hortaagan xaquuqda dumarka Somalida waa Wadaadadda gaar ahaan markii laga hadlo qeybgalka siyaasada ee dumarka ku mudanyihiin. Oo waaba ogtahay Wadaadadda in ee ahaayeen kuwi uga coddheeraa qolooyinkii diidey Sharciga Qoysaska ee Siyaad Barre. Kuwa ku lidsan horumarka caafimaadka waa Wadaadadda waayo waxee dadka u sheegaan beenta ah in Quraanka wax walbe daawo u yahay. Qof jirran oo qalitaan u baahan, Quraan lagu akhriyo wax u ma taro. Sidaa oo kale, Wadaadadda ma rabaan in Somalida wax la barro, xataa waxee hadda marayaan heer ee ka dhidhiciyaan gabdhaha qurba jooga ah in Jaamacado eysan aadin. Haddii Somalida wax la barro oo la tuso in dhib walbe aqoon xal u tahay, yaa goor dambe Wadaad dheg u taagi doona? Waa cidna.


Marka in Wadaadadda col u yihiin Somalida wee iska caddahay, adi maxaa ku diidantahay in lala dagaalamo?




nuune;817776 wrote:
hadaad diinta Islaamka aadan rabin, dee dadkeedana oo wada Muslim ah ma rabtid,
that includes kuwii ku dhaley awowyaashaa iyo qaraabadaa, ma rabtid, ayagana kuma rabaan maadaama aad gaaloowdey, fallaagoowdey, noqotey murtad, diinta iskaga baxey, kaaffir aan isku filneyn ama ku qanacsaneyn wuxuu hada aaminsanyahey.

Hadalkaas waa hadalka Alshabaab. Alshabaab aa sidaa u hadasha oo dhahda: "haddii aadan jidkeyga soo raacin, seefteyda aa ku sugi." Waa hadalka sababa qaraxyada ka dhaca Xamar bil walbe. Waa hadalka sababey ninkii lagu diley Beledweyne goor aan fogeyn ka dib markii qolo ku eedeysey in uu diinta Islam ka baxey. Waa ayaandarro in caqligaaga kaa dhowri la'yahay aragtida noocaas oo dhiiga daadisa.


Ilaa iyo intii dadka noocaada u fikira Somalia ku badanyihiin, ha ka sugin nabad iyo horumar. Waayo, horumar waxaa la gaaraa markii dadka gartaan in kala duwanaanta ee tahay midnimo iyo awood.


Teeda kale, sidee ku ogaatey in Somali oo dhan wada yihiin Muslimiin? Wax caqligal ah ma tahay marka horey? Ma Ilaah baa tahay mise waxaad moodey diinta dadka sanka laga giliyo oo loo gu daro handadaad, takoor iyo dil kuwa ka baxa Islam, ma diintaas si dhab ah loo aaminsanyahay. Ani waxaa ku dhihi lahaa dib isku fiiri. Haddaaba sidaan u fikireysid waxaa dhaama adoo Alshabaab toos igu biira oo gaalada la dagaalama.



nuune;817776 wrote:
Ma noolaan kartaa adoon diinta Islaamka soo hadal qaadin,

Haa ka dib goortii laga xoreyo dalka Gumeysiga Wadaadadda. Lakin adi ma joojin kartaa caayda? Jawaabtada oo dhan caay aa ka buuxdey inkastoo caayda SOL laga mamnuucay.

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Waa sidaan sheegey. Their existence is due to ignorance of the basics. Johnny thinks in habaaar lagu tukado because he doesn't know the Quran. Waa wax uu meel kale ka maqlay. His pride refuses him to go and read and understand. The Israelis use scare tactics to justify their own existence in the holy lands. But, because they use reason, logic and rationale, we shouldn't expect them to know anything about what they refuse to understand. They will continue spewing the same stuff in repetition to try and hide their lazy mindset.

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Mario B;817985 wrote:
Like Buurahdeer, he even threatened genocide to "Kastumo" people for interfering with Somaliland project.

I neva threatened genocide with anyone...Prove, and you'r good muslim:D


Do you have to inject Khatumo everywhere!

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What is even weirder is that some of them are hardcore qabyaaladists. Very weird. Dad diintooda ka baxay, qabyaaladdana ku dhex jiro.



What destroyed somalia is tribalism and they supposedly 100% muslim so don't even talk about that.

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GaroweGal;817820 wrote:
Talking about so called crazed Jihadist wanting to take your lost soul, is this a joke?

You think murder is a joke? Islam clearly and explicity mandates death for apostasy. All four schools of Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence concur on this point. Many Jihadist are hellbent on fulfulling this mandate. Do you agree with them?



GaroweGal;817820 wrote:
Last time I checked Stalin was not a believer yet under his administration millions of innocent people perished. Also remember Hitler, through his atheism inspired ideology of " Social Darwinism" millions of innocent women and children were murdered. These two men alone have killed more people than all the wars fought under the banner of any religion. Therefore, atheism is not as peaceful and benign as you would like as to believe. Don't give yourself too much credit that someone is out there to take your doomed soul, I am sure there are many more powerful atheists like Salman Rushdie and the most infamous infidel of all, Ayan Hirsi who are more deserving to be put to the sword before a small time wanna be cyber atheist like you.

Stalin was a communist dictator. His atheism was incidental just like Saddam Hussien's Islam was incidental to his sadistic and brutal nature. Ditto Assad who nobody labels as "Muslim mass murderer" even though he is self-professed Muslim. His faith is extraneous to his actions.


Hitler wasn't an atheist he was a Roman Catholic. Where do you think he picked all that pent up rage against Jews? You guessed it: Christianity. Just like Somalis hate Jews today thanks to Islam as Jews have historically done no harm to Somalis. Jew hating has long and sordid history in Islam and Christianity.


And the reason why Hitler and Stalin killed more people is not because they were atheists as you mistakenly believe. They killed more people because they had better technology than their medieval counterparts. Muslims and Christians of Crusades era, for instance, only had swords, bow and arrows, spears, etc. Where as Hitler and Stalin had mass transportation (trains, trucks, cars, airplanes), mass communication (radio, television, telegraph, phone), gas chambers and modern weapons like tanks, artillery, machine guns, etc. Modern technology makes it easier to kill a lot of people. If there were only swords and spears in Somalia, like the good ol' days, they'd be far far fewer deaths I can assure.

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Che -Guevara;818020 wrote:
This coming from man who want ethnically cleanse ssc, your genocidal tendencies are amazing.

your tribal hatred is well you turn this to anotha issue..hahaaaa

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Johnny B;817589 wrote:
what is the name of their church/mosque/ temple?

Church of Flying Spaghetti Monsters :D




This is a US Army dog tag where the soldier cited Atheism and FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) as his religious preference.

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burahadeer;818022 wrote:
your tribal hatred is well you turn this to anotha issue..hahaaaa

hey, I am not the one that want to annihilate entire people simply based on political differences and ethnicity. And you have audacity to speak about religion and violence and Somali tribalism.

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prove where I want genocide on otha people and why I can't talk tribalism & religion.Aren't somalis 100% muslims & simply killing each otha on clan grounds and aren't most people in this site & otha sites speak along clan lines.Keep lying to urslv.

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N.O.R.F;818015 wrote:
Waa sidaan sheegey. Their existence is due to ignorance of the basics. Johnny thinks in habaaar lagu tukado because he doesn't know the Quran. Waa wax uu meel kale ka maqlay. His pride refuses him to go and read and understand. The Israelis use scare tactics to justify their own existence in the holy lands. But, because they use reason, logic and rationale, we shouldn't expect them to know anything about what they refuse to understand. They will continue spewing the same stuff in repetition to try and hide their lazy mindset.

If that was meant to be an answer to my post below...


Garnaqsi;817938 wrote:
Your accusations are vague and general to the point that they verge on being pointless. Who exactly lacks the fundamentals? If you think, for example, that I've presented a particular misunderstanding of a principle in Islam, then do correct me. The way you have presented unsupported criticisms of this form in this thread and the other one would lead anyone logically literate to think that you are committing an 'ad hominem' fallacy, but do prove me wrong, please.

... then it failed. Try again.

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