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Mario B   

Naxar Nugaaleed;817591 wrote:
I'm afraid not che. Unless you are otherwise insinuating that despite thir avowed disbelieve, they harbor some sort of a believe system

NN, Islam has sophisticated understanding of belief system, these people believe in the idol of the mind/self. Example is in this aya...


Tell me about the one who has taken his desire as his god... [Quran 25:43]

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And what is the name of the Deity they worship?, what are their rituals ? what is the name of their church/mosque/ temple?

Atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods( Deities), claiming Atheism is some sort of Religion is like claiming nakedness is some some sort of modelling or ball-headedness is some sort of hair-styling.



It's only a belief not to believe but ye agree with all you said.

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Che -Guevara;817360 wrote:
My thing is why does it bother them that someone believes in God?

It’s a valid question. Shaydaan, is destined for hell fire so why is it necessary he has to mislead and corrupt the rest of mankind and why is he so eager that we all share his fate? These so 'called' atheist desire we abandon our beloved faith, just in case hell and heaven is true we will all share the same fate.


There is no such thing as an atheist you are either a believer or agnostic. Richard Dawkins a British atheist recently admitted he couldn't be sure that God doesn't exist and this is a LEADING atheist.

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GaroweGal;817706 wrote:
It’s a valid question.

It is not a valid question at all. In fact, it is not a question but rather a bold, unsupported statement with a question mark at the end of it. It is what lawyers call leading question or loaded question in debating circles.


Anyways, I never met or read about any atheist who cares what God/s theists believe provided those self-same theists don't foist their particular sectarian agendas on others. Of course, we know our Muslim and Christian friends can't but help themselves imposing their sectarian dogma on others to the point of physical harm especially with respect to unbelievers as best exemplified by the death injection for apostates in Islam. By virtue of being apostate I'm liable to get my head chopped off by some crazed Jihadi who thinks he's fulfilling Allah's will. That is the real problem not the phony and contrived outrage at atheists who dare to rebuke crazed Jihadis blighting our world today. From Morocco to Indonesia not a day goes by without Jihadi miscreants terrorising poor civilians all the while claiming they're doing as their religion enjoins. Surely, you agree with methat sort of madness is something that must be countered and fought athesits and theists alike, no?



GaroweGal;817706 wrote:
These so 'called' atheist desire we abandon our beloved faith, just in case hell and heaven is true we will all share the same fate.

No, Athiests desire secularism where all people regardless of their believe status are treated equally.

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nuune;817440 wrote:
waliba waxaa ugu sii daran gaalada Soomaalida ah, at least gaalada ajaanibta kale ammaan bey siinayaan diimaha ay ka baxeen, unlike kan dhafoorka dheer leh ee Soomaaliga ah ee gaaloobey, gaalnimadiisa kuma faraxsana hence the obsession of Islam, you won't see them saying anything bad about Christianity, Judaism, Budhism, Hindusim, only thin we can do is inaan u soo duceeno, but personally gaal Soomaali ah umaba duceyn karo, naarta ha ku waaro ayaan oran lahaa forever,

Labo wax aad illowsan tahay. Kow, "gaalada" ajaanibta ah goor hore ee dalkooda ka xoreysteen Gumeysiga Wadaadadda balse annaga gumeysigaas aa willi ku jirnaa. Marka haddii qolodaas ee badi diimaha eedeen ama ka haldin taas micneheeda ma aha in aan isku fikir eheen lakin waa fursad ee ayaga ka dhaxleen guushii ee ka gaareen Wadaadadda gumeysan jirey. Labo, eedeenta diimaha wax "gaalada" ajaanibta ku cusub ma aha, waa wax ayaga ee caadeysteen oo dhaqankood ka mid aha. Laakin adinka (Somali iyo Muslimiinta dhan) ka hadalka diimaha waa wax amakaag iyo naxdin u aragtaan. Waxaa kaloo la dhihi karaa in Muslimiinta si saa'id ah dadka Muslim eheen u neceb yihiin sidaa darteed aa keenta colaada iyo xanaaqa badan goortii Muslimiinta arkaan dad dhaha Islam aa ka baxney ama diinlaawe aan nahay.


Anyways, is yeelyeelka iska daaya oo Ilaahey ka baq ee towbad keena. Sow ma ogidiin in beenta iyo neceebka Ilaahey ka ag fogtahay? Markaad tiraahdaan Diinlaawe Somali wuxuu ku waashey Islam, been baad sheegteen. Annaga Islam kuma waallan ee dadkeena iyo dalkeena aa rabnaa in aa badbaadino. Marka na daaya oo naga daba hara. Waa bila towfiiq!

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Johnny B;817589 wrote:
And what is the name of the Deity they worship?, what are their rituals ? what is the name of their church/mosque/ temple?

Atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods( Deities), claiming Atheism is some sort of Religion is like claiming nakedness is some some sort of modelling or ball-headedness is some sort of hair-styling.

a significant progress into your narrow definition of Deity.



Rebutting Senior Che's and Mr Sharmarke's blunders .



Really?, Atheism is lack of
belief in god or gods,
just the opposite of Theism which means having belief in god or gods.

Atheism doesn't need particular Religion to be defined as you patently claim , it simply is the opposite of Theism.


you failed to understand the meaning of the words in the bold above. ain't that religion?

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Garnaqsi;817452 wrote:
Okay, so you say any definition of atheism requires a definition of religion. Let's say that's true. What does your question entail in that respect? I don't know what you mean by 'why the pretense'. I don't mean to nag you; I honestly have no idea what it might be.

your stance is not clear, . pretence=iska yeel yeel.


can you define atheism without religion?

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