
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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Tillamook;967998 wrote:
Carafaat, I think Faisal is just taking the piss here...he isn't opposed to the talks, he's just mad he isn't one of the representatives...he knows Mogadishu will handing over alot of goodies to Somaliland and he wants to be the middleman and of course a cut...

Goodies you say will that come with or without Ugandan parcel delivery lool. Mugdisho to give goodies Saxib mugdisho can promise us the entire somali republic and the enslavement of the entire somali people To our will and it would still be rejected.

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Faisal is a good man he is patriotic wadad man who fears his maker he is a genuine nationalist at heart he said before: all he wants is to be part of something that leaves a lasting legacy for SOMALILAND. I believe faisals time has ended he should quiet politics surrender the ucid party to the next generation and represent his contingency in parliament. Because of his actions we have wadani today which has surpased ucid if he only passed it over to cirro. As for hersi I really don't know how this man got into his position or even his use. He is short, stubby, writes poetry and has no experience in politics. We need seasoned diplomats regardless of which clan they come from to keep pushing forward.

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Carafaat;968005 wrote:


Thats what the goverment saying about Faisal in order to damage him. Cause he is opposed to the direction these talks have taken and as he has a lot of information they want to attack the messenger. But this issue aint about Faisal vs Xirsi, this issue is about the course of the relation between Somaliland and Somalia.

I don't know about damaging Faisal, for Faisal seems to be already damaged on his accord...:D


But seriously though, I don't think President Silanyo personally cares about the temper tantrums Faisal is throwing, even though some undisciplined cabinet member choose to bicker with Faisal publicly.


I think those administration officials who publicly engage a non entity like Faisal should be told to shut up by the Silanyo.

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Heshiiskii Xasan Sheikh iyo Somaliland “Operation Chaos”


Waxaa la oran karaa waxa ka soo baxay Istanbuul wuxuu ahaa wax lid ku ah Heshiisyadii ay dowladihii ku meel gaarka ahaa la galeen, Puntland, iyo Somaliland, oo ku saleysnaa arinta qaybsiga dakhliga hawada Somaliya ka soo gala, oo UN-ka horay u qaadi jirtay, horeyna ugu heshiiyeen in seddex-geesood loo qaybsado.


Waxay u eg tahay arin jar iska xoor ah dhalinaysana qas siyaasadeed (operation chaos), kana turjumaysa siyaasada caadifadeysan oo uu nidaamka Muqdisho ku talaabsaday, kana hor imaaneysa heshiiskaas puntland la gashay dowladii Sheikh Shariif, dhowaanna uu saxiixay raisul wasaare Saacid inuu dhaqan gelindoono heshiisyadii horey loo kala saxiixday xilligii ku meel gaarka, Waxaa kale oo tani ay ka turjumaysa dagaalkiisa ku wajahan dastuurka federaalka ah iyo dhaqan gelintiisa, maxaa yeelay tani waxay lidi ku tahay dastuurkii lagu soo doortay, uuna ku dhaartay ilaalintiisa. Qodobka 43 firaqadiisa 4aad waxay leedahay sidaan “Lama bixin karo ruqsad la xiriirta isticmaalka abadiga ah ee berriga, badda iyo hawada sare ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Sharci Baarlamaanka Federaalku soo saaro ayaa xaddidaya baaxadda, muddada iyo shuruudaha rukhsadaha istcimaalkooda” halka uu ka lee yahay sidaan cad oo qeexan “Qodobka 44aad. Kheyraadka Dabiiciga ah ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya waxaa ka wada xaajoon doona Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Dawladaha Xubinta ka noqon doona Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyadoo loo marayo qaab Dastuuri ah. Si kastaba arinku ha ahaadee nidaamka Muqdishu markii hore wuxuu bililiqaystay dastuurkii markay si tuuganimo ah 24 qodob uga badeleen, marka xigta waxay dhowaan ka pass-gareeyeen aqalka hoose sharci ka hor imaanaya dastuurka federaalka ah oo qeexaya in si central system oo kale ah loo soo dhiso maamuladii degmooyinka iyo kii gobollada. Haddana waxay la saxiixatay Somaliland wax heshiis ku sheeg ah oo ka hor imaanaya qodob dastuuri ah iyo heshiisyo ay la gashay dowlad xubin ka ah dowladda federaalka ah.


Su’aasha aan isweydiiyey waxay tahay maxaa Puntland la gudboo? and How long can Puntland turn the other cheek? Puntland waa inay fahantaa in tani ay tahay game changer, Xasan Culusowna uu dagaalka ka dhab yahay “operation chaos” macnihiisu yahay dagaal wajiyo badan heshiiskaanna uu gogol xaar u yahay hab wax qeybsi cusub oo Culusow, Siilaanyo, iyo Geellaha Jabuuti-ba daneynayaan inay ka hirgaliyaan Somalia. Iyagoo doonaya inay kaga hortagaan isbaheysiga ka mira dhalinta federalism-ka oo ay hogaaminayaan PL iyo JL. Haddaba waxaa Puntland iyo Jubland-ba gudboon inay ka biyo diidaan nidaamkaan ku tumanaaya sharcigii lagu soo doortay tiro ka sedex jeer, kalana noqdaan kalsoonida iyo aqoonsiga dowladeed oo ay ku takri-faleen. Anigoo ku kalsoon kartida iyo garaadka hogaamiyayaasha PL & JL waxaan filayaa inay dhowaan ka soo saari doonaan go’aan cad oo ku wajahan hagardaamaddan cusub oo ay dhowaan ku bahoobeen maamulka Muqdisho iyo kan Hargeysa, kaasoo gelin doona Somalia marxalad cusub oo ah “nin walbow naftaa nabiyow ummadaa” una horseedi doonta wax cid walbaa dan u ah marka laga reebo qoladii aan ismaamuli Karin lana maamuli Karin.


Wabilaahi towfiiq


Ahmed Khayr

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It seems this Ahmed Khayr guy is against the air-control operations being handed over to Somaliland.


He says this is unconstitutional, and only through a parliamentary statute can this be handed over to Somaliland.


I wonder, will Culosow have to defend this act along the many other things he's been defensive about lately.


Only time will tell...

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Turkey’s Foray in Somalia’s Affairs was a Curse Disguised as a Blessing


shirka-istanbul 5


It all started two years ago with successive plane loads of humanitarian aid coming to Mogadishu, followed by a high profile visit from the benefactor’s prime minister. Most people welcomed the aid at the time and thought that Turkey was acting out of compassion and sharing its good fortunes with a fellow Muslim nation in dire straits.


Meanwhile, Turkey’s involvement grew as the years passed. For instance, Turkey had airlifted all the Somali delegates who approved the draft constitution to its country. In addition, hundreds of Somalis have received scholarship offers from Turkey. However, Turkey’s support was mainly directed towards the capital and the clan that inhabits it.

In the recent past, Turkey’s support was increasingly becoming more biased in favor of the two allied clans in Hargeisa and Mogadishu when compared to their competitors in other regions such as the unionist clans in the north, as well as Puntland and Jubbaland. It also turned out, contrary to popular perceptions, that Turkey’s aid and increasing involvement in Somalia’s internal affairs is not that altruistic and may have ulterior motives.


A case in point of Turkey’s malicious intervention is the two back to back meetings between the two allied clans in Hargeisa and Mogadishu which were hosted by the Turkish government. The secessionist clan in Hargeisa had exhausted all avenues of recognition until Turkey started its misguided intervention. While the mockery that took place in Turkey (The so- called talks) may not lead recognition for the secessionist clan, nonetheless it may be harmful in other ways. For example, the two allied clans have signed an agreement to share revenues from Somalia’s airspace and move the headquarters to Hargeisa. It is quite clear that the two clans would use the revenues to fight against their opponents in the other regions of the country. And while the other clans will find a way to neutralize the threats coming from their adversaries in Hargeisa and Mogadishu, such agreements might not have occurred in the first place if Turkey did not facilitate the so called talks that took p

lace in its country.


It is high time for the various leaders such as Faroole’s Puntland, Jubbaland’s Ahmed Madoobe and Northern Unionist clan leaders whose interests were adversely affected by this so called agreement between the allied clans to raise their voices and warn Turkey to stop its meddling of Somalia’s affairs.


Mohamed Ismail

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Tillamook;968103 wrote:
It seems this Ahmed Khayr guy is against the air-control operations being handed over to Somaliland.


He says this is unconstitutional, and only through a parliamentary statute can this be handed over to Somaliland.


I wonder, will Culosow have to defend this act along the many other things he's been defensive about lately.


Only time will tell...



It seems Silaanyo will have to answer questions as well. The opposition is furious. Wadani and Ucid have opposed the outcome. I dont know how Parliament will react on those agreements of Ankara. These negoitiated outcomes might backfire on the respective goverments. Its a trick issues that will need a lot of advocacy and some lobbying to gather support from both Parliaments.

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Is it true what the second guy is saying that the Somaliland delegation rejected mediation between them and Somalia In London if that is true Dr bidaar screwed up big time.

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Tillamook;968103 wrote:
It seems this Ahmed Khayr guy is against the air-control operations being handed over to Somaliland.


He says this is unconstitutional, and only through a parliamentary statute can this be handed over to Somaliland.


I wonder, will Culosow have to defend this act along the many other things he's been defensive about lately.


Only time will tell...

Since hargeisa is a part of somalia, consequently the situating of the office in Hargeisa does not need a parliamentary ruling

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Xaaji Xunjuf;968855 wrote:
Is it true what the second guy is saying that the Somaliland delegation rejected mediation between them and Somalia In London if that is true Dr bidaar screwed up big time.

I hope it is not true. If it is then it would be a disgrace and whoever was responsible for such a fiasco should be relieved of all his duties immediately. The next meeting in Turkey should be used for tabling all our demands and a failure to get what we want from the other side which is a full recognition of Somaliland's sovereignty should spell the permanent end of these useless talks.

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^^ Somalia will not recognize Somaliland, there is a bigger chance Israel withdrawing from the west bank and giving up all of its settlements.

What we should aim for is yes recogntion but i know this is not going to happen , so we need to let these talks fail for good and tell the international community we try to reason with the Koonfurians but the talks have failed. And let them organize other talks with mediation or what ever rocks their boat and thats when we reach a final point to these talks.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;968884 wrote:
^^ Somalia will not recognize Somaliland, there is a bigger chance Israel withdrawing from the west bank and giving up all of its settlements.

What we should aim for is yes recogntion but i know this is not going to happen , so we need to let these talks fail for good and tell the international community we try to reason with the Koonfurians but the talks have failed. And let them organize other talks with mediation or what ever rocks their boat and thats when we reach a final point to these talks.

The next talks should be conducted in English with the Turkish government present in the room, don't you think Xaaji?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;968894 wrote:
^^ i would not want the Turks to mediate perhaps the Europeans Britain France Germany

I think Norway would be the best location as the Norwegians have mediated many warring factions of the world. With the added benefit of a Nobel prize for Culusow and Silaanyo:D

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