
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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^^^ dead on arrival Saxib...Alxamdulilah. I'd rather live 1000 years without recognition then share a day or an inch with Somalians.




Somalia is dead ashes to ashes and dust to dust Allah raxma....

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Dont be so hostile towards the people of Somalia , the people of Somalia and Somaliland are brothers sisters. A strong Somalia means a strong Somaliland , a strong Somaliland means a strong Somalia. In the future if we solve this issue there can be a natural union one of mutual interests and equality similar how the European cooperates on all fronts and are now closely to become a giant region to be reckoned with competing with china/ russia and America. But in order to reach that goal, Somaliland needs to be fully separated from Somalia with international recognition , in order for the bond to grow stronger between Somalia and Somaliland Djibouti can than join to. Somalia and Somaliland Djibouti can have the same defense policy have the same currency if needed in the future even introduce the same passport the National borders will eventually become artificial we will have real economic and political integeration.We can hold joint Parliament sessions, and even create a Somali Assembly consisting of Somalia Somaliland and Djibouti. This all can be achieved if Somalia and Somaliland agree to restore relations as people as countries as nations. But there can never be a union as the way the Koonfurians view it that Somaliland is a region of Somalia and that Koonfurians have the right to rule it and do as they like and that Somalilanders should abide their constitution no union based on jealousy hatred and Qabilism can ever exist not in this world. It has to be one of mutual interest and respect, i dont know ever if we Somalia and Somaliland can reach that point where we become a strong nation in the horn with similar cultural values language religion and can dominate the Horn economically politically. I dont know if this can be reached in my life time.

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The hardcore separatists have compromised their position on secession. They agreed to the fact every rational-thinking Somali knew and had no doubt about it. Breaking up Somalia is an untenable END.





Hargeysa (Halbeegnews)–09/07/2013– Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee dalka Soomaaliya Cabdikariim Xuseen Guutaale oo u waramaayey warfiyeenadda magaalada Ankara ayaa shaaca ka qaaday maanta goor danbe in is afgarad ay gaadheen wefdigii dhinaca Somaliland ee ay wada hadalada lahaayeen isagoo ayuu yidhi wefdiga dhinaca Somaliland ka soo dabcay halkii ay markii hore taagnaayeen.


“Waxay walaaladayo reer Somaliland muujiyeen bisayl iyo dabacsanaan taasi oo haddii alla idmo bog cusub u furi doonta Soomaaliyada cusub, waxaanan maanta laga bilaabo rajo weyn ka qaba in midnimadii Soomaaliyeed dib usoo laaban doonto, waxaan u mahad celinaya walaalaha reer Waqooyi ee halkii ay taagnaayeen ka soo dabcay tanaasulaadka ay sameeyeena waxaanu dhinacayaga ballan qaadnay inaanu wax badan anaguna tanaasuli doono” ayuu yidhi Cabdikariin Xuseen Guutaale wasiirka daakhliga ee dalka Soomaaliya


Mr. Guutaale oo hadalka sii wada wuxuu yidhi “walaalahayo Somaliland waxay kulanka la yimaadeen inaanay mawqifkooda ah inay Somaliland madax bannaanato laga hadli karin, balse markii danbe way ogolaadeen waanay ka dabceen in arrinta laga hadlo oo miiska la dhigo, oo laga doodo” ayuu yidhi Mr. Guutaale.


Wasiir Guutaale wuxuu sheegay inay wada hadaladu sii daba dheeraan doonaan, isla markaana uu rajaynayo waa sida uu sheegtaye ay midnimadii Soomaaliya soo laabanayso “mawqifkii ay kal hore walaaladayo wateen iyo kan maanta wax weyn ayaa ay ku kala gedisanyahiin, taasi ayaanan filaya inay fure u noqon doonto in xal waaja midnimada Soomaaliya laga gaadho”


Hadalka Mr. Guutaale wasiirka daakhliga ee Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu daaha ka faydaya in wefdigii Somaliland ay ka tanasuleen mawqifkii hore ay u taagnaayeen ee ahaa inaan qaddiyadda Somaliland laga hadli karin ee ay tahay mid shacabku go’aan ka gaadheen .


Warar Kulanadda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Ku Saabsan Kala Soco Halbeegnews Oo Heegan Idiin Ah

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Somaliland:Talks on Right Track-Minister of Presidency




By Goth Mohamed Goth


Somaliland minister of Presidency Hon Hirsi Haji Ali Hassan in a press briefing today shortly after emerging from a closed door meeting in Ankara ,Turkey in which he unveiled details of the demands presented by the government of Somaliland on the second round of the talks which are as follows:-


1. The federal government of Somalia should reckon and accept the aspirations of self-determinations and full independence of Somaliland.


2. The prosecution of all who took part in the unspeakable crimes against humanity were committed extreme and serious genocides of the former regime in Somaliland starting from the year 1984 -1988 those crimes were committed under Barre’s 21-year regime, by which government forces tortured, summarily executed, raped, and even launched aerial bombing raids on civilian populations all across Somaliland.


3. The federal government should accept special status for Somaliland in the UN as an observer and international stage until full independence is reinstated.


4. The federal government of Somalia should accept Somaliland as the Sole legitimate and decision-maker within Somaliland Airspace and that Somaliland aviation Authorities will be solely responsible for collecting all charges fee from airlines using its airspace and all airlines using their airports.


5. The Federal government of Somalia should acknowledge Somaliland sovereign rights to administer and manage its own natural resources and its legitimate decision maker in dealing with potential investors be it local or international investors within the borders of the Republic of Somaliland.


Lastly the minister of Interior in the federal government of Somalia Hon Abdikarim Hussien Guled briefly speaking to reporters after the meeting ended stated ,”I am encouraged by the talks are proceeding ,they seem to be taking the right direction every time”.



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Somaliland iyo Somaliya oo meel adag ka bilaabay wadahadaladii u soo socday iyo Ajandaha oo u eg mid lagu kala kacayo



July 8, 2013 | In Waaheen News


Somaliland waxa ay qadintay Somaliya inay jabisay qoddobka toddobaadkii ee Heshiiskii Ankara


Wadahadalka ugu muhiimsan waa qadiyadda Somaliland oo miiska saaran oo aan laga noqonayn


1010259_10151700185583535_535888808_nItanbul(Waaheen) Wadahadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ayaa si rasmiya shalay uga furmay Magaaladda Istanbul, wadahadaladaas oo ay marti galinayso dawladda Turkigu, waxaana furay Wasiirka Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka Turkiga Ahmet Davutoglu .


Madasha shirka ayaa ahayd mid degan, waxaana labada waddanka midkasta goobtii shirka ka jeediyay wixii ka qabsoomay wadahadaladii hore iyo wixii ka fulay qodobadii hore labada waddan isula meel dhigeen, Iyadoo la xusi karo in furitaanka Shirka ay cadcadaayeen Ergada Waddanka Somaliland oo iyagu qodobo muhiim ah sii diyaarsaday, kuwaas oo ay hore markhaati uga hayd dawladda Turkigu markii ay kala saxeexanayeen labadada waddan, balse Somaliland u aragto inay ka jabeen xagga Soomaaliya oo aanay fulinin.


Wasiirka arrimaha dibaddaTurkiga Ahmet Davutoglu, iyo xubno Xukuumadda dawladiisa ka tirsan oo shirka hoggaaminaayay ayaa si degan u dhagaysanaayay labada waddanba ibafurka doodooda. Inkasta oo ujeedadu ku koobnayd furitaanka si rasmiya loo furaayay shirka afraad ee wadahadalka Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, iyo qiimaynta qodobadii hore, hadana wuxuu ahaa mid doodo badan lays waydaarsaday. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Ahmet Davutoglu ayaa ku wergaliyayay ergooyinka labada waddan in shirku sii socon doono isla markaana loo gudbi doono qodobada ajandaha u ahaa Shirka afraad ee labada waddan yeeshaan.


Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Maal-gashiga Caalamiga ee Somaliland Dr. Maxamed Cumar oo hogaaminaya ergada Somaliland uga qaybgalaysa wada-hadaladii afraad ee dawladaha Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo la hadlay saxaafada ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyay shirka uu u qabtay Wasiirka Khaarajiga Turkigu, waxaana ka mid ahaa hadaladiisii.


“Shirkan aanu la yeelanay Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibeda ee Dawladda Turkiga wuxuu ahaa shir lagu furayay wada hadalada labada dal ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya oo manta(shalay) si rasmi ah u bilaabmay, markaa shirkii maanta (shalay) oo ahaa shir aanu wada-jir uga qaybgalnay labadii wefti ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, marti qaadkaa uu noo fidiyay Wasiirka Arrimaha ee Turkiga, waxaanu kaga wada hadalnay warbixin kooban oo aanu ka bixinaynay waxyaabaha aanu ka filayno shirka soo socda ee labada dalka ee saddex maalmood halkan (Ankara) ka soconaya iyo shirarkii aanu hore u galnay arrimihii lagaga wada hadlay ayaa ugu horeysay wixii aanu ka wada hadalnay.”


Wasiirka Ganacsiga iyo Maal-gashiga Caalamiga ah oo hadalkiisa sii watay waxa uu intaas ku daray. “Waxa kale oo aanu u mahad celinayaa dawladda Turkiga oo soo dhaweyn iyo taageero wanaagsan u fidisay labada dalba inay ku wada hadlaan dalkooda wax ala farsamo iyo taageero ah ama ra’yi ay hayaan u soo gudbiyaan, arrintaas walaalaha Turkiga aad baan uga mahad celinaya.”


Maxamed Cabdilaahi Cumar ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay rejadiisa ku wajahan wada-hadalada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, waxaanu yidhi. “Dhinaca kalena waxaanu u arkaynay guddidii xaga Soomaaliya inay diyaar u yihiin in wada-hadalada aanu halkaa kasii ambo-qaadno, waxaanan rajaynayaa in arrimo faaqidan oo labada dal u astaysan ama u qorshaysan aanu ka wada hadalno.”


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland kana mid ah guddida ka socota Somaliland ee gogol xaadhka wada hadalada Somaliland iyo somaliya u jooga wadanka Turkiga ayaa waxa uu sheegay in qodobka ugu muhiimsan ee ay Somaliland miiska wada hadalka la imanaysaa uu yahay madax banaanida Somaliland.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland oo u waramayey VOA ayaa dhinaca kalana ku eedeeyey dawlada somaliya inay jabisay qodobka todobaad ee heshiiskii ay hore labada wadan ugu gaadheen


oo dhigayey in labada dhinac ay ka fogaadaan wax kasta oo caqabad ku noqon kara inay wada hadalku sii socdaan.


gudoomiyaha oo ka hadlayay wada hadalka Somaliland iyo somaliya ayaa waxa uu yidhi “anagu waxaanu doonaynaa in madax banaanida Somaliland ay tahay mid aan mugdi la galin karin taas oo miiska wada hadalka hor taala, marka laysku yimaadana ajandaha laga wada heshiiyo oo qolo waliba wixii ay wadato guddida loo keeno dabadedna laga wada hadlo, ajandaha shirka”ayuu yidhi gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland Baashe Maxamed Faarax.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa ka hadlay qodobka todobaad ee heshiiskii hore oo uu sheegay inay jabiyeen wadanka somaliya, isaga oo farta ku fiiqay in madaxweynaha somaliya Xasah Sheekh Maxamuud uu isagu jabiyey qodobkaas waxaanu yidhi “dawlada somaliya waxay jabisay qodobka todobaad ee heshiiskii ay hore labada wadan ugu gaadheen magaalada Ankara, gaar ahaan madaxweynaha somaliya ayaa si cad qodobkaas u jabiyey,waxaanu qodobkaasi dhigayey inaan labada wadanba aanay ku kicin arimo joojin kara wada hadalka u bilaabay labada dal.” Ayuu ydhi


Sidoo kale gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee golaha wakiilada Somaliland waxa uu difaacay go’aanka ay xukuumada Somaliland hawadeeda kaga mamnuucday diyaaraha qaramada midoobay, isaga oo sheegay inay Somaliland maamulka hawadeeda u madax banaan tahay.


Si kastaba ha ahaate waxaa ku xeeran wadahadalka labada dhinac dareeno badan, iyadoo labada waddan mid kastaa doodiisa sii diyaarsaday.

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Weligiin Ku qaras baxa Faysal Cali Waraabe...Wa'cade, dhalaaqdan waa mid si fudud aan looga heleyn ummada Soomaaliyeed oo sedex idinku qaba! :D


Marka, weligiin bakh bakh leeye sidii naag loo diiday ina la furo.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;967538 wrote:
Dont be so hostile towards the people of Somalia , the people of Somalia and Somaliland are brothers sisters. A strong Somalia means a strong Somaliland , a strong Somaliland means a strong Somalia. In the future if we solve this issue there can be a natural union one of mutual interests and equality similar how the European cooperates on all fronts and are now closely to become a giant region to be reckoned with competing with china/ russia and America. But in order to reach that goal, Somaliland needs to be fully separated from Somalia with international recognition , in order for the bond to grow stronger between Somalia and Somaliland Djibouti can than join to. Somalia and Somaliland Djibouti can have the same defense policy have the same currency if needed in the future even introduce the same passport the National borders will eventually become artificial we will have real economic and political integeration.We can hold joint Parliament sessions, and even create a Somali Assembly consisting of Somalia Somaliland and Djibouti. This all can be achieved if Somalia and Somaliland agree to restore relations as people as countries as nations. But there can never be a union as the way the Koonfurians view it that Somaliland is a region of Somalia and that Koonfurians have the right to rule it and do as they like and that Somalilanders should abide their constitution no union based on jealousy hatred and Qabilism can ever exist not in this world. It has to be one of mutual interest and respect, i dont know ever if we Somalia and Somaliland can reach that point where we become a strong nation in the horn with similar cultural values language religion and can dominate the Horn economically politically. I dont know if this can be reached in my life time.

War xaji horan ku shagay you are a liberal and an idealist. There is nothing legally binding SOMALILAND to Somalia. No act of union no reeferndum approved by landers. Not even history for that matter. For these people as a Ugandan trusteeship to be asking for union a forced one at that is unjust. SOMALILAND needs to up the anti we need further negotiating leverage. I say we create buffer zones inside Somalia starting with the pirates den and create a state in marka that can be used as a launch pad into mugdisho

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Khatumo administration rejects the proposed outcome of the Somalia –Somaliland talks


maalik_eng July 9, 2013


Mogadishu-(Sh.M.Network)-the president of Khatumo state of Somalia has opposed the current meeting held in Istanbul between the federal republic of Somalia and the Somaliland administration.


Mohamed Yusuf Jama who is the president of Khatumo state has termed the talks as illegal and and added that the talks holds no values to Somalis in general.


The president has called on the federal government to terminate the talks and urged the government to continue representing the Somali public in the whole of Somalia.


Mr. Jama said that it was unfortunate of a recognized government to hold talks to a single state and sidelining other states in the country.


Khatumo community hails from the regions between Somaliland and Puntland of Somalia and is seeking recognition from the federal republic of Somalia.

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GAROODI;967551 wrote:
War xaji horan ku shagay you are a liberal and an idealist. There is nothing legally binding SOMALILAND to Somalia. No act of union no reeferndum approved by landers. Not even history for that matter. For these people as a Ugandan trusteeship to be asking for union a forced one at that is unjust. SOMALILAND needs to up the anti we need further negotiating leverage. I say we create buffer zones inside Somalia starting with the pirates den and create a state in marka that can be used as a launch pad into mugdisho

I am not against Somaliland fighting for its right place on the international stage, i am also not saying that Somaliland is legally attached to Somaliland although the IC believes this is the case. But also believe the larger Somali horn objective should be achieved this can be done if the 2 cooperate for the betterment of their people and to prosper. The first union in 1960 was an emotional one no one really thought about it deeply and the mistake we made which led to the full destruction of Somaliland and it let Somalia further disintegrate and total state collapse, people should learn from the past , i dont see why you are so aggressive towards Somalia, Somalia is no threat to Somaliland for a long time they are a threat to themselves. Call me naive an idealist i always believed in this but its very difficult to discuss such mattes now, when we dont know even what SL and Somalia relationship will be in the near future. Somalia and Somaliland share common values culture and tradition and language that atleast should be a base to cooperate and create a healthy union based equality. No the union the Koonfurians have in mind that Somalia leads everything and Somaliland is a region of Somalia. No one based on equality something the Scandinavian countries share, the last thing we want is that Somalia and Somaliland become like Eritrea and Ethiopia.

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^^^ no need to complicate as lovely douvly you want what is there to gain in practicality absolutely nothing. Ethiopia with a population of 70 million growing fast is a better incentive for trade and military alliance. We were a state before Somalia even existed. We have the right to leave a voluntary union at any time we choose. We have lost nothing in the current status quo. Stronger year by year politically, financially and millitarily. Somali landers refuse to get there hands dirty inside Somalia but that's what is needed buffer zones and proxies inside Somalia. We need to fashion Somalia along our interests. Hassan will be gone tomorrow like all the others nothing new. If Somalia doesn't want us to leave we should use it as our bastion to enrich ourselves while keeping SOMALILAND different in the eyes of the world

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Xisbiga Ucid oo Soo Dhaweeyay Wadohadalo Kasta oo Dhex mara Somaliland iyo Somaliya.

posted by Maxamuud Jama | July 9, 2013 | In Waaheen News


Hargeysa(Waaheen):- Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee UCID ayaa soo dhaweeyey wada-hadalo kasta oo dhex mara Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, balse waxay soo jeediyeen inay wada-hadaladu noqdaan kuwo midho dhala oo aanay noqonin sii soco oo soo soco ah.


Sidaa waxay si wada-jira ugu sheegeen murrashaxa madaxweynaha Xisbiga UCID Jamaal Cali Xuseen iyo kuxigeenka Xisbiga UCID Cabdirashiid Xasan Mataan oo Warsaxafadeed ka kooban lix qodob Xalay soo saareen, waxaanu Warsafadeedkaasi u dhignaa sidan:


“1. Marka hore waxaanu soo dhowaynaynaa wada hadallo kasta oo dhex mara Somaliland & Somalia sida ay bulshada caalamkuba u dhiirrigelinayaan; haseyeeshe waxaanu soo jeedinaynaa wadahadalku inuu noqdo mid midho dhala, ee aanu noqon mid sii soco oo soo soco ah.


2. Waxaanu aaminsanahay in taasi ku suurto gali karto, in marka hore la caddeeyo Agendaha shirka iyo qodobada laga wada hadlayo. Marka la isku raaco qodobada laga wada hadlayo ayaa la gaadhi karaa meel looga sii socon karo, wada hadalka iyadoo laga wadda dheregsan yahay arrimaha shirka lala tegaayo.


3. Xukuumadda maanta talada haysaa doorasho ayay ku timi, talo way u baahan tahay iyo in ay axsaabta qaranka ka qayb geliso talooyinka qaran sida tan wadahadalka oo kale ah, haseyeeshee waxay xaq u leedahay xulashada ergada wadahadalka, iyadoo marwalba laga duulayo in masiirka shacabka Somaliland ee gooni isu taaggu yahay mid aan gor-gortan geli Karin. Xisbiga UCIDna waxa ay ummaddu u igmatay inay ku ilaaliyaan xisbiga talladda haya markasta oo ay u arkaan in laga leexanayo wadaddii ka midho dhalinta hanka shacabka Somaliland. Markasta oo aanu aragno in dariiqii laga leexanayana waa mid naga go’an in aanu shacabka la wadaagno.


4. Xisbiga UCID wuxuu aaminsanahay in ergooyinka wada hadalka ka qayb galayaa ay ahaadaan kuwo la mida ama leh miisaankii iyo saamigii ergadii calanka ka soo qaadaysey Ingiriis wakhtigii xoriyadda ee 1960kii, saami ku suntan ergo isleeg tiro ahaan beesha dhexe iyo beelaha darifyada; waxaanan xukuumadda Kulmiye u soo jeedinaynaa in ay ka waantoobaan is indhotirka dhowraana wadajirka, calool fayoobida iyo wax wada lahaanshaha shacabka S/land.


5. Siyaasadda Xisbiga UCID waa mid ku qotonta in aan walaalaheena Somalia ee aynu kala baxnay 1991 kii ahaano walaalo derisa, isla markaana kula noolaano is jacayl la mid ah ka aynu u hayno walaalaheena Dawlada Deegaanka Somaalida Ethiopia ama walaalaheena Soomaaliyeed ee Dawlada Djibouti ama walaalaheena ku jira Dawladda Kenya.


6. Ugu Dambayn, waxaan soo jeedinaynaa in ay madaxda qaranka iyo kuwa xisbiyaduba dhowraan anshaxa masuuliyadda kana waantoobaan hadalada aan habboonayn ee saxaafada la isu marinayo.”


ILaahaybaa mahadleh, Somaliland Guul.”

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today's news says young somalilanders are flocking to Mogadishu. I wonder what the news will say tomorrow hmmm

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