
The Somalia-Somaliland talks Thread

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Xaaji Xunjuf;968904 wrote:
^^ Actually i prefer the United states, they helped mediate between South Sudan and Sudan and it got a fine result.

The South Sudanese had the backing of the Republican Evangelical Christians. So for us to get their backing and the same result as South Sudan, we need to paint the Koonfurians as the anti-Christ;)

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^^ That is going to be a little difficult but on the other hand the koonfurians are already jihadist and religious zealots there is a way they might fall for it the republicans lol.

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Somaliland And Somalia Talks Are At Dead-End


I strongly believe that Somalia was in constant pressure from the international community to resolve the Air space issue with Somaliland, otherwise, they wouldn’t have given up the control of their Air space as easy as they did and I also believe that our negotiators have caved in to the tactics of Somalia’s team. I am sure, had they played their cards right, they could have effortlessly come home with the management of our Air Space and without having Somalia strings attached to it.




One other reason why Somalia agreed to the joint management of the Air Space could be for the sole benefit of creating ‘Juha’s nail in Somaliland’ as Mr. abdulaziz Al-Mutairi has well explained in his article ‘Somalia Juha’s Nail in Somaliland’.




I sincerely believe that Somaliland negotiators are honest and I also have no doubt in my mind that they are patriotic Somalilanders, who are working hard to do their best for their country and people. However, I do not think they were equipped enough to carry the burden of a mission of that importance and magnitude. I honestly think that they were simply punching way above their weights.




One simple proof is that they do not comprehend the importance of the terminology they are using. I have watched some members of that team on TV referring Somaliland and Somalia as “Somalia” instead of saying “former Somali Republic”. Once you referred Somaliland as part of former Somalia, you have then lost the game and confused the IC community. As matter of fact, Somaliland was not a part of Somalia, but it was part of the Somali Republic. We must strongly set the record straight and reject the notion that Somaliland is/was apart of Somalia, Because it is wrong and its the sole reason the IC is facilitating the Somaliland and Somalia dialogue.




One can argue, the Somalia team is also equally weak. In that case my response will be, we shouldn’t disarm each time we feel our opponent does not have enough weapons to put us to death. Defeating your opponent is the essence of the game and specially when your opponent is as crooked as Somalia is.




One other point is, you can not go into any negotiations unless the other party recognizes your existence. How can anyone in his own mind submissively agree to sit and negotiate with someone that hates him/her to the extent that he denies the present and historic facts of his/her existence? For instance, take the Israeli-Arab negotiations, Israel refused to talk directly with the Arabs, including Palestine before the Arabs recognized Israel and our case is not that different. That is just one familiar case, but all negotiations between countries do not commence unless they agree to recognize each other as equals. Recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Somaliland should and must be the start of any talks with Somalia.




We are not asking Somalia to recognize our De Facto status as it was wrongfully articulated by one member of the Somaliland negotiations team on national TV, because De Facto is our current international status. What we are fighting for is De Jure recognitions and nothing less. That means no more talks with Somalia about observerships seats in the international organizations through Somalia and we should directly apply to the international organization and seek no Somalia permission.




Somaliland must consider filing a legal case to recover its rightful membership in the UNO, since Somaliland was the mother-nation of the Somali Republic. We must exert pressure on the UK government both here in the UK and back home to reaffirm our recognition since it was the first country that recognized Somaliland’s sovereignty. Moreover, thousands of Somalilanders fought and died defending the British Empire and now is the time for UK to stand up for Somaliland’s sovereignty and repay Somaliland’s debt.




We must take a more aggressive approach in the international media and use everything we can to present our case not only to governments around the world, but also to the regular citizens of all countries. One way of achieving this will be inviting all the other international facilitators of the Somaliland and Somalia dialogue to the next round of talks, so then they can bear witness to Somalia’s procrastinations, which are the cause of the lack of progress in the talks. To achieve this, we need the right people in our team, who will be able to plan ahead and accomplish the mission successfully.




Hopefully, the President and incoming Foreign Minister will completely reconfigure the negotiating team and invite seasoned Lawyers, academicians and Somaliland historians to future negotiating team. I would like to suggest few names like Ibrahim Hashi Jama, Ahmed Ismail Samater, Raqia Oomar, Adan Bahnaan, Ret. ambassador Osman Ahmed Hassan and John Drysdale.




Prolonging the negotiations is not to the advantage of either Somaliland or Somalia, we are already in Cu l-de-sac and we are adamantly sure that the negotiation will go nowhere. So why waste more time?




The longer these negotiations continue Somalilanders will lose more precious time to go on with their lives and Somalia will have more difficulty in creating future sisterly relations with Somaliland. At the same time, Somaliland will not be able to help Somalia achieve peace and stability. Watching Somalia’s blight is very painful and despite all the denials of the current regime in Somalia, the security situation in Somalia is getting worst by the hour and that can not be watched to deteriorate even further.




Finally, I understand that both the President and the incoming foreign Minister have more experience and wisdom than I do, but still, I wanted to express my view publicly and I consider this to be part of my civic duty.

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Baashe Somaliland deputy speaker of Parliament said that when the talks fail in the next talks than Most likely countries like Norway and South Africa will mediate. The Guurt deputy was also right he said if the Talks officially fail its in Somaliland interests.


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The launch of an Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language As Somalis the world over were reveling in the independence day celebrations of June 26th, June 27th and July 1st, a series of equally historic events were taking place in Djibouti to launch the first ever Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language.


The Academy is being created by the governments of Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somaliland with the expressed purpose of safeguarding and developing the Somali language, officially recognized by the Academy of African Languages (ACALAN) as an important vehicular cross-border language that links the Horn of Africa region.
The historic events in Djibouti included a meeting of experts on the Somali language and literature, a ministerial conference to discuss the role of the governments concerned, and a public launch where ministers from the signatory countries detailed their plans and support for the newly-created Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language.


The official launch of the Intergovernmental Academy of Somali Language took place at Kempinski Hotel on June 26th to coincide with the day in 1960 when the first Somali region gained independence. The event was opened and closed with performances by the celebrated Djiboutian 4th of March Band, which enthralled the audience with traditional songs and dances in a skillful bid to highlight the cultural ties that bind the countries of the Horn. Among those in attendance were the ministers responsible for cultural affairs in Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Puntland and the Somali region of Ethiopia whose delegation was led by their vice-president. Also present were other ministers, parliamentarians, journalists, linguists and intellectuals from the participating countries. Included in these were members of the Steering Committee of experts who in the past six months have engaged in a meticulous preparatory work, including the preparation of the basic documents and a consultative tour throughout the Horn. Members of the general public were also present in their hundreds.


Ministers of the represented national and regional governments took turns to speak about the need for the common academy and their governments’ commitment to its success. Led by the young and energetic Djiboutian Minister of Culture, Islamic Affairs and Endowment, the ministers signed on the official agreement that established the intergovernmental body in public view at the end of the event. The successful launch event was preceded by an expert meeting held on June 25th at the IGAD Headquarters Hall in Djibouti. In addition to sharing knowledge on Somali language and its literature, the meeting, attended by experts from the Horn and beyond, reviewed and validated the work of the nine-member expert committee tasked by the participants of the international conference on the Somali language held in Djibouti on 17-21 December 2012 to do the ground work for the establishment of the Academy. The recommendations of the experts and others in parallel consultations were presented to the ministers responsible for cultural affairs in the above countries and regional states who met separately to deliberate on the tasks at hand. The outcome of their meeting included: an agreement on the step by step establishment of the Academy starting with a transitional phase of 12 months from July 2013; the appointment of a 13-member interim board to manage the work of the Academy during that time; and the convening of a General Assembly at the end of that period where heads of state from the countries concerned or their representatives will review and ratify the final agreement establishing the Academy in full.


The list of the elected interim board is as follows:


Dr. Mohamed Dahir Afrah – Chairman


Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame “Hadraawi” – Vice-Chairman


Dr. Abdirashid Mohamed Ismail – Vice-Chairman


Dr. Abdinasir Ahmed Ibrahim – Vice-Chairman


Burhan Warsame – Secretary


Dr. Hibo Moumin Assowe – Treasurer


Said Salah Ahmed – Member Amb


Salah Mohamed Ali (Sharif Salah) – Member


Prof. Abdalla Omar Mansur – Member


Ahmed Sheikh Jama – Member


Ahmed Sheikh Abdirahman – Member


Ahmed Mohamed Suleiman –


Member Mohamed Guutaale – Member.


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Xaaji, how could you have missed this important development on the first Inter-Government Organisation in the Horn of Africa.

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Carafaat;969743 wrote:
Xaaji, how could you have missed this important development on the first Inter-Government Organisation in the Horn of Africa.

What are you talking about Carafaat what inter government organization

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Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Jawaab Ka Bixisay Hadal Ka soo Yeedhay Dawladda Soomaaliya


July 27th, 2013


“Hadalka ka soo yeedhay Wasiirka Soomaaliya waxaanu u aragnaa inuu carqaladayn karo wadahadalada labada dal u socda”


“Waxaan ugu baaqayaa dawlada Soomaaliya in ay ka waantoobaan in ay si khaldan oo aan ahayn sidii lagu heshiiyay…”


Hargaysa (Somaliland.Org): Wasiirka Ganacsiga iiyo Maalgashiga Somaliland Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar, ayaa sheegay in hadalkii ka soo yeedhay wasiirka war-faafinta, Boosaha iyo Is-gaadhsiinta ee dawladda Soomaaliya ee uu ku sheegay in maamulka hawada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya laga maamuli doono magaalada Muqdisho ay carqaladayn karaan wadahadalada u socda labada dal.


Dr. Maxamed C/laahi Cumar oo xalay telefoonka ugu waramayay Tifaftiraha Guud wargeyska DAWAN Cumar Maxamed Faarax, isaga oo jooga magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa ugu baaqay masuuliyiinta dawlada Soomaaliya in ay ka waantoobaan in ay si khaladan oo aan ahayn sidii lagu heshiiyay arrimaha.


Wasiirku waxa uu kaga jawaabay hadalkii Wasiirkaasi “Hadalada ka soo yeedhay wasiirka ka tirsan dawlada Soomaaliya waxaan u arkaa in arrimahaasi ay carqaladayn karaan wada hadalada labada dal u socda, waxaanan ugu baaqaynaa dawlada Soomaaliya in ay ka waantoobaan in ay si khalad ah oo aan ahayn sidii markii hore lagu heshiiyay u dhigaan arrimaha, markaa arrimahaasi waa kuwo xumayn kara wada xaajoodkii u socday labada dal.axaan filayaa arrintaasi in aanay ahayn arrin sax ah, Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya waxaa ilaa mudaba u socday sidii uu dhigayay qodobkii 6-aad ee shirkii London ee sanadkii 2012-kii, waxaa u socday shirar laba geesood ah, iyaga oo laba dal oo siman ah inay ka wada hadlaan xidhiidhkooda, inay ka wada hadlaan iskaashigooda iyo arrimo kale oo siyaasad leh, dhaqaale leh, oo nabadgelyo leh”.


Wasiirka Ganacsiga iiyo Maalgashiga Somaliland waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay in aanu wasiirka war-faafinta ee dawlada Soomaaliya ka mid ahayn weftigii ka qayb galay shirkii u danbeeyay ee Istanbul isla markaana uu si khaldan u turjumay qodobkii qeexayay in maamulka hawada Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya laga maamuli doono Hargaysa.


“Wasiirka kamuu mid ahayn weftigii ka socday dawladiisa Soomaaliya ee wada hadalka ka qaybgalay, markaa waxaad moodaa inuu ka bixiyay turjumaad aan sax ahayn, heshiiska labada dal ay wada galeen waxa uu qeexayay in maamulka hawada labada dale e Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay maamulaan guddi ay labada dal u soo magacaabaan oo xaruntiisu noqonayso caasimada Somailand ee Hargeysa, gudidaasi farsamada ahina uu ka soo taliyo qaabka loo wada shaqaynayo iyo sidii dhaqaalaha ka soo bxa loo qaybsan lahaa. Shirkayagii u danbeeyay guddidii Somaliland ka socotay ee aan anigu guddoomiyaha u ahaa ee ka qaybgalay shirkii Istanbul, markaa inay Soomaaliya ka baxday wada hadaladii ay Somaliland la lahayd war sax ah ma aha war rasmi ahna ma aha” ayuu yidhi Dr. Maxamed C/laahi.


Wasiirka oo la waydiiyay wakhtiga uu wareejinayo xilkii wasaaradda arrimaha dibada maadaama oo uu dalka yimid wasiirkii dhawaan wasaaraddaasi loo magacaabay waxa uu yidhi “Munaasibadii xil wareejinta waxaanu qabanaynaa berito (maanta) oo Sabti ah”.


Dhinaca kale xisbiyadda mucaaridka ah ayaa si hubsiimo la’aan ah xukuumadda ugu cambaareynayay hadalkan ka soo yeedhay wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya, iyagoo aaminay kuna doodayay inay Soomaaliya dhinaceeda ka baxday heshiiskii ay dhawaan Somaliland ku gaadheen magaaladda Istanbuul ee dalka Turkiga.



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It is for fact Silanyo sorry President of Somaliland Mr.Silanyo is remainant of Siyad Barre Squad Team ,he has no business in running Somalinad at all, and he must step down, causing a lot misserable in Somaliland and turning the clock backwords, time for Somalilanders to rise up and remove this Old Hag.

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Somaliland Foreign minister interview quick briefing on the Talks Somalia and Somaliland. The Foreign minister explained in details where these talks are heading, he also touched on the special arrangement deal for Somaliland. He explained also the Somaliland development fund with Extra aid from Britain to Somaliland. He also ensured that Somaliland statehood is irreversible, he also elaborated that Somaliland wants a time Frame for these talks, to reach a final settlement , on clarifying the future relations.


Watch the full interview here.


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Somaliland: Somalia-Somaliland Dialogue Talks Postponed Until December



letterhead foreign affairs


By Goth Mohamed Goth


Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations has announced the postponement of the latest round of Somaliland-Somalia Dialogue talks which were due to begin yesterday the 8th of November 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.


The Chief of Protocol and also the official spokesperson in the Somaliland Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations Mr. Ahmed Yusuf Elmi (Sudi) while speaking to SomalilandPress he said the talks were postponed after the federal government of Somalia requested through the Turkish intermediaries the postponement of the Dialogue talks due to urgent matters regarding the fragile situation in Jubbaland.


Mr. Ahmed Yusuf Elmi (Sudi) went on to say the dialogue talks will resume on a later date probably in the first week of December 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.



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The goverment in Mogadishu called the Turks and and wanted to delay the talks for another month because they are not ready to resume the dialogue. This is an official statement from the Somaliland goverment. Somaliland is ready when ever the Koonfurians are ready.

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